With Congress Set to Miss CHIP Deadline, States Scramble


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Congress is on track to miss the Sept. 30 deadline to reauthorize funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for the first time in the program's 24-year history, sending states that rely on that money scrambling to figure out how to pay for it.

U.S. Sens. Orrin Hatch and Ron Wyden introduced a bipartisan bill that would extend funding for five years, but it has yet to get a vote. Health policy experts, however, are cautiously optimistic that Congress will pass the bill in the next few weeks, after the initial deadline has passed.

In the meantime, some states are already preparing to freeze enrollment or cut off insurance coverage as they face the possibility of running out of CHIP funding in the near future.

The federal Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) estimates that three states -- Arizona, Minnesota, North Carolina plus the District of Columbia -- will run out of CHIP funding by the end of the year. But the Kaiser Family Foundation found that number to be conservative, releasing a report last month stating that 10 states would actually run out of money by the end of the year. Earlier this month, Minnesota's human services commissioner told Congress the state would exhaust its funding by the end of September.
Congress Set to Miss Deadline to Fund Children's Health Insurance

These people need to get it together.
Those kids should get a job and pay for their own health care! They should go back to cleaning out chimneys!
Those lazy kids want healthcare now. I remember when they had to work like everybody else. The lazy little bums.
Congress is on track to miss the Sept. 30 deadline to reauthorize funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for the first time in the program's 24-year history, sending states that rely on that money scrambling to figure out how to pay for it.

U.S. Sens. Orrin Hatch and Ron Wyden introduced a bipartisan bill that would extend funding for five years, but it has yet to get a vote. Health policy experts, however, are cautiously optimistic that Congress will pass the bill in the next few weeks, after the initial deadline has passed.

In the meantime, some states are already preparing to freeze enrollment or cut off insurance coverage as they face the possibility of running out of CHIP funding in the near future.

The federal Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) estimates that three states -- Arizona, Minnesota, North Carolina plus the District of Columbia -- will run out of CHIP funding by the end of the year. But the Kaiser Family Foundation found that number to be conservative, releasing a report last month stating that 10 states would actually run out of money by the end of the year. Earlier this month, Minnesota's human services commissioner told Congress the state would exhaust its funding by the end of September.
Congress Set to Miss Deadline to Fund Children's Health Insurance

These people need to get it together.

I have a way for States to get the money. Find all the bleeding heart Liberals that claim they care so much and have them make a donation.
Those kids should get a job and pay for their own health care! They should go back to cleaning out chimneys!

The parents that produced them should provide it for them. Remember, what a woman does with her body is her choice. Shouldn't the results of that choice be her and the one for whom she spread her legs responsibility to fund?

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