WOW, Anyone Just See Obama's Press Conf on IRAQ?

Econchick is another baseless pontificator.

But she definitely has the RWnut propaganda down on blaming Obama for Bush's Iraq disaster.

That's exactly right, darling. I DO have it down when it comes to the facts.

Again.....PBS. PBS. You know...that RW media outlet, PBS? Backs me completely up, darling.

Read and weep.

Do you think we've never seen you rightwing nuts try to rewrite history before?

Are you even aware that it was Bush who caused the disaster of the Iraq war?

I could run circles around you on anything to do with the Iraq War genius. I was there before the surge, during surge, and after the surge. I worked in every province of Iraq.

You on the other hand have probably never been outside this country. Have you even been to the Middle East?

I'm waiting....

Once again the far left propaganda trumps reality.

Can you imagine how silent the far left will be if we go back into Iraq?

Or wait it is happening now and they are beyond quiet on the subject other than to blame Boooossshhh!

Why not prove my post wrong with using from unbiased resources? You can't.
Also, your well overused "propaganda" standard line shows you're mentality and inability to add anything meaningful to any conversation.
Carry on.

Typical far left poster who posts debunked far left blog site materials and then wants to be proven wrong!

Sorry can not prove a negative. But since those on the far left insist, then prove how this is NOT Obama responsibility/fault...

Well, if it's debunked, you should have no problem debunking my post with facts.
Either produce something or go home.
That's exactly right, darling. I DO have it down when it comes to the facts.

Again.....PBS. PBS. You know...that RW media outlet, PBS? Backs me completely up, darling.

Read and weep.

Do you think we've never seen you rightwing nuts try to rewrite history before?

Are you even aware that it was Bush who caused the disaster of the Iraq war?

I could run circles around you on anything to do with the Iraq War genius. I was there before the surge, during surge, and after the surge. I worked in every province of Iraq.

You on the other hand have probably never been outside this country. Have you even been to the Middle East?

I'm waiting....


What did you do, admin clerk work?71L?


Lies, lies, and damn lies..

Obama: US won't send troops into combat in Iraq | MSNBC

I think I'll just keep re-posting this.

Mr. Obama, I know you're a fucking pacifist that wouldn't understand the word "combat" if your life depended on it, but the few hundred special operators on the ground are combat troops. The fighter pilots ARE in combat. God help us if any one of those people get captured by ISIS.
Iraq War ends on Bush’s schedule, not Obama’s
President Obama and the biased media wing of the Democrat Party are heralding the “official” end of the Iraq War.
All US troops, except for 159 uniformed troops and officers as well as a marine guard in the US embassy in Baghdad, will be out of Iraq before December 31, 2011, as required by the Status of Forces Agreement President Bush made with Iraq.
The Democrats can trumpet the Obama Iraq withdrawal all they want, but it was accomplished right on schedule — a schedule established by President Bush, not Obama
Iraq War ends on Bush's schedule, not Obama's | RedState
How times change.:lol:

McCain says those who say that Maliki didn't want to renegotiate are liars. Plain and simple. He was there at the table.

McCain: Opponents lying about Iraq history

And here's the key point. I do wish every one would stop lying about this. Because simply put Obama just wanted to get the fuck out of there instead of keeping the country stable.

And hey, frankly I don't blame him but it was a huge whoopsies. Because now Iraq is being taken over by ISIS,

McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) were in direct talks with the Iraqi government at the time, McCain said, and Iraq was ready for a deal before the number of troops the United States proposed leaving fell sharply.

"What Senator Kaine is saying is just totally false," McCain said. "In fact, it's a lie, because Lindsey Graham and I were there."

"The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff himself said that the number of troops that we were proposing cascaded down to 3,000, when it had been recommended to be 20,000," McCain added.

He said Iraq, at that point, determined an agreement “wasn't worth the problem.”

McCain: Opponents lying about Iraq history | TheHill
Do you think we've never seen you rightwing nuts try to rewrite history before?

Are you even aware that it was Bush who caused the disaster of the Iraq war?

I could run circles around you on anything to do with the Iraq War genius. I was there before the surge, during surge, and after the surge. I worked in every province of Iraq.

You on the other hand have probably never been outside this country. Have you even been to the Middle East?

I'm waiting....


What did you do, admin clerk work?71L?

You're thinking of YOUR MOS, not mine. And I wasn't there as military personnel.


Lies, lies, and damn lies..

Obama: US won't send troops into combat in Iraq | MSNBC

I think I'll just keep re-posting this.

Mr. Obama, I know you're a fucking pacifist that wouldn't understand the word "combat" if your life depended on it, but the few hundred special operators on the ground are combat troops. The fighter pilots ARE in combat. God help us if any one of those people get captured by ISIS.

