
Really? I bet they enforce their policies for theft and call the police when they catch a shoplifter, hmmmm? Ya' think, BedPan?

Now if you want to read about publicity stunts, go to the Hobby Lobby thread about their full time employee wage increase.

Hey dumbfuck, I carry everywhere I go. Unless target puts up
Metal detectors or searches all it's customers, the can't know I'm carrying. Christ you are an idiot!

I guess you haven't noticed that most retail operations have detectors around the doors where their customers pass through? Been around a long time now but perhaps the general store in your holler up there in the hills hasn't installed one yet.

:lol: Seriously? You do realize those detectors are there to detect tagged high end merchandise from being stolen right?
What a fucken idiot!! Do you not carry car keys? What about wheelchairs?
and of course shopping carts.
Your stupidity is astounding.....
I understood you the first time. Why can't you understand that they want you to follow their rules, stunt or not? They would appreciate you not bringing guns into their stores. If you actually respected Private Property, that's exactly what you would do but you won't because you don't, and that is my point.

Idiot - there are speed limit signs all over the nation. How's that working out?
How's the "no gun zone" working out in Detroit, Washington D.C., Philadelphia and Los Angeles?
Not too good eh?
Now, shut the fuck up.
Thank you for that worthless spam. I eagerly await your next attempt at debate...
So you actually think someone with a CHL is going to walk into target with his/hers weapon drawn?:lol:

Didn't we just have a thread on some idiots doing exactly that? Except they were carrying AR-15s. THIS kind of policy is what comes from people doing exactly what those guys did. But then again maybe that was their point.

Not drawn, but not concealed either. Target is stopping idiots like this. These assholes are doing nothing but trying to attract attention. Period, the end. And also compensate for some very short penises, as well.



The funny part is that the only thing these guys obviously have that are of value are their guns. If I was a criminal and wanted their guns they would not have them long. They are not paranoid idiots they just derive their sense of power from their guns.
Really? I bet they enforce their policies for theft and call the police when they catch a shoplifter, hmmmm? Ya' think, BedPan?

Now if you want to read about publicity stunts, go to the Hobby Lobby thread about their full time employee wage increase.

Hey dumbfuck, I carry everywhere I go. Unless target puts up
Metal detectors or searches all it's customers, the can't know I'm carrying. Christ you are an idiot!

I guess you haven't noticed that most retail operations have detectors around the doors where their customers pass through? Been around a long time now but perhaps the general store in your holler up there in the hills hasn't installed one yet.

Unless you have an RFID chip in your gun, those things are pure decorations. Those are there to detect shop lifters, not metal.

Are you really that unknowledgeable?
I understood you the first time. Why can't you understand that they want you to follow their rules, stunt or not? They would appreciate you not bringing guns into their stores. If you actually respected Private Property, that's exactly what you would do but you won't because you don't, and that is my point.

Idiot - there are speed limit signs all over the nation. How's that working out?
How's the "no gun zone" working out in Detroit, Washington D.C., Philadelphia and Los Angeles?
Not too good eh?
Now, shut the fuck up.
Thank you for that worthless spam. I eagerly await your next attempt at debate...

Speed limits work very well where I am in New Jersey. New Jersey state police are very intimidating.

Is Warrior aware of the decline in drunk driving incidents since new legislation was passed about 30 years ago? Didn't think so.

"""Since NHTSA began recording alcohol-related statistics in 1982, drunk driving fatalities have decreased 51% from 21,113 in 1982. Since the inception of The Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility and our national efforts to fight drunk driving, drunk driving fatalities have declined 35% from 15,827 in 1991. (Source: NHTSA/FARS, 2013)""

Drunk Driving Deaths - National Statistics | Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility

It takes awhile before new laws begin to turn numbers and statistics, but it can happen. Don't even TRY to light a cigarette inside anywhere in CA or NY, or NJ.
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How, exactly, do they plan on enforcing said ban?

Exactly. The nutters here have said they would sneak guns into businesses who had "no guns" signs up.

And, just saw news story about a little bitty town in Colorado called (yes, really) Rifle where all 9 servers have a gun on their hip.

I'm familiar with Rifle, very knee jerk little town. Pretty silly but I guess it has had the desired effect.
I understood perfectly. We were discussing Enforcement and I suggested that they hoped you would act like an adult, which you won't, but you want others to respect the rights of Anti-Gay Marriage people and go elsewhere. Now all of a sudden you and your gun are supposed to be welcome everywhere? Why not just go elsewhere eh?

Wtf are you talking about? Do you even know? You are so far out in left field I don't even know how to guide you back to the real world.

I think, in your screwed up head, you are trying to imply that I'm inconsistent on the issue of the rights of privately owned companies. As I already tried to tell you, I am not, nor am I suggesting that any company can't do what it wants to. Gays can and should be able to patronize any store they want to and the owners should be able to refuse to serve them if they so choose. Target, or any company should have the right to refuse to allow people to carry guns in their stores if they want to as well.

Now, pay attention to this part:

It's a publicity stunt and they know it because they really can't enforce it. Do you understand now? If not, I can't help you further.
I understood you the first time. Why can't you understand that they want you to follow their rules, stunt or not? They would appreciate you not bringing guns into their stores. If you actually respected Private Property, that's exactly what you would do but you won't because you don't, and that is my point.

Ah, finally we are clearing the mud from your thoughts. The issue isn't about the rights of a company and my belief in those rights as you tried to imply at the beginning of this discussion, you are complaining that I won't comply with their wishes. Well complain away, I don't care. I respect private property, but only to a certain extent. This is completely consistent with my long standing beliefs.
I don't shop at Target, but for other reasons. I have a friend who worked there for nearly 20 years. At 20 years an employee is fully vested in their retirement. They laid her off within a couple of months of being fully vested. That's how they roll for the low level loyal employee.

