WTC building 7

so what of the insurance? the money made by haliburton and those taking us to war with 911 as pearl harbor excuse. you guys must have been in on it to believe it wasn't a money and oil scam
more stupidity----the fire in building went on for HOURS----not one hour --not just two hours------MANY HOURS -----fire spreads-----why would you assume that it was not raging thruout by the time the building went down------besides----what
difference would it make if someone did do something to help it along in order to
END the disaster (I am not suggesting that anyone did---just asking SO WHAT?----all kinds of things get done to contain fires-----are you disappointed that all of
manhattan did not get destroyed?)-------planes hijacked by your people crashed into the buildings--------that is what happened)
to be accurate and so eots cannot use the red herring argument (no planes hit etc.) it was wtc 1 that hit wtc7 and is the major cause of it's collapse. the cd angle is pure fantasy.
if 1 hit seven it would have had to hit it equally on all sides for it to fall straight down. no?
since only the north face fall straight down( and to be accurate) wtc7 did not collapse directly on to wtc7, (as you wish it did) what did happen if that huge chunks of wtc1 were ejected laterally and because of the great height difference between wtc1 and wtc7 smashed into the south side of wtc7 creating a huge gash and knocking the building out of trim preventing a as straight down fall.
in short you're talking out your ass.
why would we get rid of all the steel evidence so rapidly? before it was analyzed especially independently? ask yourselves who would do that and why? don't try to say we wanted to get back and show are u.s. strength crap. please spare us.
they did! not some went to build a ship lots if steel sat at fresh kills for more than a decade ..

Just what about the messed up steel could be so interesting?. two big planes
crashed into the buildings-------is that fact disputed too? In the course of my
life------I had a job for awhile that included taking a look at brain
dead people. Most of them had a bullet hole in their skulls and on X-ray
or C-T scan------a bullet stuck in their brains. On physical exam they met the Harvard criteria for brain death------thus the conclusion
Brain dead
Gunshot wound to the brain.

I did not bother to even check to see what brand of underwear or socks
they wore. Of course----I am no Columbo----or even POIROT

what is so important about the messed up twisted steel?
stand down orders for jets not to intercept planes done by the vice president who made a killing with haliburton and so did the rest of them. follow the money morons. it leads right back to the guys who started the oil wars again
speculation and totally specious
it's clear you got noting or why would you use the lame follow the money ploy.
that's your best answer? you actually agree with those starting wars profiting off them so heavily? insurance taken out months if not a month before so he didn't even have to pay much in premiums just pure profit off death. you guys are in on it or just plain stupid.
to be accurate and so eots cannot use the red herring argument (no planes hit etc.) it was wtc 1 that hit wtc7 and is the major cause of it's collapse. the cd angle is pure fantasy.
if 1 hit seven it would have had to hit it equally on all sides for it to fall straight down. no?
since only the north face fall straight down( and to be accurate) wtc7 did not collapse directly on to wtc7, (as you wish it did) what did happen if that huge chunks of wtc1 were ejected laterally and because of the great height difference between wtc1 and wtc7 smashed into the south side of wtc7 creating a huge gash and knocking the building out of trim preventing a as straight down fall.
in short you're talking out your ass.
why would we get rid of all the steel evidence so rapidly? before it was analyzed especially independently? ask yourselves who would do that and why? don't try to say we wanted to get back and show are u.s. strength crap. please spare us.
they did! not some went to build a ship lots if steel sat at fresh kills for more than a decade ..

Just what about the messed up steel could be so interesting?. two big planes
crashed into the buildings-------is that fact disputed too? In the course of my
life------I had a job for awhile that included taking a look at brain
dead people. Most of them had a bullet hole in their skulls and on X-ray
or C-T scan------a bullet stuck in their brains. On physical exam they met the Harvard criteria for brain death------thus the conclusion
Brain dead
Gunshot wound to the brain.

I did not bother to even check to see what brand of underwear or socks
they wore. Of course----I am no Columbo----or even POIROT

what is so important about the messed up twisted steel?
honey you obviously don't know how forensics works do you? they can tell what the passengers had for long nowadays dummy. lol. just about. they don't throw away evidence for years in most cases. this went out in weeks or asap. you can't be seriously college educated can you? if I were a king and wanted to start a war in a land of pussies and dopes how would I get them motivated? same at they did in pearl harbor it's obvious to all but the blind. haliburton made billions and those at the top of that corp where bush cheney rumsfeld, wolfowitz i think was there too. i bet more were just handed boat loads of money like the planes of cash that got lost. lol. you sheeple are silly
stand down orders for jets not to intercept planes done by the vice president who made a killing with haliburton and so did the rest of them. follow the money morons. it leads right back to the guys who started the oil wars again
speculation and totally specious
it's clear you got noting or why would you use the lame follow the money ploy.
that's your best answer? you actually agree with those starting wars profiting off them so heavily? insurance taken out months if not a month before so he didn't even have to pay much in premiums just pure profit off death. you guys are in on it or just plain stupid.
since it's unproven bullshit my answer is spot on..
yeah and jet fuel melts steel and metaled steel breaks at the same time perfectly allowing structure to collapse vertically. lol
steel being critically weakened by jet fuel

