Would you build a wall?

Wouldn't you rather be at Hussongs, drinking tequila?

hussongs ? where is that, in the village, lol. nah, not straight-up tequila. forget it too 'hard' now.

If i was ordering a liquor drink, it would either be:

A Harvey Wallbanger - easy on the Galliano

or a chinese restaurant white pina-colada...........

I don't care for beer...but know what they all taste like !
Wouldn't you rather be at Hussongs, drinking tequila?

hussongs ? where is that, in the village, lol. nah, not straight-up tequila. forget it too 'hard' now.

If i was ordering a liquor drink, it would either be:

A Harvey Wallbanger - easy on the Galliano

or a chinese restaurant white pina-colada...........

I don't care for beer...but know what they all taste like !
It's in Ensenada.
I would like you to nominate a good idea how to stop these which is not building a wall and monitoring movement of arms and known terrorists by checkpoints.

My solution would be to abandon the anachronistic idea of a specifically *JEWISH* state, i.e. a state of, by, and for the Whites .... er .... I meant to say Jews .... and acknowledge that the only way to end this sort of thing is to have a secular democracy for all the inhabitants of Palestine/Israel.

Two state solution, two equal and independent states, will work as an interim.

The end of the last vestige of Zionist apartheid would stop this sort of thing cold, and is the only thing that can.
I would like you to nominate a good idea how to stop these which is not building a wall and monitoring movement of arms and known terrorists by checkpoints.

My solution would be to abandon the anachronistic idea of a specifically *JEWISH* state, i.e. a state of, by, and for the Whites .... er .... I meant to say Jews .... and acknowledge that the only way to end this sort of thing is to have a secular democracy for all the inhabitants of Palestine/Israel.

Two state solution, two equal and independent states, will work as an interim.

The end of the last vestige of Zionist apartheid would stop this sort of thing cold, and is the only thing that can.
Right about now the IDF is solving the problem by eradicating Hamas. That is the only way to stop the insanity.
Silly billy.

Why, you're pissed off because you lack control in your life and need to find some way to express it.
I'm pissed off because countrymen like you, give American's a bad name.

Now, do you want to build any more walls?

Yes big ones with chain guns mounted on top that fire when motion is detected. Then plant AP mines in the dead mans zone leading up to the wall. Place laser guided rockets in the inner edge to take out any rockets coming from the other side, and have mortars that respond to any incursions that fire one round back for every round fired in. Then let the Palestinian scum try and target Israeli children when they cant get near to the wall. Let them fend for themselves and generate their own water, electricity and sanitation
I would like you to nominate a good idea how to stop these which is not building a wall and monitoring movement of arms and known terrorists by checkpoints.

My solution would be to abandon the anachronistic idea of a specifically *JEWISH* state, i.e. a state of, by, and for the Whites .... er .... I meant to say Jews .... and acknowledge that the only way to end this sort of thing is to have a secular democracy for all the inhabitants of Palestine/Israel.

Two state solution, two equal and independent states, will work as an interim.

The end of the last vestige of Zionist apartheid would stop this sort of thing cold, and is the only thing that can.

In other words an ISLAMONAZI SHARIA state with DHIMMI laws and no rights for the non muslims. If you want to see your plan in action take a look at South Africa with its RAPES, VIOLENT CRIME,ANTI WHITE RACISM and MURDERS. The same thing would happen In Israel ( International law prohibits from being called anything else ) if the Palestinians were allowed to take over. The end of Jewish civilisation in the M.E. and a potential ISLAMONAZI SHARIA Nuclear power. Which American ALLY do you think would be the first to be targeted, and would they say "insh allah " when millions of muslim children were murdered
I would like you to nominate a good idea how to stop these which is not building a wall and monitoring movement of arms and known terrorists by checkpoints.

My solution would be to abandon the anachronistic idea of a specifically *JEWISH* state, i.e. a state of, by, and for the Whites .... er .... I meant to say Jews .... and acknowledge that the only way to end this sort of thing is to have a secular democracy for all the inhabitants of Palestine/Israel.

Two state solution, two equal and independent states, will work as an interim.

The end of the last vestige of Zionist apartheid would stop this sort of thing cold, and is the only thing that can.
Right about now the IDF is solving the problem by eradicating Hamas. That is the only way to stop the insanity.

Hossfly, that was what they said when they were busy trying to eliminate Fateh and PFLP and PLO.

Killing people will NEVER eliminate Palestinian resistance.
My solution would be to abandon the anachronistic idea of a specifically *JEWISH* state, i.e. a state of, by, and for the Whites .... er .... I meant to say Jews .... and acknowledge that the only way to end this sort of thing is to have a secular democracy for all the inhabitants of Palestine/Israel.

Two state solution, two equal and independent states, will work as an interim.

The end of the last vestige of Zionist apartheid would stop this sort of thing cold, and is the only thing that can.
Right about now the IDF is solving the problem by eradicating Hamas. That is the only way to stop the insanity.

Hossfly, that was what they said when they were busy trying to eliminate Fateh and PFLP and PLO.

Killing people will NEVER eliminate Palestinian resistance.
We'll see. This time there's no limit. No more red lines. No more patience.
Right about now the IDF is solving the problem by eradicating Hamas. That is the only way to stop the insanity.

Hossfly, that was what they said when they were busy trying to eliminate Fateh and PFLP and PLO.

Killing people will NEVER eliminate Palestinian resistance.
We'll see. This time there's no limit. No more red lines. No more patience.
The Israelis have never yet gone 'weapons free' and left things in that state until a conclusion was reached.

I must confess, however, that I find myself wondering whether we are about to see such a thing, either now, or shortly after January 20, 2017.

