Would you build a wall?

No, I would not build a racist wall.

Now how can a wall be racist?

A wall is made of unliving material....

Maybe I'm dumb, but I know that much.

I am not a racist Zionist.

No, you're just racist, period.

The Wall has been held in violation of The Fourth Geneva Convention.

So does firing rockets on civilized cities.

Didn't hear you complain much about that...

Whenever progressives don't like something they always accuse it of being "racist". They're pretty stupid one trick ponies.
Laws made out of country mean nothing while at war...

...or after.
Then go live in Weimar.

Those aren't American values you're spouting.

This isn't about me. It's about laws being spouted from places that have no land. That have no ability to enforce their proclamations that are outside of their own borders and no armed forces to enact any penalties, again, outside of their own boundaries.

And America does NOT hold itself bound to International Law.
This isn't about me. It's about laws being spouted from places that have no land. That have no ability to enforce their proclamations that are outside of their own borders and no armed forces to enact any penalties, again, outside of their own boundaries.

And America does NOT hold itself bound to International Law.
Any treaty ratified by Congress carry's the same weight as the Constitution.
The East German wall was to keep the East Germans in.

The Israeli walls are to keep the Palestinians (and all their buddies...) out.
What's wrong with tearing down the unpopular wall, dig a moat around Gaza a hundred yards wide, fifty feet deep, filled with water, crocodiles and piranha?
Americans Abandon International Law



And Russia? :rofl:
The East German wall was to keep the East Germans in.

The Israeli walls are to keep the Palestinians (and all their buddies...) out.
What's wrong with tearing down the unpopular wall, dig a moat around Gaza a hundred yards wide, fifty feet deep, filled with water, crocodiles and piranha?

The wall is quite popular...

...in Israel.
That's absolutely true!

Why do you think I'm all pissed off?

We are a country based on the rule of law. It is un-American to disrespect the law. Any law. That was one of the things that made this country great and set us apart from all the rest. But that is not where we're at now.

Silly billy.

Why, you're pissed off because you lack control in your life and need to find some way to express it.
Silly billy.

Why, you're pissed off because you lack control in your life and need to find some way to express it.
I'm pissed off because countrymen like you, give American's a bad name.

Now, do you want to build any more walls?

I mean let's face it Billy.

Your words are not going to change the way things are and your emotions won't help change the way things are either. Saying what you think is one thing but getting pissed off over things you can't change means...

...you're rather an emo. :)

Israel will do what it needs to do and I've built my own personal walls up against emos....

...and emus.

No, I would not build a racist wall.

I am not a racist Zionist.

The Wall has been held in violation of The Fourth Geneva Convention.
Suicide bombing killed Arabs,Duruze,Tourists and other people along side with at least few innocent Israelis regardless of who they are, that's racism and instead of eradicating the devil in the first place, Israel built a wall to avoid the violence.

You will get to know Sheri soon. She opposes " racism?" Ask why she supports Abbas NJA/ No Israelis Allowed Policy and there will be no response. Ask how Israel keeps Hamas and other terrorist groups out and there will be no response. She's not a racist? This vile piece of filth makes horrific remarks about the Jews including " banging their heads against the wall" She refuses to comment on Muslims killing Christians but she " slipped" one day. " Jesus. :lol: wants Christians to suffer". :D
This isn't about me. It's about laws being spouted from places that have no land. That have no ability to enforce their proclamations that are outside of their own borders and no armed forces to enact any penalties, again, outside of their own boundaries.

And America does NOT hold itself bound to International Law.
Any treaty ratified by Congress carry's the same weight as the Constitution.
Until abiding by such an agreement is no longer in the best interests of the United States and its friends...

At which time, we simply ignore such agreements...

Live every other nation on the face of the planet...

Well, at least like every other one that has the stones to get out there and mix it up, anyway...
... I mean let's face it Billy... you're rather an emo...
It's a well-known, time-worn and usually accurate stereotypical trait of the species "Liberal", subspecies "TardMonkey", or "LibTard", for short.
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Until abiding by such an agreement is no longer in the best interests of the United States and its friends...
Like the Bill of Rights?
Nahhhhh... that cherry-picking is reserved for International Law... we're all much more committed to the Domestic Charter than we are the international fluff... ourselves and our friends, first, others a distant second... it's the way the world works.
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