WOW, Anyone Just See Obama's Press Conf on IRAQ?

Still waiting for the illegal actions by the president from the educated youth on this thread, search hard, or hardly search...
War Powers Act allows the president to take military action if not over 60 days without Congressional authority....

And the far left just proved once again they do not know in which they post.

It is actually The War Powers Resolution of 1973

"The War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days"

So has Obama fulfilled the first part there?

And what does that have to do with bombing in another sovereign country?

Especially since the far left blog sites claims that the Iraqi's do not want us there?

Are those far left blog sites wrong?
Oh, we're back to the lunkhead that claims he knows all things Iraq. Have you ever been to Iraq? I keep asking you this and you won't answer.


We touched on nuke WMD in another thread. As in all wars, there is plenty about Iraq that won't be known till years from now, imbecile.

But setting that aside, you completely FAIL - just based on logic alone - that you know definitively whether or not nuke WMD may have been moved out of Iraq. The reason you fail on that logic point is because you have not exhausted all searches of bordering neighbors.

Now tell me. Can you UNEQUIVOCALLY PROVE nuke WMD is not sitting in another country?

Until you can 100% rule it out, you can only argue that nuke WMDs were not FOUND in Iraq.

Conclusion? You don't know shit for sure.

But we do know what we have in front of us today. Someone who swore he wasn't going back in.

Why are you pretending you've been to Iraq as if that matters? Iraq was fucked up by Americans IN Iraq.

Pretending, idiot?

Care to back that typical false accusation up with a wager? How about a thousand bucks, dimwit?

And thank you for offending all the people that either fought, died, or came home maimed. Keep digging your hole.

You need to be paid to back up your claims on this board. You're allowed to reveal your identity,

and since you seem to think (comically) that it supports your argument, then go ahead,

or, quit posing.
Why are you pretending you've been to Iraq as if that matters? Iraq was fucked up by Americans IN Iraq.

Pretending, idiot?

Care to back that typical false accusation up with a wager? How about a thousand bucks, dimwit?

And thank you for offending all the people that either fought, died, or came home maimed. Keep digging your hole.

You need to be paid to back up your claims on this board. You're allowed to reveal your identity,

and since you seem to think (comically) that it supports your argument, then go ahead,

or, quit posing.

The ironic comments from the racist far left poster that can not condemn their own for conducting illegal air strikes in Iraq.
Come on people. I know you don't want this to be the fiasco it was. But seriously. When the Iraqi constitution says:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation - it doesn't mean "except when it comes in conflict with democracy".

It means EXACTLY what it says: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation.

Of course there will be no conflict. Because democratic laws will never be written. Why? Because Islam is the "fundamental source of legislation". It can't be any more plain. You can't twist that into something else. "IT'S RIGHT THERE LOUD AND CLEAR".

and then:

They back it up in the second part:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.
Do you see?

NO LAW that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

It doesn't matter what comes next. They've covered all the bases.

I understand you guys want it to be something other than it is. Truly I do. But it isn't. It's a terrible disaster because the leaders at that time felt that American military power could overpower anything and they could do anything they wanted to do and get away with it. What you see now is the result of that debacle. You can't just bomb and shoot at people and tell them what to do and they will do it. Oh, they will do it for a while. But not forever. We wouldn't. Why would they be any different?
Why did Americans believe Bush when he said there were WMD's, but refuse to believe him when he said his greatest disappointment was there were no WMD's? Are you calling him a liar? Which time?
Thank you SO much, Kosh, for pressing them on the real topic while I fend off their diversions.

Notice they NEVER answer tough questions about O. They just obfuscate, deflect, ignore, make shit up.....

You know, for someone who hasn't yet stated her own positiion on the president's latest actions in Iraq,

aren't you a bit out of line demanding to know what the 'far left' thinks?

It doesn't matter what Obama does....even if it were the perfect plan. You know why? Because our enemies, especially ISIS, know he doesn't have the stomach for the long haul.

Why do you think we conservatives want assholes for Presidents and not nice guys?

We're going to be fucked till he leaves office, no matter if I sat down and gave him what I thought was the perfect plan. He doesn't have the credibility to carry it out.

lol, of course. That's not even a good dodge.

Dodge this:

How can Obama commit to a long term military re-intervention in Iraq without the support of the American people? How does that work?
You know, for someone who hasn't yet stated her own positiion on the president's latest actions in Iraq,

aren't you a bit out of line demanding to know what the 'far left' thinks?

It doesn't matter what Obama does....even if it were the perfect plan. You know why? Because our enemies, especially ISIS, know he doesn't have the stomach for the long haul.

Why do you think we conservatives want assholes for Presidents and not nice guys?

We're going to be fucked till he leaves office, no matter if I sat down and gave him what I thought was the perfect plan. He doesn't have the credibility to carry it out.

lol, of course. That's not even a good dodge.

