WOW, Anyone Just See Obama's Press Conf on IRAQ?

I'm waiting for any liberal to tell me what has changed since Obama and his idiot VP Biden stated over and over.. NO AMOUNT OF TROOPS in Iraq will change a thing.. they go on to say it's violence that has been raging for centuries.. and yet your messiah just invaded Iraq and is killing women and children..Now when that moron Bush did, you leftists kept body counts of every fucking one.. LET'S SEE YOUR DEATH COUNTER now.. WHERE IS IT??

Why are you pretending that I support the US getting re-embroiled in Iraq?

You need to remember, btw, who was right and who was wrong about going into Iraq in the first place.

Oh, we're back to the lunkhead that claims he knows all things Iraq. Have you ever been to Iraq? I keep asking you this and you won't answer.


We touched on nuke WMD in another thread. As in all wars, there is plenty about Iraq that won't be known till years from now, imbecile.

But setting that aside, you completely FAIL - just based on logic alone - that you know definitively whether or not nuke WMD may have been moved out of Iraq. The reason you fail on that logic point is because you have not exhausted all searches of bordering neighbors.

Now tell me. Can you UNEQUIVOCALLY PROVE nuke WMD is not sitting in another country?

Until you can 100% rule it out, you can only argue that nuke WMDs were not FOUND in Iraq.

Conclusion? You don't know shit for sure.

But we do know what we have in front of us today. Someone who swore he wasn't going back in.
"I think this is going to take some time"

What is going to take some time ? Does anyone have a clue or is this "thing" top secret and we just need to trust him ?

Bump----What's his plan that's going to take some time ? Anyone have a clue ?

No clue, and that includes Obama. He doesn't know what to do.

The answer is simple, but the left wing won't like it. Forget the Iraqi government in Baghdad, and arm the Kurds, and any allies they have. Use airpower to provide support, and let them do the fighting, just like we did in Afghanistan.

The ISIS army is about 10,000 strong. About one division with a lot of territory to protect. With our air power for support, well armed Kurds can take them out. Then, let the Kurds set up an independent government over all the territory they take. Continue to provide them all the support they need.

Once ISIS is broken, work on getting the same deal for the Sunni's. These people have proven that they cannont live together peacefully.

I like the idea but I keep hearing Obama talking about containment and not eradication ?
Containment ??? :cuckoo:
Bump----What's his plan that's going to take some time ? Anyone have a clue ?

No clue, and that includes Obama. He doesn't know what to do.

The answer is simple, but the left wing won't like it. Forget the Iraqi government in Baghdad, and arm the Kurds, and any allies they have. Use airpower to provide support, and let them do the fighting, just like we did in Afghanistan.

The ISIS army is about 10,000 strong. About one division with a lot of territory to protect. With our air power for support, well armed Kurds can take them out. Then, let the Kurds set up an independent government over all the territory they take. Continue to provide them all the support they need.

Once ISIS is broken, work on getting the same deal for the Sunni's. These people have proven that they cannont live together peacefully.

I like the idea but I keep hearing Obama talking about containment and not eradication ?
Containment ??? :cuckoo:

Well he has said many things and none have been consistent other than he claims we will not have US troops on the ground, even though he already put boots on the ground as advisors.
Bush signed off on leaving Iraq. That's a fact. Obama followed the Bush agreement. One of the big hangups that led to the troop withdrawel was the Iraqi government wanted to the right of the Iraq's justice system to prosecute American troops for serious crimes. America's conservatives did not want our troops be subject to Iraqi arrests/trials/punishment. Iraq's Parliament voted with an overwhelming majority for legislation demanding all troops to leave according to the Bush-al-Maliki.
Also, prior to the invasion of Iraq, the Bush Administration was warned of the high possibility of a Shia-Sunni Civil War by two of his own intelligence agencies. One of the main reasons of the creation of ISIS was the al-Maliki's government minimizing Sunni involvement within Iraq's government.
Just a few facts to add to the conversation.

Oh here we go again. I have to educate a slow learner again. I've only explained this about 10 times on various threads.

Obama followed the Bush Agreement?? Since when does any president have to follow a prior president's agreement they don't believe in???

You're showing such abject ignorance by that statement that I wonder if you're too far gone to try to inform.

Geeze, as I read the rest of your post, it's so egregiously uninformed that I think I'll just punt to the PBS documentary instead of trying to educate you.

