WOW, Anyone Just See Obama's Press Conf on IRAQ?

He looked bored, sounded detached and was prolly wishing he was at Martha's vineyard playing golf.
Why not prove my post wrong by using facts from unbiased resources? You can't.
Also, your well overused "propaganda" standard line shows you're mentality and inability to add anything meaningful to any conversation.
Carry on.

It's political Tourette's. There's always at least one on every message board.

Well many on the far left like yourself just posted an irony post on this subject!

So where is the far left outrage for Obama's illegal airstrikes in Iraq?

The President has the responsibility to protect American interest. If he waited for Congress....the most Do Nothing Congress in history....he will be waiting a long time.
Instead of, ".......we should have known this would happen when Bush......", I'll take, GET THE PLANES IN THE AIR.

Peach, this is a human disaster of staggering, genocidal proportions. Conservatives have been sounding the alarm bells from the very beginning of the Obama Administration's handling of post-war Iraq. The results were not unpredictable. What is more demoralizing than losing a victory of great cost in blood and treasure? What is more tragic?

This is not the sort of failure that one blithely overlooks and then passes the potatoes, and Obama's bombing raids are no solution at all. They are too little, too late. If he didn't intentionally sabotage the victory in Iraq, then he lost it due to the rank neglect of political expediency: the reelection politics of four more years. But, yeah, he ended the war in Iraq!

Obama's arrogance and naiveté, a dangerous combination, are inexcusable, and his cavalier attitude, these contemptible allegations against the Bush Administration which handed a victory over to his, is rank narcissism.

Do leftists not understand what evil is? It's nature is unrelenting, and the Islamic world has declared an unrelenting war on the West.

Bush signed off on leaving Iraq. That's a fact. Obama followed the Bush agreement. One of the big hangups that led to the troop withdrawel was the Iraqi government wanted to the right of the Iraq's justice system to prosecute American troops for serious crimes. America's conservatives did not want our troops be subject to Iraqi arrests/trials/punishment. Iraq's Parliament voted with an overwhelming majority for legislation demanding all troops to leave according to the Bush-al-Maliki.
Also, prior to the invasion of Iraq, the Bush Administration was warned of the high possibility of a Shia-Sunni Civil War by two of his own intelligence agencies. One of the main reasons of the creation of ISIS was the al-Maliki's government minimizing Sunni involvement within Iraq's government.
Just a few facts to add to the conversation.

Oh here we go again. I have to educate a slow learner again. I've only explained this about 10 times on various threads.

Obama followed the Bush Agreement?? Since when does any president have to follow a prior president's agreement they don't believe in???

You're showing such abject ignorance by that statement that I wonder if you're too far gone to try to inform.

Geeze, as I read the rest of your post, it's so egregiously uninformed that I think I'll just punt to the PBS documentary instead of trying to educate you.

Kiwiman, PBS is a media outlet that is known for NOT being right wing. Many of us describe it as left. No one thinks of it as right wing.

Last week they broadcast a documentary called "Losing Iraq." It UNEQUIVOCALLY describes that OBAMA LOST IRAQ. It goes into detail about what happened with the SOFA, the negotiations leading up to the SOFA, and what happened after the SOFA was passed.

I admit it's a complex subject but you don't get one thing right in your post.

I suggest you buy the DVD or see when they're airing it again.

I listen to NPR going to and from work every day, and sometimes I laugh out loud at the liberal bias they show, ever listen to Diane Rhem, she is waaaayyy outtttt in left field
It's political Tourette's. There's always at least one on every message board.

Well many on the far left like yourself just posted an irony post on this subject!

So where is the far left outrage for Obama's illegal airstrikes in Iraq?

The President has the responsibility to protect American interest. If he waited for Congress....the most Do Nothing Congress in history....he will be waiting a long time.

And once again the far left talking points and propaganda come out to protect Obama's illegal actions.

So you are saying Harry Reid would never allow it to come to a vote?
Econchick, you are the most delusional poster on the board. Obama was stating facts about Iraq. Please get your facts straight or just....go away.

From the Liberal Dictionary

Fact: Any statement which advances the cause of liberalism no matter how false it is

Lie: Any statements which counters the cause of liberalism no matter how true it is

Yep, it's just "facts"...

LMFAO. Damn, LGS, this post must make libs secretly piss their pants. You know this is making them grind their teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeth. :eusa_clap:

You get 1000 points for this one, lol....