Dodge this:

How can Obama commit to a long term military re-intervention in Iraq without the support of the American people? How does that work?

The same way it worked with Obamacare, that American people did not support.
Once again the far left propaganda trumps reality.

Can you imagine how silent the far left will be if we go back into Iraq?

Or wait it is happening now and they are beyond quiet on the subject other than to blame Boooossshhh!

We have been back in Iraq for several weeks now, or did you miss that???

Yes and the far left will blame Boooooossshhhh!!!!

I blame the ignorance and aggression of the right wing. Bush was the leader.
Why did Americans believe Bush when he said there were WMD's, but refuse to believe him when he said his greatest disappointment was there were no WMD's? Are you calling him a liar? Which time?

There's that certain contingent of the neocon right, Econchick being a textbook example, who suffer a pathological aversion to admitting they were wrong about WMD's.

They will never be cured of that affliction.
It doesn't matter what Obama does....even if it were the perfect plan. You know why? Because our enemies, especially ISIS, know he doesn't have the stomach for the long haul.

Why do you think we conservatives want assholes for Presidents and not nice guys?

We're going to be fucked till he leaves office, no matter if I sat down and gave him what I thought was the perfect plan. He doesn't have the credibility to carry it out.

lol, of course. That's not even a good dodge.

Dodge this:

How can Obama commit to a long term military re-intervention in Iraq without the support of the American people? How does that work?

The same way it worked with Obamacare, that American people did not support.

So Obama should go to Congress and ask for a new AUMF for Iraq, and when it fails, you will admit that people like myself are right and you're wrong?

That's not what Bush said. He said everyone thought Iraq had WMD's, but there were none.

So again. That's valid evidence, correct? That's a statement against interests.

How many times do I have to tell you none IN Iraq moron?

How would Bush know 100% if they were somewhere else without sending in thousands of troops into THAT country to actually put their hands on them, dim wit?

You're making a fool of yourself.

Bush December 2005:

Q. You've talked about your decision to go to war and the bad intelligence. And you've carefully separated the intelligence from the decision, saying it was the right decision to go to war despite the problems with the intelligence, sir. But with respect, the intelligence helped you build public support for the war. And so I wonder if, now, as you look back, if you look at that intelligence and feel that the intelligence and your use of it might bear some responsibility for the current divisions in the country over the war and what can you do about it, sir?

PRESIDENT BUSH. Yeah. No, I appreciate that. I, first of all, I can understand why people were . . . well, wait a minute, everybody thought there was weapons of mass destruction. There weren't any. I felt the same way. We'd looked at the intelligence and felt certain that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Intelligence agencies around the world felt the same way, by the way. Members of the United States Congress looked at the National Intelligence Estimate - the same intelligence estimate I looked at - and came to the same conclusion, Wendell. So in other words, there was universal - there was a universal feeling that he had weapons of mass destruction., Bush didn't say they existed but were moved, or disappeared, or anything of the sort.

He admitted there weren't any.

You wanted a statement against interests by a conservative that I agree with because you admitted you would have to accept that as valid,

well, you got one. Now quit being an asshole and admit you've been had lolol.

If he thought they were moved, why the fuck would he tell you moron?????????????????????????????? Think about it, shit for brains. There would be no way to prove that they moved ....................without sending in an entire army to wherever he believed they were moved to. You think it would be smart to invade a second country in that scenario idiot? What any President would do in that case is drop it. In that scenario he could out every single one of his sensitive sources and it still wouldn't convince everyone till the press had their hands on the WMD.

Now of course I do thank you for demonstrating JUST HOW MANY OTHER LEGITIMATE ORGANIZATIONS AND COUNTRIES THOUGHT THE SAME THING when you tards like to make it sound like he did it cuz of daddy.

But no, you're wrong. When he said "there weren't any," the only place he can vouch for without directly invading somewhere else and exhaustively searching is Iraq.

He couldn't even be vouching for anywhere but Iraq even if he wanted, dim wit.
Oh Wow ~ Obama now claims he had "Bad Intelligence estimates" for not anticipating the speed in which ISIS would capture large sections of Iraq.
How come I've been reading about ISIS for months just like everyone else except Obama. Sort of like Boooooooosh lying about WMDs in Iraq. Bad Intell.
Our POTUS is a liar ~~ And he has just shown to the world what a real liar he is.

Obama: Bad Intelligence Behind ISIS Underestimation
Why did Americans believe Bush when he said there were WMD's, but refuse to believe him when he said his greatest disappointment was there were no WMD's? Are you calling him a liar? Which time?

There's that certain contingent of the neocon right, Econchick being a textbook example, who suffer a pathological aversion to admitting they were wrong about WMD's.

They will never be cured of that affliction.

You dumbasses can always be counted on to divert from threads where Obama is the topic but for the umpteenth time, none in Iraq.

I know your brains have a hard time with complexity, but that's not going to save your party anymore.

Now let's get back to your hero crashing and burning.

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