WTC building 7

it's what they do?

none of the conspiracy makes any rational sense
Air France flight 358 didn't hit a steel building at 500 miles an hour. It didn't even burn the fuel in the wings, yet its aluminum skin melted to the ground. It simply went off the runway and caught fire. What melted the airliner was its contents, like seats, clothing and other combustibles including chemical oxygen generators. It's not unreasonable to conclude the airliner and contents didn't even need the contents of the building to melt. Yet the NIST replicated the fires by burning office furniture in a controlled experiment and found the ceiling temperature to reach 1,100 degrees C. (They say "Yeah but that's the ceiling" to which I say "Now imagine what the actual flame is.. Do you think it's cooler?") More than enough to melt aircraft aluminum as well. Unfortunately, they weren't charged with putting conspiracy theorists fears to rest so they didn't include a piece of aircraft aluminum in the test.

More evidence that normal fires without jet fuel added can reach over 1000 degrees C is an experiment conducted by One Stop Shop in Structural Fire Engineering, Professor Colin Bailey, University of Manchester.

Debunking 9 11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - Molten Steel
this is a weak attempt to explain molten metal seen in only one portion the building..does nothing to address the majority of molten metal evidence
molten metal evidence?

where? who has this evidence? Alex Jones?
the few metal samples are in the control of government..through FOA request much of the photographic evidence and eyewitness accounts are available to all..and despite the fact ..fema documented evidence of molten metal and multiple individuals involved with the event and its aftermath gave evidence of both explosions and molten steel...NIST bizarrely one reported molten steel and no evidence exist..just as NIST does with explosive calming none were heard none were recorded...and refusing to discuss it further

Now would be a good time to introduce the Joooooo connection to your conspiracy theories.

really simple, less than a minute each, little duct tape remote control detonators.

How big were the charges? How many did they need?
who knows ,they could well of had means and technology more advanced than the average demolition company..wireless detonation would be completely plausible as well is just cost restrictive for demolition companies

who knows

Not the idiotic conspiracy morons.

wireless detonation would be completely plausible as well

I'm not interested in the imagainary detonators, I'm interested in the tonnage of the imaginary explosives.

So basically, you believe that the demolitions that were clearly used to bring down WTC 7 is "imaginary". :cuckoo:

Yet, you certainly believe the imaginary reason that was given, saying that fire was the reason why the tower collapsed. :cuckoo: :laugh:

:arrow: WTC 7 Now A Proven Case Of Controlled Demolition -

Using Paul Craig Roberts as a source just shows you're an even bigger idiot than I first thought.
Congrats! That isn't an easy thing to do.
ad ho·mi·nem
ˌad ˈhämənəm/
adverb & adjective
  1. 1.
    (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
    "vicious ad hominem attacks"

Conspiracy Theory Definition of conspiracy theory by Merriam-Webster

Full Definition of CONSPIRACY THEORY

: a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators
conspiracy theorist noun
So tell us Eots, what DID happen then?
the evidence says controled demolition

How did a demolition team rig the building to fall and no one saw them do it?

really simple, less than a minute each, little duct tape remote control detonators.

7 was empty all day

Do you realize how much it would take to bring that building down like that? It isn't something that a dozen guys with a fanny pack can deliver.

Sorry, I call bull shit.
1. We saw the planes hit the towers. We saw it on TV and New Yorkers saw it in person. Fact: airplanes hit the towers, not missiles. one said anything about missiles but you nothing to do with the collapse of building 7 or the failed NIST report

2. 4 passenger planes, their crews and passengers are missing.
Nothing to do with the NIST report or the collapse of building 7
3. The missing planes correspond to the planes that were tracked to the towers, the Pentagon, and the place where the one went down.
So what ?

4. Logical conclusion: the planes hit the towers, the Pentagon, and the field. Not missiles.
no plane or missile hit building 7..what are you babbling about ?

