WOW, Anyone Just See Obama's Press Conf on IRAQ?

I have a link, why don't you? Or is your word 100% trustworthy??

Obama proposes broader long-term strategy in Iraq

LOL, you just pulled an Obama-ism.

You have a link to something. You ask me if I have the link and if I don't, then the event could not have happened.

BUSTED. You had the proof to begin with that the event happened!

Where does it say I have to have a link of something that just happened? I watched it real time. I don't need the link.

Do you libs all go to the same school for bullshit training? I'd ask for a refund.

Meanwhile.....diversion to keep from the real topic.......

Normaly one uses link to reinforce their argument, therefore hearsay and conjecture are not good sources for a debate or to back up the assertions you post...but play as you wish, kiddies...

I would agree to some point if it were some obscure piece of information or article that most Americans weren't seeing. Even then I don't see you libs consistently observing it. But it certainly doesn't apply to a presidential press conference that hundreds of millions watch around the world.
If you want to make the argument that Bush didn't invade Iraq, I'm sure we could all be entertained reading that.

Go ahead.

And yet once again the far left blames Boooooshhhh! When Obama bungles things in Iraq.

Are you taking the position that Bush didn't invade Iraq? That Bush is not responsible for that disaster?

Who DO you blame then?

Once again the far left presents their version of questions not based in reality.

So where is your outrage for Obama's illegal strikes in Iraq?
It's no big thang, but to those that are idle and have nothing more to do with their lives than trying to make us all into a fool such as yourself is not helping your position...

So you side with the far left in their silence and want to blame Boooooossshhhh!!!

Should every thing a former president does now need to be wiped clean in the history books?

If Obama bears no responsibility/blame for anything for the past 5.5 years, then why not anyone before Obama?
Can you imagine the field day the Obama haters would have had if Obama had kept us in Iraq?

The American people didn't want us to stay, the Iraqi people didn't want us to stay, the UN mandate was running out, the Iraqi government didn't want us to stay,

but NOW the Obama derangement crowd is trying to make the argument that against all that,

Obama was supposed to somehow force an American occupation extension on Iraq.

btw, and for what? To add a few thousand more American dead to the toll? The warmonger Right must be shown for what it is.

Once again the far left propaganda trumps reality.

Can you imagine how silent the far left will be if we go back into Iraq?

Or wait it is happening now and they are beyond quiet on the subject other than to blame Boooossshhh!

Why not prove my post wrong by using facts from unbiased resources? You can't.
Also, your well overused "propaganda" standard line shows you're mentality and inability to add anything meaningful to any conversation.
Carry on.

It's political Tourette's. There's always at least one on every message board.
Once again the far left propaganda trumps reality.

Can you imagine how silent the far left will be if we go back into Iraq?

Or wait it is happening now and they are beyond quiet on the subject other than to blame Boooossshhh!

Why not prove my post wrong by using facts from unbiased resources? You can't.
Also, your well overused "propaganda" standard line shows you're mentality and inability to add anything meaningful to any conversation.
Carry on.

It's political Tourette's. There's always at least one on every message board.

Well many on the far left like yourself just posted an irony post on this subject!

So where is the far left outrage for Obama's illegal airstrikes in Iraq?
This case is not the same used by our Govt. to finish off Saddam..we were ask to help, not so much so in 2004..
And yet once again the far left blames Boooooshhhh! When Obama bungles things in Iraq.

Are you taking the position that Bush didn't invade Iraq? That Bush is not responsible for that disaster?

Who DO you blame then?

Once again the far left presents their version of questions not based in reality.

So where is your outrage for Obama's illegal strikes in Iraq?

If you weren't retarded you'd know my non-interventionist stance on the ME by now.
So you side with the far left in their silence and want to blame Boooooossshhhh!!!

Should every thing a former president does now need to be wiped clean in the history books?

If Obama bears no responsibility/blame for anything for the past 5.5 years, then why not anyone before Obama?

Yeah, live that fantasy...It's a free country to do so in..
Where is the DEATH TOLL COUNT BY LIBERALS??? Let's hear the moans of torment and agony..

Ron Paul predicted the Thug N Chief would lie about Iraq

Has OBAMA ever told the truth about anything? Has he kept any campaign promise???
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Are you taking the position that Bush didn't invade Iraq? That Bush is not responsible for that disaster?

Who DO you blame then?

Once again the far left presents their version of questions not based in reality.

So where is your outrage for Obama's illegal strikes in Iraq?

If you weren't retarded you'd know my non-interventionist stance on the ME by now.

So where is the outrage for Obama's illegal airstrikes in Iraq?

Come on, show it like you did between 2003 to 2009..
Should every thing a former president does now need to be wiped clean in the history books?

If Obama bears no responsibility/blame for anything for the past 5.5 years, then why not anyone before Obama?

Yeah, live that fantasy...It's a free country to do so in..

The far left lives a fantasy land as their posts keep proving and not denouncing Obama for his illegal air strikes in Iraq.

Come on where is all that hatred we saw in 2003 to 2009?
It's no big thang, but to those that are idle and have nothing more to do with their lives than trying to make us all into a fool such as yourself is not helping your position...

So you side with the far left in their silence and want to blame Boooooossshhhh!!!

Should every thing a former president does now need to be wiped clean in the history books?

Look, these people tried to blame 9/11 on Clinton. They tried to blame Iraq on Democrats vote in the Senate. They tried to blame the disaster of the Iraq invasion on the anti-war movement. They try to blame EVERYTHING on the liberal media.

Blameshifting in the extreme is a rightwing cult member's obligation. They throw you out of the cult if you don't dutifully blame everything bad on liberals.
So you side with the far left in their silence and want to blame Boooooossshhhh!!!

Should every thing a former president does now need to be wiped clean in the history books?

Look, these people tried to blame 9/11 on Clinton. They tried to blame Iraq on Democrats vote in the Senate. They tried to blame the disaster of the Iraq invasion on the anti-war movement. They try to blame EVERYTHING on the liberal media.

Blameshifting in the extreme is a rightwing cult member's obligation. They throw you out of the cult if you don't dutifully blame everything bad on liberals.

The irony of the far left posts! Can not hold their own accountable. then again it is funny to watch the far left call themselves liberals..
The dude on CNN just said "arm the Kurds to the teeth and then let the Iraqi Sunni and Shia kill each other until their gone." Send an emissary to Mathaas Vinyaaaaad...!!!!!!!


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