WOW, Anyone Just See Obama's Press Conf on IRAQ?

LOL, I noticed someone mentioned New Orleans. And that has WHAT to do with Obama going back into Iraq????LMAO.

But hey the lib bots are desperate.

Hell, they lie like I can't ever remember libs lying.

Pretty soon you'll one of the delusional nuts say he hasn't done airstrikes.

Or say we haven't gone back in.

Or say Obama left 320,000 troops there.

Or say Obama is really Bush.

Hell I'm ready for these rabid liars to say anything. ANYTHING. They just don't realize independents are tuning them out, LOL.

You sound like an idiot.

What the hell would your proposal look like? Just keep the military in Iraq forever? And pay for it how, exactly?

You sure are good at bitching about nonsense, but not so much at actually making a cogent argument of any kind.
Keep lying libs. The damage is already done. Where's my violin.....
LOL, I noticed someone mentioned New Orleans. And that has WHAT to do with Obama going back into Iraq????LMAO.

But hey the lib bots are desperate.

Hell, they lie like I can't ever remember libs lying.

Pretty soon you'll one of the delusional nuts say he hasn't done airstrikes.

Or say we haven't gone back in.

Or say Obama left 320,000 troops there.

Or say Obama is really Bush.

Hell I'm ready for these rabid liars to say anything. ANYTHING. They just don't realize independents are tuning them out, LOL.

You sound like an idiot.

What the hell would your proposal look like? Just keep the military in Iraq forever? And pay for it how, exactly?

You sure are good at bitching about nonsense, but not so much at actually making a cogent argument of any kind.

I've already run circles around you on this subject, idiot. Slither back under your rock.
When any of you useless libs have something intelligent to add to the debate, let me know. Until then, you're pathetic debaters, LMAO.
LOL, I noticed someone mentioned New Orleans. And that has WHAT to do with Obama going back into Iraq????LMAO.

But hey the lib bots are desperate.

Hell, they lie like I can't ever remember libs lying.

Pretty soon you'll one of the delusional nuts say he hasn't done airstrikes.

Or say we haven't gone back in.

Or say Obama left 320,000 troops there.

Or say Obama is really Bush.

Hell I'm ready for these rabid liars to say anything. ANYTHING. They just don't realize independents are tuning them out, LOL.

You sound like an idiot.

What the hell would your proposal look like? Just keep the military in Iraq forever? And pay for it how, exactly?

You sure are good at bitching about nonsense, but not so much at actually making a cogent argument of any kind.

I've already run circles around you on this subject, idiot. Slither back under your rock.

Yup, you sure are running your mouth in circles, moron.

Coming from a person who says that a press conference will be the death of an administration proves that you're the one living under a rock.

But as Obama said to Romney in that classic 2nd debate, "Please, proceed....".
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You are absolutely correct. Bush will be blamed for invading and liberating Iraq from a tyrant. He will get the blame for establishing a functioning government there. Bush will be blamed for being successful in Iraq. In spite of the fact that I did not want or support the war.

On the other hand the failures on Iraq all belong to the current administration. No if and or buts about it. The decisions that led to this situation, were Obama's to make. At the very lease, he has demonstrated that he has little or no leaderships skills outside his base.

Bush won in Iraq. Obama lost.

See what I mean. That is new Rightwing myth. In six words.

And the new far left propaganda on this must have just been downloaded..

Keep up the good job, Kosh! I see you're still trouncing them. :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:
You sound like an idiot.

What the hell would your proposal look like? Just keep the military in Iraq forever? And pay for it how, exactly?

You sure are good at bitching about nonsense, but not so much at actually making a cogent argument of any kind.

I've already run circles around you on this subject, idiot. Slither back under your rock.

Yup, you sure are running your mouth in circles, moron.

Coming from a person who says that a press conference will be the death of an administration proves that you're the one living under a rock.

But as Obama said to Romney in that classic 2nd debate, "Please, proceed....".

Blah, blah, blah. Next liberal have anything substantive to say? I know they're out there. Just not on this thread.
Since, unfortunately for you, I found the PBS transcript. The documentary is anything but unequivocal in placing blame.

