WTC building 7

something has to squish in-------it may not be apparent on a casual
glance while the event is ongoing---but should show up on exam of video and multi-views-----the squish-in is an EARLY part of the cave-in-----it initiates it.---
it is the big time energy event. -------the big time energy event in the
falling towers did not happen until they fell. They stood quietly burning
after the BAM AND FLASH of the plane-----so quietly that from my position
-------I was confident that everyone would get out------because very early on I
thought that the big time smoke was started by a piper cub that hit a wall----
nothing was shaken (that the first hit----and for the several minutes it took
to get to the second hit---_BIG TIME BANG AND FLASH/ Firm buildings
for more than half hour--------just spitting white smoke------sudden collapse then
BIG TIME ENERGY RELEASE at the base and the sky darkened

I didnt hear any physics or engineering in there anywhere, just a lot of parrot talk, want to try again?
even if you did you'd have no clue as to what it meant.
doesnt change the fact that rosie cant describe what an implosion looks like.

I described the dynamics of implostion beautifully and poetically----
------the force vector is "SQUISH-IN"

squish in is not a force vector OMG this is over the op screwball shit. Posing is not your strong suit.

squish is not the vector -----IN is the vector. the direction of the force that caused
things to SQUISH. The squish action breaks stuff up so it falls down------so now
you understand. Want to do basic tools? lever, screw, pulley??????
So dawes how is your dumb ass doing with outsmarting an electron microscope?

Making any progress on that?


you've shown no link! and that is aluminum rust, it has the same visual and chemical signature as thermite because thermite is made for aluminum.
as I said early TO demo the any building with it you would need tons of it and since only a minuscule amount if "dust" was found it's not significant.
the only so called evidence NIST has is the computer model but they will not release the data they used citing ..national security

welcome to socialism and the land of the free.

FFS here you have engineers that the cause of failure by fire information is being with held so they have no idea how to design future buildings so they do not fail the same way because it may jeapardize public safety!


and these fucktard posers buy into that amoeba iq shit, unreal!
You're getting hysterical, sweety. But, I have to admit that it is comedy gold watching your hysteria infect the other, more excitable, conspiracy theorists.

cool as a cucumber in fall.

So you agree with NIST that engineers should be deprived of the information how fire caused the collapse of wtc 7, and therefore cannot insure it never happens again.

You agree with that right?
Pretty frantic, actually. You loons buy into these wacky conspiracy theories because they appeal to your fears and paranoia.
I didnt hear any physics or engineering in there anywhere, just a lot of parrot talk, want to try again?
even if you did you'd have no clue as to what it meant.
doesnt change the fact that rosie cant describe what an implosion looks like.

I described the dynamics of implostion beautifully and poetically----
------the force vector is "SQUISH-IN"

squish in is not a force vector OMG this is over the op screwball shit. Posing is not your strong suit.

squish is not the vector -----IN is the vector. the direction of the force that caused
things to SQUISH. The squish action breaks stuff up so it falls down------so now
you understand. Want to do basic tools? lever, screw, pulley??????

oh the 'IN' vector

before you try tools find a brain.
the only so called evidence NIST has is the computer model but they will not release the data they used citing ..national security

welcome to socialism and the land of the free.

FFS here you have engineers that the cause of failure by fire information is being with held so they have no idea how to design future buildings so they do not fail the same way because it may jeapardize public safety!


and these fucktard posers buy into that amoeba iq shit, unreal!
You're getting hysterical, sweety. But, I have to admit that it is comedy gold watching your hysteria infect the other, more excitable, conspiracy theorists.

cool as a cucumber in fall.

So you agree with NIST that engineers should be deprived of the information how fire caused the collapse of wtc 7, and therefore cannot insure it never happens again.

You agree with that right?
Pretty frantic, actually. You loons buy into these wacky conspiracy theories because they appeal to your fears and paranoia.

no----because they are ROMANTIC and POETIC------a big giant
plan by a superforce
the only so called evidence NIST has is the computer model but they will not release the data they used citing ..national security

welcome to socialism and the land of the free.

FFS here you have engineers that the cause of failure by fire information is being with held so they have no idea how to design future buildings so they do not fail the same way because it may jeapardize public safety!


and these fucktard posers buy into that amoeba iq shit, unreal!
You're getting hysterical, sweety. But, I have to admit that it is comedy gold watching your hysteria infect the other, more excitable, conspiracy theorists.

cool as a cucumber in fall.

So you agree with NIST that engineers should be deprived of the information how fire caused the collapse of wtc 7, and therefore cannot insure it never happens again.

You agree with that right?
Pretty frantic, actually. You loons buy into these wacky conspiracy theories because they appeal to your fears and paranoia.

well then that settles it, you want unsafe buildings:

You agree with NIST that engineers should be deprived of the information how fire caused the collapse of wtc 7, and therefore cannot insure it never happens again.
the only so called evidence NIST has is the computer model but they will not release the data they used citing ..national security

welcome to socialism and the land of the free.

