Would you build a wall?

There is a problem with this Zionist poster's eviction proposal, it would be another war crime.


Art. 49. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.

The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.

Not just that, the plan would constitute itself further ethnic cleansing and it would be genocide under the international law legal definition of genocide.

And see how such a blatant over-response makes Israel look in U.S. and other nations' eyes...
If that's what it takes to burn Hamas down to the ground, well, so be it.

...They make NO effort to minimize casualties...
You do not know this for a fact.

You do not know this for a fact.

...And every few years, the genocide will have to be renewed...
There is no genocide occurring there.

If it was genocide, it would be a one-time shot, with no Palestinians left alive, afterwards.

...It will never end until Palestinian national goals are reached.
Then it will never end.

But I agree that the current state of affairs cannot be sustained indefinitely.

That is why the stronger of the two will move to cut the Gordian Knot.

It will not be genocide - it will not be slaughter - even Israel's allies will not accep that.

But it WILL be Eviction and Expulsion and Dispersal.

There are a great many who believe that that is impractical or impossible.

I don't blame them.

But it's also logical.

And the only way out of the present situation, which leaves Israel intact, and with defensible borders.

Far stranger and far more brutal things have happened, within Living Memory.

Should the Israelis set their mind to such an approach, there is no one to stop them.

And it will have the practical effect of (a) leaving the Palestinians alive and (b) getting them out of the way.

After 66 years of haggling and fighting, it appears to be the only thing left untried, other than outright slaughter, which nobody wants to see.

Every so often, History serves-up a Surprise, and a substantive Paradigm Shift.

Both logic and instinct tell me that we're fast approaching such a juncture.
Quote: Originally Posted by amity1844 View Post
Nope, even the U.S. says they are OCCUPIED, and that Israel needs to GET OUT OF THEM.

it is not disputed by anyone but Israel.

Wtrong again, only Obama and his Gestapo, SS, NAZI, Israel hating followers say that in the U.S.
And see how such a blatant over-response makes Israel look in U.S. and other nations' eyes.

They make NO effort to minimize casualties, they try to MAXIMIZE CIVILIAN CASUALTIES, because their entire hope is that the Palestinian people themselves will turn on their own resistance.

And every few years, the genocide will have to be renewed. It will never end until Palestinian national goals are reached.

Operation cast lead showed that Israel minimised the numbers of civilians casualties when hardly any were killed. Of the 1200 or so 1150 were terrorists, militia and human shields.

Casualties of the Gaza War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The israelis even shot women holding a white flag!
Killings of Palestinian Civilians during Operation Cast Lead
Recent Human Rights Watch Reports on Israel and Gaza
White Flag Deaths | Human Rights Watch
White Flags death?
All Israeli negotiations and peace attempts were result by TERRORIST ATTACKS - Israel always raised a white flags and any reports of Hamas willing to talk?
Shelly Daddon r.i.p done anything to Hussein Yousef Khalifa? the one who stabbed her 6 times and chased her after she tried to escape?

Or maybe Naftali Frankel, Gilad Shaar, and Eyal Yifrach r.i.p did anything wrong to their killers?

I can go on with this, but it doesn't matter, I take you as a child-murder supporter.
Of course you can go on with this, your hate makes you blind to facts, no suspect has been charged with the killing of the three jewish boys
Of course you can go on with this, your hate makes you blind to facts, no suspect has been charged with the killing of the three jewish boys
My hate blinds? I don't see you responding to Shelly Daddon murder.
Two suspects fled to Gaza and are to believed as the killers, but don't worry, as "Wrath of God" took 20 years, I'm willing to wait another millennium to the day Israel will find them.
And see how such a blatant over-response makes Israel look in U.S. and other nations' eyes.

They make NO effort to minimize casualties, they try to MAXIMIZE CIVILIAN CASUALTIES, because their entire hope is that the Palestinian people themselves will turn on their own resistance.

And every few years, the genocide will have to be renewed. It will never end until Palestinian national goals are reached.

Operation cast lead showed that Israel minimised the numbers of civilians casualties when hardly any were killed. Of the 1200 or so 1150 were terrorists, militia and human shields.

Casualties of the Gaza War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The israelis even shot women holding a white flag!
Killings of Palestinian Civilians during Operation Cast Lead
Recent Human Rights Watch Reports on Israel and Gaza
White Flag Deaths | Human Rights Watch

According to Palestinian sources says it all, ISLAMONAZI LIES
from Aenmity
And every few years, the genocide will have to be renewed. It will never end until Palestinian national goals are reached.

