Wisconsin's budget surplus.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
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Wisconsin has a budget surplus of $4Billion. The governor wants to spend it on more social programs in order to garner more Dem votes. The Republicans want to use it for a tax cut so they can garner more votes. Meanwhile the state's debt of $11 Billion goes unpaid, costing the citizens unnecessary interest payments. :(
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Wisconsin has a budget surplus of $4Billion. The governor wants to spend it on more social programs in order to garner more Dem votes. The Republicans want to use it for a tax cut so they can garner more votes. Meanwhile the state's debt of $11 Billion goes unpaid, costing the citizens unnecessary interest payments. :(
isnt that the gov who just said you cant say mom anymore now its inseminated person or something?..
Wisconsin has a budget surplus of $4Billion. The governor wants to spend it on more social programs in order to garner more Dem votes. The Republicans want to use it for a tax cut so they can garner more votes. Meanwhile the state's debt of $11 Billion goes unpaid, costing the citizens unnecessary interest payments. :(



Get it to $0 and enjoy the savings on interest payments.
Wisconsin has a budget surplus of $4Billion. The governor wants to spend it on more social programs in order to garner more Dem votes. The Republicans want to use it for a tax cut so they can garner more votes. Meanwhile the state's debt of $11 Billion goes unpaid, costing the citizens unnecessary interest payments. :(
Whoever gets the most votes in the legislature wins. That's democracy as a republic.
Wisconsin has a budget surplus of $4Billion. The governor wants to spend it on more social programs in order to garner more Dem votes. The Republicans want to use it for a tax cut so they can garner more votes. Meanwhile the state's debt of $11 Billion goes unpaid, costing the citizens unnecessary interest payments. :(
I hate to be the math guy here but if you have 4 billion in the bank but owe 11 billion you don’t have a fucking surplus. You need to save up another 7 billion to pay that off. Only then can you have a surplus.
I hate to be the math guy here but if you have 4 billion in the bank but owe 11 billion you don’t have a fucking surplus. You need to save up another 7 billion to pay that off. Only then can you have a surplus.
The debt is long-term contractual obligations.
The surplus is a short-term revenue surplus.
Whoever gets the most votes in the legislature wins. That's democracy as a republic.
Republicans have a super majority in the Wisconsin legislature, but Governor Evers has powerful veto powers and vetoes almost all Republican bills and is backed up by a liberal leaning State Supreme Court.
Wisconsin has a budget surplus of $4Billion. The governor wants to spend it on more social programs in order to garner more Dem votes. The Republicans want to use it for a tax cut so they can garner more votes. Meanwhile the state's debt of $11 Billion goes unpaid, costing the citizens unnecessary interest payments. :(
Yup. That's par for the course.
Wisconsin is a strange state. We voted in more Republicans to the legislature while reelecting a very liberal governor. No wonder we have a budget surplus. We can't pass any bills that require funding.
Kentucky is the same way. Republicans run the state legislature, but they elected a Dem governor and then reelected him! I left the state!
The debt is long-term contractual obligations.
The surplus is a short-term revenue surplus.
This is an annual surplus you say?
Yes, pay down the debt. Falling interest will accelerate paydown over time.

Keep paying down the debt until there is no debt as ColonelAngus noted.
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