WOW, Anyone Just See Obama's Press Conf on IRAQ?

The President stated we will strike to stop genocide, which is the ISIS goal:

"This is going to be a long-term project" that won't end and can't succeed unless Iraqis form an inclusive government in Baghdad capable of keeping the country from breaking apart, Obama said at the White House.

"This is going to be a long-term project" that won't end and can't succeed unless Iraqis form an inclusive government in Baghdad capable of keeping the country from breaking apart, Obama said at the White House.

U.S. planes and drones launched four airstrikes on Islamic State forces Saturday as they fired indiscriminately on Yazidi civilians taking shelter in the Sinjar mountains, U.S. Central Command said. The strikes, which were spread out during the day, destroyed armored carriers and a truck, according to the Central Command statement. It was the third round of airstrikes against Islamic State forces by the U.S. military since they were authorized by Obama on Thursday.

"This is going to be a long-term project" that won't end and can't succeed unless Iraqis form an inclusive government in Baghdad capable of keeping the country from breaking apart, Obama said at the White House.

And that is the problem! This never should have been allowed to happen in the first place, and on top of everything else, Obama stupidly armed the Sunnis in Syria, which is behind much of this. Conservatives warned him about the destabilizing effects of siding with the Sunni rebels in Syria. They are our enemies, not our friends. That idiot should have never drawn his fake red line in the sand in the first place, and the neocons McCain et. al. are idiots too.

I don't know what's wrong with some of you, but if you believe that the failure of the status of forces negotiations had anything to do with what Maliki wanted, I've got some oceanfront property that you can get for a shoeshine in Arizona. Now we're going to enter another "long-term project that won't end and can't succeed unless Iraqis form an inclusive government"?!

So much for Maliki's objections and the Administration's supposed reason for allowing the status of forces agreement to collapse. Right. We had no choice but to honor Iraqi's sovereignty. :lol:

Pollyannas of the world unite! Once again, see post #330.

There will never be any such thing as an inclusively stable Iraq. Pollyannas of the world unite again! Iraq is irrecoverably balkanized. That was always the problem of the Bush doctrine. Iraq needs to be partitioned among the Sunnis, the Shia and the Kurds: three separate nations.

Before the Obama Administration blew the status of forces agreement—intentionally, by the way, enough of this naiveté!—there might have been a chance to work this thing out peaceably and coherently.

Now we have to redeploy.
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Have RWers had a mental meltdown? That's probably a silly question, but the fact of the matter is this: The debacle that is Iraq is not and will not be historically placed at President Obama's feet. It will be the legacy of George Bush, Dick Cheney, and those nutty neocons who cooked up the idea to invade Iraq back when Clinton was still in office with their whole PNAC nonsense. To THIS day, I don't know why anyone would give ANY credence to anything William Kristol has to say because he's got a worse track record when it comes to predictions than Jeane Dixon had. Keep in mind that he was one of the earliest boosters for Sarah Palin.

You are absolutely correct. Bush will be blamed for invading and liberating Iraq from a tyrant. He will get the blame for establishing a functioning government there. Bush will be blamed for being successful in Iraq. In spite of the fact that I did not want or support the war.

On the other hand the failures on Iraq all belong to the current administration. No if and or buts about it. The decisions that led to this situation, were Obama's to make. At the very lease, he has demonstrated that he has little or no leaderships skills outside his base.

Bush won in Iraq. Obama lost.

That is exactly right.

However, I supported the toppling of Hussein's regime. It should have been done the first time around.
In 2010 and 2011 Obama and Biden were bragging about leaving a "secure and safe Iraq."

Anything they say now about Bush being blamed for ISIS/ISIL (that grew to power under Obama's nose) killing people in Syria and Iraq is typical liberal bullshit of lying their asses off and blaming others.
Link? or it didn't happen...

Nobody buys those stupid liberal lines anymore. I just said it's not posted yet. But darlin' you can bet the world is on fire over his press conference. EspeciallyTwitter.

I listened to his speech where he was in front of his helicopter. What he said was accurate, essentially he was kicked out of Iraq. He explained the circumstances. (20:56 min)

I am not an Obama lover. I can't stand they man. But I listened to the speech waiting for what you said and it's just not there.
Obama lied about trying hard to get a deal with Iraq to keep troops there, he never wanted to stay because it was a campaign promise to run away like a chickenshit.

Obama lied about being surprised by the rise of ISIS/ISIL so quickly when the CIA has been tracking their origin in Syria for a couple years now and their invasion of Iraq the past year.

Obama showed his fucking stupidity claiming Iraq fixing their government was a bigger issue than stopping the terrorists massacring people across the country. Guess what dumbfuck....most countries don't worry about politics when they are trying to save themselves from being murdered.

Obama is a lying, stupid sack of shit.
Have RWers had a mental meltdown? That's probably a silly question, but the fact of the matter is this: The debacle that is Iraq is not and will not be historically placed at President Obama's feet. It will be the legacy of George Bush, Dick Cheney, and those nutty neocons who cooked up the idea to invade Iraq back when Clinton was still in office with their whole PNAC nonsense. To THIS day, I don't know why anyone would give ANY credence to anything William Kristol has to say because he's got a worse track record when it comes to predictions than Jeane Dixon had. Keep in mind that he was one of the earliest boosters for Sarah Palin.