I am having trouble deciphering the above sentence "renewed genocide"??
"Palestinian national goals depend on renewing genocide" ?????

sorta like Caliphate goals?
There is a problem with this Zionist poster's eviction proposal, it would be another war crime...
Very little of what Israel does (or even would do, in this instance) can be construed as war-crimes.

As reinforced by the idea that they have never been brought to trial after decades of such unfounded and pointless allegations.

But, let's say for a moment that you're right, and that the Israelis have been guilty of repeated war-crimes, over the decades.

If that's the case, then...

In for a penny, in for a pound...

What's one more?

Especially if it makes the problem go away.

Everything else has been tried.

There is no other way to revolve the issue without (a) actually slaughtering the Palestinians or (b) leaving Israel indefensible, with indefensible borders.

Time to break the deadlock.

Time to hack through the Gordian Knot.

And the Devil take the hindmost.
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...And every few years, the genocide will have to be renewed...
There is no genocide occurring there.

If it was genocide, it would be a one-time shot, with no Palestinians left alive, afterwards.
I see. Then Hitler's actions against the Jewish people .... NOT genocide by your definition????

...It will never end until Palestinian national goals are reached.
Then it will never end.

But I agree that the current state of affairs cannot be sustained indefinitely.

That is why the stronger of the two will move to cut the Gordian Knot.

It will not be genocide - it will not be slaughter - even Israel's allies will not accep that.

But it WILL be Eviction and Expulsion and Dispersal.

There are a great many who believe that that is impractical or impossible.

I don't blame them.

But it's also logical.

And the only way out of the present situation, which leaves Israel intact, and with defensible borders.

Far stranger and far more brutal things have happened, within Living Memory.

Should the Israelis set their mind to such an approach, there is no one to stop them.

And it will have the practical effect of (a) leaving the Palestinians alive and (b) getting them out of the way.

After 66 years of haggling and fighting, it appears to be the only thing left untried, other than outright slaughter, which nobody wants to see.

Every so often, History serves-up a Surprise, and a substantive Paradigm Shift.

Both logic and instinct tell me that we're fast approaching such a juncture.

So now you're coming out of the closet, huh? You ARE channeling Meir Kahane, noodle head. It only took two months to draw you out.

This is exactly what happened in 1948, it didn't work then and it won't work now.

And ISRAEL will probably stop you "Arabs Out Now" types before the U.S. does.

By the way, are you going to leave the so-called "Israeli Arabs" in place?
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Of course you can go on with this, your hate makes you blind to facts, no suspect has been charged with the killing of the three jewish boys
My hate blinds? I don't see you responding to Shelly Daddon murder.
Two suspects fled to Gaza and are to believed as the killers, but don't worry, as "Wrath of God" took 20 years, I'm willing to wait another millennium to the day Israel will find them.

Hey, look, I don't ,mind responding to the Shelly Dadon murder, even though I NEVER heard of her. If someone stabbed her 6 times, who is responsible? Hamas? The Palestinians? It sounds to me like "something" is driving "some people" over the edge. This is pretty clearly an individual action. How do you want to hold the Palestinians accountable for it?
Of course you can go on with this, your hate makes you blind to facts, no suspect has been charged with the killing of the three jewish boys
My hate blinds? I don't see you responding to Shelly Daddon murder.
Two suspects fled to Gaza and are to believed as the killers, but don't worry, as "Wrath of God" took 20 years, I'm willing to wait another millennium to the day Israel will find them.

Hey, look, I don't ,mind responding to the Shelly Dadon murder, even though I NEVER heard of her. If someone stabbed her 6 times, who is responsible? Hamas? The Palestinians? It sounds to me like "something" is driving "some people" over the edge. This is pretty clearly an individual action. How do you want to hold the Palestinians accountable for it?
There is no need to go on with this, you've said it yourself, "something" is driving "some Israelis " off and I hope Gaza will pay for it.
Pretty much individuals would get hurt but can you hold the Israelis accountable for that?
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...So now you're coming out of the closet, huh? You're channelling Meir Kahane. It only took two months to draw you out...
Look, New Meat, I've been saying for the past year-and-a-half around here, that Eviction and Expulsion is the only logical choice remaining. And that's been completely voluntary on my part; nobody 'drew me out'; least of all you.

...This is exactly what happened in 1948, it didn't work then and it won't work now...
In 1948, the Israelis were not a regional superpower.

In 1948, the Israelis were not an atomic power.

In 1948, the Israelis were not largely self-sufficient with respect to arms and munitions and food and natural resources.

In 1948, Egypt was in one piece, and able to make war on the Jews.

In 1948, Syria was in one piece, and able to make war on the Jews.

