WTC building 7

Carter like I said,was the one halfway decent president we have had since JFK.
Like JFK,he ALSO tried to get rid of the CIA.

Carter was more lucky than JFK was though because he at least got a warning shot from them with the message made clear to him-PLAY BALL WITH US AND DO WHAT WE TELL YOU TO DO OR SUFFER THE SAME FATE AS JFK.

as always,i have to take you to school here.:biggrin: of course as we both know,you wont read these two links since you only see what you WANT to see on JFK and 9/11:rolleyes-41: you cant stand toe to toe in a debate on these two discussions,JFK and 9/11.

stick to a subject your actually good at.the corruption and myth of ronald reagan,one that you are amazingly,objective and open minded on somehow.:biggrin: which is very amazing since most american sheople like their leader crusader retard,are not.

HiddenMysteries Author s Corner

Bizarre 1979 plot to Assassinate President Jimmy Carter

you being the COINCIDENCE theorist you are,you wont read these two links though of how it was ANOTHER person named Oswald who allegedly tried to kill Carter.

you coincidence theorists eat ANYTHING up.

seriously you all should get off the crack you all been smoking with your coincidence THEORIES.:rolleyes-41::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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Nothing up my sleeve, presto!

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released its long-awaited report on the collapse of World Trade 7

It did not collapse from explosives or from diesel fuel fires."

so you prove that they lied since they admitted that they never checked for explosives, just assumed they were not used.

that fits the definition of fucktard
yep as always,the Bush dupes only prove our point FOR us.:biggrin:
"I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive."

hey dumbass thats because its not about a conspiracy theory!
It is totally about a conspiracy theory. The entire purpose of threads such as this one is to cast doubt on the "gubment" version of events. That's typically done by you conspiracy theorists by posting YouTube videos of often unknown authorship with careless editing.

and you will go down in history as one of the great thinkers who do not know the difference between calling into doubt the gubmints version of the facts and a conspiracy. bravo!

Shadowy figures sneaking thru a burning building to plant demo charges.
The government is involved, or at least hiding that fact, and that's not a conspiracy?
Boy, you musta fell out the stupid tree and smacked your head on every branch.

yes I know you and your pals want to convert this thread into a conspiracy theory so you dont look like the fools that you are. Too late.

So the conspiracy wasn't a conspiracy? LOL!

still too stoopid to understand the difference between material evidence and your crazy who dun it conspiracy theories
So we have the strawman of aliens invoked by the one debwunker in response to wireless detonation technology..and an ad hominem
attack on Paul Craig Roberts instead of the information he provided...and lastly we have a "so what if it was" seems clear to me the debwunkers have lost the debate in epic fashion
You twoofers never had a debate to begin with. Your goofy conspiracy theories are a laughable joke.

It keeps them feeling relevant


you nutcases are the ones with a goofy conspiracy THEORY.


they cant refute the facts so they continually pound their off topic bullshit theories then claim thats what the thread is about. So fucking transparent.


gawd, what a way to start the day...thanks for the :rofl:

yeah it IS a nice laugh watching you Bush dupes run away and play dodgeball on this thread no doubt.:happy-1::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Nothing up my sleeve, presto!

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released its long-awaited report on the collapse of World Trade 7

It did not collapse from explosives or from diesel fuel fires."

so you prove that they lied since they admitted that they never checked for explosives, just assumed they were not used.

that fits the definition of fucktard
yep as always,the Bush dupes only prove our point FOR us.:biggrin:

all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect
kinda like the LBJ killed JFK thing?
LBJ did not kill JFK, the CIA did.

Uh oh! Did you notice all involved have 3 letters? There are NO coincidences :eek:

SO TRUE-----THEM TROOOFERS have PROVEN their case again.
(special for Penelope------note----DA WORD 'JOO' has three letters
too. ))
Sex has three letters too. I suppose the con·spir·a·cist's terror of three letter words can reasonably be construed to show....

not going there

the FREUDIAN THREE "theory" is not relevant here...keep it to yourself----always-----and in privacy
My CIA handlers won't allow that

who are you trying to fool, the cia does have entry standards and they far exceed your single digit academic level.
It is totally about a conspiracy theory. The entire purpose of threads such as this one is to cast doubt on the "gubment" version of events. That's typically done by you conspiracy theorists by posting YouTube videos of often unknown authorship with careless editing.

and you will go down in history as one of the great thinkers who do not know the difference between calling into doubt the gubmints version of the facts and a conspiracy. bravo!

Shadowy figures sneaking thru a burning building to plant demo charges.
The government is involved, or at least hiding that fact, and that's not a conspiracy?
Boy, you musta fell out the stupid tree and smacked your head on every branch.

yes I know you and your pals want to convert this thread into a conspiracy theory so you dont look like the fools that you are. Too late.

