WOW, Anyone Just See Obama's Press Conf on IRAQ?

You know, for someone who hasn't yet stated her own positiion on the president's latest actions in Iraq,

aren't you a bit out of line demanding to know what the 'far left' thinks?

It doesn't matter what Obama does....even if it were the perfect plan. You know why? Because our enemies, especially ISIS, know he doesn't have the stomach for the long haul.

Why do you think we conservatives want assholes for Presidents and not nice guys?

We're going to be fucked till he leaves office, no matter if I sat down and gave him what I thought was the perfect plan. He doesn't have the credibility to carry it out.

lol, of course. That's not even a good dodge.

Dodge this:

How can Obama commit to a long term military re-intervention in Iraq without the support of the American people? How does that work?

Look I know you can't accept the truth about your hero. I understand. :eusa_boohoo:

He makes Jimmy Carter look good by comparison.
All you needed to say last night, Mr. President, was this:

“I must apologize for allowing this evil to be born and grow. I ran as a president who wanted to end wars. I now realize my campaign promises and personal desires are not of any consideration, because the enemy also has a vote.

The Islamic State represents the most reprehensible evil the world has seen since that of Nazi Germany — and the world did nothing then. I shall not allow this on my watch. America will lead and we shall destroy this 7th century barbarism. Tonight, I am committing American military power to kill ISIS, wherever it is. If America sees the black flag we shall kill those who raise it.

First however, we will rescue the Yazidi and Christians trapped in the Sinjar mountains — and we shall kill any ISIS forces impeding that objective. Then in concert with our Kurdish allies, we will begin a committed offensive operation to ensure that Islamic totalitarianism and jihadism is defeated. God bless liberty and freedom. God bless America….and God curse ISIS.”

Sadly, that was not said, and the situation is even more confused than ever

Read more at ISIS is beheading children, and Obama drops two bombs | Allen B. West -
The pro ISIS crows are marching in front of the White House, join them. Americans are hoping and praying for the civilians, and most urgently, the trapped Yazidi people.
What did Bush win?? In iraq? No WMD's, defanged Shia run govt. and the loss of billions if not trillions in wasted tax dollars trying to train complete and utter cowards to protect their own nation, and this is a win!?

And now Obama is headed back in, glad you retards voted for bush only to have a whole new set of retards vote for Obama.

To bad Jesse Ventura didn't run...
All you needed to say last night, Mr. President, was this:

“I must apologize for allowing this evil to be born and grow. I ran as a president who wanted to end wars. I now realize my campaign promises and personal desires are not of any consideration, because the enemy also has a vote.

The Islamic State represents the most reprehensible evil the world has seen since that of Nazi Germany — and the world did nothing then. I shall not allow this on my watch. America will lead and we shall destroy this 7th century barbarism. Tonight, I am committing American military power to kill ISIS, wherever it is. If America sees the black flag we shall kill those who raise it.

First however, we will rescue the Yazidi and Christians trapped in the Sinjar mountains — and we shall kill any ISIS forces impeding that objective. Then in concert with our Kurdish allies, we will begin a committed offensive operation to ensure that Islamic totalitarianism and jihadism is defeated. God bless liberty and freedom. God bless America….and God curse ISIS.”

Sadly, that was not said, and the situation is even more confused than ever

Read more at ISIS is beheading children, and Obama drops two bombs | Allen B. West -

It's God's fault, he started the whole mess with creating humans...
The pro ISIS crows are marching in front of the White House, join them. Americans are hoping and praying for the civilians, and most urgently, the trapped Yazidi people.

And the far left continues to prove that they are worse than ISIS.

The far left secretly loves ISIS and wishes they could openly do what ISIS is doing.
And I must retort to all the only two bombs joke I created many days ago on a thread about the 2 missions Oblama authorized , don't make me get a copyright...stop using my material....
It doesn't matter what Obama does....even if it were the perfect plan. You know why? Because our enemies, especially ISIS, know he doesn't have the stomach for the long haul.

Why do you think we conservatives want assholes for Presidents and not nice guys?

We're going to be fucked till he leaves office, no matter if I sat down and gave him what I thought was the perfect plan. He doesn't have the credibility to carry it out.

lol, of course. That's not even a good dodge.

Dodge this:

How can Obama commit to a long term military re-intervention in Iraq without the support of the American people? How does that work?

Look I know you can't accept the truth about your hero. I understand. :eusa_boohoo:

He makes Jimmy Carter look good by comparison.

There was a question there you can't seem to answer:

How can Obama commit to a long term military re-intervention in Iraq without the support of the American people?
All you needed to say last night, Mr. President, was this:

“I must apologize for allowing this evil to be born and grow. I ran as a president who wanted to end wars. I now realize my campaign promises and personal desires are not of any consideration, because the enemy also has a vote.

The Islamic State represents the most reprehensible evil the world has seen since that of Nazi Germany — and the world did nothing then. I shall not allow this on my watch. America will lead and we shall destroy this 7th century barbarism. Tonight, I am committing American military power to kill ISIS, wherever it is. If America sees the black flag we shall kill those who raise it.

