WTC building 7

Since you won't answer my question as to what you think happened or why, I have to make assumptions. You do realize that there are a lot of people who think it was missiles and not planes right?

Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

Now would be a good time to introduce the Joooooo connection to your conspiracy theories.

Do they have a FUCKTARD section where they can move yours and hollies posts?

A person of unbelieveable, inexcuseable and indescribable stupidity. (Stupidity being defined as "knowing how and doing it wrong anyway")

NOT A CONTRACTION FOR "FUCKING RETARD"! Those who are truly "Retarded" are not responsible for their affliction. True Fucktards are 100% responsible for their situation and provide vast entertainment as they are usually blissfully unaware of their own Fucktardery. Most politicians for example.
One who would actually piss on a live transformer. One who would use a live .22 round for a fuse in their pickup truck "just cuz it fits" and then complain about it shooting them in the nuts.

He shot himself in the nuts? Geez, what a fucktard!

arent you happy?
Now that its no longer in CDZ you dont have to prove anything and you can continue posting your vomit and go as far off topic as you want.

Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started?
Speaking of fucktard. LOL!

I mean the vacant cavity of presumptive clueless asshelmets, speaking of fucktard.

"You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started? Speaking of fucktard. LOL!"

You mean the magic top secret super high intensity 'fire implosion devices'.

why dont you help him tell us what the option are to bring down a building like that genius. Every option. (another cold day in hell)

I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

Yes your are clear that you think that demolition is not plausible to make a building come down in a perfect implosion.
I mean the vacant cavity of presumptive clueless asshelmets, speaking of fucktard.

"You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started? Speaking of fucktard. LOL!"

You mean the magic top secret super high intensity 'fire implosion devices'.

why dont you help him tell us what the option are to bring down a building like that genius. Every option. (another cold day in hell)

I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

One or more of them have said before that it was the military industrial complex that wanted us to get into a war. Or it was the Saudis and our oil companies. I've heard both.

I wanted to nuke somebody, before any of the buildings came down.
Demo not needed.

Agreed, but I was simply answering your question. I don't believe any of that.
Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

Do they have a FUCKTARD section where they can move yours and hollies posts?

A person of unbelieveable, inexcuseable and indescribable stupidity. (Stupidity being defined as "knowing how and doing it wrong anyway")

NOT A CONTRACTION FOR "FUCKING RETARD"! Those who are truly "Retarded" are not responsible for their affliction. True Fucktards are 100% responsible for their situation and provide vast entertainment as they are usually blissfully unaware of their own Fucktardery. Most politicians for example.
One who would actually piss on a live transformer. One who would use a live .22 round for a fuse in their pickup truck "just cuz it fits" and then complain about it shooting them in the nuts.

He shot himself in the nuts? Geez, what a fucktard!

arent you happy?
Now that its no longer in CDZ you dont have to prove anything and you can continue posting your vomit and go as far off topic as you want.

Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started?
Speaking of fucktard. LOL!

I mean the vacant cavity of presumptive clueless asshelmets, speaking of fucktard.

"You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started? Speaking of fucktard. LOL!"

You mean the magic top secret super high intensity 'fire implosion devices'.

why dont you help him tell us what the option are to bring down a building like that genius. Every option. (another cold day in hell)

I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

Yes your are clear that you think that demolition is not plausible to make a building come down in a perfect implosion.

No, I never said that at all.
I mean the vacant cavity of presumptive clueless asshelmets, speaking of fucktard.

"You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started? Speaking of fucktard. LOL!"

You mean the magic top secret super high intensity 'fire implosion devices'.

why dont you help him tell us what the option are to bring down a building like that genius. Every option. (another cold day in hell)

I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

"I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive."

hey dumbass thats because its not about a conspiracy theory!

Yes it is. If you don't accept the official version, then you have to explain what happened. If you do that, it's a conspiracy theory.

you dont even know the difference between explaining what happened and who did it which is why your posts need to be moved to the fucktard asshelmet section.
I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

One or more of them have said before that it was the military industrial complex that wanted us to get into a war. Or it was the Saudis and our oil companies. I've heard both.

