
Why are pussies in Target with their guns, anyway? That's like sitting in Chili's. What's with all of these proud freedom-lovin' patriots wanting to take their guns where the guns won't make any difference?

American gun owners, take your guns to the NSA headquarters, the Pentagon, the CIA headquarters, One World Trade Center, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House, or just shut up about defending freedom.

Why is it that the pussies who wet their pants at the sight if a gun, call people who carry pussies? I'm not a psychologist but there has to be something wrong with these people.

One very good reason for taking a gun anywhere is because it frightens you idiots so much. That's pretty fucking entertaining right there.
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How, exactly, do they plan on enforcing said ban?

When was the last time you saw anyone smoking in a restaurant or retail store or anywhere where smoking is banned either by the store owner, or municipal/state laws?
I will no longer shop at Target.. I wouldn't feel safe.

But where will you buy your Depends?

Look folks - the majority of Americans want more gun regulations. More and more civilized companies will realize this and join the enlightened.

Awww look.. the nasty liberal as per form comes sliming in to the thread with his usual personal insults.. Gaping hole disease?

It's a publicity stunt that you idiot liberals suck up every time. There's no way they can enforce this but you morons actually think it will do something. Dumbasses.

Aren't you a big fan fan of We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service? Suddenly you want to be Publicly Accommodated eh? Interesting...

You are a liberal, therefor you aren't too bright so let me try to help you:

I stated that it was a publicity stunt, no where did I state that the privately owned company shouldn't be allowed to do it. Understand?
I understood perfectly. We were discussing Enforcement and I suggested that they hoped you would act like an adult, which you won't, but you want others to respect the rights of Anti-Gay Marriage people and go elsewhere. Now all of a sudden you and your gun are supposed to be welcome everywhere? Why not just go elsewhere eh?
It's a publicity stunt that you idiot liberals suck up every time. There's no way they can enforce this but you morons actually think it will do something. Dumbasses.

Really? I bet they enforce their policies for theft and call the police when they catch a shoplifter, hmmmm? Ya' think, BedPan?

Now if you want to read about publicity stunts, go to the Hobby Lobby thread about their full time employee wage increase.

Hey dumbfuck, I carry everywhere I go. Unless target puts up
Metal detectors or searches all it's customers, the can't know I'm carrying. Christ you are an idiot!
Why are pussies in Target with their guns, anyway? That's like sitting in Chili's. What's with all of these proud freedom-lovin' patriots wanting to take their guns where the guns won't make any difference?

American gun owners, take your guns to the NSA headquarters, the Pentagon, the CIA headquarters, One World Trade Center, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House, or just shut up about defending freedom.

Why is it that the puddles who wet their pants at the sight if a gun, call people who carry pussies? I'm not a psychologist but there has to be something wrong with these people.

One very good reason for taking a gun anywhere is because it frightens you idiots so much. That's pretty fucking entertaining right there.

Given that most people who carry weapons are not trained to use them like police or military, i.e. in a sudden confrontation involving a shooter in a public place, then you're damn right I'm scared. I had a gun accidentally pointed in my face when I was a teenager. One of my brother's had a gun go off a la Dick Cheney style on a hunting trip.

Most people are not very bright, and most people who think they need a gun to buy groceries are REALLY stupid.
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It's a publicity stunt that you idiot liberals suck up every time. There's no way they can enforce this but you morons actually think it will do something. Dumbasses.

Really? I bet they enforce their policies for theft and call the police when they catch a shoplifter, hmmmm? Ya' think, BedPan?

Now if you want to read about publicity stunts, go to the Hobby Lobby thread about their full time employee wage increase.

Hey dumbfuck, I carry everywhere I go. Unless target puts up
Metal detectors or searches all it's customers, the can't know I'm carrying. Christ you are an idiot!

Exactly. I always carry concealed when I leave the house. To paraphrase Mark Roberts, I never leave my cave without my club. Unless Target is going to go through the expense of installing metal detectors or be willing to be sued for frisking me, they will never know that I carried my G-17 into their "family-friendly" store.
Target: Don't Bring Guns Into Our Stores

Posted: 07/02/2014 9:29 am EDT

Target: Don't Bring Guns Into Our Stores

Target announced Wednesday it is adopting a no-guns policy. Customers in localities where guns are allowed will be subject to the chain's new policy.

"Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create," Target's interim CEO John Mulligan said in a statement. Read the full statement below.