5. Osama Bin Laden and Al Queda took credit for the act.
Osama bin laden denied involvement in his fist press release btw..but regardless ..nothing to do with with NIST report and the collapse of building 7

Now, if someone is trying to tell me that a team of demolition experts rigged building 7 to drop without anyone seeing them do it AND they just happened to be ready to do it when OBL struck, I have to conclude that that person is insane.
To conclude that such high level people many of who that held positions of high level security clearance are all pure denial

Now, if your answer is that our government was in league with OBL, and that the demolition team rigged the building to go down killing people, causing two wars to start, which killed people, and led to the War on Terror with all of the associated restrictions on personal freedoms and these people say nothing after 14 years?

The NTSB's theory is complete logic and sanity compared that that kind of impossible and illogical nonsense.

you believe in fallacies like secrets can't be kept..more than evidence and reality and the basic laws of physics
1. We saw the planes hit the towers. We saw it on TV and New Yorkers saw it in person. Fact: airplanes hit the towers, not missiles. one said anything about missiles but you nothing to do with the collapse of building 7 or the failed NIST report

2. 4 passenger planes, their crews and passengers are missing.
Nothing to do with the NIST report or the collapse of building 7
3. The missing planes correspond to the planes that were tracked to the towers, the Pentagon, and the place where the one went down.
So what ?

4. Logical conclusion: the planes hit the towers, the Pentagon, and the field. Not missiles.
no plane or missile hit building 7..what are you babbling about ?

5. Osama Bin Laden and Al Queda took credit for the act.
Osama bin laden denied involvement in his fist press release btw..but regardless ..nothing to do with with NIST report and the collapse of building 7

Now, if someone is trying to tell me that a team of demolition experts rigged building 7 to drop without anyone seeing them do it AND they just happened to be ready to do it when OBL struck, I have to conclude that that person is insane.
To conclude that such high level people many of who that held positions of high level security clearance are all pure denial

Now, if your answer is that our government was in league with OBL, and that the demolition team rigged the building to go down killing people, causing two wars to start, which killed people, and led to the War on Terror with all of the associated restrictions on personal freedoms and these people say nothing after 14 years?

The NTSB's theory is complete logic and sanity compared that that kind of impossible and illogical nonsense.

you believe in fallacies like secrets can't be kept..more than evidence and reality and the basic laws of physics

Since you won't answer my question as to what you think happened or why, I have to make assumptions. You do realize that there are a lot of people who think it was missiles and not planes right?
Since you won't answer my question as to what you think happened or why, I have to make assumptions. You do realize that there are a lot of people who think it was missiles and not planes right?

Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

Now would be a good time to introduce the Joooooo connection to your conspiracy theories.

Do they have a FUCKTARD section where they can move yours and hollies posts?

A person of unbelieveable, inexcuseable and indescribable stupidity. (Stupidity being defined as "knowing how and doing it wrong anyway")

NOT A CONTRACTION FOR "FUCKING RETARD"! Those who are truly "Retarded" are not responsible for their affliction. True Fucktards are 100% responsible for their situation and provide vast entertainment as they are usually blissfully unaware of their own Fucktardery. Most politicians for example.
One who would actually piss on a live transformer. One who would use a live .22 round for a fuse in their pickup truck "just cuz it fits" and then complain about it shooting them in the nuts.

He shot himself in the nuts? Geez, what a fucktard!

arent you happy?
Now that its no longer in CDZ you dont have to prove anything and you can continue posting your vomit and go as far off topic as you want.
Last edited:
Since you won't answer my question as to what you think happened or why, I have to make assumptions. You do realize that there are a lot of people who think it was missiles and not planes right?

Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

Now would be a good time to introduce the Joooooo connection to your conspiracy theories.

Do they have a FUCKTARD section where they can move yours and hollies posts?

