WTC building 7

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oh it most definitely is it cites damage how you back peddled...its impossible
oh wait NIST said it...oh ok its

wrong again-----I explained the HIGH VELOCITY OF THE FALL----and why it is not precisely "FREE FALL"------the velocity simply comes close to free fall----
(without the acceleration issue which you ignore)
it clearly says acceleration in the NIST report dummie

it says that the acceleration is = to G ???? not it doesn't
  • Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)
2.5 sec to be accurate not diagnostically viable..
blah blah blah ?
wrong again-----I explained the HIGH VELOCITY OF THE FALL----and why it is not precisely "FREE FALL"------the velocity simply comes close to free fall----
(without the acceleration issue which you ignore)
it clearly says acceleration in the NIST report dummie

it says that the acceleration is = to G ???? not it doesn't
  • Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)
2.5 sec to be accurate not diagnostically viable..
blah blah blah ?
rock solid evidence you got jack it a day...

They are defending the indefensible.

When core columns fail due to over heating they look like this.

The wtc debris has not produced any yet.

But there are plenty of perfectly cut pieces.

Beautiful 3 side cut,

and we can only see 2 sides of the one in the lower right corner and upper right corner.

These people dont seem to know the difference between forensic examination of a building and a conspiracy though I am sure they want to convert it to one to dodge the necessity of producing hard evidence in support of the nonsensical fire theory.
nobody questions why they got rid of all the steel so quickly without a true investigation? it was a terrorist attack and plane crash site and they swept it under the rug asap got rid of all structural steel evidence asap. building fell at free fall speed straight down and these morons still think it was structural fire failure? lol what a bunch of cowardly dolts that can't admit they've been sold into ww3 over oil wars and haliburton profits etc.. can you imagine we let those starting the war to profit so heavily over it and we just sat and watched? wow....... american the land of the cowardly naves

the building fell VERY QUICKLY ----but not exactly "freefall"-------the fall produced a HUGE OUTPUT OF ENERGY because it overcame
LOTS AND LOTS OF FRICTION ---------you are confused -----a free fall
would not involve just high velocity it would INCLUDE acceleration. -----what it
would not include was the huge release of energy at the base even before
it hit the ground. The energy release would have simply been a big
bang on the ground. ----and signs of IMPLOSION -----no implosion-----I
watched it happen------no implosion
NIST admits free fall, a fact not in dispute
yes they did ..for 2.5 sec

In a video, it appears that WTC 7 is descending in free fall, something that would not occur in the structural collapse that you describe. How can you ignore basic laws of physics?
In the draft WTC 7 report (released Aug. 21, 2008; available at, NIST stated that the north face of the building descended 18 stories (the portion of the collapse visible in the video) in 5.4 seconds, based on video analysis of the building collapse. This time period is 40 percent longer than the 3.9 seconds this process would have taken if the north face of the building had descended solely under free fall conditions. During the public comment period on the draft report, NIST was asked to confirm this time difference and define the reasons for it in greater detail.

To further clarify the descent of the north face, NIST recorded the downward displacement of a point near the center of the roofline from first movement until the north face was no longer visible in the video. Numerical analyses were conducted to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the roofline point from the time-dependent displacement data. The instant at which vertical motion of the roofline first occurred was determined by tracking the numerical value of the brightness of a pixel (a single element in the video image) at the roofline. This pixel became brighter as the roofline began to descend because the color of the pixel started to change from that of the building façade to the lighter color of the sky.

