WOW, Anyone Just See Obama's Press Conf on IRAQ?

So a Republican president would have simply ignored the status of forces agreement that was already in place and simply imposed a US occupation on Iraq,
'regardless of the Iraqi's whining.'?

Goddam that's funny.

Are you really that stupid about how negotiations work??????????? It was a placeholder you idiot. Have you even read it??????????????? The 2008 SOFA was written with complete ambiguity and Bush left a lot of room for renegotiating any president would do, stupid ass.

Do I really have to explain Diplomacy 101? You're so ignorant of anything on this topic.

There's very little ambiguity in it. You'd know that if you'd read it.

What you don't know, apparently, is that the Iraqi Parliament would have to have voted for changes that kept American troops in Iraq, and that wasn't going to happen.

NOOOOOOOOOO, idiot. You keep looking at it with the simplicity of a 2 yr old. It's about 50 times more complicated a negotiation than that.

I guess you think lawyers never negotiated behind the scenes.

Or that business people don't negotiate. Hey if the price is 10 bucks, it's black and white.

You show a complete ignorance about the concept of negotiations. Complete ignorance.
its a motherfucking internet joke you stupid fuck. Seriously shut up about the link comment.

Anyways Here is what Obama did. He did what every other President would have done in this situation. limited Air strikes.

so we can ignore the partisan rubes because there really isnt a story here.

This isn't just about airstrikes you stupid fuck. It's about the entire Iraq situation dumbass.

As far as no story here...............yeah dumbass....Twitter is melting down for no reason (roll eyes)....and that's from people of all political persuasions. But thanks for continuing to show what an idiot you are.

twitter is always melting down and not a valid source for anything outside of proving people are dicks.

Lol you are using twitter as a source, holy shit you are stupid.

Yeah its about Air strikes. Which Clinton, Bush, Romney, McCain all would have done if they where sitting in the Oval Office right now. thats gold right there.

The irony of those comments from a racist far left Obama drone.

The far left will support anyone with a (D) no matter how many illegal wars they start.
Bush on Iraq; "...will take time."

Obama on Iraq; "This is going to take some time."

Not if you nuke them back to kingdom come. But they won't do that because of public opinion and oil.

The military is downsized. It's already happened.

This is what happens when you don't know what the heck you are doing.

Here's a little preview, for those interested:

Yes, I invite the objective to listen and see what a disaster Obama was and is.

I'm not interested in what you partisans who try claiming 2+3 is 4 think. You're hopeless idiots.

Any objective person watching that could see.

Jackson, have you watched that?

ETA: Just caught that Paper idiot pulled out some small little sliver when I assumed he was posting the whole thing. My bad for assuming any integrity.

You quoted me TWICE with me posting a link to the full video, and you call other people hopeless idiots and lacking integrity?

When you reply to a post, don't you even bother to follow the train of conversation you're quoting? Or is that too much to contain in your tiny head?

I could repeat something 50 times and it wouldn't penetrate that useless brain of yours. I caveated that I had not read the posts since yesterday. Where I happened to pick up was where you were merely showing 3 minutes.

If you posted the whole thing, good for you.

I still haven't had time to go backward. If you posted the entire thing, I withdraw the criticism of your sliver.
Yo, paper moron. How many minutes does this video have ?????

2:38 is not the whole thing. I just said I haven't read earlier posts yet... if you posted the whole thing earlier, good for you. My post was in response to this 2.38 minutes dumb fuck.

Paper said it was a preview.....Preview. do you know what that means?


I posted a link to a transcript of the show, so the point is moot.

This from the same racist far left posters that believe Ferinheight 911 was a documentary.
But now back to your abilities to analyze the whole libs are still idiots.
Yo, paper moron. How many minutes does this video have ?????

2:38 is not the whole thing. I just said I haven't read earlier posts yet... if you posted the whole thing earlier, good for you. My post was in response to this 2.38 minutes dumb fuck.

Paper said it was a preview.....Preview. do you know what that means?


I posted a link to a transcript of the show, so the point is moot.

wrong person
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Obama lied about trying hard to get a deal with Iraq to keep troops there, he never wanted to stay because it was a campaign promise to run away like a chickenshit.