I wanted to nuke somebody, before any of the buildings came down.
Demo not needed.

Agreed, but I was simply answering your question. I don't believe any of that.

yes everyone understands you want to discuss conspiracy theories instead of facts.
Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started?
Speaking of fucktard. LOL!

I mean the vacant cavity of presumptive clueless asshelmets, speaking of fucktard.

"You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started? Speaking of fucktard. LOL!"

You mean the magic top secret super high intensity 'fire implosion devices'.

why dont you help him tell us what the option are to bring down a building like that genius. Every option. (another cold day in hell)

I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

"I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive."

hey dumbass thats because its not about a conspiracy theory!
It is totally about a conspiracy theory. The entire purpose of threads such as this one is to cast doubt on the "gubment" version of events. That's typically done by you conspiracy theorists by posting YouTube videos of often unknown authorship with careless editing.
Probably because the op is not about a conspiracy theory but about the manner in which a building came down and you are off topic.

You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started?
Speaking of fucktard. LOL!

I mean the vacant cavity of presumptive clueless asshelmets, speaking of fucktard.

"You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started? Speaking of fucktard. LOL!"

You mean the magic top secret super high intensity 'fire implosion devices'.

why dont you help him tell us what the option are to bring down a building like that genius. Every option. (another cold day in hell)

I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

Yes your are clear that you think that demolition is not plausible to make a building come down in a perfect implosion.

No, I never said that at all.

so you dont even know which side of the argument you are on bravo!
I mean the vacant cavity of presumptive clueless asshelmets, speaking of fucktard.

"You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started? Speaking of fucktard. LOL!"

You mean the magic top secret super high intensity 'fire implosion devices'.

why dont you help him tell us what the option are to bring down a building like that genius. Every option. (another cold day in hell)

I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

"I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive."

hey dumbass thats because its not about a conspiracy theory!
It is totally about a conspiracy theory. The entire purpose of threads such as this one is to cast doubt on the "gubment" version of events. That's typically done by you conspiracy theorists by posting YouTube videos of often unknown authorship with careless editing.

and you will go down in history as one of the great thinkers who do not know the difference between calling into doubt the gubmints version of the facts and a conspiracy. bravo!
I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

"I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive."

hey dumbass thats because its not about a conspiracy theory!
It is totally about a conspiracy theory. The entire purpose of threads such as this one is to cast doubt on the "gubment" version of events. That's typically done by you conspiracy theorists by posting YouTube videos of often unknown authorship with careless editing.

and you will go down in history as one of the great thinkers who do not know the difference between calling into doubt the gubmints version of the facts and a conspiracy. bravo!

Shadowy figures sneaking thru a burning building to plant demo charges.
The government is involved, or at least hiding that fact, and that's not a conspiracy?
Boy, you musta fell out the stupid tree and smacked your head on every branch.
So we have the strawman of aliens invoked by the one debwunker in response to wireless detonation technology..and an ad hominem
attack on Paul Craig Roberts instead of the information he provided...and lastly we have a "so what if it was" seems clear to me the debwunkers have lost the debate in epic fashion
You twoofers never had a debate to begin with. Your goofy conspiracy theories are a laughable joke.

It keeps them feeling relevant

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

"I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive."

hey dumbass thats because its not about a conspiracy theory!
It is totally about a conspiracy theory. The entire purpose of threads such as this one is to cast doubt on the "gubment" version of events. That's typically done by you conspiracy theorists by posting YouTube videos of often unknown authorship with careless editing.

and you will go down in history as one of the great thinkers who do not know the difference between calling into doubt the gubmints version of the facts and a conspiracy. bravo!

Shadowy figures sneaking thru a burning building to plant demo charges.
The government is involved, or at least hiding that fact, and that's not a conspiracy?
Boy, you musta fell out the stupid tree and smacked your head on every branch.
Yep, the broken branch of some long dead family tree
So we have the strawman of aliens invoked by the one debwunker in response to wireless detonation technology..and an ad hominem
attack on Paul Craig Roberts instead of the information he provided...and lastly we have a "so what if it was" seems clear to me the debwunkers have lost the debate in epic fashion
You twoofers never had a debate to begin with. Your goofy conspiracy theories are a laughable joke.