The approach taken by NIST is summarized in Section 3.6 of the final summary report, NCSTAR 1A (released Nov. 20, 2008; available at and detailed in Section 12.5.3 of NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (available at

The analyses of the video (both the estimation of the instant the roofline began to descend and the calculated velocity and acceleration of a point on the roofline) revealed three distinct stages characterizing the 5.4 seconds of collapse:

  • Stage 1 (0 to 1.75 seconds): acceleration less than that of gravity (i.e., slower than free fall).
  • Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)
  • Stage 3 (4.0 to 5.4 seconds): decreased acceleration, again less than that of gravity

This analysis showed that the 40 percent longer descent time—compared to the 3.9 second free fall time—was due primarily to Stage 1, which corresponded to the buckling of the exterior columns in the lower stories of the north face. During Stage 2, the north face descended essentially in free fall, indicating negligible support from the structure below. This is consistent with the structural analysis model which showed the exterior columns buckling and losing their capacity to support the loads from the structure above. In Stage 3, the acceleration decreased as the upper portion of the north face encountered increased resistance from the collapsed structure and the debris pile below.
that freefall is effect not cause and it's short duration is of no diagnostic importance.
so you are saying that a structure that collapses in a fire that is not uniformly raging in the building would allow this building to collapse perfectly straight down? lol. how can you believe in such random "miracles" of chance? not to mention all the building never deviated from the straight down the line target as they were intended to do? it's either a perfect demo job or God himself had a hand in such handy perfect demo work.
They are defending the indefensible.

When core columns fail due to over heating they look like this.

The wtc debris has not produced any yet.

But there are plenty of perfectly cut pieces.

Beautiful 3 side cut,

and we can only see 2 sides of the one in the lower right corner and upper right corner.

These people dont seem to know the difference between forensic examination of a building and a conspiracy though I am sure they want to convert it to one to dodge the necessity of producing hard evidence in support of the nonsensical fire theory.
nobody questions why they got rid of all the steel so quickly without a true investigation? it was a terrorist attack and plane crash site and they swept it under the rug asap got rid of all structural steel evidence asap. building fell at free fall speed straight down and these morons still think it was structural fire failure? lol what a bunch of cowardly dolts that can't admit they've been sold into ww3 over oil wars and haliburton profits etc.. can you imagine we let those starting the war to profit so heavily over it and we just sat and watched? wow....... american the land of the cowardly naves

the building fell VERY QUICKLY ----but not exactly "freefall"-------the fall produced a HUGE OUTPUT OF ENERGY because it overcame
LOTS AND LOTS OF FRICTION ---------you are confused -----a free fall
would not involve just high velocity it would INCLUDE acceleration. -----what it
would not include was the huge release of energy at the base even before
it hit the ground. The energy release would have simply been a big
bang on the ground. ----and signs of IMPLOSION -----no implosion-----I
watched it happen------no implosion
NIST admits free fall, a fact not in dispute
yes they did ..for 2.5 sec

In a video, it appears that WTC 7 is descending in free fall, something that would not occur in the structural collapse that you describe. How can you ignore basic laws of physics?
In the draft WTC 7 report (released Aug. 21, 2008; available at, NIST stated that the north face of the building descended 18 stories (the portion of the collapse visible in the video) in 5.4 seconds, based on video analysis of the building collapse. This time period is 40 percent longer than the 3.9 seconds this process would have taken if the north face of the building had descended solely under free fall conditions. During the public comment period on the draft report, NIST was asked to confirm this time difference and define the reasons for it in greater detail.

To further clarify the descent of the north face, NIST recorded the downward displacement of a point near the center of the roofline from first movement until the north face was no longer visible in the video. Numerical analyses were conducted to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the roofline point from the time-dependent displacement data. The instant at which vertical motion of the roofline first occurred was determined by tracking the numerical value of the brightness of a pixel (a single element in the video image) at the roofline. This pixel became brighter as the roofline began to descend because the color of the pixel started to change from that of the building façade to the lighter color of the sky.