In fact, it makes it quite clear that Maliki is the main villain in the drama.

No moron. Maliki isn't the US president. You're busted once again.

The debate is over which AMERICAN president's fault it was that all troops were PULLED OUT. Did Maliki PULL THEM OUT, IDIOT. Only US can PULL.

Maliki can not order our troops. Just admit you don't know shit about this subject. Or don't.

Everyone else can see it.

Maliki could not order US troops out of Iraq? Are you serious? So I'm imagining this from Article 24 of the Status of Forces agreement?

4.The United States recognizes the sovereign right of the Government of Iraq to request the departure of the United States Forces from Iraq at any time.

Did I make it big enough for you to read? I can go one more font size level lololol.

Keep digging your hole moron. He can ask. He didn't give the order idiot. Only our CINC gives the order.

Do you even know what that means?? No, you don't. You're incredibly misinformed and small brained.
What did Bush win?? In iraq? No WMD's, defanged Shia run govt. and the loss of billions if not trillions in wasted tax dollars trying to train complete and utter cowards to protect their own nation, and this is a win!?

And now Obama is headed back in, glad you retards voted for bush only to have a whole new set of retards vote for Obama.

Interesting post. Obama is headed back in? As in.......ground troops? Bases? Full on involvement? Is that what you mean?

See in the dishonest world of Democrats they found if you avoid the term "ground troops" it does not count as killing and war. If you kill people with bombs, drones and send in a few "peace keepers" or troops by any other name than "ground troops" it does not count as war. If you spend billions and billions it does not count as war.... If you arm one side, train them, supply them with intel and money it does not count as war... But if Russia were do do any of that to the US it would in fact be war.
Why are you pretending you've been to Iraq as if that matters? Iraq was fucked up by Americans IN Iraq.

Pretending, idiot?

Care to back that typical false accusation up with a wager? How about a thousand bucks, dimwit?

And thank you for offending all the people that either fought, died, or came home maimed. Keep digging your hole.

You need to be paid to back up your claims on this board. You're allowed to reveal your identity,

and since you seem to think (comically) that it supports your argument, then go ahead,

or, quit posing.

Really idiot? You go around telling the internet who you are dumbfuck? Jesus you get more pathetic all the time.

Here's the wager, idiot. I will tell an objective moderator what my background is and if one is willing to get involved, you have to pay $1,000 if I've never been to Iraq.

If you're wrong, you pay. Which you are shit -for- brains.

And the money can go to the kitty for USMB, not me.

So you ready for that wager carbon boy?
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The Iraqi government made a mistake in wanting all of our military to leave.

On the other hand, they needed to test their ability to defend themselves and I think it was appropriate that we left.

In this case, I support what the President's doing and I can't find any of these so-called lies that the paranoid internet trollers on the right are saying without actually citing anything.

I think conservatives are just pissed that they're no longer trusted when it comes to matters of national security.

Oooooooooo yeah, It was all Iraq's fault and Obama was doing the intelligent thing by trying to stay in Iraq passed 3 years and Bush's timetable set to get out. If we only had listened to Obama we would have never left and we would have won!!!!

Oh, ohhhh fuck me.... what's that Mr.President??????

"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank."

Obama owns the Iraq war. Dems own the Iraq war. Obama has shown he changed his mind on the vote on invading Iraq..... by charging back in.
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And now Obama is headed back in, glad you retards voted for bush only to have a whole new set of retards vote for Obama.

Interesting post. Obama is headed back in? As in.......ground troops? Bases? Full on involvement? Is that what you mean?

See in the dishonest world of Democrats they found if you avoid the term "ground troops" it does not count as killing and war. If you kill people with bombs, drones and send in a few "peace keepers" or troops by any other name than "ground troops" it does not count as war. If you spend billions and billions it does not count as war.... If you arm one side, train them, supply them with intel and money it does not count as war... But if Russia were do do any of that to the US it would in fact be war.



Thank you for explaining that Avorysuds. I thought it was well known but I find they keep having to be taught the most basic information.
"We leave behind a stable and self-reliant Iraq." President Obama.
"We leave behind a stable and self-reliant Iraq." President Obama.

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