lol. that's funny get fuel burns at 800 or so degrees no matter how long you cook steel at that temp it won't get much hotter. nice propaganda video tho. it's amazing what they can do with cgi and cameras. isn't it
stand down orders for jets not to intercept planes done by the vice president who made a killing with haliburton and so did the rest of them. follow the money morons. it leads right back to the guys who started the oil wars again
speculation and totally specious
it's clear you got noting or why would you use the lame follow the money ploy.
that's your best answer? you actually agree with those starting wars profiting off them so heavily? insurance taken out months if not a month before so he didn't even have to pay much in premiums just pure profit off death. you guys are in on it or just plain stupid.
since it's unproven bullshit my answer is spot on..
what they didn't make all that money? that is proven and it ain't bullshit
to be accurate and so eots cannot use the red herring argument (no planes hit etc.) it was wtc 1 that hit wtc7 and is the major cause of it's collapse. the cd angle is pure fantasy.
if 1 hit seven it would have had to hit it equally on all sides for it to fall straight down. no?
since only the north face fall straight down( and to be accurate) wtc7 did not collapse directly on to wtc7, (as you wish it did) what did happen if that huge chunks of wtc1 were ejected laterally and because of the great height difference between wtc1 and wtc7 smashed into the south side of wtc7 creating a huge gash and knocking the building out of trim preventing a as straight down fall.
in short you're talking out your ass.
why would we get rid of all the steel evidence so rapidly? before it was analyzed especially independently? ask yourselves who would do that and why? don't try to say we wanted to get back and show are u.s. strength crap. please spare us.
they did! not some went to build a ship lots if steel sat at fresh kills for more than a decade ..

Just what about the messed up steel could be so interesting?. two big planes
crashed into the buildings-------is that fact disputed too? In the course of my
life------I had a job for awhile that included taking a look at brain
dead people. Most of them had a bullet hole in their skulls and on X-ray
or C-T scan------a bullet stuck in their brains. On physical exam they met the Harvard criteria for brain death------thus the conclusion
Brain dead
Gunshot wound to the brain.

I did not bother to even check to see what brand of underwear or socks
they wore. Of course----I am no Columbo----or even POIROT

what is so important about the messed up twisted steel?
because crapspiracy theorists want to believe that tons of a super secret form of thermite was used on 911.
no trace of it has ever been found.
in fact if any had been used there would have been mountains of spent thermite every where.
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yeah and jet fuel melts steel and metaled steel breaks at the same time perfectly allowing structure to collapse vertically. lol
steel being critically weakened by jet fuel

lol. that's funny get fuel burns at 800 or so degrees no matter how long you cook steel at that temp it won't get much hotter. nice propaganda video tho. it's amazing what they can do with cgi and cameras. isn't it
is that your best excuse for not watching it
btw I'm in the film biz and no cgi or camera tricks were used.
but you go ahead and be a fucking coward and not watch it ,,
stand down orders for jets not to intercept planes done by the vice president who made a killing with haliburton and so did the rest of them. follow the money morons. it leads right back to the guys who started the oil wars again
speculation and totally specious
it's clear you got noting or why would you use the lame follow the money ploy.
that's your best answer? you actually agree with those starting wars profiting off them so heavily? insurance taken out months if not a month before so he didn't even have to pay much in premiums just pure profit off death. you guys are in on it or just plain stupid.
since it's unproven bullshit my answer is spot on..
what they didn't make all that money? that is proven and it ain't bullshit
no proof of a causal connection ...
guys the video of the building falling is evidence enough for any with a brain to see it was a demo job

no its not------demo jobs show evidence of implosion
such as..
red herring! asked and answered iroise don't fall for that older than dirt ploy ..eots does that when his ass is in a crack.
red herring? made an assertion..with no details to support the claim
because crapspiracy theorists want to believe that tons of a super secret form of thermite was used on 911.
no trace of it has ever been found.
in fact if any had been used there would have been mountains of spent thermite every where.

and your dumb ass thinks its smarter than an electron microscope


that's another thing if a building falls down none of it fall outward? especially since most of the fire would have been internal not toward the outer walls for cement and steel doesn't burn like furniture etc.. the building would have never fallen like that. how come nobody can find even one building in all this time that has ever fallen from fire and earthquakes even like this? because it doesn't happen perfectly like that. how stupid do you people have to be.
false ! that all depends on the design of the're not very good at this are you?
wtc 7s design was not called into question by NIST no significant recommendations to building code resulted from the NIST report

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