Kiwiman, PBS is a media outlet that is known for NOT being right wing. Many of us describe it as left. No one thinks of it as right wing.

Last week they broadcast a documentary called "Losing Iraq." It UNEQUIVOCALLY describes that OBAMA LOST IRAQ. It goes into detail about what happened with the SOFA, the negotiations leading up to the SOFA, and what happened after the SOFA was passed.

I admit it's a complex subject but you don't get one thing right in your post.

I suggest you buy the DVD or see when they're airing it again.

Then I guess you'll accede to the validity of MSNBC's documentary on how the Bush administration blundered us into Iraq.

That's pretty funny.
Bush signed off on leaving Iraq. That's a fact. Obama followed the Bush agreement. One of the big hangups that led to the troop withdrawel was the Iraqi government wanted to the right of the Iraq's justice system to prosecute American troops for serious crimes. America's conservatives did not want our troops be subject to Iraqi arrests/trials/punishment. Iraq's Parliament voted with an overwhelming majority for legislation demanding all troops to leave according to the Bush-al-Maliki.
Also, prior to the invasion of Iraq, the Bush Administration was warned of the high possibility of a Shia-Sunni Civil War by two of his own intelligence agencies. One of the main reasons of the creation of ISIS was the al-Maliki's government minimizing Sunni involvement within Iraq's government.
Just a few facts to add to the conversation.

Oh here we go again. I have to educate a slow learner again. I've only explained this about 10 times on various threads.

Obama followed the Bush Agreement?? Since when does any president have to follow a prior president's agreement they don't believe in???

You're showing such abject ignorance by that statement that I wonder if you're too far gone to try to inform.

Geeze, as I read the rest of your post, it's so egregiously uninformed that I think I'll just punt to the PBS documentary instead of trying to educate you.

Kiwiman, PBS is a media outlet that is known for NOT being right wing. Many of us describe it as left. No one thinks of it as right wing.

Last week they broadcast a documentary called "Losing Iraq." It UNEQUIVOCALLY describes that OBAMA LOST IRAQ. It goes into detail about what happened with the SOFA, the negotiations leading up to the SOFA, and what happened after the SOFA was passed.

I admit it's a complex subject but you don't get one thing right in your post.

I suggest you buy the DVD or see when they're airing it again.

Then I guess you'll accede to the validity of MSNBC's documentary on how the Bush administration blundered us into Iraq.

Once again you show your idiocy when it comes to LOGIC.

A proper analogy would be to say that I should accede to the validity of something coming out of a conservative outlet that YOU agreed with.

Jeeze, I'm really starting to change a long held belief that there should never be a poll test. Half wits like you and some of your allies on this board are really making me ponder it.
Oh here we go again. I have to educate a slow learner again. I've only explained this about 10 times on various threads.

Obama followed the Bush Agreement?? Since when does any president have to follow a prior president's agreement they don't believe in???

You're showing such abject ignorance by that statement that I wonder if you're too far gone to try to inform.

Geeze, as I read the rest of your post, it's so egregiously uninformed that I think I'll just punt to the PBS documentary instead of trying to educate you.

Kiwiman, PBS is a media outlet that is known for NOT being right wing. Many of us describe it as left. No one thinks of it as right wing.

Last week they broadcast a documentary called "Losing Iraq." It UNEQUIVOCALLY describes that OBAMA LOST IRAQ. It goes into detail about what happened with the SOFA, the negotiations leading up to the SOFA, and what happened after the SOFA was passed.

I admit it's a complex subject but you don't get one thing right in your post.

I suggest you buy the DVD or see when they're airing it again.

Then I guess you'll accede to the validity of MSNBC's documentary on how the Bush administration blundered us into Iraq.

Once again you show your idiocy when it comes to LOGIC.

A proper analogy would be to say that I should accede to the validity of something coming out of a conservative outlet that YOU agreed with.

Jeeze, I'm really starting to change a long held belief that there should never be a poll test. Half wits like you and some of your allies on this board are really making me ponder it.

Ok. Then you accept the validity of GW Bush's statement in a 2005 news conference that there were no WMD's in Iraq.

Oh, and let's not forget the born again peacemonger Right's attacks on Obama's use of drones to kill hundreds of Al Qaeda over the years.

And yet the far left protested this under Bush and suddenly went silent in 2009.