Obama lied about being surprised by the rise of ISIS/ISIL so quickly when the CIA has been tracking their origin in Syria for a couple years now and their invasion of Iraq the past year.

Obama showed his fucking stupidity claiming Iraq fixing their government was a bigger issue than stopping the terrorists massacring people across the country. Guess what dumbfuck....most countries don't worry about politics when they are trying to save themselves from being murdered.

Obama is a lying, stupid sack of shit.

The liberal minds on this thread can't grasp this 1776. I keep assuming dumbasses that run their mouths on a forum understand the basics of what they're talking about.

Anyone stupid enough to think diplomatic agreements are never renegotiated should be banned from voting, since as those of us with brains know, THEY ARE ALWAYS RENEGOTIATED. That's what the entire State Dept is there for.

There really needs to be a poll test.
This isn't just about airstrikes you stupid fuck. It's about the entire Iraq situation dumbass.

As far as no story here...............yeah dumbass....Twitter is melting down for no reason (roll eyes)....and that's from people of all political persuasions. But thanks for continuing to show what an idiot you are.

twitter is always melting down and not a valid source for anything outside of proving people are dicks.

Lol you are using twitter as a source, holy shit you are stupid.

Yeah its about Air strikes. Which Clinton, Bush, Romney, McCain all would have done if they where sitting in the Oval Office right now. thats gold right there.

Just when I think a brain couldn't be smaller, YOU come along idiot.

At least the libs on twitter come up with better arguments. You libs on here are the dumbest I've seen anywhere on the internet.

Now go climb back under your rock. Your brain's too small to follow this debate.

twitter....perhaps you should stay there....Twitter lol
Since 1776 puts it so succinctly, let me post it again:

Obama lied about trying hard to get a deal with Iraq to keep troops there, he never wanted to stay because it was a campaign promise to run away like a chickenshit.
Since 1776 puts it so succinctly, let me post it again:

Obama lied about trying hard to get a deal with Iraq to keep troops there, he never wanted to stay because it was a campaign promise to run away like a chickenshit.

The American people wanted us out. You've heard of them, right?
twitter is always melting down and not a valid source for anything outside of proving people are dicks.

Lol you are using twitter as a source, holy shit you are stupid.

Yeah its about Air strikes. Which Clinton, Bush, Romney, McCain all would have done if they where sitting in the Oval Office right now. thats gold right there.

Just when I think a brain couldn't be smaller, YOU come along idiot.

At least the libs on twitter come up with better arguments. You libs on here are the dumbest I've seen anywhere on the internet.

Now go climb back under your rock. Your brain's too small to follow this debate.

twitter....perhaps you should stay there....Twitter lol

That's your retort? Last week I thought you had at least some brains. But please keep posting. :eusa_clap:
Since 1776 puts it so succinctly, let me post it again:

Obama lied about trying hard to get a deal with Iraq to keep troops there, he never wanted to stay because it was a campaign promise to run away like a chickenshit.

The American people wanted us out. You've heard of them, right?

The American people also don't like when we get attacked.

You do realize the American people didn't want Clinton going after UBL either don't you?

The American people are reactive on the subject of war. They don't have time to keep up with what's going on in the world....their lives are difficult enough trying to master their own lives.

The president has to LEAD and explain, not follow the polls.

The American people will always send mixed signals on this subject. Right now they overwhelmingly say stay our of foreign entanglements, and yet they send Obama's polls diving on foreign policy.

Why do you think that is?

It's because they are not the leaders, the president is the leader.
Since 1776 puts it so succinctly, let me post it again:

Obama lied about trying hard to get a deal with Iraq to keep troops there, he never wanted to stay because it was a campaign promise to run away like a chickenshit.

Maybe for sake of clarity in this debate we should backtrack to the point where you fail to make a good case that the US would be better off if a few thousand American troops were still in Iraq,

taking casualties on a regular basis.
Since 1776 puts it so succinctly, let me post it again:

Obama lied about trying hard to get a deal with Iraq to keep troops there, he never wanted to stay because it was a campaign promise to run away like a chickenshit.

Maybe for sake of clarity in this debate we should backtrack to the point where you fail to make a good case that the US would be better off if a few thousand American troops were still in Iraq,

taking casualties on a regular basis.

