With Roe settled…should Trump move on to Plyler v. Doe and the 14th/birthright citizenship?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Like Roe the Plyler ruling is and always was non-sensical as hell…Nobody sane believes American taxpayers should be forced to cover the cost to educate the children of people breaking into our nation against the peoples will.
The 14A section 1 is and always was grossly misinterpreted, our founders never would have incentivized Mexico’s people to break in and steal citizenships for their unborn. Unlike the lefties and globalists among us our great Framers saw an American citizenship as something highly coveted, something of great value, quite possibly something priceless and not something you hand out to the children of criminal trespassers.
Your thoughts?
Like Roe the Plyler ruling is and always was non-sensical as hell…Nobody sane believes American taxpayers should be forced to cover the cost to educate the children of people breaking into our nation against the peoples will.
The 14A section 1 is and always was grossly misinterpreted, our founders never would have incentivized Mexico’s people to break in and steal citizenships for their unborn. Unlike the lefties and globalists among us our great Framers saw an American citizenship as something highly coveted, something of great value, quite possibly something priceless and not something you hand out to the children of criminal trespassers.
Your thoughts?
The framers were criminal tresspassers that handed out citizenship to their chidren and to descendants of their children.
The framers were criminal tresspassers that handed out citizenship to their chidren and to descendants of their children.
Our framers were powerful conquerers…Aren’t you grateful for that? Do you think Russian Asians would have kept ya’ll on the Free Shit Plantation for decades?
Show me the immigration papers of George Washington's family from the Indian nation.
HOLY SHIT…this loony shit again?
You America hating wackos still don’t know that America was founded in 1776, that immigration law in America commenced with the codification of the Declaration Of Independence.
Our framers were powerful conquerers…Aren’t you grateful for that? Do you think Russian Asians would have kept ya’ll on the Free Shit Plantation for decades?
Wrong. The so called framers made deals with the indigenous people who trusted them to keep those promises and they didn't. You descend from illegal immigrants.

There was no stealing when the Indians never owned the land in the first place.
Yes there was. Your ancestors stole land. People were living on that land, your ancestors killed them or forced them to move against their will. If we use your logic, the natives were coercred out of ther land and gave it up under duress which voids any contract that was made.
Impossible since there were no laws on the books at the time to make them illegal in the first place.
You descend from illegal immigrants. That's just the way it is. European law did not apply here when your ancestors came. The refused to recognize the laws that did exist, because the nations that were here did indeed have laws.

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