WTC building 7

So dawes how is your dumb ass doing with outsmarting an electron microscope?

Making any progress on that?


you've shown no link! and that is aluminum rust, it has the same visual and chemical signature as thermite because thermite is made for aluminum.
as I said early TO demo the any building with it you would need tons of it and since only a minuscule amount if "dust" was found it's not significant.

whats the matter not smart enough to read chart for yourself?

Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Making any progress on that?


yes I am but it's obvious you're not that's not even thermite it's gypsum....

See I even give them study materials and they still smoke dog shit reefer
three farts in a row from the paid trolls above you Koko.^:9::9:^

this thread has run its course with these two paid shills above trolling it here so there goes the chance for any mature discussion on it like we WERE having while it was in the CDZ.

yeh but I am having a laughing fest at how fucking stoopid these posers are.

Seriously I can t pay for this kind of comedy as I get from posers.
Oh i is so funny watching them either lie,change the subject or run off when they know they are licked and cornered.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

their just doing what their handlers instruct them to do
no its not------demo jobs show evidence of implosion

Hmm lets see if you got something there:

describe what evidence of implosion looks like.

something has to squish in-------it may not be apparent on a casual
glance while the event is ongoing---but should show up on exam of video and multi-views-----the squish-in is an EARLY part of the cave-in-----it initiates it.---
it is the big time energy event. -------the big time energy event in the
falling towers did not happen until they fell. They stood quietly burning
after the BAM AND FLASH of the plane-----so quietly that from my position
-------I was confident that everyone would get out------because very early on I
thought that the big time smoke was started by a piper cub that hit a wall----
nothing was shaken (that the first hit----and for the several minutes it took
to get to the second hit---_BIG TIME BANG AND FLASH/ Firm buildings
for more than half hour--------just spitting white smoke------sudden collapse then
BIG TIME ENERGY RELEASE at the base and the sky darkened

I didnt hear any physics or engineering in there anywhere, just a lot of parrot talk, want to try again?
even if you did you'd have no clue as to what it meant.
doesnt change the fact that rosie cant describe what an implosion looks like.
of course it does you would know the difference.
why are you dodging ?
Hey Eots,notice how that troll Carla went and whined to the mods about this thread in the CDZ section?

she was confronted with overwhelming evidence and facts she could not refute and did not want to see the truth so like the coward she was,she went and whined to the mods about that thread being there.:lmao:

ever notice thats what all these trolls like her do,is whine to the mods all the time?:biggrin:

thats because they arent only trolls they are pantomime posers and dont understand ANYTHING about the topic they pretend to discuss.

and not one of them has posted substantial evidence to back their whacky theories.

You are totally correct, all they can do is talk juvenile.

dawes last post doesnt even make sense LOL
a plane was found at the pentagon! speaking of morons ,,
no plane was found what are you smokin? if you think there was lets see your 'plane'

If I recall correctly ----witnesses in the building saw a plane------right?
no one said there was not a plane..why do you keep repeating this
This silly question has been asked 8000 times. It did happen, there were reliable witnesses. It is best that you grow up.

but there is no reliable material evidence to back up your reliable witnesses.
yes there is. it's funny you should say that as nothing you've posted has neither.
if it were a design flaw insurance companies would have been all over it.
ignorant ass hat there was no design flaw or the building would never have gone up.
many building are not designed to collapse inward.
a building's design and construction are based on the zoning and safety laws in a giving state or county etc.

where did the building go up to the moon and aliens did it?

Thats why you have a problem. If there was no design flaw then wtc7 could not have collapsed.
lol! what a truly fucking stupid statement building collapse all the time for reasons have jack shit to do with design flaws..
it's you who has a problem with reality among lot of other things

So you cant tell us about any steel framed buildings that completely collapsed, just smoking more of your same dog shit reefers eh?
yes, but there is no point . they would be false comparisons as the conditions of their collapse's would have to exactly match those of wtc7.
they don't .
three farts in a row from the paid trolls above you Koko.^:9::9:^

this thread has run its course with these two paid shills above trolling it here so there goes the chance for any mature discussion on it like we WERE having while it was in the CDZ.

yeh but I am having a laughing fest at how fucking stoopid these posers are.