The approach taken by NIST is summarized in Section 3.6 of the final summary report, NCSTAR 1A (released Nov. 20, 2008; available at and detailed in Section 12.5.3 of NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (available at

The analyses of the video (both the estimation of the instant the roofline began to descend and the calculated velocity and acceleration of a point on the roofline) revealed three distinct stages characterizing the 5.4 seconds of collapse:

  • Stage 1 (0 to 1.75 seconds): acceleration less than that of gravity (i.e., slower than free fall).
  • Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)
  • Stage 3 (4.0 to 5.4 seconds): decreased acceleration, again less than that of gravity

This analysis showed that the 40 percent longer descent time—compared to the 3.9 second free fall time—was due primarily to Stage 1, which corresponded to the buckling of the exterior columns in the lower stories of the north face. During Stage 2, the north face descended essentially in free fall, indicating negligible support from the structure below. This is consistent with the structural analysis model which showed the exterior columns buckling and losing their capacity to support the loads from the structure above. In Stage 3, the acceleration decreased as the upper portion of the north face encountered increased resistance from the collapsed structure and the debris pile below.
that freefall is effect not cause and it's short duration is of no diagnostic importance.
so you are saying that a structure that collapses in a fire that is not uniformly raging in the building would allow this building to collapse perfectly straight down? lol. how can you believe in such random "miracles" of chance? not to mention all the building never deviated from the straight down the line target as they were intended to do? it's either a perfect demo job or God himself had a hand in such handy perfect demo work.
there are no miracles only the north face fell straight down... btw what happened is well within the law of probabilities .
Law of total probability
In probability theory, the law of total probability is a fundamental rule relating marginal probabilities to conditional probabilities. It expresses the total probability of an outcome which can be realized via several distinct events - hence the name.
belief has jack shit to do with why shit happens.
They are defending the indefensible.

When core columns fail due to over heating they look like this.

The wtc debris has not produced any yet.

But there are plenty of perfectly cut pieces.

Beautiful 3 side cut,

and we can only see 2 sides of the one in the lower right corner and upper right corner.

These people dont seem to know the difference between forensic examination of a building and a conspiracy though I am sure they want to convert it to one to dodge the necessity of producing hard evidence in support of the nonsensical fire theory.
nobody questions why they got rid of all the steel so quickly without a true investigation? it was a terrorist attack and plane crash site and they swept it under the rug asap got rid of all structural steel evidence asap. building fell at free fall speed straight down and these morons still think it was structural fire failure? lol what a bunch of cowardly dolts that can't admit they've been sold into ww3 over oil wars and haliburton profits etc.. can you imagine we let those starting the war to profit so heavily over it and we just sat and watched? wow....... american the land of the cowardly naves

the building fell VERY QUICKLY ----but not exactly "freefall"-------the fall produced a HUGE OUTPUT OF ENERGY because it overcame
LOTS AND LOTS OF FRICTION ---------you are confused -----a free fall
would not involve just high velocity it would INCLUDE acceleration. -----what it
would not include was the huge release of energy at the base even before
it hit the ground. The energy release would have simply been a big
bang on the ground. ----and signs of IMPLOSION -----no implosion-----I
watched it happen------no implosion
NIST admits free fall, a fact not in dispute
yes they did ..for 2.5 sec

In a video, it appears that WTC 7 is descending in free fall, something that would not occur in the structural collapse that you describe. How can you ignore basic laws of physics?
In the draft WTC 7 report (released Aug. 21, 2008; available at, NIST stated that the north face of the building descended 18 stories (the portion of the collapse visible in the video) in 5.4 seconds, based on video analysis of the building collapse. This time period is 40 percent longer than the 3.9 seconds this process would have taken if the north face of the building had descended solely under free fall conditions. During the public comment period on the draft report, NIST was asked to confirm this time difference and define the reasons for it in greater detail.

To further clarify the descent of the north face, NIST recorded the downward displacement of a point near the center of the roofline from first movement until the north face was no longer visible in the video. Numerical analyses were conducted to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the roofline point from the time-dependent displacement data. The instant at which vertical motion of the roofline first occurred was determined by tracking the numerical value of the brightness of a pixel (a single element in the video image) at the roofline. This pixel became brighter as the roofline began to descend because the color of the pixel started to change from that of the building façade to the lighter color of the sky.

