WTC building 7

no its not------demo jobs show evidence of implosion

Hmm lets see if you got something there:

describe what evidence of implosion looks like.

something has to squish in-------it may not be apparent on a casual
glance while the event is ongoing---but should show up on exam of video and multi-views-----the squish-in is an EARLY part of the cave-in-----it initiates it.---
it is the big time energy event. -------the big time energy event in the
falling towers did not happen until they fell. They stood quietly burning
after the BAM AND FLASH of the plane-----so quietly that from my position
-------I was confident that everyone would get out------because very early on I
thought that the big time smoke was started by a piper cub that hit a wall----
nothing was shaken (that the first hit----and for the several minutes it took
to get to the second hit---_BIG TIME BANG AND FLASH/ Firm buildings
for more than half hour--------just spitting white smoke------sudden collapse then
BIG TIME ENERGY RELEASE at the base and the sky darkened

I didnt hear any physics or engineering in there anywhere, just a lot of parrot talk, want to try again?

It is obvious that you never did physics 101 "squished in"---is a technical
term for implosion
you just shamelessly make shit up

I made up "implosion" gee-----I MUST BE "GOD"
a plane was found at the pentagon! speaking of morons ,,
no plane was found what are you smokin? if you think there was lets see your 'plane'

no plane was found

You are absolutely correct.

If a plane did hit as what was claimed, then where the large identifiable parts?

I asked that one another site, the answer I got was, it just vaporized. :cuckoo: :laugh:

wrong----it was removed----that was the pentagon----everything near and around
the pentagon gets secretive

wrong----it was removed

And you are full of shit, but that's what you get for being so gullible. :cuckoo: :laugh:
Last edited:
Hmm lets see if you got something there:

describe what evidence of implosion looks like.

something has to squish in-------it may not be apparent on a casual
glance while the event is ongoing---but should show up on exam of video and multi-views-----the squish-in is an EARLY part of the cave-in-----it initiates it.---
it is the big time energy event. -------the big time energy event in the
falling towers did not happen until they fell. They stood quietly burning
after the BAM AND FLASH of the plane-----so quietly that from my position
-------I was confident that everyone would get out------because very early on I
thought that the big time smoke was started by a piper cub that hit a wall----
nothing was shaken (that the first hit----and for the several minutes it took
to get to the second hit---_BIG TIME BANG AND FLASH/ Firm buildings
for more than half hour--------just spitting white smoke------sudden collapse then
BIG TIME ENERGY RELEASE at the base and the sky darkened

I didnt hear any physics or engineering in there anywhere, just a lot of parrot talk, want to try again?

It is obvious that you never did physics 101 "squished in"---is a technical
term for implosion
you just shamelessly make shit up

I made up "implosion" gee-----I MUST BE "GOD"
still waiting for your link showing squished in as a demolition
something has to squish in-------it may not be apparent on a casual
glance while the event is ongoing---but should show up on exam of video and multi-views-----the squish-in is an EARLY part of the cave-in-----it initiates it.---
it is the big time energy event. -------the big time energy event in the
falling towers did not happen until they fell. They stood quietly burning
after the BAM AND FLASH of the plane-----so quietly that from my position
-------I was confident that everyone would get out------because very early on I
thought that the big time smoke was started by a piper cub that hit a wall----
nothing was shaken (that the first hit----and for the several minutes it took
to get to the second hit---_BIG TIME BANG AND FLASH/ Firm buildings
for more than half hour--------just spitting white smoke------sudden collapse then
BIG TIME ENERGY RELEASE at the base and the sky darkened

I didnt hear any physics or engineering in there anywhere, just a lot of parrot talk, want to try again?

It is obvious that you never did physics 101 "squished in"---is a technical
term for implosion
you just shamelessly make shit up

I made up "implosion" gee-----I MUST BE "GOD"
still waiting for your link showing squished in as a demolition

I have no link to Physics 101 as I learned it------uhm-----more than 40 years ago---------look up "implosion"------controlled demolitions are so accomplished. --
while you are at it------review Sir Isaac Newton's Laws of thermo dynamics---
to help your understanding
no its not------demo jobs show evidence of implosion

Hmm lets see if you got something there:

describe what evidence of implosion looks like.

something has to squish in-------it may not be apparent on a casual
glance while the event is ongoing---but should show up on exam of video and multi-views-----the squish-in is an EARLY part of the cave-in-----it initiates it.---
it is the big time energy event. -------the big time energy event in the
falling towers did not happen until they fell. They stood quietly burning
after the BAM AND FLASH of the plane-----so quietly that from my position
-------I was confident that everyone would get out------because very early on I
thought that the big time smoke was started by a piper cub that hit a wall----
nothing was shaken (that the first hit----and for the several minutes it took
to get to the second hit---_BIG TIME BANG AND FLASH/ Firm buildings
for more than half hour--------just spitting white smoke------sudden collapse then
BIG TIME ENERGY RELEASE at the base and the sky darkened

I didnt hear any physics or engineering in there anywhere, just a lot of parrot talk, want to try again?

It is obvious that you never did physics 101 "squished in"---is a technical
term for implosion
you just shamelessly make shit up

Yep,thats what their handlers instruct them to do when they know they are cornered.:biggrin: they are left doing this-:blahblah::blahblah::biggrin:
Nothing up my sleeve, presto!