The leadership team has been weighing a complex issue, and I want to be sure everyone understands our thoughts and ultimate decision.
As you’ve likely seen in the media, there has been a debate about whether guests in communities that permit “open carry” should be allowed to bring firearms into Target stores. Our approach has always been to follow local laws, and of course, we will continue to do so. But starting today we will also respectfully request that guests not bring firearms to Target – even in communities where it is permitted by law.
We’ve listened carefully to the nuances of this debate and respect the protected rights of everyone involved. In return, we are asking for help in fulfilling our goal to create an atmosphere that is safe and inviting for our guests and team members.
This is a complicated issue, but it boils down to a simple belief: Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create.

I'll bring it concealed in this state (Virginia) any damned where I please. You think a "sign" is going to stop a bad guy/Liberal psycho? It sure as shit isn't going to stop me, asswipe.
You're a big tough guy.

Go stop the NSA from spying on Americans without a warrant in direct violation of the 4th Amendment.
I personally think that this is the way gun control should be handled. If I don't like their policy then there are always alternate and cheaper places to spend my money. I will say that if a store sells guns and or hunting equipment then I suggest they are just being two faced.
You're a big tough guy.

Go stop the NSA from spying on Americans without a warrant in direct violation of the 4th Amendment.

You'll have to talk about your Boy Obama and HIS NSA asswipe. Not my problem.
Why are pussies in Target with their guns, anyway? That's like sitting in Chili's. What's with all of these proud freedom-lovin' patriots wanting to take their guns where the guns won't make any difference?

American gun owners, take your guns to the NSA headquarters, the Pentagon, the CIA headquarters, One World Trade Center, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House, or just shut up about defending freedom.

Why is it that the puddles who wet their pants at the sight if a gun, call people who carry pussies? I'm not a psychologist but there has to be something wrong with these people.

One very good reason for taking a gun anywhere is because it frightens you idiots so much. That's pretty fucking entertaining right there.

Given that most people who carry weapons are not trained to use them like police or military, i.e. in a sudden confrontation involving a shooter in a public place, then you're damn right I'm scared. I had a gun accidentally pointed in my face when I was a teenager. One of my brother's had a gun go off a la Dick Cheney style on a hunting trip.

Most people are not very bright, and most people who think they need a gun to buy groceries are REALLY stupid.

Like these cops?

NYPD: 9 shooting bystander victims hit by police gunfire | Fox News

All nine people wounded during a dramatic confrontation between police and a gunman outside the Empire State Building were struck by bullets fired by the two officers, police said Saturday, citing ballistics evidence.

The veteran patrolmen who opened fire on the suit-wearing gunman, Jeffrey Johnson, had only an instant to react when he whirled and pointed a .45-caliber pistol as they approached him from behind on a busy sidewalk.

Officer Craig Matthews shot seven times. Officer Robert Sinishtaj fired nine times, police said. Neither had ever fired their weapons before on a patrol.
It's a publicity stunt that you idiot liberals suck up every time. There's no way they can enforce this but you morons actually think it will do something. Dumbasses.

Really? I bet they enforce their policies for theft and call the police when they catch a shoplifter, hmmmm? Ya' think, BedPan?

Now if you want to read about publicity stunts, go to the Hobby Lobby thread about their full time employee wage increase.

Hey dumbfuck, I carry everywhere I go. Unless target puts up
Metal detectors or searches all it's customers, the can't know I'm carrying. Christ you are an idiot!

I guess you haven't noticed that most retail operations have detectors around the doors where their customers pass through? Been around a long time now but perhaps the general store in your holler up there in the hills hasn't installed one yet.
Defending the US Constitution isn't your problem?

Then why the fuck do you have a gun, pussy?
Aren't you a big fan fan of We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service? Suddenly you want to be Publicly Accommodated eh? Interesting...

You are a liberal, therefor you aren't too bright so let me try to help you:

I stated that it was a publicity stunt, no where did I state that the privately owned company shouldn't be allowed to do it. Understand?
I understood perfectly. We were discussing Enforcement and I suggested that they hoped you would act like an adult, which you won't, but you want others to respect the rights of Anti-Gay Marriage people and go elsewhere. Now all of a sudden you and your gun are supposed to be welcome everywhere? Why not just go elsewhere eh?

Wtf are you talking about? Do you even know? You are so far out in left field I don't even know how to guide you back to the real world.

I think, in your screwed up head, you are trying to imply that I'm inconsistent on the issue of the rights of privately owned companies. As I already tried to tell you, I am not, nor am I suggesting that any company can't do what it wants to. Gays can and should be able to patronize any store they want to and the owners should be able to refuse to serve them if they so choose. Target, or any company should have the right to refuse to allow people to carry guns in their stores if they want to as well.

Now, pay attention to this part:

It's a publicity stunt and they know it because they really can't enforce it. Do you understand now? If not, I can't help you further.

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