The approach taken by NIST is summarized in Section 3.6 of the final summary report, NCSTAR 1A (released Nov. 20, 2008; available at and detailed in Section 12.5.3 of NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (available at

The analyses of the video (both the estimation of the instant the roofline began to descend and the calculated velocity and acceleration of a point on the roofline) revealed three distinct stages characterizing the 5.4 seconds of collapse:

  • Stage 1 (0 to 1.75 seconds): acceleration less than that of gravity (i.e., slower than free fall).
  • Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)
  • Stage 3 (4.0 to 5.4 seconds): decreased acceleration, again less than that of gravity

This analysis showed that the 40 percent longer descent time—compared to the 3.9 second free fall time—was due primarily to Stage 1, which corresponded to the buckling of the exterior columns in the lower stories of the north face. During Stage 2, the north face descended essentially in free fall, indicating negligible support from the structure below. This is consistent with the structural analysis model which showed the exterior columns buckling and losing their capacity to support the loads from the structure above. In Stage 3, the acceleration decreased as the upper portion of the north face encountered increased resistance from the collapsed structure and the debris pile below.
that freefall is effect not cause and it's short duration is of no diagnostic importance.
so you are saying that a structure that collapses in a fire that is not uniformly raging in the building would allow this building to collapse perfectly straight down? lol. how can you believe in such random "miracles" of chance? not to mention all the building never deviated from the straight down the line target as they were intended to do? it's either a perfect demo job or God himself had a hand in such handy perfect demo work.

more stupidity----the fire in building went on for HOURS----not one hour --not just two hours------MANY HOURS -----fire spreads-----why would you assume that it was not raging thruout by the time the building went down------besides----what
difference would it make if someone did do something to help it along in order to
END the disaster (I am not suggesting that anyone did---just asking SO WHAT?----all kinds of things get done to contain fires-----are you disappointed that all of
manhattan did not get destroyed?)-------planes hijacked by your people crashed into the buildings--------that is what happened)
nobody questions why they got rid of all the steel so quickly without a true investigation? it was a terrorist attack and plane crash site and they swept it under the rug asap got rid of all structural steel evidence asap. building fell at free fall speed straight down and these morons still think it was structural fire failure? lol what a bunch of cowardly dolts that can't admit they've been sold into ww3 over oil wars and haliburton profits etc.. can you imagine we let those starting the war to profit so heavily over it and we just sat and watched? wow....... american the land of the cowardly naves

the building fell VERY QUICKLY ----but not exactly "freefall"-------the fall produced a HUGE OUTPUT OF ENERGY because it overcame
LOTS AND LOTS OF FRICTION ---------you are confused -----a free fall
would not involve just high velocity it would INCLUDE acceleration. -----what it
would not include was the huge release of energy at the base even before
it hit the ground. The energy release would have simply been a big
bang on the ground. ----and signs of IMPLOSION -----no implosion-----I
watched it happen------no implosion
NIST admits free fall, a fact not in dispute
yes they did ..for 2.5 sec

In a video, it appears that WTC 7 is descending in free fall, something that would not occur in the structural collapse that you describe. How can you ignore basic laws of physics?
In the draft WTC 7 report (released Aug. 21, 2008; available at, NIST stated that the north face of the building descended 18 stories (the portion of the collapse visible in the video) in 5.4 seconds, based on video analysis of the building collapse. This time period is 40 percent longer than the 3.9 seconds this process would have taken if the north face of the building had descended solely under free fall conditions. During the public comment period on the draft report, NIST was asked to confirm this time difference and define the reasons for it in greater detail.

To further clarify the descent of the north face, NIST recorded the downward displacement of a point near the center of the roofline from first movement until the north face was no longer visible in the video. Numerical analyses were conducted to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the roofline point from the time-dependent displacement data. The instant at which vertical motion of the roofline first occurred was determined by tracking the numerical value of the brightness of a pixel (a single element in the video image) at the roofline. This pixel became brighter as the roofline began to descend because the color of the pixel started to change from that of the building façade to the lighter color of the sky.