First however, we will rescue the Yazidi and Christians trapped in the Sinjar mountains — and we shall kill any ISIS forces impeding that objective. Then in concert with our Kurdish allies, we will begin a committed offensive operation to ensure that Islamic totalitarianism and jihadism is defeated. God bless liberty and freedom. God bless America….and God curse ISIS.”

Sadly, that was not said, and the situation is even more confused than ever

Read more at ISIS is beheading children, and Obama drops two bombs | Allen B. West -

It's God's fault, he started the whole mess with creating humans...

And the far left wanting to control everyone's "free" will.
All you needed to say last night, Mr. President, was this:

“I must apologize for allowing this evil to be born and grow. I ran as a president who wanted to end wars. I now realize my campaign promises and personal desires are not of any consideration, because the enemy also has a vote.

The Islamic State represents the most reprehensible evil the world has seen since that of Nazi Germany — and the world did nothing then. I shall not allow this on my watch. America will lead and we shall destroy this 7th century barbarism. Tonight, I am committing American military power to kill ISIS, wherever it is. If America sees the black flag we shall kill those who raise it.

First however, we will rescue the Yazidi and Christians trapped in the Sinjar mountains — and we shall kill any ISIS forces impeding that objective. Then in concert with our Kurdish allies, we will begin a committed offensive operation to ensure that Islamic totalitarianism and jihadism is defeated. God bless liberty and freedom. God bless America….and God curse ISIS.”

Sadly, that was not said, and the situation is even more confused than ever

Read more at ISIS is beheading children, and Obama drops two bombs | Allen B. West -

The pro ISIS crows are marching in front of the White House, join them. Americans are hoping and praying for the civilians, and most urgently, the trapped Yazidi people.

And the far left continues to prove that they are worse than ISIS.

The far left secretly loves ISIS and wishes they could openly do what ISIS is doing.

Still selling that same brand of snake oil I see...
lol, of course. That's not even a good dodge.

Dodge this:

How can Obama commit to a long term military re-intervention in Iraq without the support of the American people? How does that work?

Look I know you can't accept the truth about your hero. I understand. :eusa_boohoo:

He makes Jimmy Carter look good by comparison.

There was a question there you can't seem to answer:

How can Obama commit to a long term military re-intervention in Iraq without the support of the American people?

The same way the far left did the same thing with Obamacare.

Obama feels that this will give him a bump in the polls as it did help Putin when he sent jets many weeks ago to help out.

But then the far left supports Obama's illegal action in Iraq.
The President stated we will strike to stop genocide, which is the ISIS goal:

"This is going to be a long-term project" that won't end and can't succeed unless Iraqis form an inclusive government in Baghdad capable of keeping the country from breaking apart, Obama said at the White House.

"This is going to be a long-term project" that won't end and can't succeed unless Iraqis form an inclusive government in Baghdad capable of keeping the country from breaking apart, Obama said at the White House.

U.S. planes and drones launched four airstrikes on Islamic State forces Saturday as they fired indiscriminately on Yazidi civilians taking shelter in the Sinjar mountains, U.S. Central Command said. The strikes, which were spread out during the day, destroyed armored carriers and a truck, according to the Central Command statement. It was the third round of airstrikes against Islamic State forces by the U.S. military since they were authorized by Obama on Thursday.
When any of you useless libs have something intelligent to add to the debate, let me know. Until then, you're pathetic debaters, LMAO.

The beauty of your posting is that not only do you lose the arguments, every time, but you follow that up blustering around like you've won.

The latter is a bonus that never grows old.
All you needed to say last night, Mr. President, was this:

“I must apologize for allowing this evil to be born and grow. I ran as a president who wanted to end wars. I now realize my campaign promises and personal desires are not of any consideration, because the enemy also has a vote.

The Islamic State represents the most reprehensible evil the world has seen since that of Nazi Germany — and the world did nothing then. I shall not allow this on my watch. America will lead and we shall destroy this 7th century barbarism. Tonight, I am committing American military power to kill ISIS, wherever it is. If America sees the black flag we shall kill those who raise it.

First however, we will rescue the Yazidi and Christians trapped in the Sinjar mountains — and we shall kill any ISIS forces impeding that objective. Then in concert with our Kurdish allies, we will begin a committed offensive operation to ensure that Islamic totalitarianism and jihadism is defeated. God bless liberty and freedom. God bless America….and God curse ISIS.”

Sadly, that was not said, and the situation is even more confused than ever

Read more at ISIS is beheading children, and Obama drops two bombs | Allen B. West -

The pro ISIS crows are marching in front of the White House, join them. Americans are hoping and praying for the civilians, and most urgently, the trapped Yazidi people.

And the far left continues to prove that they are worse than ISIS.

The far left secretly loves ISIS and wishes they could openly do what ISIS is doing.

Still selling that same brand of snake oil I see...

Nope, it is a fact as not even you being far left has condemned Obama for his illegal actions in Iraq.
The President stated we will strike to stop genocide, which is the ISIS goal:

"This is going to be a long-term project" that won't end and can't succeed unless Iraqis form an inclusive government in Baghdad capable of keeping the country from breaking apart, Obama said at the White House.