You are absolutely correct. Bush will be blamed for invading and liberating Iraq from a tyrant. He will get the blame for establishing a functioning government there. Bush will be blamed for being successful in Iraq. In spite of the fact that I did not want or support the war.

On the other hand the failures on Iraq all belong to the current administration. No if and or buts about it. The decisions that led to this situation, were Obama's to make. At the very lease, he has demonstrated that he has little or no leaderships skills outside his base.

Bush won in Iraq. Obama lost.

That is exactly right.

However, I supported the toppling of Hussein's regime. It should have been done the first time around.

Should have been done in 1998 when the world expected us too..
Link? or it didn't happen...

Nobody buys those stupid liberal lines anymore. I just said it's not posted yet. But darlin' you can bet the world is on fire over his press conference. EspeciallyTwitter.

I listened to his speech where he was in front of his helicopter. What he said was accurate, essentially he was kicked out of Iraq. He explained the circumstances. (20:56 min)

I am not an Obama lover. I can't stand they man. But I listened to the speech waiting for what you said and it's just not there.

Jackson, I love ya, man. But the United States was not kicked out of Iraq. That's absurd. The Obama Administration intentionally allowed the status of forces agreement to, well, fade away into that narrative, and everybody in the beltway on both sides of the political aisle and in the media knows that. That narrative is for John Q. Public, especially for naïve Obama supporters. That kind of thing is for low-information voters, not for conservatives like us. If you think for a moment that there would have been no status of forces agreement had McCain been president regardless of what the Iraqis wanted. . . .

If you'll think about it for a bit, you'll see that too. See posts #330 and #421.
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Link? or it didn't happen...

Nobody buys those stupid liberal lines anymore. I just said it's not posted yet. But darlin' you can bet the world is on fire over his press conference. EspeciallyTwitter.

I listened to his speech where he was in front of his helicopter. What he said was accurate, essentially he was kicked out of Iraq. He explained the circumstances. (20:56 min)

I am not an Obama lover. I can't stand they man. But I listened to the speech waiting for what you said and it's just not there.

Obama dropped the ball on that and wants to blame others for his own mistakes.

However if we were kicked out of Iraq, then that means that Obama's airstrikes are illegal.
Link? or it didn't happen...

Nobody buys those stupid liberal lines anymore. I just said it's not posted yet. But darlin' you can bet the world is on fire over his press conference. EspeciallyTwitter.

Ignore Moonbat.. he's a pestering troll.. nothing more.

I watched it and sat shaking my head. What a buffoon that represents the USA.. I can't think of a time in my life where I've ever been more ashamed of my country than these past couple of yrs and it's getting worse as this fucking idiot is midway in to his 2nd term. Hell his numbers are soo poor, it would take a shovel of pure BULLSHIT to dig him out of the craphole he's dug.

The part I liked was when the Iraqi Foreign minister thanked the US for their help
Then we hear Obama placing blame on the Iraqi military for the IS aggression.
Nobody buys those stupid liberal lines anymore. I just said it's not posted yet. But darlin' you can bet the world is on fire over his press conference. EspeciallyTwitter.

I listened to his speech where he was in front of his helicopter. What he said was accurate, essentially he was kicked out of Iraq. He explained the circumstances. (20:56 min)

I am not an Obama lover. I can't stand they man. But I listened to the speech waiting for what you said and it's just not there.

Obama dropped the ball on that and wants to blame others for his own mistakes.

However if we were kicked out of Iraq, then that means that Obama's airstrikes are illegal.

Look, Kosh, I get the point you're making about the left's hypocrisy, i.e., about "the Warmongering Obama" who suddenly and mysteriously takes "justified" military action in Iraq. . . . I have all along. And of course the belief that the Obama Administration did not intentionally derail the status of forces agreement or had no choice but to pull our troops out prematurely is silly. Again, there's no friggin' way any other president would have allowed such a thing, certainly no Republic president regardless of the Iraqis' whining. The resolution to the supposed impasse was quite simple, really. The original agreement worked out by the Bush Administration provided for any number of alternative scenarios that would have provided ample security for a sensible transition. Obama just up and left at the first opportunity and declared mission accomplished. Sheer politics. Sheer cynicism. From the beginning, Obama never intended to see it through.

Nycarbineer is a damn fool.

But you're wrong about the Kurds.
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I listened to his speech where he was in front of his helicopter. What he said was accurate, essentially he was kicked out of Iraq. He explained the circumstances. (20:56 min)

I am not an Obama lover. I can't stand they man. But I listened to the speech waiting for what you said and it's just not there.

Obama dropped the ball on that and wants to blame others for his own mistakes.

However if we were kicked out of Iraq, then that means that Obama's airstrikes are illegal.