Again another person that has never changed their mind due to circumstances beyond their control..and had Oblama done nothing, they would bitch about that also...
I could run circles around you on anything to do with the Iraq War genius. I was there before the surge, during surge, and after the surge. I worked in every province of Iraq.

You on the other hand have probably never been outside this country. Have you even been to the Middle East?

I'm waiting....


What did you do, admin clerk work?71L?

You're thinking of YOUR MOS, not mine. And I wasn't there as military personnel.

So you were not a combat MOS? you seem to need to try and tell us you are a veteran and then tell us you are not...I had 3 MOS's while my time in the Army..and 71l along with cooks were paying the best bonus..Being a TOW/Dragon anti armor tech only netted me 2k vs, a cook that could get 10k..

but every job is important in the military..
Why not prove my post wrong with using from unbiased resources? You can't.
Also, your well overused "propaganda" standard line shows you're mentality and inability to add anything meaningful to any conversation.
Carry on.

Typical far left poster who posts debunked far left blog site materials and then wants to be proven wrong!

Sorry can not prove a negative. But since those on the far left insist, then prove how this is NOT Obama responsibility/fault...

Well, if it's debunked, you should have no problem debunking my post with facts.
Either produce something or go home.

Typical far left poster prove me "wrong"..

Why post things that have been post thousands of times to debunk the far left lies? Obviously you haven't learned in the last ten years, what is to be gained from one that will only believe in the far left religious scriptures?

When you renounce your far left religion then you will all by yourself open your eyes to the truth. No amount of posts will change that.

So are you outraged at Obama's illegal bombings in Iraq or not? or are you just going to blame Boooooshhh! As your programming demands?


Lies, lies, and damn lies..

Obama: US won't send troops into combat in Iraq | MSNBC

I think I'll just keep re-posting this.

Mr. Obama, I know you're a fucking pacifist that wouldn't understand the word "combat" if your life depended on it, but the few hundred special operators on the ground are combat troops. The fighter pilots ARE in combat. God help us if any one of those people get captured by ISIS.

Again another person that has never changed their mind due to circumstances beyond their control..and had Oblama done nothing, they would bitch about that also...

Says the one that believes the history of Iraq is between 2003 and 2009..
Again another person that has never changed their mind due to circumstances beyond their control..and had Oblama done nothing, they would bitch about that also...

There is no number of times he can not do what he said and you'll use that thin excuse, is there?
Econchick, you are the most delusional poster on the board. Obama was stating facts about Iraq. Please get your facts straight or just....go away.
Econchick, you are the most delusional poster on the board. Obama was stating facts about Iraq. Please get your facts straight or just....go away.

Another far left poster who will not express their outrage as they did in 2003 to 2009.

Come on far left where was that outrage we saw in 2003 to 2009?

Obama illegally bombs in Iraq and all the far left can do is blame Booooooshhhh!!
"I think this is going to take some time"

What is going to take some time ? Does anyone have a clue or is this "thing" top secret and we just need to trust him ?
Bush signed off on leaving Iraq. That's a fact. Obama followed the Bush agreement. One of the big hangups that led to the troop withdrawel was the Iraqi government wanted to the right of the Iraq's justice system to prosecute American troops for serious crimes. America's conservatives did not want our troops be subject to Iraqi arrests/trials/punishment. Iraq's Parliament voted with an overwhelming majority for legislation demanding all troops to leave according to the Bush-al-Maliki.
Also, prior to the invasion of Iraq, the Bush Administration was warned of the high possibility of a Shia-Sunni Civil War by two of his own intelligence agencies. One of the main reasons of the creation of ISIS was the al-Maliki's government minimizing Sunni involvement within Iraq's government.
Just a few facts to add to the conversation.

Oh here we go again. I have to educate a slow learner again. I've only explained this about 10 times on various threads.

Obama followed the Bush Agreement?? Since when does any president have to follow a prior president's agreement they don't believe in???

You're showing such abject ignorance by that statement that I wonder if you're too far gone to try to inform.

Geeze, as I read the rest of your post, it's so egregiously uninformed that I think I'll just punt to the PBS documentary instead of trying to educate you.

Kiwiman, PBS is a media outlet that is known for NOT being right wing. Many of us describe it as left. No one thinks of it as right wing.

Last week they broadcast a documentary called "Losing Iraq." It UNEQUIVOCALLY describes that OBAMA LOST IRAQ. It goes into detail about what happened with the SOFA, the negotiations leading up to the SOFA, and what happened after the SOFA was passed.

I admit it's a complex subject but you don't get one thing right in your post.

I suggest you buy the DVD or see when they're airing it again.

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