WOW, Anyone Just See Obama's Press Conf on IRAQ?

Nobody buys those stupid liberal lines anymore. I just said it's not posted yet. But darlin' you can bet the world is on fire over his press conference. EspeciallyTwitter.

I listened to his speech where he was in front of his helicopter. What he said was accurate, essentially he was kicked out of Iraq. He explained the circumstances. (20:56 min)

I am not an Obama lover. I can't stand they man. But I listened to the speech waiting for what you said and it's just not there.
Good form Jackson.
It's an honest broker who can call out somebody on their side like that.

And interestingly, EconChick herself acknowledged the heightened validity of such a statement by such a person.
Since then, unfortunately for you, I found the PBS transcript. The documentary is anything but unequivocal in placing blame.

In fact, it makes it quite clear that Maliki is the main villain in the drama.

People can watch it online right now here.

Losing Iraq | FRONTLINE | PBS

e-chick gets it so so so so fucking wrong.

It's a fascinating documentary. Recommend it to all.

I'm pretty sure she mentioned that documentary, and then put her ridiculous spin on it with the assumption that

1. her newfound fans in the USMB nuthouse wouldn't actually ever watch it , and ,

2. her newfound fans would ignore any refutation of her nonsense by the sane people here.

Aww look. Two of my favorite hair brained libs getting it clearly wrong again.

Yo, carbon boy, I haven't read the earlier threads since I left but you're the idiot that said Maliki ordered all military troops out of Iraq.

BUSTED AGAIN, carbie. You do realize we kept Marines up in Erbil and Marines in Baghdad for example, right moron???? They never left. So much for Maliki ORDERING them ALL out.

Secondly, genius, it was a negotiation with Maliki. Maliki doesn't just "order." Just like it was several weeks ago when he begged for help against ISIS and we sent the publicly acknowledged group of special operators in. IDIOT.

Just like you didn't get that right, you didn't get the PBS documentary right either of course. It showed that after the surge we had stabilized Iraq and it clearly shows that Obama fucked that up when he completely pulled out.

I can't help that you and paper chase are too stupid to even understand what your being told.

You two really need to throttle back on the psychedelics, dissociatives, and deliriants.

Once again, I'll attempt to teach the 3rd graders here. Only our Commander in Chief ORDERS the military. Not some foreign leader.

Read and weep.
People can watch it online right now here.

Losing Iraq | FRONTLINE | PBS

e-chick gets it so so so so fucking wrong.

It's a fascinating documentary. Recommend it to all.

I'm pretty sure she mentioned that documentary, and then put her ridiculous spin on it with the assumption that

1. her newfound fans in the USMB nuthouse wouldn't actually ever watch it , and ,

2. her newfound fans would ignore any refutation of her nonsense by the sane people here.

Here's a little preview, for those interested:

Yes, I invite the objective to listen and see what a disaster Obama was and is.

I'm not interested in what you partisans who try claiming 2+3 is 4 think. You're hopeless idiots.

Any objective person watching that could see.

Jackson, have you watched that?

ETA: Just caught that Paper idiot pulled out some small little sliver when I assumed he was posting the whole thing. My bad for assuming any integrity.
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Oh wait, that's what I get for assuming honesty by a fucking lib. I just noticed that paperview selectively pulled out some little two minute slice of a documentary that went for an entire hour and a half to tell the whole story.

Try posting the whole thing, paper idiot!
I have a link, why don't you? Or is your word 100% trustworthy??

Obama proposes broader long-term strategy in Iraq

LOL, you just pulled an Obama-ism.

You have a link to something. You ask me if I have the link and if I don't, then the event could not have happened.

BUSTED. You had the proof to begin with that the event happened!

Where does it say I have to have a link of something that just happened? I watched it real time. I don't need the link.

Do you libs all go to the same school for bullshit training? I'd ask for a refund.

Meanwhile.....diversion to keep from the real topic.......

its a motherfucking internet joke you stupid fuck. Seriously shut up about the link comment.

Anyways Here is what Obama did. He did what every other President would have done in this situation. limited Air strikes.

so we can ignore the partisan rubes because there really isnt a story here.
Link? or it didn't happen...

Nobody buys those stupid liberal lines anymore. I just said it's not posted yet. But darlin' you can bet the world is on fire over his press conference. EspeciallyTwitter.

