Yemen, Ukraine, and the Hypocrisy of ‘Aggression'

Eddie Priest

Active Member
Feb 17, 2015
The military intervention in Yemen by a US-backed coalition of Arab states will undoubtedly inflame the conflict both in Yemen, and throughout the region. It is likely to be a protracted war involving many actors, each of which is interested in furthering its own political and geopolitical agenda.
However, it is the international reaction to this new regional war which is of particular interest; specifically, the way in which the United States has reacted to this undeniable aggression by its Gulf allies. While Washington has gone to great lengths to paint Russia’s reunification with Crimea and its limited support for the anti-Kiev rebels of eastern Ukraine as “aggression,” it has allowed that same loaded term to be completely left out of the narrative about the new war in Yemen
:Yemen Ukraine and the Hypocrisy of Aggression New Eastern Outlook
The US double standards in policy are well known especially for their opponents. But what if Russia will seriously interfere in this conflict. And they have seriously enough arguments to Saud Arabia and they "ally" the USA.
I will not take credit----since it due me. (sorta)
For the past several years-----I have stated on message-
boards and this messageboard---- world war III will
start in Yemen. For the past several decades, yemen
has been a training ground for terrorists. It is an ideal
place for this role-----a classical shariah shit hole----more
shariah and more primitive than Saudi Arabia and in
turmoil------for centuries The society is utterly TRIBAL
(something like Saudi Arabia when muhummad was
born)------and for poetry-----Osama bin Laden's mother
was born there-----he has FAMILY there. More to the
point----it is on the border of Saudi Arabia-----the land
coveted by all pretenders to the throne of THE GLORIUS ISLAMIC EMPIRE <vomit>
Does anyone find it puzzling how the US supports its Saudi puppet's action in Yemen while denouncing Russian actions in the Ukraine? Even more puzzling when you consider the Russians are not actually doing what the US condemns them for in Ukraine but which their Wahhabi allies are actually doing in Yemen? Just another day in the life of the "exceptional country."
Does anyone find it puzzling how the US supports its Saudi puppet's action in Yemen while denouncing Russian actions in the Ukraine? Even more puzzling when you consider the Russians are not actually doing what the US condemns them for in Ukraine but which their Wahhabi allies are actually doing in Yemen? Just another day in the life of the "exceptional country."

Saudi Arabia is not a puppet. The action in Yemen by Saudi Arabia has absolutely nothing to do with the action
by Russia in Ukraine. It is very clear that you know absolutely nothing about the history of these two regions or why they are doing what they are doing.
Saudi Arabia is not a puppet
In the same way you're not hasbara?
"In an effort to prop up the value of the dollar, Richard Nixon negotiated a deal with Saudi Arabia that in exchange for arms and protection they would denominate all future oil sales in U.S. dollars.[2]"
Where did the Saudis buy the planes they are using to bomb Yemen?

Petrodollar - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Germany and the UK.
You thought they had only US planes?
Saudi Arabia is not a puppet
In the same way you're not hasbara?
"In an effort to prop up the value of the dollar, Richard Nixon negotiated a deal with Saudi Arabia that in exchange for arms and protection they would denominate all future oil sales in U.S. dollars.[2]"
Where did the Saudis buy the planes they are using to bomb Yemen?

Petrodollar - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

OH! Saudi Arabia BOUGHT USA made planes----they were not loaded up with nuclear weapons and handed over to Saudi Arabia----NOW I UNDERSTAND
OH! Saudi Arabia BOUGHT USA made planes----they were not loaded up with nuclear weapons and handed over to Saudi Arabia----NOW I UNDERSTAND
Boots on the ground?
"The United States has already said it would give logistical and intelligence support, but the situation in Yemen may well come to require more than that, and some kind of U.S. combat support as well as U.S. diplomatic pressure on Iran. Once again, the United States is finding out that calling for strategic partnership is not a way of avoiding its role as a world power. One cannot establish partnerships without being a partner."
America Saudi Arabia and the Strategic Importance of Yemen Center for Strategic and International Studies
The military intervention in Yemen by a US-backed coalition of Arab states will undoubtedly inflame the conflict both in Yemen, and throughout the region. It is likely to be a protracted war involving many actors, each of which is interested in furthering its own political and geopolitical agenda.
However, it is the international reaction to this new regional war which is of particular interest; specifically, the way in which the United States has reacted to this undeniable aggression by its Gulf allies. While Washington has gone to great lengths to paint Russia’s reunification with Crimea and its limited support for the anti-Kiev rebels of eastern Ukraine as “aggression,” it has allowed that same loaded term to be completely left out of the narrative about the new war in Yemen
:Yemen Ukraine and the Hypocrisy of Aggression New Eastern Outlook
The US double standards in policy are well known especially for their opponents. But what if Russia will seriously interfere in this conflict. And they have seriously enough arguments to Saud Arabia and they "ally" the USA.
The US gov's actions are most hypocritical, but this is nothing new.