LOL They're gunning for you also which means you're spot on my friend. ;-)

Pretty soon they're going to be discussing what color I painted my toes just to keep from discussing the real topic, LOL (red apple by the way for you libs).

(Also sorry to so many folks making great posts....that I haven't been able to software keeps getting hung up so please don't take a lack of a "thanks" to mean anything one way or the other.)
"I think this is going to take some time"

What is going to take some time ? Does anyone have a clue or is this "thing" top secret and we just need to trust him ?

Bump----What's his plan that's going to take some time ? Anyone have a clue ?

He was asked directly what his plan was and he avoid it, suggesting he would not be pigeon holed into saying what is strategy is or will be.
Well many on the far left like yourself just posted an irony post on this subject!

So where is the far left outrage for Obama's illegal airstrikes in Iraq?

The President has the responsibility to protect American interest. If he waited for Congress....the most Do Nothing Congress in history....he will be waiting a long time.

And once again the far left talking points and propaganda come out to protect Obama's illegal actions.

So you are saying Harry Reid would never allow it to come to a vote?

Does not have to, the president has something called the War powers Act until Congress gets through with vacation...
LMFAO. Damn, LGS, this post must make libs secretly piss their pants. You know this is making them grind their teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeth. :eusa_clap:

You get 1000 points for this one, lol....

LOL They're gunning for you also which means you're spot on my friend. ;-)

Pretty soon they're going to be discussing what color I painted my toes just to keep from discussing the real topic, LOL (red apple by the way for you libs).

(Also sorry to so many folks making great posts....that I haven't been able to software keeps getting hung up so please don't take a lack of a "thanks" to mean anything one way or the other.)

I love painted toes. I bet they're tasty, huh.
"I think this is going to take some time"

What is going to take some time ? Does anyone have a clue or is this "thing" top secret and we just need to trust him ?

Bump----What's his plan that's going to take some time ? Anyone have a clue ?

He was asked directly what his plan was and he avoid it, suggesting he would not be pigeon holed into saying what is strategy is or will be.

Yeah, let us tell our opponents what we plan on doing...
"I think this is going to take some time"

What is going to take some time ? Does anyone have a clue or is this "thing" top secret and we just need to trust him ?

Bump----What's his plan that's going to take some time ? Anyone have a clue ?

He was asked directly what his plan was and he avoid it, suggesting he would not be pigeon holed into saying what is strategy is or will be.

Thanks---- I was pretty sure he didn't have one.
The President has the responsibility to protect American interest. If he waited for Congress....the most Do Nothing Congress in history....he will be waiting a long time.

And once again the far left talking points and propaganda come out to protect Obama's illegal actions.

So you are saying Harry Reid would never allow it to come to a vote?

Does not have to, the president has something called the War powers Act until Congress gets through with vacation...

Obviously once again the far left does not understand what the War Powers Act was for, even though Obama has already violated this once already in Libya.

So the far left will not denounce Obama like they did Bush all because of a letter.

So are you outraged at Obama's illegal airstrikes in Iraq?
And once again the far left talking points and propaganda come out to protect Obama's illegal actions.

So you are saying Harry Reid would never allow it to come to a vote?

Does not have to, the president has something called the War powers Act until Congress gets through with vacation...

Obviously once again the far left does not understand what the War Powers Act was for, even though Obama has already violated this once already in Libya.

So the far left will not denounce Obama like they did Bush all because of a letter.

So are you outraged at Obama's illegal airstrikes in Iraq?
Forth time, where is the "illegal" part?
Instead of, ".......we should have known this would happen when Bush......", I'll take, GET THE PLANES IN THE AIR.

Peach, this is a human disaster of staggering, genocidal proportions. Conservatives have been sounding the alarm bells from the very beginning of the Obama Administration's handling of post-war Iraq. The results were not unpredictable. What is more demoralizing than losing a victory of great cost in blood and treasure? What is more tragic?

This is not the sort of failure that one blithely overlooks and then passes the potatoes, and Obama's bombing raids are no solution at all. They are too little, too late. If he didn't intentionally sabotage the victory in Iraq, then he lost it due to the rank neglect of political expediency: the reelection politics of four more years. But, yeah, he ended the war in Iraq!

Obama's arrogance and naiveté, a dangerous combination, are inexcusable, and his cavalier attitude, these contemptible allegations against the Bush Administration which handed a victory over to his, is rank narcissism.

Do leftists not understand what evil is? It's nature is unrelenting, and the Islamic world has declared an unrelenting war on the West.


Holy Moly that was a beautiful summary!

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