Yet another humiliating situation for dumbocrats


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Humility and self-deprecation/deprivation are lost on the lost Liberal.

I see myself in that kid, having lived such poverty.

I see myself in that restaurant owner, having shared my fortune.

Self-loss is lost on Liberals, self-worth not shared, but flaunted.

Sick lot the lot of 'em.
No one has EVER made the claim that "no one can make it without government help".

Your entire post is based on nonsense.
Oh, really?

[ame=]Elizabeth Warren's "You Didn't Build That Speech" as made famous by Obama [HD] - YouTube[/ame]
While the left screams and wails that it's just not possible to survive without government handouts, and while they throw extravagant pitty-parties for their circumstances, here is a kid who shows more maturity, independence, and drive to over come than everybody in the whole damn dumbocrat party combined...

Restaurant Owner Finds Dedicated Teen Walking 10 Snowy Miles for Job Interview ? Guess Where He?s Working Now | Video |

I admire the kid's work ethic, and the man's generosity, but I fail to see this as a left/right issue. In fact a lot of this kid's story was a matter of luck. Had he stopped a different man for directions he would have walked 10 miles for the interview, did well, and still found out the position had been filled. Art Bouvier seems like a nice man, but I doubt stories like this are very common. Even the restaurant owner didn't seem to be making a political point, and his political affiliation was never mentioned.

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