In 1948, Iraq was in one piece, and able to make war on the Jews.

In 1948, Lebanon was in one piece, and able to make war on the Jews.

In 1948, Germany and France and the UK were not allies of Israel.

In 1948, the US was not a rock-solid ally of Israel.

In 1948, the Jews did not have the financial and logical and military means to effect such an Eviction and Expulsion.

In 1948, Israel had yet to experience 66 years of Palestinian intransigence, stupidity and savagery.

In 1948, Israel actually gave two <bleeps> about what the UN and the world thought of it.

A lot has changed since 1948, and none of it favorable to the Palestinians.

...And ISRAEL will probably stop you "Arabs Out Now" types before the U.S. does...
That is the choice of the Israeli government.

The US will in all likelihood run political and economic and military cover for the Israelis, whatever they decide to do, with singular exception of actual en masse slaughter.

...By the way, are you going to leave the so-called "Israeli Arabs" in place?
I have no idea what the Israelis will do with them, if-and-when the Israelis choose the Eviction and Expulsion route for Palestinians in Gaza and/or the West Bank.

Probably leave them in-place, as fully entitled and empowered citizens of Israel.

But that's a minor accent in a much broader symphony.
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Nope, even the U.S. says they are OCCUPIED, and that Israel needs to GET OUT OF THEM.
Hoda Tawfik from the Al Ahram, attending a ME Insight symposium in Washington on May 4, 1998, asked James Baker:
"What do you think is right? That these are occupied Arab territories and not disputed territories?"
James Baker:
"They're clearly disputed territories. That's what Resolutions 242 and 338 are all about. They are clearly disputed territories."
it is not disputed by anyone but Israel.
The level of intelligence of that "anyone" has been sinking, indeed.

Okey-dokey, let's look at the relevant passages of 242:
The preamble[3] refers to the "inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and the need to work for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East in which every State in the area can live in security."

Operative Paragraph One "Affirms that the fulfillment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:

(i) Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;

(ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force."

The complete text of 242 may be found here.
The Avalon Project : United Nations Security Council Resolution 242
And 338 (this is the entire text of 338):
The Security Council,

Calls upon all parties to present fighting to cease all firing and terminate all military activity immediately, no later than 12 hours after the moment of the adoption of this decision, in the positions after the moment of the adoption of this decision, in the positions they now occupy; Calls upon all parties concerned to start immediately after the cease-fire the implementation of Security Council Resolution 242 (1967) in all of its parts;

Decides that, immediately and concurrently with the cease-fire, negotiations start between the parties concerned under appropriate auspices aimed at establishing a just and durable peace in the Middle East.
My hate blinds? I don't see you responding to Shelly Daddon murder.
Two suspects fled to Gaza and are to believed as the killers, but don't worry, as "Wrath of God" took 20 years, I'm willing to wait another millennium to the day Israel will find them.

Hey, look, I don't ,mind responding to the Shelly Dadon murder, even though I NEVER heard of her. If someone stabbed her 6 times, who is responsible? Hamas? The Palestinians? It sounds to me like "something" is driving "some people" over the edge. This is pretty clearly an individual action. How do you want to hold the Palestinians accountable for it?
There is no need to go on with this, you've said it yourself, "something" is driving "some Israelis " off and I hope Gaza will pay for it.
Pretty much individuals would get hurt but can you hold the Israelis accountable for that?

Your problem is that everyone EXCEPT addle brained Zionists can see what is wrong with that thinking. An individual stabs someone and you hold an entire nation responsible.
Hey, look, I don't ,mind responding to the Shelly Dadon murder, even though I NEVER heard of her. If someone stabbed her 6 times, who is responsible? Hamas? The Palestinians? It sounds to me like "something" is driving "some people" over the edge. This is pretty clearly an individual action. How do you want to hold the Palestinians accountable for it?
There is no need to go on with this, you've said it yourself, "something" is driving "some Israelis " off and I hope Gaza will pay for it.
Pretty much individuals would get hurt but can you hold the Israelis accountable for that?