"This is going to be a long-term project" that won't end and can't succeed unless Iraqis form an inclusive government in Baghdad capable of keeping the country from breaking apart, Obama said at the White House.

U.S. planes and drones launched four airstrikes on Islamic State forces Saturday as they fired indiscriminately on Yazidi civilians taking shelter in the Sinjar mountains, U.S. Central Command said. The strikes, which were spread out during the day, destroyed armored carriers and a truck, according to the Central Command statement. It was the third round of airstrikes against Islamic State forces by the U.S. military since they were authorized by Obama on Thursday.

And the far left is still trying to justify their stance for the illegal operations of Obama in Iraq.
Well you just proved that you believe the far left blog sites.

So you admit to being far left and supporting Obama's illegal action in Iraq?


Me? A leftist? Do you know what a classical liberal is, Kosh?

My conservative-libertarian credentials are well-established on this board. Just ask any leftist around here about me, and you'll get an earful of obscenities. They despise me.

Now, what part of this thing do you think I wrongfully believe relative to lefty's propaganda?

That the Kurds are a true ally and a solidly Western-leaning people is a fact!

Whether or not the Obama Administration truly cares about the fate of the Kurdish people, and the blood and treasure we invested in their well-deserved liberation is a huge question mark?

I wouldn't trust this Administration to wipe my dog's ass. It has repeatedly demonstrated that it cannot be trusted to defend America's best interests, let alone reliably defend our friends in the region. On the contrary, this administration has all but given the Islamofascists of the world a green light.

What I support is the defense of Israel and Kurdistan. That's what I support.

That is incorrect! I suggest you read up on your history and get away from the far left publications.

Especially since the US encouraged the Kurds in the late sixties to back the Ba'thist regime.

At best the Kurds and the US have had a love/hate relationship. It is like which devil do you back in the elections.

The US relations with the Kurds was like the US relations with Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war.

Utter hogwash!

While, indeed, America's foreign policy with regard to what was thought to be a necessary evil of stability in Iraq pissed the Kurds off, their displeasure with our government was never one of animus for the American people or for Westerners in general. In fact, they have always generally supported Western foreign policy, particularly touching on the West's struggle with communist regimes during the Cold War Era.

Most Kurds are Sunni Muslims of the Shafi school, a truly religiously moderate tradition that tolerates religious diversity and peaceful coexistence among The People of the Book. Unlike Arab Muslims, especially, Kurdish Muslims live peacefully side-by-side with their blood relations: Kurdish Christians, Kurdish Jews and, also, Kurdish Yazidis, whose religion is rooted in ancient Zoroastrianism.

Kurds are Kurds first! Regardless of religious affiliation, Arabs are their historical mortal enemies. Indeed, most Kurds have always happily supported America and Israel, for example, and a significant of number of them regard themselves to be "Muslim Zionists"!

Anybody who has had any firsthand experience with the Kurdish people of Syria, Turkey and Iraq knows this, and, generally, the Kurdish people have always leaned toward the political and societal motifs of Western culture. While the Arabian Shia and Sunnis in Iraq generally bristled under American occupation, the Kurds embraced U.S. troops, and the semiautonomous Republic of Kurdistan sought to negotiate a separate status forces agreement with the United States.

I am one of those who has had firsthand experience with the Kurdish people, the only reliably civilized Muslims in the world for my money, as a military attaché with the State Department. In that capacity I served in Turkey and in Iraq in 1981. I even considered a career in the State Department at one point. Hence, my study of immigration and nationality law, as well as the pertinent case law.

(Now, I have always suspected that a certain clique of conservatives on this board confound classical liberalism with the "liberalism" of popular culture based on some of the comments that have come my way from self-identified conservatives on this board, particularly when I dispute the overly law-and-order types with regard to the concerns of the Fourth, Fifth and Eighth Amendments. Also, I'm well aware of the fact that as an authority on immigration and nationality law, I rub the birthers on this board the wrong way, given my refutations of their nonsense. But that's the first time I've been called a leftist outright, or that a conservative imagined that I could be taken in by leftist propaganda. By the way, there's a certain clique of leftists on this board who are enthusiastic supporters of the abuse of civil liberties by law-enforcement agencies too. Clayton Jones and jillian come to mind. The obnoxious excesses of Terry stops, as well as those of DUI, border and TSA checkpoints are just peachy with them. And there's a certain strain of ignorance about nationality law that is prevalent among leftists, what I call the fallacies of soilerism. But I digress.)

To abandon the Kurds and leave them at the mercy of the barbaric cutthroats of ISIS/ISIL would be a betrayal worthy of the name of Benedict Arnold. Are you a distant relation?

We must not allow it. Not now, not ever!

If Obama puts a real crimp in these barbarians' style, I'll support him in that regard to the hilt. I don't care who gets it right, as long someone gets it right.
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When any of you useless libs have something intelligent to add to the debate, let me know. Until then, you're pathetic debaters, LMAO.

The beauty of your posting is that not only do you lose the arguments, every time, but you follow that up blustering around like you've won.

The latter is a bonus that never grows old.

Oh the irony of those comments from the far left.

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