Funny how the far left considers bashing someone a "debate".

Typical far left mindset.
Bush on Iraq; "...will take time."

Obama on Iraq; "This is going to take some time."

Not if you nuke them back to kingdom come. But they won't do that because of public opinion and oil.

The military is downsized. It's already happened.

This is what happens when you don't know what the heck you are doing.

Well said, Misty!
Just when I think a brain couldn't be smaller, YOU come along idiot.

At least the libs on twitter come up with better arguments. You libs on here are the dumbest I've seen anywhere on the internet.

Now go climb back under your rock. Your brain's too small to follow this debate.

twitter....perhaps you should stay there....Twitter lol

That's your retort? Last week I thought you had at least some brains. But please keep posting. :eusa_clap:
Since 1776 puts it so succinctly, let me post it again:

Obama lied about trying hard to get a deal with Iraq to keep troops there, he never wanted to stay because it was a campaign promise to run away like a chickenshit.

The American people wanted us out. You've heard of them, right?

The American people also don't like when we get attacked.

You do realize the American people didn't want Clinton going after UBL either don't you?

The American people are reactive on the subject of war. They don't have time to keep up with what's going on in the world....their lives are difficult enough trying to master their own lives.

The president has to LEAD and explain, not follow the polls.

The American people will always send mixed signals on this subject. Right now they overwhelmingly say stay our of foreign entanglements, and yet they send Obama's polls diving on foreign policy.

Why do you think that is?

It's because they are not the leaders, the president is the leader.

So you clearly think President Reagan was full of shit, a fucking imbecile, when he made this one of his principles for American military action:

Before we commit our troops to combat, there must be reasonable assurance that the cause we are fighting for and the actions we take will have the support of the American people and Congress.

Reagan's Rules for Military Action | The American Spectator
Since 1776 puts it so succinctly, let me post it again:

Obama lied about trying hard to get a deal with Iraq to keep troops there, he never wanted to stay because it was a campaign promise to run away like a chickenshit.

Maybe for sake of clarity in this debate we should backtrack to the point where you fail to make a good case that the US would be better off if a few thousand American troops were still in Iraq,

taking casualties on a regular basis.

You remember Jim Jones who was O's first Natl Sec Advisor, right? I was surprised to even hear him admit it this morning. Everyone is starting to realize that what those of us that were in Iraq kept telling them would happen has now happened.

People are spooked on both sides of the aisle about JUST how brutal ISIS is and just how swiftly they're moving. Add to that the fact that AQ didn't publicly advertise their plans to hit us on 9/11, yet ISIS comes right out and advertises it.

Who in their right mind would ignore that.

The FBI is tracking at least 70 Americans who've gone to fight with ISIS who have clean papers. One actually went there, came back to the US, and then went back to blow himself up. There are thousands of Europeans who've done the same.

I hate so say this to my isolationist friends, and I have many, but even Rand Paul is having to modify his stance now with what the world is watching ISIS accomplish.
The American people wanted us out. You've heard of them, right?

The American people also don't like when we get attacked.

You do realize the American people didn't want Clinton going after UBL either don't you?

The American people are reactive on the subject of war. They don't have time to keep up with what's going on in the world....their lives are difficult enough trying to master their own lives.

The president has to LEAD and explain, not follow the polls.

The American people will always send mixed signals on this subject. Right now they overwhelmingly say stay our of foreign entanglements, and yet they send Obama's polls diving on foreign policy.

Why do you think that is?

It's because they are not the leaders, the president is the leader.

So you clearly think President Reagan was full of shit, a fucking imbecile, when he made this one of his principles for American military action:

Before we commit our troops to combat, there must be reasonable assurance that the cause we are fighting for and the actions we take will have the support of the American people and Congress.

Reagan's Rules for Military Action | The American Spectator

LOL, Reagan was the best president of the last century. Very few seem to have his ability to lead and persuade. That's on either side of the aisle.

Reagan would be handling this in the opposite way O is.

I can't help that your guy is the biggest fucking loser of a leader. O is a marketer. He will make lots of money one day as he should as a marketer. But he's no Commander in Chief.

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