It keeps them feeling relevant


kinda like the LBJ killed JFK thing?
So we have the strawman of aliens invoked by the one debwunker in response to wireless detonation technology..and an ad hominem
attack on Paul Craig Roberts instead of the information he provided...and lastly we have a "so what if it was" seems clear to me the debwunkers have lost the debate in epic fashion
You twoofers never had a debate to begin with. Your goofy conspiracy theories are a laughable joke.

It keeps them feeling relevant


kinda like the LBJ killed JFK thing?
LBJ did not kill JFK, the CIA did.

Uh oh! Did you notice all involved have 3 letters? There are NO coincidences :eek:
So we have the strawman of aliens invoked by the one debwunker in response to wireless detonation technology..and an ad hominem
attack on Paul Craig Roberts instead of the information he provided...and lastly we have a "so what if it was" seems clear to me the debwunkers have lost the debate in epic fashion
You twoofers never had a debate to begin with. Your goofy conspiracy theories are a laughable joke.

It keeps them feeling relevant


kinda like the LBJ killed JFK thing?
LBJ did not kill JFK, the CIA did.

Uh oh! Did you notice all involved have 3 letters? There are NO coincidences :eek:

SO TRUE-----THEM TROOOFERS have PROVEN their case again.
(special for Penelope------note----DA WORD 'JOO' has three letters
too. ))
So we have the strawman of aliens invoked by the one debwunker in response to wireless detonation technology..and an ad hominem
attack on Paul Craig Roberts instead of the information he provided...and lastly we have a "so what if it was" seems clear to me the debwunkers have lost the debate in epic fashion
You twoofers never had a debate to begin with. Your goofy conspiracy theories are a laughable joke.

It keeps them feeling relevant


you nutcases are the ones with a goofy conspiracy THEORY.

you all should get off the crack you been smoking with your warped logic that it dont matter what witnesses said many being firefighters experienced in explosives,how NIST was caught LYING,what expert pilots say,only because the CIA controlled media and your corrupt government instituions say you worship as gospel truth,if THEY tell you so,you acccept it hook,line,and sinker like the brainwashed zombies you all are.

none of you will even look at post#33 of mine.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

well to no surprise,the mods moved this to the conspiracy section where all the paid shills such as dawgshit troll at everyday so no chance of having a mature discussion on this anymore.

you nutcases worship this conspiracy THEORY even though NIST was caught lying on this.:rofl:

Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories
One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the Internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.

Normally I don't even bother debunking this kind of junk, but the effect that this paranoid myth is beginning to have requires a little rational analysis, in order to consign it to the same rubbish bin as all such silly conspiracy theories.

These crackpots even contend that the extremist Bush regime was caught unawares by the attacks, had no hand in organizing them and actually would have stopped them if it had been able. Blindly ignoring the stand down of the U.S. Air Force, the insider trading on airline stocks (linked to the CIA), the complicit behavior of Bush on the morning of the attacks, the controlled demolition of the WTC, the firing of a missile into the Pentagon and a host of other documented proofs that the Bush regime was behind the attacks, the conspiracy theorists stick doggedly to a silly story about 19 Arab hijackers somehow managing to commandeer four planes simultaneously and fly them around U.S. airspace for nearly two hours, crashing them into important buildings, without the U.S. intelligence services having any idea that it was coming, and without the Air Force knowing

again better get off the crack you Bush dupes been smoking.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Last edited:
So we have the strawman of aliens invoked by the one debwunker in response to wireless detonation technology..and an ad hominem
attack on Paul Craig Roberts instead of the information he provided...and lastly we have a "so what if it was" seems clear to me the debwunkers have lost the debate in epic fashion
You twoofers never had a debate to begin with. Your goofy conspiracy theories are a laughable joke.

