Yes, you are better off now than you were then.

Nonsense. Most working people are worse off due to inflation, layoffs, and shortages in stores. ALL thanks to Harris administration.
What "Harris administration?"
I think you mean Biden's administration....which Harris had very little policy control over.
Besides, post pandemic inflation, unemployment, and product shortages have been a worldwide problem. Our pandemic bounce back has actually been better that many other narions thanks guessed it, Joe Biden's policies.
How, specifically, did Harris regulate global inflation (now considerably slower in the U.S.) and global supply chains?

Again, please be specific, and cite reputable sources.

Unemployment in the U.S remains far lower than when the geezer was booted in 2020, and incomes are increasing.

The rate of unemployment is currently 4.3%; it had risen to 6.7% by November of 2020.

The empirical data contributes to the geezer's final public approval of 34%, even lower than the President's current 41%.
November 2020 was th Democrat pandemic, no association with Trump, except for the many GOOD things he did about it.
What "Harris administration?"
I think you mean Biden's administration....which Harris had very little policy control over.
Besides, post pandemic inflation, unemployment, and product shortages have been a worldwide problem. Our pandemic bounce back has actually been better that many other narions thanks guessed it, Joe Biden's policies.
Oh yeah, :right: ......:rolleyes:
Recognizing empirical reality as revealed by rigorous scientific methods is essential to liberal democracy. Those refusing to respect it live in a cartoon world.
Recognizing empirical reality as revealed by rigorous scientific methods is essential to liberal democracy. Those refusing to respect it live in a cartoon world.
All depends on where/who the "data" is coming from. Liberals have relied on FAKE data to push their agendas.

The federal government announced earlier this year that it significantly overestimated its previous data on how many jobs the U.S. economy created last year, meaning the labor market was far weaker last year than the federal (Biden administration) data previously showed.

In fact, the U.S. economy created 818,000 fewer jobs than federal (Biden administration) economists previously said, about a 30% reduction, the most significant jobs data revision in 15 years.

In fact, the U.S. economy created 818,000 fewer jobs than federal (Biden administration) economists previously said, about a 30% reduction, the most significant jobs data revision in 15 years.

and even with that revision there were still 175,000 jobs a month created.

Trump only had one year out of 4 with the good of an average
All depends on where/who the "data" is coming from. Liberals have relied on FAKE data to push their agendas.

The federal government announced earlier this year that it significantly overestimated its previous data on how many jobs the U.S. economy created last year, meaning the labor market was far weaker last year than the federal (Biden administration) data previously showed.

In fact, the U.S. economy created 818,000 fewer jobs than federal (Biden administration) economists previously said, about a 30% reduction, the most significant jobs data revision in 15 years.
That "fake data" is an assumption you can't support. You do note that the US corrects data where and when necessary, but yet you never correct your errors, protectionist.
  • Through the COVID pandemic, our Covid mortality rate was REDUCED from over 17,000/week in April, to about 2000/week in June, and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that Trump did. 90% REDUCTION. > HUGE SUCCESS.
  • Massive production of Ventilators - These were left in short supply after the Obama/Biden admin (we now have so many we're exporting them)
  • the Navy hospital ships sent to New York & Los Angeles.
  • the stimulus checks,
  • The Task Force advice (ex. social distancing),
  • opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,
  • federal aid to hospitals, rapidly expanding production & distribution of medical supplies
  • travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for),
  • Trump's advocacy of Hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and Regeneron.
  • fast, continual development of a vaccine, and rapid success of Operation Warp Speed.
You are so full of crap. :) You know your hero is losing, yes?
He is not losing. But I'm busy now with more important things.
RIGHT THIS MINUTE, here in Tampa, we are being walloped by Hurricane Helene, now a category 4 hurricane, and the eye is only 99 miles from us.
Protectionist is lying. The monthly Trump death covid charts were three times that for Biden.

Read here for everything you need to know about 2020 and covid.

Pure display of your naivety posting that link. I already educated you about the CARES Act, commorbidities, hospital payments, and why the death numbers are meaningless *, as are your posts.

* openly admitted by th CDC

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