The approach taken by NIST is summarized in Section 3.6 of the final summary report, NCSTAR 1A (released Nov. 20, 2008; available at and detailed in Section 12.5.3 of NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (available at

The analyses of the video (both the estimation of the instant the roofline began to descend and the calculated velocity and acceleration of a point on the roofline) revealed three distinct stages characterizing the 5.4 seconds of collapse:

  • Stage 1 (0 to 1.75 seconds): acceleration less than that of gravity (i.e., slower than free fall).
  • Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)
  • Stage 3 (4.0 to 5.4 seconds): decreased acceleration, again less than that of gravity

This analysis showed that the 40 percent longer descent time—compared to the 3.9 second free fall time—was due primarily to Stage 1, which corresponded to the buckling of the exterior columns in the lower stories of the north face. During Stage 2, the north face descended essentially in free fall, indicating negligible support from the structure below. This is consistent with the structural analysis model which showed the exterior columns buckling and losing their capacity to support the loads from the structure above. In Stage 3, the acceleration decreased as the upper portion of the north face encountered increased resistance from the collapsed structure and the debris pile below.
that freefall is effect not cause and it's short duration is of no diagnostic importance.
so you are saying that a structure that collapses in a fire that is not uniformly raging in the building would allow this building to collapse perfectly straight down? lol. how can you believe in such random "miracles" of chance? not to mention all the building never deviated from the straight down the line target as they were intended to do? it's either a perfect demo job or God himself had a hand in such handy perfect demo work.

more stupidity----the fire in building went on for HOURS----not one hour --not just two hours------MANY HOURS -----fire spreads-----why would you assume that it was not raging thruout by the time the building went down------besides----what
difference would it make if someone did do something to help it along in order to
END the disaster (I am not suggesting that anyone did---just asking SO WHAT?----all kinds of things get done to contain fires-----are you disappointed that all of
manhattan did not get destroyed?)-------planes hijacked by your people crashed into the buildings--------that is what happened)
to be accurate and so eots cannot use the red herring argument (no planes hit etc.) it was wtc 1 that hit wtc7 and is the major cause of it's collapse. the cd angle is pure fantasy.
nobody questions why they got rid of all the steel so quickly without a true investigation? it was a terrorist attack and plane crash site and they swept it under the rug asap got rid of all structural steel evidence asap. building fell at free fall speed straight down and these morons still think it was structural fire failure? lol what a bunch of cowardly dolts that can't admit they've been sold into ww3 over oil wars and haliburton profits etc.. can you imagine we let those starting the war to profit so heavily over it and we just sat and watched? wow....... american the land of the cowardly naves

the building fell VERY QUICKLY ----but not exactly "freefall"-------the fall produced a HUGE OUTPUT OF ENERGY because it overcame
LOTS AND LOTS OF FRICTION ---------you are confused -----a free fall
would not involve just high velocity it would INCLUDE acceleration. -----what it
would not include was the huge release of energy at the base even before
it hit the ground. The energy release would have simply been a big
bang on the ground. ----and signs of IMPLOSION -----no implosion-----I
watched it happen------no implosion
NIST admits free fall, a fact not in dispute
yes they did ..for 2.5 sec

In a video, it appears that WTC 7 is descending in free fall, something that would not occur in the structural collapse that you describe. How can you ignore basic laws of physics?
In the draft WTC 7 report (released Aug. 21, 2008; available at, NIST stated that the north face of the building descended 18 stories (the portion of the collapse visible in the video) in 5.4 seconds, based on video analysis of the building collapse. This time period is 40 percent longer than the 3.9 seconds this process would have taken if the north face of the building had descended solely under free fall conditions. During the public comment period on the draft report, NIST was asked to confirm this time difference and define the reasons for it in greater detail.