What is even worse about the Ukraine situation, is the US gov instigated the coup that resulted in war there. I don't know if the US had anything to do with the unrest in Yemen, but time will tell.
What is even worse about the Ukraine situation, is the US gov instigated the coup that resulted in war there. I don't know if the US had anything to do with the unrest in Yemen, but time will tell.
I think time has already told us what future we can expect from O-I-L:
"BAGHDAD -- Iran-backed Shiite militiamen in Iraq say they're ready to take up arms in a country most of them have never been to: Yemen.

“'We defeated ISIS in Syria, we’re defeating ISIS in Iraq, and we’ll defeat them in Yemen,' Abu Kumael, a volunteer fighter with the powerful Iran-supported Shiite militia known as the Peace Brigades, told The WorldPost Monday.

“'We’re not just talking. We’re physically ready to go and fight.'"

Maybe westerners in general and Americans in particular don't realize how many young people in the Middle East are willing to die to resist colonialism?

Iraqi Militiamen Plan To Travel To Yemen To Battle U.S.-Backed Coalition
What is even worse about the Ukraine situation, is the US gov instigated the coup that resulted in war there. I don't know if the US had anything to do with the unrest in Yemen, but time will tell.
I think time has already told us what future we can expect from O-I-L:
"BAGHDAD -- Iran-backed Shiite militiamen in Iraq say they're ready to take up arms in a country most of them have never been to: Yemen.

“'We defeated ISIS in Syria, we’re defeating ISIS in Iraq, and we’ll defeat them in Yemen,' Abu Kumael, a volunteer fighter with the powerful Iran-supported Shiite militia known as the Peace Brigades, told The WorldPost Monday.

“'We’re not just talking. We’re physically ready to go and fight.'"

Maybe westerners in general and Americans in particular don't realize how many young people in the Middle East are willing to die to resist colonialism?

Iraqi Militiamen Plan To Travel To Yemen To Battle U.S.-Backed Coalition

the only colonialism in the middle east is ISLAMIC COLONIALISM-------it is an ongoing atrocity for the past 1400 years. It has racked up murders in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS------imposed its desert gibberish language on more than a billion people (world-wide) It has been marked by endemic cholera, shistocomiasis, polio and tuberculosis and even IMPETIGO -------and various other forms of filth and regression into barbarity
More people speak Spanish, Mandarin, English and Hindi than Arabic (as native speakers). Less than 300 million people are native Arabic speakers, according to Wiki.
Of course, Wiki is not that reliable. Your hate of the Arabic language is certainly strong. What happened to you? I agree that it is guttural and ugly, but such hate.

List of languages by number of native speakers - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I don't hate the Arabic language-------I hate the islamo Nazi whore and pig propaganda. Arabic is the language which developed in Arabia and with the brutal and barbaric "GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST" ---it became---thru imposition---the lingua franca of much of the middle east In their psychotic revisionist history----Hebrew---which is actually the only extant language which really did develope in "Palestine"
has been described by their whores and pigs as----believe it or not """ A DIALECT OF ARABIC """ Kinda funny----Hebrew has been a written language for thousands of years------Arabic first began to develope an alphabet about 300 AD -----but for the sake ISLAMO NAZI PIG claims on ALL OF THE MIDDLE EAST----they decided to make Arabic THE LANGUAGE OF ANTIQUITY------- it is sick
As the Saudi dictator continues his US-coordinated aggression against Yemen:

  • “Erich Ogoso, a spokesman with the United Nations’ humanitarian agency, reported 182 dead and hundreds more wounded just between last Wednesday and Sunday. Some 75,000 people have been displaced in the past week…
Saudi Arabia’s navy now controls all Yemeni ports” (CNN)
  • The UN human rights office in Geneva reports that more than half of those killed are civilians, and UNICEF found that at least 62, or about a third, are children.
  • As he bombs, the Saudi dictator is blocking humanitarian relief from entering Yemen:
“One day after Saudi warplanes killed scores of civilians in an attack on a refugee camp in Yemen, the Red Cross has confirmed that the Saudi military is now preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Yemeni capital city of Sanaa.