That's simply false. You're an idiot.

The far left was outraged at Bush for his drone strikes in Pakistan..

If the far left would have stayed out of the way things would be so much better. The far left is always the problem and never the solution.

The far left protested Bush wanting to use drones on the border, yet suggested under Obama.
Oh here we go again. I have to educate a slow learner again. I've only explained this about 10 times on various threads.

Obama followed the Bush Agreement?? Since when does any president have to follow a prior president's agreement they don't believe in???

You're showing such abject ignorance by that statement that I wonder if you're too far gone to try to inform.

Geeze, as I read the rest of your post, it's so egregiously uninformed that I think I'll just punt to the PBS documentary instead of trying to educate you.

Kiwiman, PBS is a media outlet that is known for NOT being right wing. Many of us describe it as left. No one thinks of it as right wing.

Last week they broadcast a documentary called "Losing Iraq." It UNEQUIVOCALLY describes that OBAMA LOST IRAQ. It goes into detail about what happened with the SOFA, the negotiations leading up to the SOFA, and what happened after the SOFA was passed.

I admit it's a complex subject but you don't get one thing right in your post.

I suggest you buy the DVD or see when they're airing it again.

Then I guess you'll accede to the validity of MSNBC's documentary on how the Bush administration blundered us into Iraq.

Still no outrage from the far left over Obama's illegal airstrikes in Iraq.

Thank you SO much, Kosh, for pressing them on the real topic while I fend off their diversions.

Notice they NEVER answer tough questions about O. They just obfuscate, deflect, ignore, make shit up.....
Then I guess you'll accede to the validity of MSNBC's documentary on how the Bush administration blundered us into Iraq.

Once again you show your idiocy when it comes to LOGIC.

A proper analogy would be to say that I should accede to the validity of something coming out of a conservative outlet that YOU agreed with.

Jeeze, I'm really starting to change a long held belief that there should never be a poll test. Half wits like you and some of your allies on this board are really making me ponder it.

Ok. Then you accept the validity of GW Bush's statement in a 2005 news conference that there were no WMD's in Iraq.


Still no outrage from the far left on Obama's illegal air strikes in Iraq.
Once again you show your idiocy when it comes to LOGIC.

A proper analogy would be to say that I should accede to the validity of something coming out of a conservative outlet that YOU agreed with.

Jeeze, I'm really starting to change a long held belief that there should never be a poll test. Half wits like you and some of your allies on this board are really making me ponder it.

Ok. Then you accept the validity of GW Bush's statement in a 2005 news conference that there were no WMD's in Iraq.


Still no outrage from the far left on Obama's illegal air strikes in Iraq.
Where exactly, sixth time I believe, is this "illegal" part?
I'm waiting for any liberal to tell me what has changed since Obama and his idiot VP Biden stated over and over.. NO AMOUNT OF TROOPS in Iraq will change a thing.. they go on to say it's violence that has been raging for centuries.. and yet your messiah just invaded Iraq and is killing women and children..Now when that moron Bush did, you leftists kept body counts of every fucking one.. LET'S SEE YOUR DEATH COUNTER now.. WHERE IS IT??

Why are you pretending that I support the US getting re-embroiled in Iraq?

You need to remember, btw, who was right and who was wrong about going into Iraq in the first place.

Oh, we're back to the lunkhead that claims he knows all things Iraq. Have you ever been to Iraq? I keep asking you this and you won't answer.


We touched on nuke WMD in another thread. As in all wars, there is plenty about Iraq that won't be known till years from now, imbecile.

But setting that aside, you completely FAIL - just based on logic alone - that you know definitively whether or not nuke WMD may have been moved out of Iraq. The reason you fail on that logic point is because you have not exhausted all searches of bordering neighbors.

Now tell me. Can you UNEQUIVOCALLY PROVE nuke WMD is not sitting in another country?

Until you can 100% rule it out, you can only argue that nuke WMDs were not FOUND in Iraq.

Conclusion? You don't know shit for sure.

But we do know what we have in front of us today. Someone who swore he wasn't going back in.

Why are you pretending you've been to Iraq as if that matters? Iraq was fucked up by Americans IN Iraq.
You got to love how all these Obama haters come into a thread, attacking the president, while never themselves actually stating their own position on what policy to pursue in Iraq.

Very convenient.

Keep deflecting carbinator. It's all you have left after supporting your crash and burn hero.