If left to their own devices, the IDF will work hard to minimize civilian casualties, but they would mercilessly hunt-down and slaughter Hamas militia to the tune of many thousands.

Either now, or in 2017, we have have reached a time where we should keep our nose out of it and not encourage them to step back, once they get on a roll.
And see how such a blatant over-response makes Israel look in U.S. and other nations' eyes.

They make NO effort to minimize casualties, they try to MAXIMIZE CIVILIAN CASUALTIES, because their entire hope is that the Palestinian people themselves will turn on their own resistance.

And every few years, the genocide will have to be renewed. It will never end until Palestinian national goals are reached.
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Nope, even the U.S. says they are OCCUPIED, and that Israel needs to GET OUT OF THEM.

it is not disputed by anyone but Israel.
Nope, even the U.S. says they are OCCUPIED, and that Israel needs to GET OUT OF THEM.
Hoda Tawfik from the Al Ahram, attending a ME Insight symposium in Washington on May 4, 1998, asked James Baker:
"What do you think is right? That these are occupied Arab territories and not disputed territories?"
James Baker:
"They're clearly disputed territories. That's what Resolutions 242 and 338 are all about. They are clearly disputed territories."
it is not disputed by anyone but Israel.
The level of intelligence of that "anyone" has been sinking, indeed.
And see how such a blatant over-response makes Israel look in U.S. and other nations' eyes...
If that's what it takes to burn Hamas down to the ground, well, so be it.

...They make NO effort to minimize casualties...
You do not know this for a fact.

...they try to MAXIMIZE CIVILIAN CASUALTIES, because their entire hope is that the Palestinian people themselves will turn on their own resistance...
You do not know this for a fact.

...And every few years, the genocide will have to be renewed...
There is no genocide occurring there.

If it was genocide, it would be a one-time shot, with no Palestinians left alive, afterwards.

...It will never end until Palestinian national goals are reached.
Then it will never end.

But I agree that the current state of affairs cannot be sustained indefinitely.

That is why the stronger of the two will move to cut the Gordian Knot.

It will not be genocide - it will not be slaughter - even Israel's allies will not accep that.

But it WILL be Eviction and Expulsion and Dispersal.

There are a great many who believe that that is impractical or impossible.

I don't blame them.

But it's also logical.

And the only way out of the present situation, which leaves Israel intact, and with defensible borders.

Far stranger and far more brutal things have happened, within Living Memory.

Should the Israelis set their mind to such an approach, there is no one to stop them.

And it will have the practical effect of (a) leaving the Palestinians alive and (b) getting them out of the way.

After 66 years of haggling and fighting, it appears to be the only thing left untried, other than outright slaughter, which nobody wants to see.

Every so often, History serves-up a Surprise, and a substantive Paradigm Shift.

Both logic and instinct tell me that we're fast approaching such a juncture.
I would like you to nominate a good idea how to stop these which is not building a wall and monitoring movement of arms and known terrorists by checkpoints.

My solution would be to abandon the anachronistic idea of a specifically *JEWISH* state, i.e. a state of, by, and for the Whites .... er .... I meant to say Jews .... and acknowledge that the only way to end this sort of thing is to have a secular democracy for all the inhabitants of Palestine/Israel.

Two state solution, two equal and independent states, will work as an interim.

The end of the last vestige of Zionist apartheid would stop this sort of thing cold, and is the only thing that can.

The only possible way any decent person could suggest that there should be no
jewish state----would be if that person would be to insist that there should be NO
STATE in the world with any specific "religion" preference-----ie ---the first logical
step would be to dismantle the anachronistic filth which is Saudi Arabia and
ALL STATES which ---claim "Islamic" as some sort of identity. I do not believe
that such a demand can be met at this time-----but I certainly believe that islamo Nazis
are eager to see "NO JEWISH STATE" happen. In may and june----1967 --
ambassadors from every Islamic filth hole in the world (not only arab states)---made
it clear that their objection to Israel is "the jew" issue------thus they demonstrated
themselves to be the Nazi pigs that they were.

I was young back then-----and surprised that seemingly articulate people were
announcing themselves to be genocidal scum. Afterall----it was the 60s----and I
grew up in a Nazi pig town. Seemingly articulate people in my town----at that time--
saw no problem in completely excluding blacks from town----or clubs, etc etc----
they justified it the same way Nazis here demand ---"get rid of jewish Israel"----
the muslim ambassadors----were simply another version of ku klux klan filth
And see how such a blatant over-response makes Israel look in U.S. and other nations' eyes.

They make NO effort to minimize casualties, they try to MAXIMIZE CIVILIAN CASUALTIES, because their entire hope is that the Palestinian people themselves will turn on their own resistance.

And every few years, the genocide will have to be renewed. It will never end until Palestinian national goals are reached.

Operation cast lead showed that Israel minimised the numbers of civilians casualties when hardly any were killed. Of the 1200 or so 1150 were terrorists, militia and human shields.
And see how such a blatant over-response makes Israel look in U.S. and other nations' eyes.

They make NO effort to minimize casualties, they try to MAXIMIZE CIVILIAN CASUALTIES, because their entire hope is that the Palestinian people themselves will turn on their own resistance.

And every few years, the genocide will have to be renewed. It will never end until Palestinian national goals are reached.

Operation cast lead showed that Israel minimised the numbers of civilians casualties when hardly any were killed. Of the 1200 or so 1150 were terrorists, militia and human shields.

Casualties of the Gaza War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The israelis even shot women holding a white flag!
Killings of Palestinian Civilians during Operation Cast Lead
Recent Human Rights Watch Reports on Israel and Gaza
White Flag Deaths | Human Rights Watch

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