To further clarify the descent of the north face, NIST recorded the downward displacement of a point near the center of the roofline from first movement until the north face was no longer visible in the video. Numerical analyses were conducted to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the roofline point from the time-dependent displacement data. The instant at which vertical motion of the roofline first occurred was determined by tracking the numerical value of the brightness of a pixel (a single element in the video image) at the roofline. This pixel became brighter as the roofline began to descend because the color of the pixel started to change from that of the building façade to the lighter color of the sky.

The approach taken by NIST is summarized in Section 3.6 of the final summary report, NCSTAR 1A (released Nov. 20, 2008; available at and detailed in Section 12.5.3 of NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (available at

The analyses of the video (both the estimation of the instant the roofline began to descend and the calculated velocity and acceleration of a point on the roofline) revealed three distinct stages characterizing the 5.4 seconds of collapse:

  • Stage 1 (0 to 1.75 seconds): acceleration less than that of gravity (i.e., slower than free fall).
  • Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)
  • Stage 3 (4.0 to 5.4 seconds): decreased acceleration, again less than that of gravity

This analysis showed that the 40 percent longer descent time—compared to the 3.9 second free fall time—was due primarily to Stage 1, which corresponded to the buckling of the exterior columns in the lower stories of the north face. During Stage 2, the north face descended essentially in free fall, indicating negligible support from the structure below. This is consistent with the structural analysis model which showed the exterior columns buckling and losing their capacity to support the loads from the structure above. In Stage 3, the acceleration decreased as the upper portion of the north face encountered increased resistance from the collapsed structure and the debris pile below.
that freefall is effect not cause and it's short duration is of no diagnostic importance.
so you are saying that a structure that collapses in a fire that is not uniformly raging in the building would allow this building to collapse perfectly straight down? lol. how can you believe in such random "miracles" of chance? not to mention all the building never deviated from the straight down the line target as they were intended to do? it's either a perfect demo job or God himself had a hand in such handy perfect demo work.

more stupidity----the fire in building went on for HOURS----not one hour --not just two hours------MANY HOURS -----fire spreads-----why would you assume that it was not raging thruout by the time the building went down------besides----what
difference would it make if someone did do something to help it along in order to
END the disaster (I am not suggesting that anyone did---just asking SO WHAT?----all kinds of things get done to contain fires-----are you disappointed that all of
manhattan did not get destroyed?)-------planes hijacked by your people crashed into the buildings--------that is what happened)[/QU

you can try your best to placate your fears, but the sad fact is obvious. other fires have raged for days in skyscraper and building didn't fall. i know it's hard to believe the super wealthy become ego maniacs that just want more and more and they don't care whom gets hurt or kill for them to get it. It's hard for you to believe these people could lie straigth in your faces and you can't tell. But the sad truth is they did and you can't or won't admit it. grow up. there are no coincidences that the owner of towers made for times it's worth. he probably had to spread that much around to make co conspirators stay quiet. those building would never fall so perfectly down. get over it. you are too afraid to see the truth. it's o.k. i will hold your hand and show you the light through all these dark nights.
the building fell VERY QUICKLY ----but not exactly "freefall"-------the fall produced a HUGE OUTPUT OF ENERGY because it overcame
LOTS AND LOTS OF FRICTION ---------you are confused -----a free fall
would not involve just high velocity it would INCLUDE acceleration. -----what it
would not include was the huge release of energy at the base even before
it hit the ground. The energy release would have simply been a big
bang on the ground. ----and signs of IMPLOSION -----no implosion-----I
watched it happen------no implosion
NIST admits free fall, a fact not in dispute
yes they did ..for 2.5 sec

In a video, it appears that WTC 7 is descending in free fall, something that would not occur in the structural collapse that you describe. How can you ignore basic laws of physics?
In the draft WTC 7 report (released Aug. 21, 2008; available at, NIST stated that the north face of the building descended 18 stories (the portion of the collapse visible in the video) in 5.4 seconds, based on video analysis of the building collapse. This time period is 40 percent longer than the 3.9 seconds this process would have taken if the north face of the building had descended solely under free fall conditions. During the public comment period on the draft report, NIST was asked to confirm this time difference and define the reasons for it in greater detail.