FFS here you have engineers that the cause of failure by fire information is being with held so they have no idea how to design future buildings so they do not fail the same way because it may jeapardize public safety!


and these fucktard posers buy into that amoeba iq shit, unreal!
You're getting hysterical, sweety. But, I have to admit that it is comedy gold watching your hysteria infect the other, more excitable, conspiracy theorists.

cool as a cucumber in fall.

So you agree with NIST that engineers should be deprived of the information how fire caused the collapse of wtc 7, and therefore cannot insure it never happens again.

You agree with that right?
Pretty frantic, actually. You loons buy into these wacky conspiracy theories because they appeal to your fears and paranoia.

no----because they are ROMANTIC and POETIC------a big giant
plan by a superforce

this is where your aliens with mega energy come down from mars and energize the wtc with massive squish vectators?
a plane was found at the pentagon! speaking of morons ,,
no plane was found what are you smokin? if you think there was lets see your 'plane'
Only one piece of aircraft debris larger than small shards was seen by passers-by outside of the building.

Should Large Aircraft Pieces Be Evident?
The absence of of large pieces of aircraft in photographs stikes many observers as incongruous with the crash of a large jetliner such as the 757 that Flight 77 was. Many people have seen photographs of jetliner crashes in which large sections of the planes remain intact. However, a high-speed crash into a hardened target such as a building is not comparable to typical crash incidents. Furthermore, even crashes into terrain, most of them at much slower speeds than the crashes on 9/11/01, often leave very little in the way of recognizable aircraft parts.

so ends you bullshit.

so continues your bullshit

where the hell is the debris?

Besides this is supposed to be about wtc7

No plane hit wtc7

that's true no plane did hit wtc7 but asshat, wtc1 did.
so that statement
"No plane hit wtc7"
is a red herring and irrelevant .
way to back peddle
the only so called evidence NIST has is the computer model but they will not release the data they used citing ..national security

welcome to socialism and the land of the free.

FFS here you have engineers that the cause of failure by fire information is being with held so they have no idea how to design future buildings so they do not fail the same way because it may jeapardize public safety!


and these fucktard posers buy into that amoeba iq shit, unreal!
You're getting hysterical, sweety. But, I have to admit that it is comedy gold watching your hysteria infect the other, more excitable, conspiracy theorists.

cool as a cucumber in fall.

So you agree with NIST that engineers should be deprived of the information how fire caused the collapse of wtc 7, and therefore cannot insure it never happens again.

You agree with that right?
Pretty frantic, actually. You loons buy into these wacky conspiracy theories because they appeal to your fears and paranoia.

well then that settles it, you want unsafe buildings:

You agree with NIST that engineers should be deprived of the information how fire caused the collapse of wtc 7, and therefore cannot insure it never happens again.
That does settle it. Your paranoia has become a pathology.

Are you aware that the black helicopters are circling overhead?
even if you did you'd have no clue as to what it meant.
doesnt change the fact that rosie cant describe what an implosion looks like.

I described the dynamics of implostion beautifully and poetically----
------the force vector is "SQUISH-IN"

squish in is not a force vector OMG this is over the op screwball shit. Posing is not your strong suit.

squish is not the vector -----IN is the vector. the direction of the force that caused
things to SQUISH. The squish action breaks stuff up so it falls down------so now
you understand. Want to do basic tools? lever, screw, pulley??????

oh the 'IN' vector

before you try tools find a brain.

I don't do real tools-----I do theory. I am one of five offspring-----
four boys and me. Whenever I wanted to USE a tool as a kid---
my dad said "not for you" It's not my fault-----I can work out any diagram
of electrical circuits ------but cannot put two wires together. "IN" is the direction
of the force-----inward means toward the center of the building----squish in---break
up and PLOP DOWN (by virtue of gravity------like the apple on newton's head)

In a diagram ------a jagged sawtooth line------is R which is 'resistance'
welcome to socialism and the land of the free.

FFS here you have engineers that the cause of failure by fire information is being with held so they have no idea how to design future buildings so they do not fail the same way because it may jeapardize public safety!


and these fucktard posers buy into that amoeba iq shit, unreal!
You're getting hysterical, sweety. But, I have to admit that it is comedy gold watching your hysteria infect the other, more excitable, conspiracy theorists.

cool as a cucumber in fall.

So you agree with NIST that engineers should be deprived of the information how fire caused the collapse of wtc 7, and therefore cannot insure it never happens again.

You agree with that right?
Pretty frantic, actually. You loons buy into these wacky conspiracy theories because they appeal to your fears and paranoia.

well then that settles it, you want unsafe buildings:

You agree with NIST that engineers should be deprived of the information how fire caused the collapse of wtc 7, and therefore cannot insure it never happens again.
That does settle it. Your paranoia has become a pathology.

