WOW, Anyone Just See Obama's Press Conf on IRAQ?

If the aim is to protect our only real friends in Iraq, the only stable, prosperous and Western-oriented peoples in Iraq, the Kurds, then, yes, I support this action too. And it's about friggin' time! Why in the world would we allow them to be destroyed, especially after the blood and treasure spent on overthrowing that monster Hussein?

Well you just proved that you believe the far left blog sites.

So you admit to being far left and supporting Obama's illegal action in Iraq?


Me? A leftist? Do you know what a classical liberal is, Kosh?

My conservative-libertarian credentials are well-established on this board. Just ask any leftist around here about me, and you'll get an earful of obscenities. They despise me.

Now, what part of this thing do you think I wrongfully believe relative to lefty's propaganda?

That the Kurds are a true ally and a solidly Western-leaning people is a fact!

Whether or not the Obama Administration truly cares about the fate of the Kurdish people, and the blood and treasure we invested in their well-deserved liberation is a huge question mark?

I wouldn't trust this Administration to wipe my dog's ass. It has repeatedly demonstrated that it cannot be trusted to defend America's best interests, let alone reliably defend our friends in the region. On the contrary, this administration has all but given the Islamofascists of the world a green light.

What I support is the defense of Israel and Kurdistan. That's what I support.

You've been Kosh'ed. He's a mental case. Humor him at your own peril.
If the aim is to protect our only real friends in Iraq, the only stable, prosperous and Western-oriented peoples in Iraq, the Kurds, then, yes, I support this action too. And it's about friggin' time! Why in the world would we allow them to be destroyed, especially after the blood and treasure spent on overthrowing that monster Hussein?

Well you just proved that you believe the far left blog sites.

So you admit to being far left and supporting Obama's illegal action in Iraq?


Me? A leftist? Do you know what a classical liberal is, Kosh?

My conservative-libertarian credentials are well-established on this board. Just ask any leftist around here about me, and you'll get an earful of obscenities. They despise me.

Now, what part of this thing do you think I wrongfully believe relative to lefty's propaganda?

That the Kurds are a true ally and a solidly Western-leaning people is a fact!

Whether or not the Obama Administration truly cares about the fate of the Kurdish people, and the blood and treasure we invested in their well-deserved liberation is a huge question mark?

I wouldn't trust this Administration to wipe my dog's ass. It has repeatedly demonstrated that it cannot be trusted to defend America's best interests, let alone reliably defend our friends in the region. On the contrary, this administration has all but given the Islamofascists of the world a green light.

What I support is the defense of Israel and Kurdistan. That's what I support.

That is incorrect! I suggest you read up on your history and get away from the far left publications.

Especially since the US encouraged the Kurds in the late sixties to back the Ba'thist regime.

At best the Kurds and the US have had a love/hate relationship. It is like which devil do you back in the elections.

The US relations with the Kurds was like the US relations with Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war.
And Oblama was correct when he stated that Iraq wanted all US military people out...

That's actually false. The Sunni Arab's, Kurds, Christians and well informed Shia Arab's did not want the USA to leave. Maliki agreed to the immunity deal, but Obama made him submit it for a vote by parliament which failed to pass it. There was no need for parliamentary approval.
Can you imagine the field day the Obama haters would have had if Obama had kept us in Iraq?

The American people didn't want us to stay, the Iraqi people didn't want us to stay, the UN mandate was running out, the Iraqi government didn't want us to stay,

but NOW the Obama derangement crowd is trying to make the argument that against all that,

Obama was supposed to somehow force an American occupation extension on Iraq.

btw, and for what? To add a few thousand more American dead to the toll? The warmonger Right must be shown for what it is.

Once again the far left propaganda trumps reality.

Can you imagine how silent the far left will be if we go back into Iraq?

Or wait it is happening now and they are beyond quiet on the subject other than to blame Boooossshhh!

We have been back in Iraq for several weeks now, or did you miss that???

And this time we were invited.
Since I just posted Code Pink's opposition to it, you're only underlining what we already know is true,

you're a mental retard.

So you can not come up with one post denouncing Obama's illegal actions in Iraq.

knew that one was coming!

Going to denounce Obama now?

Denounce him. I disagree with him. I disagreed with the Afghan escalation. I disagreed with the Libya intervention.

Now state your position.

So in other words you are not outrage like you were in 2003 to 2009. Like I said you truly support Obama and his illegal actions. Disagreeing does not mean you do not support. Once again the far left shows they can not denounce the illegal actions of their own and as much as they claim they disagree, they still truly support it.

So you just showed that you truly support Obama's illegal action in Iraq.

Typical far left!

In the letter of what Obama is doing, it is illegal. Had we left troops in Iraq and had a sizable force then I would not claim it was illegal.