To further clarify the descent of the north face, NIST recorded the downward displacement of a point near the center of the roofline from first movement until the north face was no longer visible in the video. Numerical analyses were conducted to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the roofline point from the time-dependent displacement data. The instant at which vertical motion of the roofline first occurred was determined by tracking the numerical value of the brightness of a pixel (a single element in the video image) at the roofline. This pixel became brighter as the roofline began to descend because the color of the pixel started to change from that of the building façade to the lighter color of the sky.

The approach taken by NIST is summarized in Section 3.6 of the final summary report, NCSTAR 1A (released Nov. 20, 2008; available at and detailed in Section 12.5.3 of NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (available at

The analyses of the video (both the estimation of the instant the roofline began to descend and the calculated velocity and acceleration of a point on the roofline) revealed three distinct stages characterizing the 5.4 seconds of collapse:

  • Stage 1 (0 to 1.75 seconds): acceleration less than that of gravity (i.e., slower than free fall).
  • Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)
  • Stage 3 (4.0 to 5.4 seconds): decreased acceleration, again less than that of gravity

This analysis showed that the 40 percent longer descent time—compared to the 3.9 second free fall time—was due primarily to Stage 1, which corresponded to the buckling of the exterior columns in the lower stories of the north face. During Stage 2, the north face descended essentially in free fall, indicating negligible support from the structure below. This is consistent with the structural analysis model which showed the exterior columns buckling and losing their capacity to support the loads from the structure above. In Stage 3, the acceleration decreased as the upper portion of the north face encountered increased resistance from the collapsed structure and the debris pile below.
that freefall is effect not cause and it's short duration is of no diagnostic importance.
so you are saying that a structure that collapses in a fire that is not uniformly raging in the building would allow this building to collapse perfectly straight down? lol. how can you believe in such random "miracles" of chance? not to mention all the building never deviated from the straight down the line target as they were intended to do? it's either a perfect demo job or God himself had a hand in such handy perfect demo work.

more stupidity----the fire in building went on for HOURS----not one hour --not just two hours------MANY HOURS -----fire spreads-----why would you assume that it was not raging thruout by the time the building went down------besides----what
difference would it make if someone did do something to help it along in order to
END the disaster (I am not suggesting that anyone did---just asking SO WHAT?----all kinds of things get done to contain fires-----are you disappointed that all of
manhattan did not get destroyed?)-------planes hijacked by your people crashed into the buildings--------that is what happened)
to be accurate and so eots cannot use the red herring argument (no planes hit etc.) it was wtc 1 that hit wtc7 and is the major cause of it's collapse. the cd angle is pure fantasy.
if 1 hit seven it would have had to hit it equally on all sides for it to fall straight down. no?
the "PROBABILITY" argument amuses me-------in fact the "PROBABLITY" of a
given event------such as ---the calculated probability that I would be born 70 years ago------live here and there-----end up here---today ---with a computer-----on this board-----when CALCULATED p/n times p/n times p/n ........... approaches 0 so obviously it is not really happening
An emergency responder caught in the building between the 6th and 8th floors says he heard two loud booms. Isn't that evidence that there was an explosion?
The sound levels reported by all witnesses do not match the sound level of an explosion that would have been required to cause the collapse of the building. If the two loud booms were due to explosions that were responsible for the collapse of WTC 7, the emergency responder-located somewhere between the 6th and 8th floors in WTC 7-would not have been able to survive the near immediate collapse and provide this witness account.
guys the video of the building falling is evidence enough for any with a brain to see it was a demo job

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