WOW, Anyone Just See Obama's Press Conf on IRAQ?

The ODS kooks hate Obama so much, some of them are now here running interference for ISIS.

Could this mark the end of the ODS kooks? There are limits to the sorts of vile behavior that decent Americans will put up with, and helping out ISIS may cross that line.

Oh Wow ~ Obama now claims he had "Bad Intelligence estimates" for not anticipating the speed in which ISIS would capture large sections of Iraq.
How come I've been reading about ISIS for months just like everyone else except Obama. Sort of like Boooooooosh lying about WMDs in Iraq. Bad Intell.
Our POTUS is a liar ~~ And he has just shown to the world what a real liar he is.

Obama: Bad Intelligence Behind ISIS Underestimation

Great post, BM. That's another thing that made me laugh about his presser. Like you said, it was in open source for God's sake and he expects us to believe the intel community didn't see it coming. What he meant was he ignored the intel community.

He threw the intel community under the bus...once again.

I keep waiting for people still employed in the community to just quit and go public with what a complete idiot Obama is.

Since you don't support him taking action, what's the difference?

Do you have evidence that either one of us were NOT calling for action & support long ago??
You have none because it's NOT true ~
Keep sticking to those all important talking points. You've got a BIG job ahead of you supporting this loser.
  • Thanks
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So now you're conceding that those on the left who opposed the Iraq war are NOT flip flopping just because Obama is president?

Why don't you go argue with the retard Kosh then, instead of agreeing with him when he keeps falsely claiming exactly that?

I know it's hard for your simple brain to keep up but Obama has done a lot of things with regard to Iraq.

First of all, there are plenty of contractors that stayed in Iraq when mil withdrew. So much for duping the gullible into thinking the American govt is not involved in Iraq.

Then there's his sending a few hundred special operators that was publicly announced few weeks ago.

Then he dropped humanitarian relief.

Then he sent fighter jets to drop bombs. Kosh is specifically referring to the bombs I believe. You keep trying to conflate all of it.


Kosh keeps saying that the 'far left' no longer opposes US military action in Iraq, because Obama is president and Obama is a liberal Democrat.

That is false and you know it. I'm proving it.

And you just proved that you are far left by calling Obama a liberal Democrat, which he is not. Obama is about as far left as you can get.

And thus you just showed that you have no clue about anything beyond far left programming.

So far you have proved that you endorse Obama's illegal airstrikes in Iraq and you are very far to the left and refuse to admit it. I guess you have to come up with all kinds of excuses for your justification for voting worse than Bush twice.

Going to denounce Obama now? or are you going to continue to prove what a far left Obama drone you are?
McCain says those who say that Maliki didn't want to renegotiate are liars. Plain and simple. He was there at the table.

McCain: Opponents lying about Iraq history

And here's the key point. I do wish every one would stop lying about this. Because simply put Obama just wanted to get the fuck out of there instead of keeping the country stable.

And hey, frankly I don't blame him but it was a huge whoopsies. Because now Iraq is being taken over by ISIS,

McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) were in direct talks with the Iraqi government at the time, McCain said, and Iraq was ready for a deal before the number of troops the United States proposed leaving fell sharply.

"What Senator Kaine is saying is just totally false," McCain said. "In fact, it's a lie, because Lindsey Graham and I were there."

"The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff himself said that the number of troops that we were proposing cascaded down to 3,000, when it had been recommended to be 20,000," McCain added.

He said Iraq, at that point, determined an agreement “wasn't worth the problem.”

McCain: Opponents lying about Iraq history | TheHill

I guess Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is lying in this Wall Street Journal interview then.