I listened to his speech where he was in front of his helicopter. What he said was accurate, essentially he was kicked out of Iraq. He explained the circumstances. (20:56 min)

I am not an Obama lover. I can't stand they man. But I listened to the speech waiting for what you said and it's just not there.

Jackson, why would you assume HE would be the one to say anything truthful? Of course Obama himself would spin it as much as he can.

I'm talking about that anyone who's following the facts knows that what he said was full of spin and bull.

Did you watch the PBS special? That special, coming from a left wing outlet, slammed Bush but it also slammed Obama even more for abandoning Iraq.

The PBS documentary debunks the whole left wing talking point that Obama had no choice in the matter. It clearly shows how complex the negotiations were and how Obama put a poison pill in them because he just wanted to fulfill his campaign promise.

So no, I wouldn't expect you to get what I was saying from JUST watching Obama's spin.
Oh wait, that's what I get for assuming honesty by a fucking lib. I just noticed that paperview selectively pulled out some little two minute slice of a documentary that went for an entire hour and a half to tell the whole story.

Try posting the whole thing, paper idiot!

I did post a link to the whole video, you fuckstick.

Right here in the post YOU QUOTED at #443:

Where it said:

People can watch it online right now here.

Losing Iraq | FRONTLINE | PBS

e-chick gets it so so so so fucking wrong.

It's a fascinating documentary. Recommend it to all.

And then, when I posted the youtube, I said

"Here's a little preview, for those interested:"

Do you understand what the word "preview" means?

Did everyone see e-chick fall flat on her face again just now?

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I have a link, why don't you? Or is your word 100% trustworthy??

Obama proposes broader long-term strategy in Iraq

LOL, you just pulled an Obama-ism.

You have a link to something. You ask me if I have the link and if I don't, then the event could not have happened.

BUSTED. You had the proof to begin with that the event happened!

Where does it say I have to have a link of something that just happened? I watched it real time. I don't need the link.

Do you libs all go to the same school for bullshit training? I'd ask for a refund.

Meanwhile.....diversion to keep from the real topic.......

its a motherfucking internet joke you stupid fuck. Seriously shut up about the link comment.

Anyways Here is what Obama did. He did what every other President would have done in this situation. limited Air strikes.

so we can ignore the partisan rubes because there really isnt a story here.

This isn't just about airstrikes you stupid fuck. It's about the entire Iraq situation dumbass.

As far as no story here...............yeah dumbass....Twitter is melting down for no reason (roll eyes)....and that's from people of all political persuasions. But thanks for continuing to show what an idiot you are.
Bush signed off on leaving Iraq. That's a fact. Obama followed the Bush agreement. One of the big hangups that led to the troop withdrawel was the Iraqi government wanted to the right of the Iraq's justice system to prosecute American troops for serious crimes. America's conservatives did not want our troops be subject to Iraqi arrests/trials/punishment. Iraq's Parliament voted with an overwhelming majority for legislation demanding all troops to leave according to the Bush-al-Maliki.
Also, prior to the invasion of Iraq, the Bush Administration was warned of the high possibility of a Shia-Sunni Civil War by two of his own intelligence agencies. One of the main reasons of the creation of ISIS was the al-Maliki's government minimizing Sunni involvement within Iraq's government.
Just a few facts to add to the conversation.

and this will be ignored because this info isnt allowed inside the wingers Bubble of ignorance
Since then, unfortunately for you, I found the PBS transcript. The documentary is anything but unequivocal in placing blame.

In fact, it makes it quite clear that Maliki is the main villain in the drama.

People can watch it online right now here.

Losing Iraq | FRONTLINE | PBS

e-chick gets it so so so so fucking wrong.

It's a fascinating documentary. Recommend it to all.

I'm pretty sure she mentioned that documentary, and then put her ridiculous spin on it with the assumption that

1. her newfound fans in the USMB nuthouse wouldn't actually ever watch it , and ,

2. her newfound fans would ignore any refutation of her nonsense by the sane people here.

Well I see the far left will make up any lies to hide that they support Obama's illegal incursions in to Iraq.

Then again this one claims they disagreed with Obama on Libya, yet still voted for him in 2012. SO yes the far left will support and not condemn their own.