A person of unbelieveable, inexcuseable and indescribable stupidity. (Stupidity being defined as "knowing how and doing it wrong anyway")

NOT A CONTRACTION FOR "FUCKING RETARD"! Those who are truly "Retarded" are not responsible for their affliction. True Fucktards are 100% responsible for their situation and provide vast entertainment as they are usually blissfully unaware of their own Fucktardery. Most politicians for example.
One who would actually piss on a live transformer. One who would use a live .22 round for a fuse in their pickup truck "just cuz it fits" and then complain about it shooting them in the nuts.

He shot himself in the nuts? Geez, what a fucktard!

arent you happy?
Now that its no longer in CDZ you dont have to prove anything and you can continue posting your vomit and go as far off topic as you want.

Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started?
Speaking of fucktard. LOL!
So tell us Eots, what DID happen then?
the evidence says controled demolition

How did a demolition team rig the building to fall and no one saw them do it?

really simple, less than a minute each, little duct tape remote control detonators.

7 was empty all day

Do you realize how much it would take to bring that building down like that? It isn't something that a dozen guys with a fanny pack can deliver.

Sorry, I call bull shit.

why dont you tell us how much genius
(thatll be a cold day in hell)
Since you won't answer my question as to what you think happened or why, I have to make assumptions. You do realize that there are a lot of people who think it was missiles and not planes right?

Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

Now would be a good time to introduce the Joooooo connection to your conspiracy theories.

Do they have a FUCKTARD section where they can move yours and hollies posts?

A person of unbelieveable, inexcuseable and indescribable stupidity. (Stupidity being defined as "knowing how and doing it wrong anyway")

NOT A CONTRACTION FOR "FUCKING RETARD"! Those who are truly "Retarded" are not responsible for their affliction. True Fucktards are 100% responsible for their situation and provide vast entertainment as they are usually blissfully unaware of their own Fucktardery. Most politicians for example.
One who would actually piss on a live transformer. One who would use a live .22 round for a fuse in their pickup truck "just cuz it fits" and then complain about it shooting them in the nuts.

He shot himself in the nuts? Geez, what a fucktard!

arent you happy?
Now that its no longer in CDZ you dont have to prove anything and you can continue posting your vomit and go as far off topic as you want.

Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started?
Speaking of fucktard. LOL!

I mean the vacant cavity of presumptive clueless asshelmets, speaking of fucktard.

"You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started? Speaking of fucktard. LOL!"

.... Its clear you mean the magic top secret super high intensity terrorist 'fire implosion technique'? SHITFIT?

why dont you help him tell us what the option are to bring down a building like that genius. Every option. (another cold day in hell)
Last edited:
molten metal evidence?
where? who has this evidence? Alex Jones?

plenty of slugs from molten amalgamate from wtc

Plenty of slugs, ie: conspiracy theorists, in this thread.

"Plenty of slugs, ie: conspiracy theorists, in this thread."


well I am so fucking sorry that they found the remnants of molten steel amalgamate on the site. Seems you have a problem.
So tell us Eots, what DID happen then?
the evidence says controled demolition

How did a demolition team rig the building to fall and no one saw them do it?

really simple, less than a minute each, little duct tape remote control detonators.

7 was empty all day

Do you realize how much it would take to bring that building down like that? It isn't something that a dozen guys with a fanny pack can deliver.

Sorry, I call bull shit.

why dont you tell us how much genius
(thatll be a cold day in hell)

More than can be snuck in without anyone noticing.
Since you won't answer my question as to what you think happened or why, I have to make assumptions. You do realize that there are a lot of people who think it was missiles and not planes right?

Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

Now would be a good time to introduce the Joooooo connection to your conspiracy theories.

Do they have a FUCKTARD section where they can move yours and hollies posts?