Look, Kosh, I get the point you're making about the left's hypocrisy, i.e., about "the Warmongering Obama" who suddenly and mysteriously takes "justified" military action in Iraq. . . . I have all along. And of course the belief that the Obama Administration did not intentionally derail the status of forces agreement or had no choice but to pull our troops out prematurely is silly. Again, there's no friggin' way any other president would have allowed such a thing, certainly no Republic president regardless of the Iraqis' whining. The resolution to the supposed impasse was quite simple, really. The original agreement worked out by the Bush Administration provided for any number of alternative scenarios that would have provided ample security for a sensible transition. Obama just up and left at the first opportunity and declared mission accomplished. Sheer politics. Sheer cynicism. From the beginning, Obama never intended to see it through.

Nycarbineer is a damn fool.

But you're wrong about the Kurds.

You don't know what you're talking about. You wanted to keep troops in Iraq so more could die needlessly in a mess we can't fix.

Most Americans didn't.
In 2010 and 2011 Obama and Biden were bragging about leaving a "secure and safe Iraq."

Anything they say now about Bush being blamed for ISIS/ISIL (that grew to power under Obama's nose) killing people in Syria and Iraq is typical liberal bullshit of lying their asses off and blaming others.

Iraq was safe from ISIS in 2003, before Bush needlessly invaded.
Maybe the Israelis could take time out from trying to exterminate the Palestinians and take some action against ISIS... know, our 'ally' in the Middle East?
I loved the part where he lied out his teeth about leaving Iraq. Blamed it all on Bush of course.

Anyone dense enough to still believe that needs to get a copy of the documentary done by the left leaning media outlet, PBS, last week. It's called "Losing Iraq."

That documentary makes it UNEQUIVOCAL that Obama lost Iraq.

Since then, unfortunately for you, I found the PBS transcript. The documentary is anything but unequivocal in placing blame.

In fact, it makes it quite clear that Maliki is the main villain in the drama.

People can watch it online right now here.

Losing Iraq | FRONTLINE | PBS

e-chick gets it so so so so fucking wrong.

It's a fascinating documentary. Recommend it to all.
I loved the part where he lied out his teeth about leaving Iraq. Blamed it all on Bush of course.

Anyone dense enough to still believe that needs to get a copy of the documentary done by the left leaning media outlet, PBS, last week. It's called "Losing Iraq."

That documentary makes it UNEQUIVOCAL that Obama lost Iraq.

Since then, unfortunately for you, I found the PBS transcript. The documentary is anything but unequivocal in placing blame.

In fact, it makes it quite clear that Maliki is the main villain in the drama.

People can watch it online right now here.

Losing Iraq | FRONTLINE | PBS

e-chick gets it so so so so fucking wrong.

It's a fascinating documentary. Recommend it to all.

I'm pretty sure she mentioned that documentary, and then put her ridiculous spin on it with the assumption that

1. her newfound fans in the USMB nuthouse wouldn't actually ever watch it , and ,

2. her newfound fans would ignore any refutation of her nonsense by the sane people here.
I listened to his speech where he was in front of his helicopter. What he said was accurate, essentially he was kicked out of Iraq. He explained the circumstances. (20:56 min)

I am not an Obama lover. I can't stand they man. But I listened to the speech waiting for what you said and it's just not there.

Obama dropped the ball on that and wants to blame others for his own mistakes.

However if we were kicked out of Iraq, then that means that Obama's airstrikes are illegal.

Look, Kosh, I get the point you're making about the left's hypocrisy, i.e., about "the Warmongering Obama" who suddenly and mysteriously takes "justified" military action in Iraq. . . . I have all along. And of course the belief that the Obama Administration did not intentionally derail the status of forces agreement or had no choice but to pull our troops out prematurely is silly. Again, there's no friggin' way any other president would have allowed such a thing, certainly no Republic president regardless of the Iraqis' whining. The resolution to the supposed impasse was quite simple, really. The original agreement worked out by the Bush Administration provided for any number of alternative scenarios that would have provided ample security for a sensible transition. .

So a Republican president would have simply ignored the status of forces agreement that was already in place and simply imposed a US occupation on Iraq,

'regardless of the Iraqi's whining.'?

Goddam that's funny.
Link? or it didn't happen...

Nobody buys those stupid liberal lines anymore. I just said it's not posted yet. But darlin' you can bet the world is on fire over his press conference. EspeciallyTwitter.

I listened to his speech where he was in front of his helicopter. What he said was accurate, essentially he was kicked out of Iraq. He explained the circumstances. (20:56 min)

I am not an Obama lover. I can't stand they man. But I listened to the speech waiting for what you said and it's just not there.
Good form Jackson.
It's an honest broker who can call out somebody on their side like that.
Since then, unfortunately for you, I found the PBS transcript. The documentary is anything but unequivocal in placing blame.

In fact, it makes it quite clear that Maliki is the main villain in the drama.

People can watch it online right now here.

Losing Iraq | FRONTLINE | PBS

e-chick gets it so so so so fucking wrong.

It's a fascinating documentary. Recommend it to all.

I'm pretty sure she mentioned that documentary, and then put her ridiculous spin on it with the assumption that

1. her newfound fans in the USMB nuthouse wouldn't actually ever watch it , and ,

2. her newfound fans would ignore any refutation of her nonsense by the sane people here.

Here's a little preview, for those interested:

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