Women-How do you like your men?

Omg, is that Adam Sandler with the hairy ass?

The rest are great, but Redford is a screaming liberal and old besides.

Paul Newman. You couldn't take your eyes off him, even when he was a doddering old man.

Carey Grant. I fell in love with him when I was about 5, and I still am.

Arnold. c'mon, I can't believe we haven't said anything about him yet. How can you NOT love Arnold. I entreat everyone to listen to the director's cut of Conan. He's a flipping gas...my favorite line, "I got laid a lot in this movie."

Omg, is that Adam Sandler with the hairy ass?

No, its just Pan.

The rest are great, but Redford is a screaming liberal and old besides.

Who doesn't like Robert Redford, you nazi!

Paul Newman. You couldn't take your eyes off him, even when he was a doddering old man.

Carey Grant. I fell in love with him when I was about 5, and I still am.

Arnold. c'mon, I can't believe we haven't said anything about him yet. How can you NOT love Arnold. I entreat everyone to listen to the director's cut of Conan. He's a flipping gas...my favorite line, "I got laid a lot in this movie."


I've never heard a woman say that they found Aunode Schwarzenegger attractive. But, you're right, Conan is a classic! You realize he's married to a Kennedy...?
What's with all these pretty boys (Sam Elliot excepted)? Don't women like real men anymore? Hairy, sweaty, dirty, gruff, masculine men?

Tommy Lee Jones and Tuff Hedeman are pretty boys?


Like Willie Nelson.. I have a sneaking suspicion that Bob Wier is a giant flaming rainbow.
Omg, is that Adam Sandler with the hairy ass?

The rest are great, but Redford is a screaming liberal and old besides.

Paul Newman. You couldn't take your eyes off him, even when he was a doddering old man.

Carey Grant. I fell in love with him when I was about 5, and I still am.

Arnold. c'mon, I can't believe we haven't said anything about him yet. How can you NOT love Arnold. I entreat everyone to listen to the director's cut of Conan. He's a flipping gas...my favorite line, "I got laid a lot in this movie."


Nope. Redford works in the rough and rugged category. Thumbs up on him.

I agree with the rest of your lineup.

And Rock Hudson. He was a good-lookin' guy, but now we're right back to the movie stars.
Like Willie Nelson.. I have a sneaking suspicion that Bob Wier is a giant flaming rainbow.

Not quite

My sister worked security for the Dead in the 90's when they came to town. He asked her to make sure to keep his little "groupie girls" apart, and not find out about each other.

Not saying he may like the taste of both sides of the pie, but he does love the women.
Like Willie Nelson.. I have a sneaking suspicion that Bob Wier is a giant flaming rainbow.

Not quite

My sister worked security for the Dead in the 90's when they came to town. He asked her to make sure to keep his little "groupie girls" apart, and not find out about each other.

Not saying he may like the taste of both sides of the pie, but he does love the women.

Oh I hear what you are saying.. and I don't have any overt evidence.. but.. It's always been my suspicion.. again, just like Willie.
but he didn't have a bow and arrow!
There was something about when he would shoot an arrow that could make me tingle inside. Plus he was kind of a pussy in the first Pirates movie.

Yes, but as a pirate he had a sword.

You have to be tougher to look your opponent in the eye as you skewer them.

Our company motto at my first unit in the 7th Infantry Division was, "We stick'em deep." (Reference to the 7th ID being "The Bayonet Division")

We had to sound off with our motto when we saluted officers. That was all well and good when the officers were men. I happened to be near the hospital one day and there was a female officer walking past and I sounded off with a loud, "We stick'em deep, ma'am!"

She was so flustered she nearly fell over.....:lol:
Willie was alittle fantical about his trailer when he came to the park I was working at. lol

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