WOW, Anyone Just See Obama's Press Conf on IRAQ?

How about "I will end the war in Iraq" is now "I have re-entered the war in Iraq."

Obama said he would bring the US combat mission to an end. And he did. He did not say he would bring the war between Sunnis and Shiites, that Bush aggravated in Iraq, to an end. He said he would US combat troops out of the middle of it.

EconChick is making false claims about our President here again as usual.
How about "I will end the war in Iraq" is now "I have re-entered the war in Iraq."

Obama said he would bring the US combat mission to an end. And he did. He did not say he would bring the war between Sunnis and Shiites, that Bush aggravated in Iraq, to an end. He said he would US combat troops out of the middle of it.

EconChick is making false claims about our President here again as usual.
Bush killed without regard to raghead religious beliefs...his only mistake ....he left some.
EC 9601433
Plus Obama put a poison pill that made it impossible to accept.

Obama did not put a poison pill into the 2011 SOFA negotiations. Iraq law required their legislators to approve the original SOFA in 2008.

To add to your comment.
Maliki: US Troops Will Leave Iraq in December. What About Trainers?
Nouri al-Maliki, the Iraqi Prime Minister, released a statement today indicating that all US military forces will leave Iraq by the end of the year, as scheduled.
“The agreement on the withdrawal of American forces will be implemented on schedule by the end of the year, and there will not be any bases for US forces here,” Maliki told Al-Ittijah TV channel in an interview to be broadcast later, it said.
Iraqi leaders have approved negotiations with the United States on a post-2011 training mission, but no deal has yet been announced.
This really all depends on the meaning of the word “troops” to Maliki. He has been trying to change the terms, saying that troops will leave but “trainers,” who would be members of the US military, would be allowed to stay to assist Iraqi security forces. Maliki has even said in the past that he could bypass the Iraqi Parliament under such an arrangement, and permit trainers to stay. As noted above, there is a negotiating process underway between Iraq and the US on some manner of training.
More ominously, just last week the Iraqi ambassador to the US told Josh Rogin that “there will be some military presence to help train Iraqi military and police,” and that the request will be made “in our own sweet time.”
Leon Panetta just a few weeks ago told reporters that Iraq had agreed to an extended US presence, but Maliki came out and shot down that statement. He’s under pressure from the Sadrists, who vow to resist any extension.
Everyone seems to be talking past one another. It’s pretty clear that there will be some US military personnel, perhaps as much as 20,000, in Iraq assisting security efforts, just with a different name attached to them, like “non-combat trainers.” The only way this doesn’t happen is if Iraq objects to the request that the trainers not be subject to the Iraqi judicial system. They want the Blackwater deal.
Maliki US Troops Will Leave Iraq in December. What About Trainers FDL News Desk

It's pretty clear to see that there was no way yht US troops were going to stay past the dates agreed to by Maliki and Bush. It's also clear the the US troops were not going to get amnesty from the Iraqi Justice system for any crimes commited. That was the major point that everyone agreed to, no amnesty no troops, including McCain and Graham. Funny how some people want to re-write history and lay the blame on Obama for the troops departure. But before ISIL?

Please note Red State:
Iraq War ends on Bush’s schedule, not Obama’s
Iraq War ends on Bush s schedule not Obama s RedState

But when ISIL emerged , well Red State all of a sudden contradicted itself and rewrites their own history.
Obama blames others for abandoning Iraq
Obama blames others for abandoning Iraq RedState

You can't make this shit up! :laugh:

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