They can not face the fact that they support worse than Bush.
People can watch it online right now here.

Losing Iraq | FRONTLINE | PBS

e-chick gets it so so so so fucking wrong.

It's a fascinating documentary. Recommend it to all.

I'm pretty sure she mentioned that documentary, and then put her ridiculous spin on it with the assumption that

1. her newfound fans in the USMB nuthouse wouldn't actually ever watch it , and ,

2. her newfound fans would ignore any refutation of her nonsense by the sane people here.

Here's a little preview, for those interested:

Yo, paper moron. How many minutes does this video have ?????

2:58 is not the whole thing. I just said I haven't read earlier posts yet... if you posted the whole thing earlier, good for you. My post was in response to this 2.58 minutes dumb fuck.
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LOL, you just pulled an Obama-ism.

You have a link to something. You ask me if I have the link and if I don't, then the event could not have happened.

BUSTED. You had the proof to begin with that the event happened!

Where does it say I have to have a link of something that just happened? I watched it real time. I don't need the link.

Do you libs all go to the same school for bullshit training? I'd ask for a refund.

Meanwhile.....diversion to keep from the real topic.......

its a motherfucking internet joke you stupid fuck. Seriously shut up about the link comment.

Anyways Here is what Obama did. He did what every other President would have done in this situation. limited Air strikes.

so we can ignore the partisan rubes because there really isnt a story here.

This isn't just about airstrikes you stupid fuck. It's about the entire Iraq situation dumbass.

As far as no story here...............yeah dumbass....Twitter is melting down for no reason (roll eyes)....and that's from people of all political persuasions. But thanks for continuing to show what an idiot you are.

twitter is always melting down and not a valid source for anything outside of proving people are dicks.

Lol you are using twitter as a source, holy shit you are stupid.

Yeah its about Air strikes. Which Clinton, Bush, Romney, McCain all would have done if they where sitting in the Oval Office right now. thats gold right there.
I'm pretty sure she mentioned that documentary, and then put her ridiculous spin on it with the assumption that

1. her newfound fans in the USMB nuthouse wouldn't actually ever watch it , and ,

2. her newfound fans would ignore any refutation of her nonsense by the sane people here.

Here's a little preview, for those interested:

Yo, paper moron. How many minutes does this video have ?????

2:38 is not the whole thing. I just said I haven't read earlier posts yet... if you posted the whole thing earlier, good for you. My post was in response to this 2.38 minutes dumb fuck.

Paper said it was a preview.....Preview. do you know what that means?

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I'm pretty sure she mentioned that documentary, and then put her ridiculous spin on it with the assumption that

1. her newfound fans in the USMB nuthouse wouldn't actually ever watch it , and ,

2. her newfound fans would ignore any refutation of her nonsense by the sane people here.

Here's a little preview, for those interested:

Yes, I invite the objective to listen and see what a disaster Obama was and is.

I'm not interested in what you partisans who try claiming 2+3 is 4 think. You're hopeless idiots.

Any objective person watching that could see.

Jackson, have you watched that?

ETA: Just caught that Paper idiot pulled out some small little sliver when I assumed he was posting the whole thing. My bad for assuming any integrity.

You quoted me TWICE with me posting a link to the full video, and you call other people hopeless idiots and lacking integrity?

When you reply to a post, don't you even bother to follow the train of conversation you're quoting? Or is that too much to contain in your tiny head?
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Obama dropped the ball on that and wants to blame others for his own mistakes.

However if we were kicked out of Iraq, then that means that Obama's airstrikes are illegal.

Look, Kosh, I get the point you're making about the left's hypocrisy, i.e., about "the Warmongering Obama" who suddenly and mysteriously takes "justified" military action in Iraq. . . . I have all along. And of course the belief that the Obama Administration did not intentionally derail the status of forces agreement or had no choice but to pull our troops out prematurely is silly. Again, there's no friggin' way any other president would have allowed such a thing, certainly no Republic president regardless of the Iraqis' whining. The resolution to the supposed impasse was quite simple, really. The original agreement worked out by the Bush Administration provided for any number of alternative scenarios that would have provided ample security for a sensible transition. .

So a Republican president would have simply ignored the status of forces agreement that was already in place and simply imposed a US occupation on Iraq,
'regardless of the Iraqi's whining.'?

