WTC building 7

that's another thing if a building falls down none of it fall outward? especially since most of the fire would have been internal not toward the outer walls for cement and steel doesn't burn like furniture etc.. the building would have never fallen like that. how come nobody can find even one building in all this time that has ever fallen from fire and earthquakes even like this? because it doesn't happen perfectly like that. how stupid do you people have to be.
false ! that all depends on the design of the're not very good at this are you?
wtc 7s design was not called into question by NIST no significant recommendations to building code resulted from the NIST report
if it were a design flaw insurance companies would have been all over it.
yeah and jet fuel melts steel and metaled steel breaks at the same time perfectly allowing structure to collapse vertically. lol
steel being critically weakened by jet fuel

all that test shows is that if you get steel hot enough it will collapse and it did NOT MELT any steel.

That and the jet fuel burned off in 10 seconds.

Once again for those posers who are really fucking slow and do not understand when they had their asses handed to them, this is what a column looks like that failed due to overheating.

NOW show us just ONE column from any wtc building that looks like that.

you people are nothing short of shitty comedy show.
no its not------demo jobs show evidence of implosion

Hmm lets see if you got something there:

describe what evidence of implosion looks like.

something has to squish in-------it may not be apparent on a casual
glance while the event is ongoing---but should show up on exam of video and multi-views-----the squish-in is an EARLY part of the cave-in-----it initiates it.---
it is the big time energy event. -------the big time energy event in the
falling towers did not happen until they fell. They stood quietly burning
after the BAM AND FLASH of the plane-----so quietly that from my position
-------I was confident that everyone would get out------because very early on I
thought that the big time smoke was started by a piper cub that hit a wall----
nothing was shaken (that the first hit----and for the several minutes it took
to get to the second hit---_BIG TIME BANG AND FLASH/ Firm buildings
for more than half hour--------just spitting white smoke------sudden collapse then
BIG TIME ENERGY RELEASE at the base and the sky darkened
a plane was found at the pentagon! speaking of morons ,,
no plane was found what are you smokin? if you think there was lets see your 'plane'

If I recall correctly ----witnesses in the building saw a plane------right?

yeh the witnesses just happened to be employees from the news media! LOL

Others did not say that and for some strange reason no one WHO WAS THERE heard a plane except of course news media employees.

no its not------demo jobs show evidence of implosion

Hmm lets see if you got something there:

describe what evidence of implosion looks like.

something has to squish in-------it may not be apparent on a casual
glance while the event is ongoing---but should show up on exam of video and multi-views-----the squish-in is an EARLY part of the cave-in-----it initiates it.---
it is the big time energy event. -------the big time energy event in the
falling towers did not happen until they fell. They stood quietly burning
after the BAM AND FLASH of the plane-----so quietly that from my position
-------I was confident that everyone would get out------because very early on I
thought that the big time smoke was started by a piper cub that hit a wall----
nothing was shaken (that the first hit----and for the several minutes it took
to get to the second hit---_BIG TIME BANG AND FLASH/ Firm buildings
for more than half hour--------just spitting white smoke------sudden collapse then
BIG TIME ENERGY RELEASE at the base and the sky darkened

I didnt hear any physics or engineering in there anywhere, just a lot of parrot talk, want to try again?
no its not------demo jobs show evidence of implosion

Hmm lets see if you got something there:

describe what evidence of implosion looks like.

something has to squish in-------it may not be apparent on a casual
glance while the event is ongoing---but should show up on exam of video and multi-views-----the squish-in is an EARLY part of the cave-in-----it initiates it.---
it is the big time energy event. -------the big time energy event in the
falling towers did not happen until they fell. They stood quietly burning
after the BAM AND FLASH of the plane-----so quietly that from my position
-------I was confident that everyone would get out------because very early on I
thought that the big time smoke was started by a piper cub that hit a wall----
nothing was shaken (that the first hit----and for the several minutes it took
to get to the second hit---_BIG TIME BANG AND FLASH/ Firm buildings
for more than half hour--------just spitting white smoke------sudden collapse then
BIG TIME ENERGY RELEASE at the base and the sky darkened

I didnt hear any physics or engineering in there anywhere, just a lot of parrot talk, want to try again?

It is obvious that you never did physics 101 "squished in"---is a technical
term for implosion
no its not------demo jobs show evidence of implosion

Hmm lets see if you got something there:

describe what evidence of implosion looks like.

something has to squish in-------it may not be apparent on a casual
glance while the event is ongoing---but should show up on exam of video and multi-views-----the squish-in is an EARLY part of the cave-in-----it initiates it.---
it is the big time energy event. -------the big time energy event in the
falling towers did not happen until they fell. They stood quietly burning
after the BAM AND FLASH of the plane-----so quietly that from my position
-------I was confident that everyone would get out------because very early on I
thought that the big time smoke was started by a piper cub that hit a wall----
nothing was shaken (that the first hit----and for the several minutes it took
to get to the second hit---_BIG TIME BANG AND FLASH/ Firm buildings
for more than half hour--------just spitting white smoke------sudden collapse then
BIG TIME ENERGY RELEASE at the base and the sky darkened

I didnt hear any physics or engineering in there anywhere, just a lot of parrot talk, want to try again?

