Yet another incident showing trump to be unfit.

No Jared isn’t a criminal, unlike the current president’s son or the Ukrainians we were speaking about

What a weird post
Remains to be seen if Jared is a criminal.
And exactly what criminal charge against Hunter has anything to do with Ukraine. What a dishonest post by you!
Remains to be seen if Jared is a criminal.
And exactly what criminal charge against Hunter has anything to do with Ukraine. What a dishonest post by you!
Jared's actions with respect to getting the money from the Saudis doesn't have to be illegal to be unethical and corrupt. People in government service are suppose to be there to serve the country, not enrich themselves.
...talks with Rachel Maddow in an exclusive interview about the difficulty Donald Trump had getting someone in his administration to fire the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch,

There are a lot of holes in that slanted article.

First off only one person or congress can fire that woman. Not even the Supreme Court can do it who the LIBs were recently saying they make up laws. They can't since thier job is to interrupt the law. When the president calls said person and he / she says no and here is why...that it ! OMB could go to a Congress member ask for a impeachment. Our system is set so that he can not shop around.

To all moderators: the below PIC is to point out how stupid the liberal press is and how you can not trust anything they say.

sleepy joe eye.jpg
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First off only one person or congress can fire that woman. Not even the Supreme Court can do it who the LIBs were recently saying they make up laws. They can't since thier job is to intrepid the law. When the president calls said person and he / she says no and here is why...that it ! OMB could go to a Congress member ask for a impeachment. Our system is set so that he can not shop around.
"Thier job is to intrepid the law."

Sorry, your post is too incoherent to be understood.
There's enough to this story to warrant impeaching trump even without the call to Zelensky when he tried to extort him.
So it's perfectly appropriate when the Dems point out Russian collusion, yet when the Reps do it is not?
Republican senators find no evidence of wrongdoing regarding Biden and Ukraine policy

Republican senators' investigation into Joe Biden and Ukraine has come up empty.

The Senate Homeland Security Committee had been conducting an investigation into the former vice president's dealings with Ukraine, and committee chair Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) admittedly hoped to prove Biden's "unfitness for office." But an interim report of their ongoing investigation released Wednesday doesn't do that.

Republicans have long sought to find some kind of collusion between Biden's vice presidency and his son Hunter Biden's work at the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, seeing as Biden led Ukraine policy during the Obama administration. Attempts to dig up dirt about Biden and Ukraine sparked the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, and after that concluded with no conviction, Republicans have been trying to turn the tables on Biden.
There are hundreds. So many, some of the more glaring ones get lost in the shuffle. I had mostly forgotten about it but was reminded of it by the recent documentary, "From Russia with Lev."

A recording obtained by ABC News appears to capture President Donald Trump telling associates he wanted the then-U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch fired while speaking at a small gathering that included Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman -- two former business associates of Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani who have since been indicted in New York.

The recording appears to contradict statements by Trump and support the narrative that has been offered by Parnas during broadcast interviews in recent days. Sources familiar with the recording said the recording was made during an intimate April 30, 2018, dinner at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.

Trump has said repeatedly he does not know Parnas, a Soviet-born American who has emerged as a wild card in Trump’s impeachment trial, especially in the days since Trump was impeached.

"Get rid of her!" is what the voice that appears to be Trump’s is heard saying. "Get her out tomorrow. I don't care. Get her out tomorrow. Take her out. OK? Do it."

Igor Fruman, one of the men who would be sent to Ukraine at trump's direction to dig up dirt on the Biden's, recorded the conversation at the dinner. Fruman and his associate, Lev Parnas, were trying to buy an Ukrainian energy company that had put itself up for sale. But they felt they needed to get US ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, out of the way. So at the dinner (BTW..Parnas and Fruman were known to have ties to the Russian mafia but here they were consorting with trump) Parnas baselessly accused Yovanovitch of bad mouthing trump who immediately told staff to have her fired.

Lev Parnas, an associate of Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, talks with Rachel Maddow in an exclusive interview about the difficulty Donald Trump had getting someone in his administration to fire the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, ultimately adopting a smear campaign to help cover her dismissal.

Ousted ambassador gives deeply personal account of firing by Trump

There's a lot to unpack here. trump consorting with Ukrainian criminals........then lying about knowing them. trump having Parnas and Fruman sent to dig up dirt on Joe and his kid (culminating with trump's extortion of Zelensky to announce an investigation in to the Biden's). trump routinely checking with Giuliani about Lev and Igor's progress. Giuliani feeding false info to Faux which would immediately be broadcast in order to smear the Biden's for trump's electoral benefit.

As with all the other disqualifying incidents trump was up to his eyeballs in, this one is also dismissed by The Following. Denying/downplaying it by way of a variety of methods. Mostly by refusing the accept the facts and the sworn testimony of dozens of witnesses.

Because once they admit to themselves the reporting on this incident is accurate, it opens a can of worms that can't be closed. Accepting the truth of this story not only disqualifies trump as a candidate for the presidency, it creates a domino affect giving credibility to all the other incidents they have denied. And as we know, the truth is not their friend.
/---/ You want unfit? I'll show you unfit.

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