It keeps them feeling relevant


you nutcases are the ones with a goofy conspiracy THEORY.

you all should get off the crack you been smoking with your warped logic that it dont matter what witnesses said many being firefighters experienced in explosives,how NIST was caught LYING,what expert pilots say,only because the CIA controlled media and your corrupt government instituions say you worship as gospel truth,if THEY tell you so,you acccept it hook,line,and sinker like the brainwashed zombies you all are.

none of you will even look at post#33 of mine.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Schizphrenia is very very prevalent in ALL POPULATIONS. In fact world wide---it exists in about 1% of any population-----one in one hundred DIAGNOSED with florid schizophrenia ----which is characterized by ---very
simply "bizarre thinking" ----there is another very prevalent
phenomenon which is not actually diagnosed as schizophrenia------
patients who manifest an "isolated delusion"----which is not harmful
to themselves or others------(DISCLAIMER>>> as far as I know) are
not treated with medications or diagnosed as SCHIZOPHRENIC)

lots of very intelligent people are a bit nuts. They manage to elaborate
It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

"I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive."

hey dumbass thats because its not about a conspiracy theory!
It is totally about a conspiracy theory. The entire purpose of threads such as this one is to cast doubt on the "gubment" version of events. That's typically done by you conspiracy theorists by posting YouTube videos of often unknown authorship with careless editing.

and you will go down in history as one of the great thinkers who do not know the difference between calling into doubt the gubmints version of the facts and a conspiracy. bravo!

Shadowy figures sneaking thru a burning building to plant demo charges.
The government is involved, or at least hiding that fact, and that's not a conspiracy?
Boy, you musta fell out the stupid tree and smacked your head on every branch.

yes I know you and your pals want to convert this thread into a conspiracy theory so you dont look like the fools that you are. Too late.
So we have the strawman of aliens invoked by the one debwunker in response to wireless detonation technology..and an ad hominem
attack on Paul Craig Roberts instead of the information he provided...and lastly we have a "so what if it was" seems clear to me the debwunkers have lost the debate in epic fashion
You twoofers never had a debate to begin with. Your goofy conspiracy theories are a laughable joke.

It keeps them feeling relevant


you nutcases are the ones with a goofy conspiracy THEORY.


they cant refute the facts so they continually pound their off topic bullshit theories then claim thats what the thread is about. So fucking transparent.
So we have the strawman of aliens invoked by the one debwunker in response to wireless detonation technology..and an ad hominem
attack on Paul Craig Roberts instead of the information he provided...and lastly we have a "so what if it was" seems clear to me the debwunkers have lost the debate in epic fashion
You twoofers never had a debate to begin with. Your goofy conspiracy theories are a laughable joke.

It keeps them feeling relevant


kinda like the LBJ killed JFK thing?
LBJ did not kill JFK, the CIA did.

Uh oh! Did you notice all involved have 3 letters? There are NO coincidences :eek:

well maybe there is hope for you in the future someday after all since after all these years you FINALLY have come to grips with reality that the CIA killed JFK and we live in a banana republic because of that.:up:

Yes you are correct,LBJ did not do it,the CIA did.

He knew about it happening as did his pal Dick Nixon which is why Connolly switched parties joining their pal Nixon on his ticket and serving with him in the white house after LBJ resigned in this corrupt ONE PARTY SYSTEM we have.LBJ,Nixon,and Connolly all knew it was going to happen but you are correct,they were not behind it.the CIA was.

so now that you have FINALLY come to grips with that reality and are no longer afraid of that truth anymore,,maybe 50 years from now you will come to grips with reality on 9/11 as well.:up:
So we have the strawman of aliens invoked by the one debwunker in response to wireless detonation technology..and an ad hominem
attack on Paul Craig Roberts instead of the information he provided...and lastly we have a "so what if it was" seems clear to me the debwunkers have lost the debate in epic fashion
You twoofers never had a debate to begin with. Your goofy conspiracy theories are a laughable joke.

It keeps them feeling relevant


you nutcases are the ones with a goofy conspiracy THEORY.


they cant refute the facts so they continually pound their off topic bullshit theories then claim thats what the thread is about. So fucking transparent.


gawd, what a way to start the day...thanks for the :rofl:

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