It is obvious that you never did physics 101 "squished in"---is a technical
term for implosion
you just shamelessly make shit up
a plane was found at the pentagon! speaking of morons ,,
no plane was found what are you smokin? if you think there was lets see your 'plane'

If I recall correctly ----witnesses in the building saw a plane------right?
no one said there was not a plane..why do you keep repeating this

in fact----there are people who claim that no plane crash caused a breach in
one of the pentagon walls-----the breach was caused by a mysterious missile
no its not------demo jobs show evidence of implosion

Hmm lets see if you got something there:

describe what evidence of implosion looks like.

something has to squish in-------it may not be apparent on a casual
glance while the event is ongoing---but should show up on exam of video and multi-views-----the squish-in is an EARLY part of the cave-in-----it initiates it.---
it is the big time energy event. -------the big time energy event in the
falling towers did not happen until they fell. They stood quietly burning
after the BAM AND FLASH of the plane-----so quietly that from my position
-------I was confident that everyone would get out------because very early on I
thought that the big time smoke was started by a piper cub that hit a wall----
nothing was shaken (that the first hit----and for the several minutes it took
to get to the second hit---_BIG TIME BANG AND FLASH/ Firm buildings
for more than half hour--------just spitting white smoke------sudden collapse then
BIG TIME ENERGY RELEASE at the base and the sky darkened

I didnt hear any physics or engineering in there anywhere, just a lot of parrot talk, want to try again?

It is obvious that you never did physics 101 "squished in"---is a technical
term for implosion
images (6).jpg
really simple, less than a minute each, little duct tape remote control detonators.

7 was empty all day

really simple, less than a minute each, little duct tape remote control detonators.

How big were the charges? How many did they need?
who knows ,they could well of had means and technology more advanced than the average demolition company..wireless detonation would be completely plausible as well is just cost restrictive for demolition companies

who knows

Not the idiotic conspiracy morons.

wireless detonation would be completely plausible as well

I'm not interested in the imagainary detonators, I'm interested in the tonnage of the imaginary explosives.

So basically, you believe that the demolitions that were clearly used to bring down WTC 7 is "imaginary". :cuckoo:

Yet, you certainly believe the imaginary reason that was given, saying that fire was the reason why the tower collapsed. :cuckoo: :laugh:

:arrow: WTC 7 Now A Proven Case Of Controlled Demolition -

Using Paul Craig Roberts as a source just shows you're an even bigger idiot than I first thought.
Congrats! That isn't an easy thing to do.
And believing that spoon-fed garbage that the government has put out in the so-called "Official Story" proves what a gullible moron you are. :cuckoo:

If you wish to remain ignorant on the subject, then that is your choice. :lol:
a plane was found at the pentagon! speaking of morons ,,
no plane was found what are you smokin? if you think there was lets see your 'plane'

If I recall correctly ----witnesses in the building saw a plane------right?
no one said there was not a plane..why do you keep repeating this

in fact----there are people who claim that no plane crash caused a breach in
one of the pentagon walls-----the breach was caused by a mysterious missile

well I didnt see any pics of either a missile or a plane. fwtw
a plane was found at the pentagon! speaking of morons ,,
no plane was found what are you smokin? if you think there was lets see your 'plane'

If I recall correctly ----witnesses in the building saw a plane------right?
no one said there was not a plane..why do you keep repeating this

in fact----there are people who claim that no plane crash caused a breach in
one of the pentagon walls-----the breach was caused by a mysterious missile
BUILDING 7....focus
a plane was found at the pentagon! speaking of morons ,,
no plane was found what are you smokin? if you think there was lets see your 'plane'

no plane was found

You are absolutely correct.

If a plane did hit as what was claimed, then what happened to the large identifiable parts?

I asked that one another site, the answer I got was, it just vaporized. :cuckoo: :laugh:
Last edited:
a plane was found at the pentagon! speaking of morons ,,
no plane was found what are you smokin? if you think there was lets see your 'plane'

no plane was found

You are absolutely correct.

If a plane did hit as what was claimed, then where the large identifiable parts?

I asked that one another site, the answer I got was, it just vaporized. :cuckoo: :laugh:

wrong----it was removed----that was the pentagon----everything near and around
the pentagon gets secretive

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