Iraq Wants the U.S. Out
Prime Minister, in Interview, Says Troops Must Leave Next Year as Planned
BAGHDAD—Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ruled out the presence of any U.S. troops in Iraq after the end of 2011, saying his new government and the country's security forces were capable of confronting any remaining threats to Iraq's security, sovereignty and unity.
Mr. Maliki spoke with The Wall Street Journal in a two-hour interview, his first since Iraq ended nine months of stalemate and seated a new government after an inconclusive election, allowing Mr. Maliki to begin a second term as premier.
A majority of Iraqis—and some Iraqi and U.S. officials—have assumed the U.S. troop presence would eventually be extended, especially after the long government limbo. But Mr. Maliki was eager to draw a line in his most definitive remarks on the subject. "The last American soldier will leave Iraq" as agreed, he said, speaking at his office in a leafy section of Baghdad's protected Green Zone. "This agreement is not subject to extension, not subject to alteration. It is sealed."
Iraqi Prime Minister Says U.S. Forces Must Leave On Time - WSJ

I guess Maliki gets the credit for getting the troops out of Iraq then. What's all this Obama bragging about ??


LOL, dillo, thank for the assist. I'm busy answering the diversions about toe nail color. Glad others are holding them to the REAL topic. :eusa_clap:
But by all means carbon, the basement dweller, keep diverting from the real topic here.

You can.....but you notice how many Americans are up in arms about Obama now from all parties????

So now you're conceding that those on the left who opposed the Iraq war are NOT flip flopping just because Obama is president?

Why don't you go argue with the retard Kosh then, instead of agreeing with him when he keeps falsely claiming exactly that?

Yes you support Obama for his illegal airstrikes, please show one post where you have condemned Obama.

As you claim your record is clear for years on this board so you can show at least one post that you condemn Obama for in his action in Iraq, especially his most recent illegal one.

If the aim is to protect our only real friends in Iraq, the only stable, prosperous and Western-oriented peoples in Iraq, the Kurds, then, yes, I support this action too. And it's about friggin' time! Why in the world would we allow them to be destroyed, especially after the blood and treasure spent on overthrowing that monster Hussein?
That's exactly right, darling. I DO have it down when it comes to the facts.

Again.....PBS. PBS. You know...that RW media outlet, PBS? Backs me completely up, darling.

Read and weep.

Do you think we've never seen you rightwing nuts try to rewrite history before?

Are you even aware that it was Bush who caused the disaster of the Iraq war?

That idiot thinks that you and Moon were saying that the press conference itself didn't take place. She just does not get it.

More proof that the far left is not connected reality.
That's exactly right, darling. I DO have it down when it comes to the facts.

Again.....PBS. PBS. You know...that RW media outlet, PBS? Backs me completely up, darling.

Read and weep.

Do you think we've never seen you rightwing nuts try to rewrite history before?

Are you even aware that it was Bush who caused the disaster of the Iraq war?

That idiot thinks that you and Moon were saying that the press conference itself didn't take place. She just does not get it.

Obtuse tactics...
So now you're conceding that those on the left who opposed the Iraq war are NOT flip flopping just because Obama is president?

Why don't you go argue with the retard Kosh then, instead of agreeing with him when he keeps falsely claiming exactly that?

Yes you support Obama for his illegal airstrikes, please show one post where you have condemned Obama.

As you claim your record is clear for years on this board so you can show at least one post that you condemn Obama for in his action in Iraq, especially his most recent illegal one.

If the aim is to protect our only real friends in Iraq, the only stable, prosperous and Western-oriented peoples in Iraq, the Kurds, then, yes, I support this action too. And it's about friggin' time! Why in the world would we allow them to be destroyed, especially after the blood and treasure spent on overthrowing that monster Hussein?

Well you just proved that you believe the far left blog sites.

So you admit to being far left and supporting Obama's illegal action in Iraq?
So now you're conceding that those on the left who opposed the Iraq war are NOT flip flopping just because Obama is president?

Why don't you go argue with the retard Kosh then, instead of agreeing with him when he keeps falsely claiming exactly that?

Yes you support Obama for his illegal airstrikes, please show one post where you have condemned Obama.

As you claim your record is clear for years on this board so you can show at least one post that you condemn Obama for in his action in Iraq, especially his most recent illegal one.