Since Obama cut and run in Iraq to appease his far left base (like you), he messed up and now is doing strikes that are now illegal.

So you going to continue supporting Obama? you finally going to denounce Obama for his illegal actions?
Well you just proved that you believe the far left blog sites.

So you admit to being far left and supporting Obama's illegal action in Iraq?


Me? A leftist? Do you know what a classical liberal is, Kosh?

My conservative-libertarian credentials are well-established on this board. Just ask any leftist around here about me, and you'll get an earful of obscenities. They despise me.

Now, what part of this thing do you think I wrongfully believe relative to lefty's propaganda?

That the Kurds are a true ally and a solidly Western-leaning people is a fact!

Whether or not the Obama Administration truly cares about the fate of the Kurdish people, and the blood and treasure we invested in their well-deserved liberation is a huge question mark?

I wouldn't trust this Administration to wipe my dog's ass. It has repeatedly demonstrated that it cannot be trusted to defend America's best interests, let alone reliably defend our friends in the region. On the contrary, this administration has all but given the Islamofascists of the world a green light.

What I support is the defense of Israel and Kurdistan. That's what I support.

You've been Kosh'ed. He's a mental case. Humor him at your own peril.

No, you far left Obama drones do not understand what you post.

I said they had been duped by far left blog sites.

Big difference as they repeated what is in the far left blogosphere.

You on the other hand are a far left Obama drone.
I posted this earlier. finally someone asking him a tough question we've all be wondering about..I don't watch him speak anymore it makes me ill, so I'd need the transcript


Tapper Grills WH Official on ISIS: Why Was There ‘No Serious Action’ for Months?
by Josh Feldman | 7:15 pm, August 8th, 2014 video

Jake Tapper grilled White House Deputy National Security Advisor Tony Blinken today over the perception that President Obama underestimated the threat of ISIS, citing in particular a quote in which Obama compared ISIS and other al-Qaeda groups to junior varsity teams wearing Lakers uniforms.

Tapper said that “for months and months” people had warned about the threat ISIS posed “with no action, no serious action, by the White House.” He asked, “Was the intelligence not there? Why is it only now that you’re acting?”

Blinken argued they’ve been “focused on this for well over a year,” and they had been working with Iraqis to deal with AQI and eventually ISIS before “the ISIS threat overtook the efforts that the Iraqis were making to deal with it.”

Tapper then asked, “Just how badly did President Obama underestimate the threat of ISIS?” Blinken defended Obama and said that there are groups out there, like ISIS, that are not focused on attacking the United States and so therefore are not as big a threat as core al-Qaeda would be.

Watch the segment below, via CNN:

all of it and Video here:
Tapper Grills WH Official on ISIS: Why Was There ?No Serious Action? for Months? | Mediaite
I loved the part where he lied out his teeth about leaving Iraq. Blamed it all on Bush of course.

Anyone dense enough to still believe that needs to get a copy of the documentary done by the left leaning media outlet, PBS, last week. It's called "Losing Iraq."

That documentary makes it UNEQUIVOCAL that Obama lost Iraq.

Since, unfortunately for you, I found the PBS transcript. The documentary is anything but unequivocal in placing blame.

In fact, it makes it quite clear that Maliki is the main villain in the drama.

No moron. Maliki isn't the US president. You're busted once again.

The debate is over which AMERICAN president's fault it was that all troops were PULLED OUT. Did Maliki PULL THEM OUT, IDIOT. Only US can PULL.

Maliki can not order our troops. Just admit you don't know shit about this subject. Or don't.

Everyone else can see it.


The fact of the matter is that Obama welcomed "the failure" of the negotiations for extending a significant transformational military presence in Iraq. There's no way in hell any truly American administration would have allowed that pipsqueak Maliki to refuse us . . . especially after the blood and treasure we spent. No way in hell! Maliki just needed to have things explained to him in the right way, but of course, Obama simply wanted out whether it made sense to leave or not.

Anybody who believes that we would have not seen the transformational period of occupation through had McCain won the election is an infant in need of a diaper change. Maliki ordered us out?! We left because of irreconcilable differences?! :lol:
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Since, unfortunately for you, I found the PBS transcript. The documentary is anything but unequivocal in placing blame.

In fact, it makes it quite clear that Maliki is the main villain in the drama.

No moron. Maliki isn't the US president. You're busted once again.

The debate is over which AMERICAN president's fault it was that all troops were PULLED OUT. Did Maliki PULL THEM OUT, IDIOT. Only US can PULL.

Maliki can not order our troops. Just admit you don't know shit about this subject. Or don't.

Everyone else can see it.

