With Roe settled…should Trump move on to Plyler v. Doe and the 14th/birthright citizenship?

You descend from illegal immigrants. That's just the way it is. European law did not apply here when your ancestors came. The refused to recognize the laws that did exist, because the nations that were here did indeed have laws.
The Indians had no documented laws of land ownership when we arrived. The settlers did the right thing and claimed the land in a legal way established by the British monarchy as an expansion of the British government.
Like Roe the Plyler ruling is and always was non-sensical as hell…Nobody sane believes American taxpayers should be forced to cover the cost to educate the children of people breaking into our nation against the peoples will.
The 14A section 1 is and always was grossly misinterpreted, our founders never would have incentivized Mexico’s people to break in and steal citizenships for their unborn. Unlike the lefties and globalists among us our great Framers saw an American citizenship as something highly coveted, something of great value, quite possibly something priceless and not something you hand out to the children of criminal trespassers.
Your thoughts?
He could also take a look at our law that if someone is in our country, regardless of status, they have a right to due process.
He could also take a look at our law that if someone is in our country, regardless of status, they have a right to due process.
True…that’s another gross misinterpretation…Globalists believe our Constitution is a global document….They believe the Preamble is titled “We The People Of The World”
True…that’s another gross misinterpretation…Globalists believe our Constitution is a global document….They believe the Preamble is titled “We The People Of The World”
The real problem is we can't process all these people. We can't even find a lot of them. We need to build more wall, send the National Guard to the border and seal it!! Deport the criminals then, I think we should make the ones here, register (have forms available at post office, etc.) and put them in a federal data base while they wait for their adjudication. If they get popped with no registration.....Deport :scared1:
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Yes there was. Your ancestors stole land. People were living on that land, your ancestors killed them or forced them to move against their will. If we use your logic, the natives were coercred out of ther land and gave it up under duress which voids any contract that was made.
The Indians should have fought harder. Losing has consequences. Apparently hundreds of years of endless whining is one of them. Fortunately that won't change any property lines.
No. Natural birthright citizenship need not be revisited.
Why not? The Founders did not grant Indians citizenship for being born on US territory. Clearly there was no intent on handing out citizenship without some basic standards in place. The Founders' intent was clear in how they governed.
The Indians should have fought harder. Losing has consequences. Apparently hundreds of years of endless whining is one of them. Fortunately that won't change any property lines.
End the excuses white man. Your ancestors stole this land by making treaties then breaking them. How hard the first nations fought have nothing to do with the lying and theft. Nobody is whining and for you to call it that after your pun ass ancestors did what they did is evil. Whites like you are why some non whites call whites devils.
Why not? The Founders did not grant Indians citizenship for being born on US territory. Clearly there was no intent on handing out citizenship without some basic standards in place. The Founders' intent was clear in how they governed.
The so called founders did not have the right to determine who were citizens here. So if anybodys birthright citizenship shoud be removed it is whites. The Doctrine of Discovery was an invalid doctrine that was not recognized by the indigenous people of this nation. Therefore America is an illegal occupation of First Nations land.
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Why not? The Founders did not grant Indians citizenship for being born on US territory. Clearly there was no intent on handing out citizenship without some basic standards in place. The Founders' intent was clear in how they governed.
Your opinion above with no legs, nothing to stand on.
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