My policy would be so sophisticated you wouldn't understand it. But it starts with having a strong inner core and when you threaten to do something, you better sure as hell mean it.

Our enemies sized O up even before he took the oath. They knew what kind of a pushover they were dealing with.

The liberal brain doesn't grasp that. So you get what we have on our hands: a disaster.
Why are you pretending that I support the US getting re-embroiled in Iraq?

You need to remember, btw, who was right and who was wrong about going into Iraq in the first place.

Oh, we're back to the lunkhead that claims he knows all things Iraq. Have you ever been to Iraq? I keep asking you this and you won't answer.


We touched on nuke WMD in another thread. As in all wars, there is plenty about Iraq that won't be known till years from now, imbecile.

But setting that aside, you completely FAIL - just based on logic alone - that you know definitively whether or not nuke WMD may have been moved out of Iraq. The reason you fail on that logic point is because you have not exhausted all searches of bordering neighbors.

Now tell me. Can you UNEQUIVOCALLY PROVE nuke WMD is not sitting in another country?

Until you can 100% rule it out, you can only argue that nuke WMDs were not FOUND in Iraq.

Conclusion? You don't know shit for sure.

But we do know what we have in front of us today. Someone who swore he wasn't going back in.

Why are you pretending you've been to Iraq as if that matters? Iraq was fucked up by Americans IN Iraq.

And still no outrage from the far left over the illegal airstrikes by Obama.

And once again the far left shows that the history of Iraq only exists between 2003 and 2009.
And yet the far left protested this under Bush and suddenly went silent in 2009.

That's simply false. You're an idiot.

The far left was outraged at Bush for his drone strikes in Pakistan..

If the far left would have stayed out of the way things would be so much better. The far left is always the problem and never the solution.

The far left protested Bush wanting to use drones on the border, yet suggested under Obama.

If we'd have let them do it the Leftist Ajoles would have surrendered Iraq to al Qaeda in 2004 - 2006.

Thank God we elected W instead of Lurch.
Why are you pretending that I support the US getting re-embroiled in Iraq?

You need to remember, btw, who was right and who was wrong about going into Iraq in the first place.

Oh, we're back to the lunkhead that claims he knows all things Iraq. Have you ever been to Iraq? I keep asking you this and you won't answer.


We touched on nuke WMD in another thread. As in all wars, there is plenty about Iraq that won't be known till years from now, imbecile.

But setting that aside, you completely FAIL - just based on logic alone - that you know definitively whether or not nuke WMD may have been moved out of Iraq. The reason you fail on that logic point is because you have not exhausted all searches of bordering neighbors.

Now tell me. Can you UNEQUIVOCALLY PROVE nuke WMD is not sitting in another country?

Until you can 100% rule it out, you can only argue that nuke WMDs were not FOUND in Iraq.

Conclusion? You don't know shit for sure.

But we do know what we have in front of us today. Someone who swore he wasn't going back in.

Why are you pretending you've been to Iraq as if that matters? Iraq was fucked up by Americans IN Iraq.

Pretending, idiot?

Care to back that typical false accusation up with a wager? How about a thousand bucks, dimwit?

And thank you for offending all the people that either fought, died, or came home maimed. Keep digging your hole.
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That's simply false. You're an idiot.

The far left was outraged at Bush for his drone strikes in Pakistan..

If the far left would have stayed out of the way things would be so much better. The far left is always the problem and never the solution.

The far left protested Bush wanting to use drones on the border, yet suggested under Obama.

If we'd have let them do it the Leftist Ajoles would have surrendered Iraq to al Qaeda in 2004 - 2006.

Thank God we elected W instead of Lurch.

Well actually if Gore was president he would have surrendered to Bin Laden and gone into Iraq to try and show what a strong leader he was since it worked for Clinton.
Then I guess you'll accede to the validity of MSNBC's documentary on how the Bush administration blundered us into Iraq.

Still no outrage from the far left over Obama's illegal airstrikes in Iraq.

Thank you SO much, Kosh, for pressing them on the real topic while I fend off their diversions.

Notice they NEVER answer tough questions about O. They just obfuscate, deflect, ignore, make shit up.....

You know, for someone who hasn't yet stated her own positiion on the president's latest actions in Iraq,

aren't you a bit out of line demanding to know what the 'far left' thinks?

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