A person of unbelieveable, inexcuseable and indescribable stupidity. (Stupidity being defined as "knowing how and doing it wrong anyway")

NOT A CONTRACTION FOR "FUCKING RETARD"! Those who are truly "Retarded" are not responsible for their affliction. True Fucktards are 100% responsible for their situation and provide vast entertainment as they are usually blissfully unaware of their own Fucktardery. Most politicians for example.
One who would actually piss on a live transformer. One who would use a live .22 round for a fuse in their pickup truck "just cuz it fits" and then complain about it shooting them in the nuts.

He shot himself in the nuts? Geez, what a fucktard!

arent you happy?
Now that its no longer in CDZ you dont have to prove anything and you can continue posting your vomit and go as far off topic as you want.

Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started?
Speaking of fucktard. LOL!

I mean the vacant cavity of presumptive clueless asshelmets, speaking of fucktard.

"You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started? Speaking of fucktard. LOL!"

You mean the magic top secret super high intensity 'fire implosion devices'.

why dont you help him tell us what the option are to bring down a building like that genius. Every option. (another cold day in hell)

I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?
Since you won't answer my question as to what you think happened or why, I have to make assumptions. You do realize that there are a lot of people who think it was missiles and not planes right?

Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

Now would be a good time to introduce the Joooooo connection to your conspiracy theories.

Do they have a FUCKTARD section where they can move yours and hollies posts?

A person of unbelieveable, inexcuseable and indescribable stupidity. (Stupidity being defined as "knowing how and doing it wrong anyway")

NOT A CONTRACTION FOR "FUCKING RETARD"! Those who are truly "Retarded" are not responsible for their affliction. True Fucktards are 100% responsible for their situation and provide vast entertainment as they are usually blissfully unaware of their own Fucktardery. Most politicians for example.
One who would actually piss on a live transformer. One who would use a live .22 round for a fuse in their pickup truck "just cuz it fits" and then complain about it shooting them in the nuts.

He shot himself in the nuts? Geez, what a fucktard!

arent you happy?
Now that its no longer in CDZ you dont have to prove anything and you can continue posting your vomit and go as far off topic as you want.

Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started?
Speaking of fucktard. LOL!

I mean the vacant cavity of presumptive clueless asshelmets, speaking of fucktard.

"You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started? Speaking of fucktard. LOL!"

You mean the magic top secret super high intensity 'fire implosion devices'.

why dont you help him tell us what the option are to bring down a building like that genius. Every option. (another cold day in hell)

I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.
Since you won't answer my question as to what you think happened or why, I have to make assumptions. You do realize that there are a lot of people who think it was missiles and not planes right?

Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

Now would be a good time to introduce the Joooooo connection to your conspiracy theories.

Do they have a FUCKTARD section where they can move yours and hollies posts?

A person of unbelieveable, inexcuseable and indescribable stupidity. (Stupidity being defined as "knowing how and doing it wrong anyway")

NOT A CONTRACTION FOR "FUCKING RETARD"! Those who are truly "Retarded" are not responsible for their affliction. True Fucktards are 100% responsible for their situation and provide vast entertainment as they are usually blissfully unaware of their own Fucktardery. Most politicians for example.
One who would actually piss on a live transformer. One who would use a live .22 round for a fuse in their pickup truck "just cuz it fits" and then complain about it shooting them in the nuts.

He shot himself in the nuts? Geez, what a fucktard!

arent you happy?
Now that its no longer in CDZ you dont have to prove anything and you can continue posting your vomit and go as far off topic as you want.

Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started?
Speaking of fucktard. LOL!

I mean the vacant cavity of presumptive clueless asshelmets, speaking of fucktard.

"You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started? Speaking of fucktard. LOL!"

You mean the magic top secret super high intensity 'fire implosion devices'.

why dont you help him tell us what the option are to bring down a building like that genius. Every option. (another cold day in hell)

I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.
Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

Do they have a FUCKTARD section where they can move yours and hollies posts?

