WOW, Anyone Just See Obama's Press Conf on IRAQ?

Is the rightwing insanity coming through here? That somehow we'd be better off if a few thousand Americans were still in Iraq fighting and dying?

THAT is what they are blaming Obama for NOT making possible.
Maliki could not order US troops out of Iraq? Are you serious? So I'm imagining this from Article 24 of the Status of Forces agreement?

4.The United States recognizes the sovereign right of the Government of Iraq to request the departure of the United States Forces from Iraq at any time.

Did I make it big enough for you to read? I can go one more font size level lololol.

Yeah. Both you and Peach, apparently, made your naiveté clear enough.

See post #330 for a little reality check.

Your post is bullshit. Is that the reality I'm supposed to recognize?

Amazingly the RWnut argument is turning more and more towards where I said it was going months ago, i.e.,

that despite the American people not wanting us in Iraq, and the Iraqi people not wanting us in Iraq, and Maliki not wanting us in Iraq,

President Obama is somehow at fault for not keeping us in Iraq.

Oh, and btw, staying in Iraq, against all that public opinion, could not have even been an assurance that anything other than more Americans getting needlessly killed would have occurred.

The Vice President said Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements.
Have RWers had a mental meltdown? That's probably a silly question, but the fact of the matter is this: The debacle that is Iraq is not and will not be historically placed at President Obama's feet. It will be the legacy of George Bush, Dick Cheney, and those nutty neocons who cooked up the idea to invade Iraq back when Clinton was still in office with their whole PNAC nonsense. To THIS day, I don't know why anyone would give ANY credence to anything William Kristol has to say because he's got a worse track record when it comes to predictions than Jeane Dixon had. Keep in mind that he was one of the earliest boosters for Sarah Palin.

You are absolutely correct. Bush will be blamed for invading and liberating Iraq from a tyrant. He will get the blame for establishing a functioning government there. Bush will be blamed for being successful in Iraq. In spite of the fact that I did not want or support the war.

On the other hand the failures on Iraq all belong to the current administration. No if and or buts about it. The decisions that led to this situation, were Obama's to make. At the very lease, he has demonstrated that he has little or no leaderships skills outside his base.

Bush won in Iraq. Obama lost.

See what I mean. That is new Rightwing myth. In six words.
Is the rightwing insanity coming through here? That somehow we'd be better off if a few thousand Americans were still in Iraq fighting and dying?

THAT is what they are blaming Obama for NOT making possible.

The far left claims they disagree with Obama on many things yet still support him without question or hesitation.
Have RWers had a mental meltdown? That's probably a silly question, but the fact of the matter is this: The debacle that is Iraq is not and will not be historically placed at President Obama's feet. It will be the legacy of George Bush, Dick Cheney, and those nutty neocons who cooked up the idea to invade Iraq back when Clinton was still in office with their whole PNAC nonsense. To THIS day, I don't know why anyone would give ANY credence to anything William Kristol has to say because he's got a worse track record when it comes to predictions than Jeane Dixon had. Keep in mind that he was one of the earliest boosters for Sarah Palin.

You are absolutely correct. Bush will be blamed for invading and liberating Iraq from a tyrant. He will get the blame for establishing a functioning government there. Bush will be blamed for being successful in Iraq. In spite of the fact that I did not want or support the war.

On the other hand the failures on Iraq all belong to the current administration. No if and or buts about it. The decisions that led to this situation, were Obama's to make. At the very lease, he has demonstrated that he has little or no leaderships skills outside his base.

Bush won in Iraq. Obama lost.

See what I mean. That is new Rightwing myth. In six words.

And the new far left propaganda on this must have just been downloaded..
Maliki could not order US troops out of Iraq? Are you serious? So I'm imagining this from Article 24 of the Status of Forces agreement?

4.The United States recognizes the sovereign right of the Government of Iraq to request the departure of the United States Forces from Iraq at any time.

Did I make it big enough for you to read? I can go one more font size level lololol.

Yeah. Both you and Peach, apparently, made your naiveté clear enough.

See post #330 for a little reality check.

Your post is bullshit. Is that the reality I'm supposed to recognize?

Amazingly the RWnut argument is turning more and more towards where I said it was going months ago, i.e.,

that despite the American people not wanting us in Iraq, and the Iraqi people not wanting us in Iraq, and Maliki not wanting us in Iraq,

President Obama is somehow at fault for not keeping us in Iraq.

Oh, and btw, staying in Iraq, against all that public opinion, could not have even been an assurance that anything other than more Americans getting needlessly killed would have occurred.