Saudi Militants (Image: Saudi US-Relations Info Service)

Red Cross officials say they are still trying to negotiate permission to deliver medical aid to the war-torn country, and they expressed growing alarm at the number of civilians being killed and wounded in the Saudi attacks.” (Antiwar)
Saudi Dictator s US-Coordinated Terror-Bombings in Yemen Updates Washington s Blog

The hypocrisy by the US gov is mind blowing.
As the Saudi dictator continues his US-coordinated aggression against Yemen:

  • “Erich Ogoso, a spokesman with the United Nations’ humanitarian agency, reported 182 dead and hundreds more wounded just between last Wednesday and Sunday. Some 75,000 people have been displaced in the past week…
Saudi Arabia’s navy now controls all Yemeni ports” (CNN)
  • The UN human rights office in Geneva reports that more than half of those killed are civilians, and UNICEF found that at least 62, or about a third, are children.
  • As he bombs, the Saudi dictator is blocking humanitarian relief from entering Yemen:
“One day after Saudi warplanes killed scores of civilians in an attack on a refugee camp in Yemen, the Red Cross has confirmed that the Saudi military is now preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Yemeni capital city of Sanaa.

Saudi Militants (Image: Saudi US-Relations Info Service)

Red Cross officials say they are still trying to negotiate permission to deliver medical aid to the war-torn country, and they expressed growing alarm at the number of civilians being killed and wounded in the Saudi attacks.” (Antiwar)
Saudi Dictator s US-Coordinated Terror-Bombings in Yemen Updates Washington s Blog

The hypocrisy by the US gov is mind blowing.

try again------Yemenis have already attempted to breach the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia----the PURPOSE of the action in Yemen is -----attack on Saudi Arabia-----why do you expect them to WAIT? Your stupidity is mind boggling
the only colonialism in the middle east is ISLAMIC COLONIALISM-------it is an ongoing atrocity for the past 1400 years. It has racked up murders in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS------imposed its desert gibberish language on more than a billion people (world-wide) It has been marked by endemic cholera, shistocomiasis, polio and tuberculosis and even IMPETIGO -------and various other forms of filth and regression into barbarity
As the Saudi dictator continues his US-coordinated aggression against Yemen:

  • “Erich Ogoso, a spokesman with the United Nations’ humanitarian agency, reported 182 dead and hundreds more wounded just between last Wednesday and Sunday. Some 75,000 people have been displaced in the past week…
Saudi Arabia’s navy now controls all Yemeni ports” (CNN)
  • The UN human rights office in Geneva reports that more than half of those killed are civilians, and UNICEF found that at least 62, or about a third, are children.
  • As he bombs, the Saudi dictator is blocking humanitarian relief from entering Yemen:
“One day after Saudi warplanes killed scores of civilians in an attack on a refugee camp in Yemen, the Red Cross has confirmed that the Saudi military is now preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Yemeni capital city of Sanaa.

Saudi Militants (Image: Saudi US-Relations Info Service)

Red Cross officials say they are still trying to negotiate permission to deliver medical aid to the war-torn country, and they expressed growing alarm at the number of civilians being killed and wounded in the Saudi attacks.” (Antiwar)
Saudi Dictator s US-Coordinated Terror-Bombings in Yemen Updates Washington s Blog

The hypocrisy by the US gov is mind blowing.

try again------Yemenis have already attempted to breach the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia----the PURPOSE of the action in Yemen is -----attack on Saudi Arabia-----why do you expect them to WAIT? Your stupidity is mind boggling
Is that a justification for murdering civilians on a massive scale?
As the Saudi dictator continues his US-coordinated aggression against Yemen:

  • “Erich Ogoso, a spokesman with the United Nations’ humanitarian agency, reported 182 dead and hundreds more wounded just between last Wednesday and Sunday. Some 75,000 people have been displaced in the past week…
Saudi Arabia’s navy now controls all Yemeni ports” (CNN)
  • The UN human rights office in Geneva reports that more than half of those killed are civilians, and UNICEF found that at least 62, or about a third, are children.
  • As he bombs, the Saudi dictator is blocking humanitarian relief from entering Yemen:
“One day after Saudi warplanes killed scores of civilians in an attack on a refugee camp in Yemen, the Red Cross has confirmed that the Saudi military is now preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Yemeni capital city of Sanaa.

Saudi Militants (Image: Saudi US-Relations Info Service)

Red Cross officials say they are still trying to negotiate permission to deliver medical aid to the war-torn country, and they expressed growing alarm at the number of civilians being killed and wounded in the Saudi attacks.” (Antiwar)
Saudi Dictator s US-Coordinated Terror-Bombings in Yemen Updates Washington s Blog

The hypocrisy by the US gov is mind blowing.

try again------Yemenis have already attempted to breach the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia----the PURPOSE of the action in Yemen is -----attack on Saudi Arabia-----why do you expect them to WAIT? Your stupidity is mind boggling
Is that a justification for murdering civilians on a massive scale?

I got interesting information for you-----civilians in yemen have been subjected to MASSIVE SCALE MURDER over ----at least----the past two years. The gutters of SANAA have been running red with blood for at least that long in the CURRENT power struggle in Yemen---sponsored by IRAN. Sorry----I happen to know----family connections -----62 ??? I am glad the numbers are that low. I am fascinated that Saleh has defected to the Nazis------he's got his billions about which to worry.

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