So the conspiracy wasn't a conspiracy? LOL!

still too stoopid to understand the difference between material evidence and your crazy who dun it conspiracy theories

Your conspiracy with no motive is stupid.
It keeps them feeling relevant


kinda like the LBJ killed JFK thing?
LBJ did not kill JFK, the CIA did.

Uh oh! Did you notice all involved have 3 letters? There are NO coincidences :eek:

SO TRUE-----THEM TROOOFERS have PROVEN their case again.
(special for Penelope------note----DA WORD 'JOO' has three letters
too. ))
Sex has three letters too. I suppose the con·spir·a·cist's terror of three letter words can reasonably be construed to show....

not going there
Sex has three letters too.

so does fuk-tard

may as well face it all your team has is a huge pile of bullshit.

thats an undertstatement,they keep running away evading
So this is where are the paranoid nuts hang out eh

yeah paranoid nutcases such as dante,toodster parrot,rosie and the other Bush dupes such as yourself hang out on this thread.:biggrin:
Why are loons like you still furthering these silly conspiracy theories?
you can not support the NIST report just admit it

They are defending the indefensible.

When core columns fail due to over heating they look like this.

The wtc debris has not produced any yet.

But there are plenty of perfectly cut pieces.

Beautiful 3 side cut,

and we can only see 2 sides of the one in the lower right corner and upper right corner.

These people dont seem to know the difference between forensic examination of a building and a conspiracy though I am sure they want to convert it to one to dodge the necessity of producing hard evidence in support of the nonsensical fire theory.
nobody questions why they got rid of all the steel so quickly without a true investigation? it was a terrorist attack and plane crash site and they swept it under the rug asap got rid of all structural steel evidence asap. building fell at free fall speed straight down and these morons still think it was structural fire failure? lol what a bunch of cowardly dolts that can't admit they've been sold into ww3 over oil wars and haliburton profits etc.. can you imagine we let those starting the war to profit so heavily over it and we just sat and watched? wow....... american the land of the cowardly naves

the building fell VERY QUICKLY ----but not exactly "freefall"-------the fall produced a HUGE OUTPUT OF ENERGY because it overcame
LOTS AND LOTS OF FRICTION ---------you are confused -----a free fall
would not involve just high velocity it would INCLUDE acceleration. -----what it
would not include was the huge release of energy at the base even before
it hit the ground. The energy release would have simply been a big
bang on the ground. ----and signs of IMPLOSION -----no implosion-----I
watched it happen------no implosion
thank gawd I found this
Unwatch Thread
thank gawd I found this
Unwatch Thread
thank gawd I found this
Unwatch Thread

thanks for admitting defeat,that when you are licked,you are too immature to admit defeat,and run off.:thup::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

see thats the difference between you and paid trolls like gomer pyle ollie,dawgshit-aka sayit,rosie,hossfly and many others here that troll in this section everyday.

You just play dodgeball evading posts changing the subject when your cornered, where they have to LIE just like their handlers instruct them to when they cant refute the facts.
Why are loons like you still furthering these silly conspiracy theories?
you can not support the NIST report just admit it

They are defending the indefensible.

When core columns fail due to over heating they look like this.

The wtc debris has not produced any yet.

But there are plenty of perfectly cut pieces.

Beautiful 3 side cut,

and we can only see 2 sides of the one in the lower right corner and upper right corner.

These people dont seem to know the difference between forensic examination of a building and a conspiracy though I am sure they want to convert it to one to dodge the necessity of producing hard evidence in support of the nonsensical fire theory.
nobody questions why they got rid of all the steel so quickly without a true investigation? it was a terrorist attack and plane crash site and they swept it under the rug asap got rid of all structural steel evidence asap. building fell at free fall speed straight down and these morons still think it was structural fire failure? lol what a bunch of cowardly dolts that can't admit they've been sold into ww3 over oil wars and haliburton profits etc.. can you imagine we let those starting the war to profit so heavily over it and we just sat and watched? wow....... american the land of the cowardly naves

you my man are making wayyyyyyy too much sense for these nutcases to understand here,pesky facts they cant deal with.instead of trying to refute them,they post a funny or make up a bunch of lies like that handlers instruct them to.thank god for the ignore list.

the paid shills are not worth your time,they are just here to waste it and try and take it up in hopes of trying to derail this have heard this old saying before-:trolls:

Good advise,dont give them the attention they seek.Dante I actually DO bother with because he is not one of them.He is just a programmed brainwashed sheep afraid to look at the evidence you mention.

what really amazes me on him is he knows the truth about Reagan and doesnt accept the lies that our corrupt school system and our government CIA media outlets have told the american people on that,yet he DOES accept the lies of our corrupt school system on the JFK assassination.go figure on that one.:cuckoo: amazing that he can see the lies they have spun on reagan all these years but cant on JFK though isnt it?:rolleyes-41:
I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

"I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive."

hey dumbass thats because its not about a conspiracy theory!

Yes it is. If you don't accept the official version, then you have to explain what happened. If you do that, it's a conspiracy theory.

you dont even know the difference between explaining what happened and who did it which is why your posts need to be moved to the fucktard asshelmet section.