Your problem is that everyone EXCEPT addle brained Zionists can see what is wrong with that thinking. An individual stabs someone and you hold an entire nation responsible.
An individual stabs someone is just the beginning to show you how brutal your friends are.
19,000 rockets fired on unarmed civilians (including tourists, duruze, badduion, and non-jewish population) since 2001 and at this very moment.
3000 of Israeli civilians killed by 'individuals' terror attacks.
804 fatalities due to suicide bombing.
countless assaults by rocks,firebombs,blocks from the rooftop,lynch attacks, and so on daily basis, and you really expect me to remain silent? those terrorists will pay and I'm not going to wait for another kid to die from an 'individual act of anger' so if 1.5 million of the Gazans will have to die, I personally will agree its necessary as they are the people who chose Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, they support terrorists, they shout death to Israel and death to America..sorry, I did my calculation and its better to completely wipe them off the world just as the Nazis.
...So now you're coming out of the closet, huh? You're channeling Meir Kahane. It only took two months to draw you out...
Look, New Meat, I've been saying for the past year-and-a-half around here, that Eviction and Expulsion is the only logical choice remaining. And that's been completely voluntary on my part; nobody 'drew me out'; least of all you.

...This is exactly what happened in 1948, it didn't work then and it won't work now...
In 1948, the Israelis were not a regional superpower.

In 1948, the Israelis were not an atomic power.
So what? Its 2014. Is Israel going to nuke the West Bank and Gaza ... and, of necessity, itself?
In 1948, the Israelis were not largely self-sufficient with respect to arms and munitions and food and natural resources.
This part is true. Israel CAN go totally renegade now. If the rest of us don't stop it. History will write that Israel was WORSE than Hitler, because the technology is so much more advanced now...
In 1948, Egypt was in one piece, and able to make war on the Jews.

In 1948, Syria was in one piece, and able to make war on the Jews.

In 1948, Iraq was in one piece, and able to make war on the Jews.

In 1948, Lebanon was in one piece, and able to make war on the Jews.
Never mind them. Their only dog in the race is their desire to get the Palestinians back where they belong.
In 1948, Germany and France and the UK were not allies of Israel.

In 1948, the US was not a rock-solid ally of Israel.
You are assuming alliances are set in stone that are NOT set in stone. Wait to see what happens when Israel makes its first move to expel.
In 1948, the Jews did not have the financial and logical and military means to effect such an Eviction and Expulsion.
They DID have such means, and they did effect such an expulsion. What would be different this time?
In 1948, Israel had yet to experience 66 years of Palestinian intransigence, stupidity and savagery.
I've said it before and I've said it again, you make your own monsters. If you think it has been savage so far, wait until you see the result when you expel ... or try to. And think of the anti-Jewish backlash in the rest of the world. Don't you care about Jews either?
In 1948, Israel actually gave two <bleeps> about what the UN and the world thought of it.

A lot has changed since 1948, and none of it favorable to the Palestinians.
A lot has changed since 1948, and ALL of it is favorable to the Palestinians. First of all, nearly every other colonized country has achieved its independence.
Secondly, there is 70 years between the Holocaust and now. The world is over it. You need to be, too. It no longer will be seen to justify brutality and politicide.
...And ISRAEL will probably stop you "Arabs Out Now" types before the U.S. does...
That is the choice of the Israeli government.

The US will in all likelihood run political and economic and military cover for the Israelis, whatever they decide to do, with singular exception of actual en masse slaughter.
That is your bet. My bet is the opposite. If Israel moves to expel and US/world doesn't stop it I will personally immolate myself in Times' Square.

...By the way, are you going to leave the so-called "Israeli Arabs" in place?
I have no idea what the Israelis will do with them, if-and-when the Israelis choose the Eviction and Expulsion route for Palestinians in Gaza and/or the West Bank.

Probably leave them in-place, as fully entitled and empowered citizens of Israel.

But that's a minor accent in a much broader symphony.
Even after the third Intifada?
No, I think while you are expelling their cousins from the West Bank and Gaza, they'll be slitting your throats from the rear. Better expel them too. Besides, they are making babies, LOTS of babies, and will soon swamp the Jewish state demographically. Maybe better GAS them.

What a frickin' Nazi you are.
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Crap ... I built a fence to keep trespassers off my property ... And they aren't even shooting rockets at me.
I do have to say that if my neighbors thought it was a good idea to send suicide bombers and rockets my way ... That problem wouldn't go on for 60 years.

A wall may be a better way of handling stupid neighbors than just wiping them off the face of the Earth though.

calm yourselves kids-----the ENTIRE MIDDLE EASt is in turmoil ---the kind of
turmoil that does lead to BIG DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFTS ----just as world war II
led to big demographic shifts and lots of changes of "borders" In fact the
Middle east (as revealed by genetic studies ----for the record----it is not only
the genes of da jooooos and da paleeeees that has been uncoiled-) has
seen big demographic shifts for some 5000 years. Just how the shuffled deck
will land this time------is actually unpredictable He who trieth to predicteth----is
but a fool. THE CALIPHATE is the wild card and one eyed Jack all rolled into one
bloody mess

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