Seriously I can t pay for this kind of comedy as I get from posers.
Oh i is so funny watching them either lie,change the subject or run off when they know they are licked and cornered.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

their just doing what their handlers instruct them to do

yeh if you really want to see them come out in hordes get into an engineering discussion. there is always some poser who claims to be an expert only to prove they dont know shit as you are saying.

notice dawes is the video expert now, and that explosion that shows up above the wing on one fake and below on the other fake proves to even the most uninitiated how tarded these posers are.
Hey Eots,notice how that troll Carla went and whined to the mods about this thread in the CDZ section?

she was confronted with overwhelming evidence and facts she could not refute and did not want to see the truth so like the coward she was,she went and whined to the mods about that thread being there.:lmao:

ever notice thats what all these trolls like her do,is whine to the mods all the time?:biggrin:

thats because they arent only trolls they are pantomime posers and dont understand ANYTHING about the topic they pretend to discuss.

and not one of them has posted substantial evidence to back their whacky theories.

You are totally correct, all they can do is talk juvenile.

dawes last post doesnt even make sense LOL
thats because thats what their handlers instruct them TO DO,talk juvenile.:biggrin: their just following the orders of their masters instructions.

and you are being way too nice here talking about that one paid troll dawes and his sock puppet he uses SAYIT as well,you mean DAWGSHIT.stop being so kind to him..:biggrin: He isn't to you,so why should you be to him?
Hey Eots,notice how that troll Carla went and whined to the mods about this thread in the CDZ section?

she was confronted with overwhelming evidence and facts she could not refute and did not want to see the truth so like the coward she was,she went and whined to the mods about that thread being there.:lmao:

ever notice thats what all these trolls like her do,is whine to the mods all the time?:biggrin:

thats because they arent only trolls they are pantomime posers and dont understand ANYTHING about the topic they pretend to discuss.

and not one of them has posted substantial evidence to back their whacky theories.

You are totally correct, all they can do is talk juvenile.

dawes last post doesnt even make sense LOL
it's daws and it's not my problem you have trouble with big words.
if it were a design flaw insurance companies would have been all over it.
ignorant ass hat there was no design flaw or the building would never have gone up.
many building are not designed to collapse inward.
a building's design and construction are based on the zoning and safety laws in a giving state or county etc.

where did the building go up to the moon and aliens did it?

Thats why you have a problem. If there was no design flaw then wtc7 could not have collapsed.
lol! what a truly fucking stupid statement building collapse all the time for reasons have jack shit to do with design flaws..
it's you who has a problem with reality among lot of other things

So you cant tell us about any steel framed buildings that completely collapsed, just smoking more of your same dog shit reefers eh?
yes, but there is no point . they would be false comparisons as the conditions of their collapse's would have to exactly match those of wtc7.
they don't .


tell us why they would have to be exactly the same lol
three farts in a row from the paid trolls above you Koko.^:9::9:^

this thread has run its course with these two paid shills above trolling it here so there goes the chance for any mature discussion on it like we WERE having while it was in the CDZ.

yeh but I am having a laughing fest at how fucking stoopid these posers are.

Seriously I can t pay for this kind of comedy as I get from posers.
Oh i is so funny watching them either lie,change the subject or run off when they know they are licked and cornered.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

their just doing what their handlers instruct them to do

yeh if you really want to see them come out in hordes get into an engineering discussion. there is always some poser who claims to be an expert only to prove they dont know shit as you are saying.

notice dawes is the video expert now, and that explosion that shows up above the wing on one fake and below on the other fake proves to even the most uninitiated how tarded these posers are.