If the aim is to protect our only real friends in Iraq, the only stable, prosperous and Western-oriented peoples in Iraq, the Kurds, then, yes, I support this action too. And it's about friggin' time! Why in the world would we allow them to be destroyed, especially after the blood and treasure spent on overthrowing that monster Hussein?

Well cause Bush sr taught the Kurds that you can't trust what the American govt. says..
I loved the part where he lied out his teeth about leaving Iraq. Blamed it all on Bush of course.

Anyone dense enough to still believe that needs to get a copy of the documentary done by the left leaning media outlet, PBS, last week. It's called "Losing Iraq."

That documentary makes it UNEQUIVOCAL that Obama lost Iraq.

Since then, unfortunately for you, I found the PBS transcript. The documentary is anything but unequivocal in placing blame.

In fact, it makes it quite clear that Maliki is the main villain in the drama.
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Yes you support Obama for his illegal airstrikes, please show one post where you have condemned Obama.

As you claim your record is clear for years on this board so you can show at least one post that you condemn Obama for in his action in Iraq, especially his most recent illegal one.

If the aim is to protect our only real friends in Iraq, the only stable, prosperous and Western-oriented peoples in Iraq, the Kurds, then, yes, I support this action too. And it's about friggin' time! Why in the world would we allow them to be destroyed, especially after the blood and treasure spent on overthrowing that monster Hussein?

Well cause Bush sr taught the Kurds that you can't trust what the American govt. says..

And more far left propaganda not based in reality.

But then again the far left believes genocides would not happen under Saddam.
I loved the part where he lied out his teeth about leaving Iraq. Blamed it all on Bush of course.

Anyone dense enough to still believe that needs to get a copy of the documentary done by the left leaning media outlet, PBS, last week. It's called "Losing Iraq."

That documentary makes it UNEQUIVOCAL that Obama lost Iraq.

Since, unfortunately for you, I found the PBS transcript. The documentary is anything but unequivocal in placing blame.

In fact, it makes it quite clear that Maliki is the main villain in the drama.

More proof that the far left will defend Obama at any cost.
If the aim is to protect our only real friends in Iraq, the only stable, prosperous and Western-oriented peoples in Iraq, the Kurds, then, yes, I support this action too. And it's about friggin' time! Why in the world would we allow them to be destroyed, especially after the blood and treasure spent on overthrowing that monster Hussein?

Well cause Bush sr taught the Kurds that you can't trust what the American govt. says..

And more far left propaganda not based in reality.

But then again the far left believes genocides would not happen under Saddam.

Can you make up stupid BS any faster??
I loved the part where he lied out his teeth about leaving Iraq. Blamed it all on Bush of course.

Anyone dense enough to still believe that needs to get a copy of the documentary done by the left leaning media outlet, PBS, last week. It's called "Losing Iraq."

That documentary makes it UNEQUIVOCAL that Obama lost Iraq.

Since, unfortunately for you, I found the PBS transcript. The documentary is anything but unequivocal in placing blame.

In fact, it makes it quite clear that Maliki is the main villain in the drama.

No moron. Maliki isn't the US president. You're busted once again.

The debate is over which AMERICAN president's fault it was that all troops were PULLED OUT. Did Maliki PULL THEM OUT, IDIOT. Only US can PULL.

Maliki can not order our troops. Just admit you don't know shit about this subject. Or don't.

Everyone else can see it.
WMD's had nothing to do with us going into Iraq.It was foreign policy and geo-political theory.

You're basically right about that. They picked WMD's as the specific case for war that was most saleable to the American people.

Plus almost all of the players in the Bush administration later asserted that invading Iraq was a brilliant idea even without there being WMD's.

I'm waiting for you to do one god post that relates to the press conference his announcements/policies today.

You can't. You keep hijacking this thread, which is fine, but you should at least try to make more of your posts about his action today than about Bush 6 years ago.

But you can't.....................

And at some point, we're going to start ignoring you as well. At least moon has not overtly hijacked this thread like you have.

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