A person of unbelieveable, inexcuseable and indescribable stupidity. (Stupidity being defined as "knowing how and doing it wrong anyway")

NOT A CONTRACTION FOR "FUCKING RETARD"! Those who are truly "Retarded" are not responsible for their affliction. True Fucktards are 100% responsible for their situation and provide vast entertainment as they are usually blissfully unaware of their own Fucktardery. Most politicians for example.
One who would actually piss on a live transformer. One who would use a live .22 round for a fuse in their pickup truck "just cuz it fits" and then complain about it shooting them in the nuts.

He shot himself in the nuts? Geez, what a fucktard!

arent you happy?
Now that its no longer in CDZ you dont have to prove anything and you can continue posting your vomit and go as far off topic as you want.

Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started?
Speaking of fucktard. LOL!

I mean the vacant cavity of presumptive clueless asshelmets, speaking of fucktard.

"You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started? Speaking of fucktard. LOL!"

You mean the magic top secret super high intensity 'fire implosion devices'.

why dont you help him tell us what the option are to bring down a building like that genius. Every option. (another cold day in hell)

I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

"I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive."

hey dumbass thats because its not about a conspiracy theory!
Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started?
Speaking of fucktard. LOL!

I mean the vacant cavity of presumptive clueless asshelmets, speaking of fucktard.

"You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started? Speaking of fucktard. LOL!"

You mean the magic top secret super high intensity 'fire implosion devices'.

why dont you help him tell us what the option are to bring down a building like that genius. Every option. (another cold day in hell)

I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

"I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive."

hey dumbass thats because its not about a conspiracy theory!

So the building was rigged, for no reason? LOL!
Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

Do they have a FUCKTARD section where they can move yours and hollies posts?

A person of unbelieveable, inexcuseable and indescribable stupidity. (Stupidity being defined as "knowing how and doing it wrong anyway")

NOT A CONTRACTION FOR "FUCKING RETARD"! Those who are truly "Retarded" are not responsible for their affliction. True Fucktards are 100% responsible for their situation and provide vast entertainment as they are usually blissfully unaware of their own Fucktardery. Most politicians for example.
One who would actually piss on a live transformer. One who would use a live .22 round for a fuse in their pickup truck "just cuz it fits" and then complain about it shooting them in the nuts.

He shot himself in the nuts? Geez, what a fucktard!

arent you happy?
Now that its no longer in CDZ you dont have to prove anything and you can continue posting your vomit and go as far off topic as you want.

Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started?
Speaking of fucktard. LOL!

I mean the vacant cavity of presumptive clueless asshelmets, speaking of fucktard.

"You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started? Speaking of fucktard. LOL!"

You mean the magic top secret super high intensity 'fire implosion devices'.

why dont you help him tell us what the option are to bring down a building like that genius. Every option. (another cold day in hell)

I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

One or more of them have said before that it was the military industrial complex that wanted us to get into a war. Or it was the Saudis and our oil companies. I've heard both.
Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started?
Speaking of fucktard. LOL!

I mean the vacant cavity of presumptive clueless asshelmets, speaking of fucktard.

"You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started? Speaking of fucktard. LOL!"

You mean the magic top secret super high intensity 'fire implosion devices'.

why dont you help him tell us what the option are to bring down a building like that genius. Every option. (another cold day in hell)

I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

"I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive."

hey dumbass thats because its not about a conspiracy theory!

Yes it is. If you don't accept the official version, then you have to explain what happened. If you do that, it's a conspiracy theory.
Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started?
Speaking of fucktard. LOL!

I mean the vacant cavity of presumptive clueless asshelmets, speaking of fucktard.

"You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started? Speaking of fucktard. LOL!"

You mean the magic top secret super high intensity 'fire implosion devices'.

why dont you help him tell us what the option are to bring down a building like that genius. Every option. (another cold day in hell)

I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

One or more of them have said before that it was the military industrial complex that wanted us to get into a war. Or it was the Saudis and our oil companies. I've heard both.

I wanted to nuke somebody, before any of the buildings came down.
Demo not needed.

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