
I don't shop at Target, but for other reasons. I have a friend who worked there for nearly 20 years. At 20 years an employee is fully vested in their retirement. They laid her off within a couple of months of being fully vested. That's how they roll for the low level loyal employee.

I'm sure the politically driven liberal base can condone this practice.

You think this is only happening at Target? Really? Try every corporation in America for starters: Lay off, reduce payroll, squeeze 2-3 jobs into one employee, hopefully under the age of 40, cancel the 401(k) plan, then tell them no more overtime, too. Especially in retail and fast food.
How, exactly, do they plan on enforcing said ban?
The fools are hoping that you might actually respect the rights of Private Property owners. Boy won't they be surprised...

Where did I say I wouldn't respect their ban? Point out exactly where I said that. I'll wait...

Your problem is that you are just another presumptuous, know-it-all, partisan hack painting with a broad brush...

I have no problem with any business having such a policy, as a former business owner myself I can even respect the decision made by Target, though it may not be one I would make.

Furthermore, as a gun owner myself I have never felt the need to carry, openly or concealed. I’m not sure why others do, but I take no issue with their choice, and, unlike some, I do not feel threatened by their choice.

I asked a simple question and you jumped to a conclusion, made an assumption. I probably should expect nothing less, but I'm an optimist... Most days...

Perhaps you might think about stepping down from your high horse and consider that not everyone with whom you may disagree is the same? I doubt it, but it's a thought...
I can't find a version of LOSER big enough to actually describe these total morons. What a bunch of gun-loving tiny dicks without enough maturity to not be worthless little bitches...

You liberals really obsess about penises, why is that?
The guys with the "penis" obsession are the losers carrying Big Guns in a retail store. If that isn't Hey Kids, Look at My Big Dick! I don't know what is.

Exactly. It's classic psychological compensation for "other" inadequacies. These clowns feel disenfranchised and probably didn't get enough attention from their mothers growing up.

Regardless, they are the new face and poster boys for the gun nuts and the gun nuts will have to pay for their stupidity.
It's also illegal in most states for two men to ass-fuck, but that doesn't seem to deter Liberal men from assfucking each other. I thought you assholes (pardon the pun) followed the rules/signs? What's up with all that illegal ass-fucking?
It's not illegal anywhere in the US. The old laws may be still on the books, most have been repealed, but they can't be enforced:

"Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003),[1] is a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court. In the 6–3 ruling, the Court struck down the sodomy law in Texas and, by extension, invalidated sodomy laws in thirteen other states, making same-sex sexual activity legal in every U.S. state and territory. The Court overturned its previous ruling on the same issue in the 1986 case Bowers v. Hardwick, where it upheld a challenged Georgia statute and did not find a constitutional protection of sexual privacy."

Lawrence v. Texas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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It takes awhile before new laws begin to turn numbers and statistics, but it can happen. Don't even TRY to light a cigarette inside anywhere in CA or NY, or NJ.

You're right... it will take awhile before I remove my concealed weapon because a sign asks me to, numbnuts. Thanks for recognizing that.

Like I said, the nutters think they're above the law and will gladly endanger you and your family everywhere you go. And, we can all rest easy knowing that Warrior is ready for any Bad Guys who get in his way.
You gunophobic bigots need to calm down and check your obamacare for crisis counseling.

I own guns, but they won't be with me at Target, or any other establishment that says leave them at home please. People who actually respect Private Property do such things...

I respect the Constitution and can shop at stores that respect the Constitution. God Bless America.
You gunophobic bigots need to calm down and check your obamacare for crisis counseling.

I own guns, but they won't be with me at Target, or any other establishment that says leave them at home please. People who actually respect Private Property do such things...

I respect the Constitution and can shop at stores that respect the Constitution. God Bless America.
So you will no longer go to Target or you will leave your gun at home if you do? Good boy...
How, exactly, do they plan on enforcing said ban?

Jesus. So LMAO.

No way can they enforce it unless they search every shopper coming into the store.

WOW Sure doesn't take much to put a lefty into a happy coma. Of course anyone with half a brain would figure out its unenforcable. Guess there aint to many half brains in Ol Teabrains world.

Once again LMAO.
I own guns, but they won't be with me at Target, or any other establishment that says leave them at home please. People who actually respect Private Property do such things...

I respect the Constitution and can shop at stores that respect the Constitution. God Bless America.
So you will no longer go to Target or you will leave your gun at home if you do? Good boy...

Have gun, will travel. What do you think.
Just curious, If you have a concealed carry permit and walk into a Target, how will they know?
Metal detectors at the front door? Do they hire off duty TSA agents to make sure their policy is enforced?

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