Yet More Reasons to Love the 2nd Amendment


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
I fear federal bureaucrats with guns far more than I do gang bangers in Oaklandtown. I don't think it is at all a coincidence that the federal agenda includes curtailing the 2nd Amendment for private citizens while petty bureaucrats are arming themselves to the teeth (dentistry provided by you and me).

These “ninja bureaucrats,” as Hillyer calls them, run rampant. They, and often their local-government counterparts, deploy weapons against harmless, frequently innocent, Americans who typically are accused of non-violent civil or administrative violations.

• An FDA SWAT unit struck Lancaster, Pa.’s Rainbow Acres Farm in April 2010. From there, farmer Dan Allgyer illegally had shipped unpasteurized milk to his customers across state lines through something called a “cow-sharing agreement.” (Really.) Ignoring a woman’s right to choose raw milk, Washington launched an armed federal response against this Amish-run dairy. The company subsequently folded.

“He was not tricking people into buying it, he was not forcing people to purchase it, and there had been no complaints about his product,” stated then-Representative Ron Paul (R., Tex.). “These were completely voluntary transactions, but ones that our nanny-state federal government did not approve of, and so they shut down his business.”

U.S. marshals and other federal officers also have conducted similar actions against purveyors of unauthorized milk, cheese, and even elderberry juice.

• When financial questions arose regarding the Mountain Pure Water Company, Washington did not send a few staffers to inspect documents. Instead, last spring, some 50 armed Treasury agents breached Mountain Pure’s headquarters in Little Rock, Ark. They seized 82 boxes of records, herded employees into the cafeteria, snatched their cell phones, and refused to let them consult attorneys.

“We’re the federal government,” Mountain Pure’s comptroller, Jerry Miller, says one pistol-packing fed told him. “We can do what we want, when we want, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

• A U.S. Department of Education SWAT force burst into Kenneth Wright’s Stockton, Calif., home in June 2011. “I look out of my window, and I see 15 police officers,” Wright told KXTV. Wright said one officer forced him by the neck onto the front lawn. “He had his knee on my back, and I had no idea why they were there.” While officers searched his house, Wright said, “They put me in handcuffs in a hot patrol car for six hours, traumatizing my kids,” then ages 3, 7, and 11.

The feds sought Wright’s estranged wife, apparently for suspected financial-aid fraud. However, she had moved away a year earlier. Regardless, such a mobilization seems unnecessary to probe someone for possibly swindling scholarship money.

• In August 2011, armed federal Fish and Wildlife agents stormed into the Memphis and Nashville factories of Gibson Guitar, which helps Jackson Browne, B. B. King, and other legends sound amazing. What clear and present danger did Gibson pose? Rather than import finished guitar components, it purchased raw ebony and rosewood from India so that American workers — not Indians — could manufacture fingerboards and other electric-guitar parts. Proving that there no longer is a need to write fiction, Uncle Sam’s case against Gibson is called United States of America v. Ebony Wood in Various Forms....(more)...

And Your Little Dog, Too - National Review Online
I checked.

In St Louis more folks last year were killed by gang bangers than the police/feds even counting police shootings of bad guys.

Still I supoort the well regulated right to bear arms as much as most folks who own a gun do and I do get your point.
I'll bet most of the people killed by Gang Bangers were rival Gang Bangers.

Given the massive arming of the bureaucrat class, the odds of encountering one of them when one innocently violates some obscure law or regulation of which one is increasing daily.
I pity the federal agents who bust into my homestead and point guns at my family, for NO reason.

That's where MY line is.

Oh my!

If they pop in....



you are ready to overwhelm the SWAT team?

Man, firing back at the SWAT team sounds like a great way to get yourself and your family killed if they are near you.

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