Like I just got done saying to you,you are being way too kind to that paid shill You mean DAWGSHIT and remember, when he posts under his sock puppet SAYIT,let DAWGSHIT know you know its him posting.:biggrin:
Hey Eots,notice how that troll Carla went and whined to the mods about this thread in the CDZ section?

she was confronted with overwhelming evidence and facts she could not refute and did not want to see the truth so like the coward she was,she went and whined to the mods about that thread being there.:lmao:

ever notice thats what all these trolls like her do,is whine to the mods all the time?:biggrin:

thats because they arent only trolls they are pantomime posers and dont understand ANYTHING about the topic they pretend to discuss.

and not one of them has posted substantial evidence to back their whacky theories.

You are totally correct, all they can do is talk juvenile.

dawes last post doesnt even make sense LOL
thats because thats what their handlers instruct them TO DO,talk juvenile.:biggrin: their just following the orders of their masters instructions.

and you are being way too nice here talking about that one paid troll dawes and his sock puppet he uses SAYIT as well,you mean DAWGSHIT.stop being so kind to him..:biggrin: He isn't to you,so why should you be to him?

maybe I just wrote them off as dumbasses try to post in the big boy zone
hope you girls are having a good chat.
ignorant ass hat there was no design flaw or the building would never have gone up.
many building are not designed to collapse inward.
a building's design and construction are based on the zoning and safety laws in a giving state or county etc.

where did the building go up to the moon and aliens did it?

Thats why you have a problem. If there was no design flaw then wtc7 could not have collapsed.
lol! what a truly fucking stupid statement building collapse all the time for reasons have jack shit to do with design flaws..
it's you who has a problem with reality among lot of other things

So you cant tell us about any steel framed buildings that completely collapsed, just smoking more of your same dog shit reefers eh?
yes, but there is no point . they would be false comparisons as the conditions of their collapse's would have to exactly match those of wtc7.
they don't .


tell us why they would have to be exactly the same lol
if you were as "smart" was you wish you were the answer would be obvious
ignorant ass hat there was no design flaw or the building would never have gone up.
many building are not designed to collapse inward.
a building's design and construction are based on the zoning and safety laws in a giving state or county etc.

where did the building go up to the moon and aliens did it?

Thats why you have a problem. If there was no design flaw then wtc7 could not have collapsed.
lol! what a truly fucking stupid statement building collapse all the time for reasons have jack shit to do with design flaws..
it's you who has a problem with reality among lot of other things

So you cant tell us about any steel framed buildings that completely collapsed, just smoking more of your same dog shit reefers eh?
yes, but there is no point . they would be false comparisons as the conditions of their collapse's would have to exactly match those of wtc7.
they don't .


tell us why they would have to be exactly the same lol

was wondering,was that addressed to me or Dawgshit? I dont follow what that shill dawgshit says so I have no idea on the discussion you are having with him naturally so I assume it was for him?
three farts in a row from the paid trolls above you Koko.^:9::9:^

this thread has run its course with these two paid shills above trolling it here so there goes the chance for any mature discussion on it like we WERE having while it was in the CDZ.

yeh but I am having a laughing fest at how fucking stoopid these posers are.

Seriously I can t pay for this kind of comedy as I get from posers.
Oh i is so funny watching them either lie,change the subject or run off when they know they are licked and cornered.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

their just doing what their handlers instruct them to do

yeh if you really want to see them come out in hordes get into an engineering discussion. there is always some poser who claims to be an expert only to prove they dont know shit as you are saying.

notice dawes is the video expert now, and that explosion that shows up above the wing on one fake and below on the other fake proves to even the most uninitiated how tarded these posers are.