Goddam that's funny.

Are you really that stupid about how negotiations work??????????? It was a placeholder you idiot. Have you even read it??????????????? The 2008 SOFA was written with complete ambiguity and Bush left a lot of room for renegotiating any president would do, stupid ass.

Do I really have to explain Diplomacy 101? You're so ignorant of anything on this topic.
Look, Kosh, I get the point you're making about the left's hypocrisy, i.e., about "the Warmongering Obama" who suddenly and mysteriously takes "justified" military action in Iraq. . . . I have all along. And of course the belief that the Obama Administration did not intentionally derail the status of forces agreement or had no choice but to pull our troops out prematurely is silly. Again, there's no friggin' way any other president would have allowed such a thing, certainly no Republic president regardless of the Iraqis' whining. The resolution to the supposed impasse was quite simple, really. The original agreement worked out by the Bush Administration provided for any number of alternative scenarios that would have provided ample security for a sensible transition. .

So a Republican president would have simply ignored the status of forces agreement that was already in place and simply imposed a US occupation on Iraq,
'regardless of the Iraqi's whining.'?

Goddam that's funny.

Are you really that stupid about how negotiations work??????????? It was a placeholder you idiot. Have you even read it??????????????? The 2008 SOFA was written with complete ambiguity and Bush left a lot of room for renegotiating any president would do, stupid ass.

Do I really have to explain Diplomacy 101? You're so ignorant of anything on this topic.

There's very little ambiguity in it. You'd know that if you'd read it.

What you don't know, apparently, is that the Iraqi Parliament would have to have voted for changes that kept American troops in Iraq, and that wasn't going to happen.

Here's a little preview, for those interested:

Yo, paper moron. How many minutes does this video have ?????

2:38 is not the whole thing. I just said I haven't read earlier posts yet... if you posted the whole thing earlier, good for you. My post was in response to this 2.38 minutes dumb fuck.

Paper said it was a preview.....Preview. do you know what that means?


I posted a link to a transcript of the show, so the point is moot.
its a motherfucking internet joke you stupid fuck. Seriously shut up about the link comment.

Anyways Here is what Obama did. He did what every other President would have done in this situation. limited Air strikes.

so we can ignore the partisan rubes because there really isnt a story here.

This isn't just about airstrikes you stupid fuck. It's about the entire Iraq situation dumbass.

As far as no story here...............yeah dumbass....Twitter is melting down for no reason (roll eyes)....and that's from people of all political persuasions. But thanks for continuing to show what an idiot you are.

twitter is always melting down and not a valid source for anything outside of proving people are dicks.

Lol you are using twitter as a source, holy shit you are stupid.

Yeah its about Air strikes. Which Clinton, Bush, Romney, McCain all would have done if they where sitting in the Oval Office right now. thats gold right there.

Just when I think a brain couldn't be smaller, YOU come along idiot.

At least the libs on twitter come up with better arguments. You libs on here are the dumbest I've seen anywhere on the internet.

Now go climb back under your rock. Your brain's too small to follow this debate.
Look, Kosh, I get the point you're making about the left's hypocrisy, i.e., about "the Warmongering Obama" who suddenly and mysteriously takes "justified" military action in Iraq. . . . I have all along. And of course the belief that the Obama Administration did not intentionally derail the status of forces agreement or had no choice but to pull our troops out prematurely is silly. Again, there's no friggin' way any other president would have allowed such a thing, certainly no Republic president regardless of the Iraqis' whining. The resolution to the supposed impasse was quite simple, really. The original agreement worked out by the Bush Administration provided for any number of alternative scenarios that would have provided ample security for a sensible transition. .

So a Republican president would have simply ignored the status of forces agreement that was already in place and simply imposed a US occupation on Iraq,
'regardless of the Iraqi's whining.'?

Goddam that's funny.

Are you really that stupid about how negotiations work??????????? It was a placeholder you idiot. Have you even read it??????????????? The 2008 SOFA was written with complete ambiguity and Bush left a lot of room for renegotiating any president would do, stupid ass.

Do I really have to explain Diplomacy 101? You're so ignorant of anything on this topic.

If you're so smart and are taking Rawlings' side, explain what he meant by saying a Republican president would have ignored 'Iraqi whining' and kept troops in Iraq for as long as he pleased.

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