With Roe settled…should Trump move on to Plyler v. Doe and the 14th/birthright citizenship?

America would be at its finest if we reinstate the 1790 Naturalization Act. Trump should pursue it and purge the country of undesirables.

(The Naturalization Act of 1790 (1 Stat. 103, enacted March 26, 1790) was a law of the United States Congress that set the first uniform rules for the granting of United States citizenship by naturalization. The law limited naturalization to "free white person(s) ... of good character", thus excluding Native Americans, indentured servants, enslaved people, free Africans, Pacific Islanders, and Asians.)
End the excuses white man. Your ancestors stole this land by making treaties then breaking them. How hard the first nations fought have nothing to do with the lying and theft. Nobody is whining and for you to call it that after your pun ass ancestors did what they did is evil. Whites like you are why some non whites call whites devils.
Cry more. You are pathetic. It wasn't 'stolen' it was conquered. Stop being a whiny bitch and accept reality. Conquest is how black folks captured other black folks to sell around the world. Whine about that.
The so called founders did not have the right to determine who were citizens here. So if anybodys birthright citizenship shoud be removed it is whites. The Doctrine of Discovery was an invalid doctrine that was not recognized by the indigenous people of this nation. Therefore America is an illegal occupation of First Nations land.
Yet you want free money from a government you claim lacks legitimacy. Sad. Indian laws have relevance if they cannot be enforced. Their opinion is worthless on the matter.
Cry more. You are pathetic. It wasn't 'stolen' it was conquered. Stop being a whiny bitch and accept reality. Conquest is how black folks captured other black folks to sell around the world. Whine about that.
No, it was stolen. And when whites like you are told that, YOU start crying about how you conquered somebody. You didn't conquer shit. Whites made treaties that natives agreed with to stop them from fighting. The natives honored the treaties, whites did not. Now if you call that conquering, you have a probem.

Yet you want free money from a government you claim lacks legitimacy. Sad. Indian laws have relevance if they cannot be enforced. Their opinion is worthless on the matter.
Actually their opinion is very valid and you whites are the only ones who have been given free money. And free land.


The Catholic Church remounced the Doctrineof Discovery. And it was the Catholic Church that issued the papal bull that created the doctrine. So there is indeed validity to the claim and you just have to fce the fact that whitey committed a crime instead of founding a nation.
Actually their opinion is very valid and you whites are the only ones who have been given free money. And free land.

The Catholic Church remounced the Doctrineof Discovery. And it was the Catholic Church that issued the papal bull that created the doctrine. So there is indeed validity to the claim and you just have to fce the fact that whitey committed a crime instead of founding a nation.
This isn't a Catholic country, their doctrine is as irrelevant as the Indians' claims. Your endless whining is hypocritical as you seek to benefit from a thing you consider illegitimate. If you had any integrity you would leave the US. Instead you spout off nonsense that has no place in reality. Pathetic.
The Indians should have fought harder. Losing has consequences. Apparently hundreds of years of endless whining is one of them. Fortunately that won't change any property lines.
The Indians had no cohesive society just tribes that were too busy fighting each other.
The constitution governs everyone in the country; thus everyone here is protected, citizen or not.
If the people who run for government office are not real lovers of the constitution, then it is neutered as a document. Progressive politicians look at the constitution as in the way. Progs are powerful and are slowly chipping away at it. They have gotten help from Republicans. So, Joe and the Progs did near what they wanted the first two years. Kamala is not saying anything because she will be further left than Joe and it is not going to be nice. A lot of people let things go. I have. At some point people get lawyers for protections. And it may even clean out a nest of arrogant oppressors also.
America would be at its finest if we reinstate the 1790 Naturalization Act. Trump should pursue it and purge the country of undesirables.

(The Naturalization Act of 1790 (1 Stat. 103, enacted March 26, 1790) was a law of the United States Congress that set the first uniform rules for the granting of United States citizenship by naturalization. The law limited naturalization to "free white person(s) ... of good character", thus excluding Native Americans, indentured servants, enslaved people, free Africans, Pacific Islanders, and Asians.)
Can't undo the 14th Amendmdent, hondo.
You opinion is invalid. Show me in the law. You can't undo SCOTUS.
History is not invalid just because you don't like it. You saying so doesn't mean anything. How the country was governed is the way the law was enforced, and clearly being born in US territory did not confer citizenship to the Indians. Are you really denying that? Clearly the notion of 'birthright citizenship' is a matter that can be addressed and corrected.
You opinion is invalid. Show me in the law. You can't undo SCOTUS.

Rogue AI your reading does not invalidate the current status of the law.

No one has any serious intention of changing it,
The leftist charged lunacy isn’t sustainable and everybody sane knows it…ALL of your crazy shit will come to an abrupt end soon…I hope you have a plan to get your shit RIGHT.
Rogue AI your reading does not invalidate the current status of the law.

No one has any serious intention of changing it,
Don't be so sure. Clearly the interpretation has changed from when the 14th took effect. The intent is clear by those who created it. They didn't believe in the same notion of 'birthright citizenship' you find today. The interpretation can and likely will change. Anchor babies were not the intent.

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