Like I just got done saying to you,you are being way too kind to that paid shill You mean DAWGSHIT and remember, when he posts under his sock puppet SAYIT,let DAWGSHIT know you know its him posting.:biggrin:

Hey he is doing such a wonderful job of advertising how brilliant dabwunkers are! LOL
Hey Eots,notice how that troll Carla went and whined to the mods about this thread in the CDZ section?

she was confronted with overwhelming evidence and facts she could not refute and did not want to see the truth so like the coward she was,she went and whined to the mods about that thread being there.:lmao:

ever notice thats what all these trolls like her do,is whine to the mods all the time?:biggrin:

thats because they arent only trolls they are pantomime posers and dont understand ANYTHING about the topic they pretend to discuss.

and not one of them has posted substantial evidence to back their whacky theories.

You are totally correct, all they can do is talk juvenile.

dawes last post doesnt even make sense LOL
thats because thats what their handlers instruct them TO DO,talk juvenile.:biggrin: their just following the orders of their masters instructions.

and you are being way too nice here talking about that one paid troll dawes and his sock puppet he uses SAYIT as well,you mean DAWGSHIT.stop being so kind to him..:biggrin: He isn't to you,so why should you be to him?

maybe I just wrote them off as dumbasses try to post in the big boy zone
big boy zone? lol! ignorant ass always over play their importance...
I do this for the sheer fun of watching you paranoids squirm.
that's another thing if a building falls down none of it fall outward? especially since most of the fire would have been internal not toward the outer walls for cement and steel doesn't burn like furniture etc.. the building would have never fallen like that. how come nobody can find even one building in all this time that has ever fallen from fire and earthquakes even like this? because it doesn't happen perfectly like that. how stupid do you people have to be.
false ! that all depends on the design of the're not very good at this are you?
wtc 7s design was not called into question by NIST no significant recommendations to building code resulted from the NIST report
another Non Sequitur

nothing like proving you dont even know how to debate.

the agent paid shills such as dawgshit/say it prove that constantly here everyday.:biggrin:

they would be laughed out of a debating hall in SECONDS running out crying if they debated there as they do here.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::lol::lol::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
is that your best excuse for not watching it
btw I'm in the film biz and no cgi or camera tricks were used.
but you go ahead and be a fucking coward and not watch it ,,

Just because you wank on cam doesnt mean you know anything about film or cgi :blahblah:
false I know just about every thing about it you on the other hand think that by fucking with the contrast buttons on your tv makes you an expert..
still laughing about that one.

Sorry eots, cant resist showing everyone what a bunch of god damned fools these posers are:


some seriously fucked up cgi eh.... LMAO

Keep digging! :dig:

well this is WT7 the discussion is but these agent trolls are so gullible its safe to take it the bank they believe that pro wrestling is real as well.:biggrin:

they wont get off the crack they been smoking cause i dont think they know what the words HOLLYWOOD and SPECIAL EFFECTS mean.:biggrin:

they should have a discussion with steven speilberg sometime,he would give them a first class education on the fake planes and the twin towers.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
welcome to socialism and the land of the free.

FFS here you have engineers that the cause of failure by fire information is being with held so they have no idea how to design future buildings so they do not fail the same way because it may jeapardize public safety!


and these fucktard posers buy into that amoeba iq shit, unreal!
You're getting hysterical, sweety. But, I have to admit that it is comedy gold watching your hysteria infect the other, more excitable, conspiracy theorists.

cool as a cucumber in fall.

So you agree with NIST that engineers should be deprived of the information how fire caused the collapse of wtc 7, and therefore cannot insure it never happens again.

You agree with that right?
Pretty frantic, actually. You loons buy into these wacky conspiracy theories because they appeal to your fears and paranoia.

no----because they are ROMANTIC and POETIC------a big giant
plan by a superforce

this is where your aliens with mega energy come down from mars and energize the wtc with massive squish vectators?

thats pretty much the strawman argument that agents rosie,dawgshit,hollie and others resort to in defeat all the time everyday.

great post.:up::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::lol::lol::lol::laugh::laugh::laugh:

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