I'm sure the politically driven liberal base can condone this practice.
I guess you haven't noticed that most retail operations have detectors around the doors where their customers pass through? Been around a long time now but perhaps the general store in your holler up there in the hills hasn't installed one yet.

Those are theft prevention detectors, that search for the tag on items, not real metal detectors.......

That's what they say, anyway. But I suspect these systems are far more sophisticated than that.

When you think about how much stores have to pay in commercial liability insurance and what it costs just for someone just to fall down in an aisle, claim negligence by the store and file a law suit?

Target isn't being benevolent or caring for its customers. They've simply been informed by their insurance carrier of the cost involved if any of these assault rifle idiots accidentally loses control of his gun for ANY reason inside their stores.

If they don't go off when I walk in with my cane, I doubt if they will activate with my gun.
Didn't we just have a thread on some idiots doing exactly that? Except they were carrying AR-15s. THIS kind of policy is what comes from people doing exactly what those guys did. But then again maybe that was their point.

Not drawn, but not concealed either. Target is stopping idiots like this. These assholes are doing nothing but trying to attract attention. Period, the end. And also compensate for some very short penises, as well.


I can't find a version of LOSER big enough to actually describe these total morons. What a bunch of gun-loving tiny dicks without enough maturity to not be worthless little bitches...

You liberals really obsess about penises, why is that?
It takes awhile before new laws begin to turn numbers and statistics, but it can happen. Don't even TRY to light a cigarette inside anywhere in CA or NY, or NJ.

You're right... it will take awhile before I remove my concealed weapon because a sign asks me to, numbnuts. Thanks for recognizing that.
You're a big tough guy.

Go stop the NSA from spying on Americans without a warrant in direct violation of the 4th Amendment.

Nah, you do it idiot. You're so obsessed about it. Let us know how that goes for you dumbass.
No, you're the ones with the guns, for "freedom". Go defend freedom. Or are you pussies only tough enough to sit in Chili's or shop at Target?

I have a much more effective plan- a complete restructuring of the global free market in favor of the working poor, raising the standard of living across the planet


Vote Hemp: Why Hemp?: New Billion-Dollar Crop
The feasibility of converting Cannabis sat... [Bioresour Technol. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI
UConn Biofuel Consortium
Effect of harvest date on combustion related fuel properties of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) - Fuel - Tom 102, Numer Complete (2012) - Biblioteka Nauki - Yadda
Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America
Industrial Hemp - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute
Feasibility of Industrial Hemp Production in the United States Pacific Northwest, SB681,d.cGU&cad=rja
Idiot - there are speed limit signs all over the nation. How's that working out?
How's the "no gun zone" working out in Detroit, Washington D.C., Philadelphia and Los Angeles?
Not too good eh?
Now, shut the fuck up.
Thank you for that worthless spam. I eagerly await your next attempt at debate...

Speed limits work very well where I am in New Jersey. New Jersey state police are very intimidating.

Is Warrior aware of the decline in drunk driving incidents since new legislation was passed about 30 years ago? Didn't think so.

"""Since NHTSA began recording alcohol-related statistics in 1982, drunk driving fatalities have decreased 51% from 21,113 in 1982. Since the inception of The Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility and our national efforts to fight drunk driving, drunk driving fatalities have declined 35% from 15,827 in 1991. (Source: NHTSA/FARS, 2013)""

Drunk Driving Deaths - National Statistics | Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility

It takes awhile before new laws begin to turn numbers and statistics, but it can happen. Don't even TRY to light a cigarette inside anywhere in CA or NY, or NJ.

And yet, it is somehow un-American to expect gun owners to take responsibility for their fetish.
I respect private property, but only to a certain extent.
When society and our laws do the same thing, don't bitch then. True respect for Private Property means that you and your gun would stay the hell away from their property. Keep that in the mind the next time your private property isn't getting respected by someone who thinks as you do...
It's also illegal in most states for two men to ass-fuck, but that doesn't seem to deter Liberal men from assfucking each other. I thought you assholes (pardon the pun) followed the rules/signs? What's up with all that illegal ass-fucking?
I respect private property, but only to a certain extent.
When society and our laws do the same thing, don't bitch then. True respect for Private Property means that you and your gun would stay the hell away from their property. Keep that in the mind the next time your private property isn't getting respected by someone who thinks as you do...

Oh, calm down. You're scaring the children.
You're a big tough guy.

Go stop the NSA from spying on Americans without a warrant in direct violation of the 4th Amendment.

Nah, you do it idiot. You're so obsessed about it. Let us know how that goes for you dumbass.
No, you're the ones with the guns, for "freedom". Go defend freedom. Or are you pussies only tough enough to sit in Chili's or shop at Target?

I have a much more effective plan- a complete restructuring of the global free market in favor of the working poor, raising the standard of living across the planet

Hey, you ought to be carrying to protect your drugs.
Not drawn, but not concealed either. Target is stopping idiots like this. These assholes are doing nothing but trying to attract attention. Period, the end. And also compensate for some very short penises, as well.


I can't find a version of LOSER big enough to actually describe these total morons. What a bunch of gun-loving tiny dicks without enough maturity to not be worthless little bitches...

You liberals really obsess about penises, why is that?
The guys with the "penis" obsession are the losers carrying Big Guns in a retail store. If that isn't Hey Kids, Look at My Big Dick! I don't know what is.

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