You know you are showing yourself to be too stupid to talk to even for a Truther. I'm not asking who did it you nit wit.

If you don't want to discuss it just stop fucking responding to it moron.
LBJ did not kill JFK, the CIA did.

Uh oh! Did you notice all involved have 3 letters? There are NO coincidences :eek:

SO TRUE-----THEM TROOOFERS have PROVEN their case again.
(special for Penelope------note----DA WORD 'JOO' has three letters
too. ))
Sex has three letters too. I suppose the con·spir·a·cist's terror of three letter words can reasonably be construed to show....

not going there

the FREUDIAN THREE "theory" is not relevant here...keep it to yourself----always-----and in privacy
My CIA handlers won't allow that

who are you trying to fool, the cia does have entry standards and they far exceed your single digit academic level.

yeah Dante is not one of them.

Dante if he was one of them would go around trolling all the time defending the lies of our corrupt school system and our government institutions that Reagan was a great president.

He doesnt make up lies like agents do when they are cornered,he just runs off like he just did.thats what all brainwashed sheep like they do,instead of trolling and lying like they do here all the time everyday,they run off and dissapear knowing they are licked.:biggrin:

the PC forum where they protect the shills there,has got them everywhere at that site trolling everyday constantly as you well know.
It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

One or more of them have said before that it was the military industrial complex that wanted us to get into a war. Or it was the Saudis and our oil companies. I've heard both.

I wanted to nuke somebody, before any of the buildings came down.
Demo not needed.

Agreed, but I was simply answering your question. I don't believe any of that.

yes everyone understands you want to discuss conspiracy theories instead of facts.

You don't have any facts moron.
It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

"I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive."

hey dumbass thats because its not about a conspiracy theory!

Yes it is. If you don't accept the official version, then you have to explain what happened. If you do that, it's a conspiracy theory.

you dont even know the difference between explaining what happened and who did it which is why your posts need to be moved to the fucktard asshelmet section.

You know you are showing yourself to be too stupid to talk to even for a Truther. I'm not asking who did it you nit wit.

If you don't want to discuss it just stop fucking responding to it moron.

Koko you are finding out what others do around here about this troll Predfan.

When he is cornered and cant refute facts,he puts you on his ignore list.

He put me on it a long time ago when I took him to school on the JFK assassination.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::lol::lol::lol::laugh::laugh::laugh:

He got frustrated that he could not refute my facts and he has had me on ignore ever since.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::lol:

I imagine he is probably doing that with you right now as well.:lmao:
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I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

One or more of them have said before that it was the military industrial complex that wanted us to get into a war. Or it was the Saudis and our oil companies. I've heard both.

I wanted to nuke somebody, before any of the buildings came down.
Demo not needed.

Agreed, but I was simply answering your question. I don't believe any of that.

yes everyone understands you want to discuss conspiracy theories instead of facts.

You don't have any facts moron.

see what i am talking about Koko? each time he gets cornered and frustrated with the evidence and facts he cannot refute,he gets frustrated and like the hypocrite troll he is,he enages in name calling in frustration and LIES !!!!!!!.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

By the time this day is over with,he'll put you on ignore out of frustration knowing he is licked.just watch.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::muahaha::muahaha::muahaha::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

he is such a hypocrite troll,he whines about name calling all the time yet thats EXACTLY what HE engages in when he is cornered and cant refute them like all Bush dupes do.:biggrin:
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I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive.

"I still haven't heard one of these dipshits supply a motive."

hey dumbass thats because its not about a conspiracy theory!
It is totally about a conspiracy theory. The entire purpose of threads such as this one is to cast doubt on the "gubment" version of events. That's typically done by you conspiracy theorists by posting YouTube videos of often unknown authorship with careless editing.

and you will go down in history as one of the great thinkers who do not know the difference between calling into doubt the gubmints version of the facts and a conspiracy. bravo!
Actually, you conspiracy theory loons are endlessly entertaining. You have trouble separating fact from your lurid conspiracies.
I mean the vacant cavity of presumptive clueless asshelmets, speaking of fucktard.

"You mean the magic light weight explosives that were installed after the fires started? Speaking of fucktard. LOL!"

You mean the magic top secret super high intensity 'fire implosion devices'.

why dont you help him tell us what the option are to bring down a building like that genius. Every option. (another cold day in hell)

I think a long burning fire combined with damage from falling debris works just fine.
Better than Dick Cheney and the Rothschildes running thru the building slapping thousands of charges on support beams, just to destroy some paperwork.

Was that the motive you stupid shit?

It's funny how the inside job theorists call the official version impossible but they want to replace it with something even more impossible.

Yes your are clear that you think that demolition is not plausible to make a building come down in a perfect implosion.

No, I never said that at all.

so you dont even know which side of the argument you are on bravo!

Yeah well you are an illiterate moron. Good luck with that.

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