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released its long-awaited report on the collapse of World Trade 7

It did not collapse from explosives or from diesel fuel fires."

so you prove that they lied since they admitted that they never checked for explosives, just assumed they were not used.

that fits the definition of fucktard
yep as always,the Bush dupes only prove our point FOR us.:biggrin:

all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect

all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect
so very,very true.:biggrin::thup::udaman:
Hmm lets see if you got something there:

describe what evidence of implosion looks like.

something has to squish in-------it may not be apparent on a casual
glance while the event is ongoing---but should show up on exam of video and multi-views-----the squish-in is an EARLY part of the cave-in-----it initiates it.---
it is the big time energy event. -------the big time energy event in the
falling towers did not happen until they fell. They stood quietly burning
after the BAM AND FLASH of the plane-----so quietly that from my position
-------I was confident that everyone would get out------because very early on I
thought that the big time smoke was started by a piper cub that hit a wall----
nothing was shaken (that the first hit----and for the several minutes it took
to get to the second hit---_BIG TIME BANG AND FLASH/ Firm buildings
for more than half hour--------just spitting white smoke------sudden collapse then
BIG TIME ENERGY RELEASE at the base and the sky darkened

I didnt hear any physics or engineering in there anywhere, just a lot of parrot talk, want to try again?

It is obvious that you never did physics 101 "squished in"---is a technical
term for implosion
you just shamelessly make shit up

Yep,thats what their handlers instruct them to do when they know they are cornered.:biggrin: they are left doing this-:blahblah::blahblah::biggrin:

you guys have trouble with calculus too? ---how about high school
plane geometry? --------I understand----so many like you fall apart
right at the beginning
Sex has three letters too. I suppose the con·spir·a·cist's terror of three letter words can reasonably be construed to show....

not going there

the FREUDIAN THREE "theory" is not relevant here...keep it to yourself----always-----and in privacy
My CIA handlers won't allow that

who are you trying to fool, the cia does have entry standards and they far exceed your single digit academic level.

yeah Dante is not one of them.

Dante if he was one of them would go around trolling all the time defending the lies of our corrupt school system and our government institutions that Reagan was a great president.

He doesnt make up lies like agents do when they are cornered,he just runs off like he just did.thats what all brainwashed sheep like they do,instead of trolling and lying like they do here all the time everyday,they run off and dissapear knowing they are licked.:biggrin:

the PC forum where they protect the shills there,has got them everywhere at that site trolling everyday constantly as you well know.
please, could you two dolts keep Dante out of your circle jerks?
since you have thrown in the towel and have admitted defeat,no problem.:biggrin:
Yeah well you are an illiterate moron. Good luck with that.

Dont blame me because you argue like a fucktard.
Try writing a literate sentence if you dont like the conclusions.

yep dont take more than a few minutes to see that he argues like a fucktard exactly like you called it.:biggrin::thup:

He can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he
Nothing up my sleeve, presto!

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released its long-awaited report on the collapse of World Trade 7

It did not collapse from explosives or from diesel fuel fires."

so you prove that they lied since they admitted that they never checked for explosives, just assumed they were not used.

that fits the definition of fucktard
yep as always,the Bush dupes only prove our point FOR us.:biggrin:

all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect

all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect
so very,very true.:biggrin::thup::udaman:

I see you're still spending all your time on your knees, Princess.
something has to squish in-------it may not be apparent on a casual
glance while the event is ongoing---but should show up on exam of video and multi-views-----the squish-in is an EARLY part of the cave-in-----it initiates it.---
it is the big time energy event. -------the big time energy event in the
falling towers did not happen until they fell. They stood quietly burning
after the BAM AND FLASH of the plane-----so quietly that from my position
-------I was confident that everyone would get out------because very early on I
thought that the big time smoke was started by a piper cub that hit a wall----
nothing was shaken (that the first hit----and for the several minutes it took
to get to the second hit---_BIG TIME BANG AND FLASH/ Firm buildings
for more than half hour--------just spitting white smoke------sudden collapse then
BIG TIME ENERGY RELEASE at the base and the sky darkened

I didnt hear any physics or engineering in there anywhere, just a lot of parrot talk, want to try again?

It is obvious that you never did physics 101 "squished in"---is a technical
term for implosion
you just shamelessly make shit up

I made up "implosion" gee-----I MUST BE "GOD"
still waiting for your link showing squished in as a demolition

Woo. Are you still here trying to sell your Joooos-did-it silliness to idiots like 9/11HandJob and KooKoo?
something has to squish in-------it may not be apparent on a casual
glance while the event is ongoing---but should show up on exam of video and multi-views-----the squish-in is an EARLY part of the cave-in-----it initiates it.---
it is the big time energy event. -------the big time energy event in the
falling towers did not happen until they fell. They stood quietly burning
after the BAM AND FLASH of the plane-----so quietly that from my position
-------I was confident that everyone would get out------because very early on I
thought that the big time smoke was started by a piper cub that hit a wall----
nothing was shaken (that the first hit----and for the several minutes it took
to get to the second hit---_BIG TIME BANG AND FLASH/ Firm buildings
for more than half hour--------just spitting white smoke------sudden collapse then
BIG TIME ENERGY RELEASE at the base and the sky darkened

I didnt hear any physics or engineering in there anywhere, just a lot of parrot talk, want to try again?

It is obvious that you never did physics 101 "squished in"---is a technical
term for implosion
you just shamelessly make shit up

Yep,thats what their handlers instruct them to do when they know they are cornered.:biggrin: they are left doing this-:blahblah::blahblah::biggrin:

you guys have trouble with calculus too? ---how about high school
plane geometry? --------I understand----so many like you fall apart
right at the beginning
plane geometry? that what studied in high

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