Remembering recent events is naivete now; Bush fabricated data, proclaimed victory, and let thousands of US troops die(.) Our poorly planned war in Iraq also let al Qaeda remain, nothing can change the FACTS.
The left is trying to rewrite history, but it's not gonna work.
WaPo: Wait, didn?t Obama take credit for full Iraq withdrawal in 2011? « Hot Air

And people like you wanted Bush to get the credit.

Is the rightwing insanity coming through here? That somehow we'd be better off if a few thousand Americans were still in Iraq fighting and dying?

THAT is what they are blaming Obama for NOT making possible.

Yes, we are to forget 9/11, New Orleans, and the Iraq disaster & focus only on the deaths in war torn Libya, and a canned IRS empoyee. And we should have left troops to die in the country that NEVER existed without a dicator, because it was carved out in the early 1900s, and forget the "there will not be any casualties" line also.

History of Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah. Both you and Peach, apparently, made your naiveté clear enough.

See post #330 for a little reality check.

Your post is bullshit. Is that the reality I'm supposed to recognize?

Amazingly the RWnut argument is turning more and more towards where I said it was going months ago, i.e.,

that despite the American people not wanting us in Iraq, and the Iraqi people not wanting us in Iraq, and Maliki not wanting us in Iraq,

President Obama is somehow at fault for not keeping us in Iraq.

Oh, and btw, staying in Iraq, against all that public opinion, could not have even been an assurance that anything other than more Americans getting needlessly killed would have occurred.

Remembering recent events is naivete now; Bush fabricated data, proclaimed victory, and let thousands of US troops die(.) Our poorly planned war in Iraq also let al Qaeda remain, nothing can change the FACTS.

Bullshit. Iraq was won. Obama lost it.
In 2010, Biden Predicted Iraq Would Be "One Of Th…: [ame=]In 2010, Biden Predicted Iraq Would Be "One Of The Great Achievements Of This Administration" - YouTube[/ame]
What did Bush win?? In iraq? No WMD's, defanged Shia run govt. and the loss of billions if not trillions in wasted tax dollars trying to train complete and utter cowards to protect their own nation, and this is a win!?
What did Bush win?? In iraq? No WMD's, defanged Shia run govt. and the loss of billions if not trillions in wasted tax dollars trying to train complete and utter cowards to protect their own nation, and this is a win!?

And now Obama is headed back in, glad you retards voted for bush only to have a whole new set of retards vote for Obama.
What did Bush win?? In iraq? No WMD's, defanged Shia run govt. and the loss of billions if not trillions in wasted tax dollars trying to train complete and utter cowards to protect their own nation, and this is a win!?

And now Obama is headed back in, glad you retards voted for bush only to have a whole new set of retards vote for Obama.

Interesting post. Obama is headed back in? As in.......ground troops? Bases? Full on involvement? Is that what you mean?
Oh Wow ~ Obama now claims he had "Bad Intelligence estimates" for not anticipating the speed in which ISIS would capture large sections of Iraq.
How come I've been reading about ISIS for months just like everyone else except Obama. Sort of like Boooooooosh lying about WMDs in Iraq. Bad Intell.
Our POTUS is a liar ~~ And he has just shown to the world what a real liar he is.

Obama: Bad Intelligence Behind ISIS Underestimation

Come on ... Obama isn't a liar. He's prevaricator. :badgrin:
What did Bush win?? In iraq? No WMD's, defanged Shia run govt. and the loss of billions if not trillions in wasted tax dollars trying to train complete and utter cowards to protect their own nation, and this is a win!?

Biden said iraq is one of the administration's great achievements.
The Iraqi government made a mistake in wanting all of our military to leave.

On the other hand, they needed to test their ability to defend themselves and I think it was appropriate that we left.

In this case, I support what the President's doing and I can't find any of these so-called lies that the paranoid internet trollers on the right are saying without actually citing anything.

I think conservatives are just pissed that they're no longer trusted when it comes to matters of national security.
LOL, I noticed someone mentioned New Orleans. And that has WHAT to do with Obama going back into Iraq????LMAO.

But hey the lib bots are desperate.

Hell, they lie like I can't ever remember libs lying.

Pretty soon you'll see one of the delusional nuts say he hasn't done airstrikes.

Or say we haven't gone back in.

Or say Obama left 320,000 troops there.

Or say Obama is really Bush.

Hell I'm ready for these rabid liars to say anything. ANYTHING. They just don't realize independents are tuning them out, LOL.
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