Are you aware that the black helicopters are circling overhead?

you see them too???
if it were a design flaw insurance companies would have been all over it.
ignorant ass hat there was no design flaw or the building would never have gone up.
many building are not designed to collapse inward.
a building's design and construction are based on the zoning and safety laws in a giving state or county etc.

where did the building go up to the moon and aliens did it?

Thats why you have a problem. If there was no design flaw then wtc7 could not have collapsed.
lol! what a truly fucking stupid statement building collapse all the time for reasons have jack shit to do with design flaws..
it's you who has a problem with reality among lot of other things
So dawes how is your dumb ass doing with outsmarting an electron microscope?

Making any progress on that?


you've shown no link! and that is aluminum rust, it has the same visual and chemical signature as thermite because thermite is made for aluminum.
as I said early TO demo the any building with it you would need tons of it and since only a minuscule amount if "dust" was found it's not significant.

whats the matter not smart enough to read chart for yourself?

Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Making any progress on that?


welcome to socialism and the land of the free.

FFS here you have engineers that the cause of failure by fire information is being with held so they have no idea how to design future buildings so they do not fail the same way because it may jeapardize public safety!


and these fucktard posers buy into that amoeba iq shit, unreal!
You're getting hysterical, sweety. But, I have to admit that it is comedy gold watching your hysteria infect the other, more excitable, conspiracy theorists.

cool as a cucumber in fall.

So you agree with NIST that engineers should be deprived of the information how fire caused the collapse of wtc 7, and therefore cannot insure it never happens again.

You agree with that right?
Pretty frantic, actually. You loons buy into these wacky conspiracy theories because they appeal to your fears and paranoia.

no----because they are ROMANTIC and POETIC------a big giant
plan by a superforce

this is where your aliens with mega energy come down from mars and energize the wtc with massive squish vectators?

there was no squish------the buildings did not go down by virtue of IMPLOSION
if it were a design flaw insurance companies would have been all over it.
ignorant ass hat there was no design flaw or the building would never have gone up.
many building are not designed to collapse inward.
a building's design and construction are based on the zoning and safety laws in a giving state or county etc.

where did the building go up to the moon and aliens did it?

Thats why you have a problem. If there was no design flaw then wtc7 could not have collapsed.
lol! what a truly fucking stupid statement building collapse all the time for reasons have jack shit to do with design flaws..
it's you who has a problem with reality among lot of other things

So you cant tell us about any steel framed buildings that completely collapsed, just smoking more of your same dog shit reefers eh?
three farts in a row from the paid trolls above you Koko.^:9::9:^

this thread has run its course with these two paid shills above trolling it here so there goes the chance for any mature discussion on it like we WERE having while it was in the CDZ section.
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You're getting hysterical, sweety. But, I have to admit that it is comedy gold watching your hysteria infect the other, more excitable, conspiracy theorists.

cool as a cucumber in fall.

So you agree with NIST that engineers should be deprived of the information how fire caused the collapse of wtc 7, and therefore cannot insure it never happens again.

You agree with that right?
Pretty frantic, actually. You loons buy into these wacky conspiracy theories because they appeal to your fears and paranoia.

no----because they are ROMANTIC and POETIC------a big giant
plan by a superforce

this is where your aliens with mega energy come down from mars and energize the wtc with massive squish vectators?

there was no squish------the buildings did not go down by virtue of IMPLOSION

Ah so because of all that massive energy the squash vectors interfered with the squish vectors and fucked it all up.
So dawes how is your dumb ass doing with outsmarting an electron microscope?

Making any progress on that?


you've shown no link! and that is aluminum rust, it has the same visual and chemical signature as thermite because thermite is made for aluminum.
as I said early TO demo the any building with it you would need tons of it and since only a minuscule amount if "dust" was found it's not significant.

whats the matter not smart enough to read chart for yourself?

Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Making any progress on that?


yes I am but it's obvious you're not that's not even thermite it's gypsum....
three farts in a row from the paid trolls above you Koko.^:9::9:^

this thread has run its course with these two paid shills above trolling it here so there goes the chance for any mature discussion on it like we WERE having while it was in the CDZ.

yeh but I am having a laughing fest at how fucking stoopid these posers are.

Seriously I can t pay for this kind of comedy as I get from posers.
Hey Eots,notice how that troll Carla went and whined to the mods about this thread being in the CDZ section?

she was confronted with overwhelming evidence and facts she could not refute and did not want to see the truth so like the coward she was,she went and whined to the mods about that thread being there.

that thread as you know, had been there for OVER A WEEK before she came on and complained about it being in that section so its soooo obvious she went and whined to the mods like the coward troll she is.

ever notice thats what all these trolls like her do,is whine to the mods all the time?:biggrin:
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