Maliki could not order US troops out of Iraq? Are you serious? So I'm imagining this from Article 24 of the Status of Forces agreement?

4.The United States recognizes the sovereign right of the Government of Iraq to request the departure of the United States Forces from Iraq at any time.

Did I make it big enough for you to read? I can go one more font size level lololol.

Yeah. Both you and Peach, apparently, made your naiveté clear enough.

See post #330 for a little reality check.
Have RWers had a mental meltdown? That's probably a silly question, but the fact of the matter is this: The debacle that is Iraq is not and will not be historically placed at President Obama's feet. It will be the legacy of George Bush, Dick Cheney, and those nutty neocons who cooked up the idea to invade Iraq back when Clinton was still in office with their whole PNAC nonsense. To THIS day, I don't know why anyone would give ANY credence to anything William Kristol has to say because he's got a worse track record when it comes to predictions than Jeane Dixon had. Keep in mind that he was one of the earliest boosters for Sarah Palin.
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Have RWers had a mental meltdown? That's probably a silly question, but the fact of the matter is this: The debacle that is Iraq is not and will not be historically placed at President Obama's feet. It will be the legacy of George Bush, Dick Cheney, and those nutty neocons who cooked up the idea to invade Iraq back when Clinton was still in office with their whole PNAC nonsense. To THIS day, I don't know why anyone would give ANY credence to anything William Kristol has to say because he's got a worse track record when it comes to predictions than Jeane Dixon had. Keep in mind that he was one of the earliest boosters for Sarah Palin.

Obama gave a victory speech about Iraq in 2011. You must have missed that. Too bad, so sad.
[FLASHBACK] In 2012 Obama promised a "sovereign, stable, and self-reliant" Iraq

[ame=][FLASHBACK] In 2012 Obama promised a "sovereign, stable, and self-reliant" Iraq - YouTube[/ame]
Have RWers had a mental meltdown? That's probably a silly question, but the fact of the matter is this: The debacle that is Iraq is not and will not be historically placed at President Obama's feet. It will be the legacy of George Bush, Dick Cheney, and those nutty neocons who cooked up the idea to invade Iraq back when Clinton was still in office with their whole PNAC nonsense. To THIS day, I don't know why anyone would give ANY credence to anything William Kristol has to say because he's got a worse track record when it comes to predictions than Jeane Dixon had. Keep in mind that he was one of the earliest boosters for Sarah Palin.

Can the far left finally denounce Obama for his illegal actions in Iraq?
No moron. Maliki isn't the US president. You're busted once again.

The debate is over which AMERICAN president's fault it was that all troops were PULLED OUT. Did Maliki PULL THEM OUT, IDIOT. Only US can PULL.

Maliki can not order our troops. Just admit you don't know shit about this subject. Or don't.

Everyone else can see it.

Maliki could not order US troops out of Iraq? Are you serious? So I'm imagining this from Article 24 of the Status of Forces agreement?

4.The United States recognizes the sovereign right of the Government of Iraq to request the departure of the United States Forces from Iraq at any time.

Did I make it big enough for you to read? I can go one more font size level lololol.

Yeah. Both you and Peach, apparently, made your naiveté clear enough.

See post #330 for a little reality check.

Your post is bullshit. Is that the reality I'm supposed to recognize?

Amazingly the RWnut argument is turning more and more towards where I said it was going months ago, i.e.,

that despite the American people not wanting us in Iraq, and the Iraqi people not wanting us in Iraq, and Maliki not wanting us in Iraq,

President Obama is somehow at fault for not keeping us in Iraq.

Oh, and btw, staying in Iraq, against all that public opinion, could not have even been an assurance that anything other than more Americans getting needlessly killed would have occurred.
Have RWers had a mental meltdown? That's probably a silly question, but the fact of the matter is this: The debacle that is Iraq is not and will not be historically placed at President Obama's feet. It will be the legacy of George Bush, Dick Cheney, and those nutty neocons who cooked up the idea to invade Iraq back when Clinton was still in office with their whole PNAC nonsense. To THIS day, I don't know why anyone would give ANY credence to anything William Kristol has to say because he's got a worse track record when it comes to predictions than Jeane Dixon had. Keep in mind that he was one of the earliest boosters for Sarah Palin.

You are absolutely correct. Bush will be blamed for invading and liberating Iraq from a tyrant. He will get the blame for establishing a functioning government there. Bush will be blamed for being successful in Iraq. In spite of the fact that I did not want or support the war.

On the other hand the failures on Iraq all belong to the current administration. No if and or buts about it. The decisions that led to this situation, were Obama's to make. At the very lease, he has demonstrated that he has little or no leaderships skills outside his base.

Bush won in Iraq. Obama lost.

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