Yo, Another Great American Speaks Out!!!


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Exclusive: Chuck Norris compares Paris terror attacks to 'spark that lit the fuse'
Published: 1 hour ago

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If you weren’t convinced before, now you know what a disorganized World War III looks like from the six simultaneous Paris terror attacks by ISIS that killed at least 129 precious souls and injured more than 300 more. And to think just a year ago, President Obama called ISIS “a jayvee team.” In fact, on Friday morning just before the attacks in Paris, President Obama again minimized ISIS’ power as he shared on “Good Morning America,” “I don’t think they’re gaining ground. What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them. … We’ve [also] made some progress in trying to reduce the flow of foreign fighters. …”

Whoops. Another misdirected miscalculation.

Of course, global response and condemnation of the six jihadist attacks in Paris were immediate.

German chancellor Angela Merkel said she was “deeply shaken by the news and pictures” from France.

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key said, “Our hearts go out to those involved and our thoughts are with them and their families” against this barbaric “act of terrorism.”

President Obama called it an “attack on all humanity.” Indeed, we learned on Saturday that Americans were among the dead and injured in Paris.

French President Francois Hollande called the attacks carried out by eight gunmen and suicide bombers an “act of war … organized and planned from outside” by ISIS.

The pope called the Paris attacks part of a “piecemeal World War III.”

Chuck Norris provides real solutions to our county’s problems and a way to reawaken the American dream in his best-seller, “Black Belt Patriotism.”

British Prime Minister David Cameron explained, “The events in Paris are the worst acts of violence in France since the Second World War, the worst terrorist attack in Europe for a decade, a horrifying and sickening attack.”

Read more at World War III?

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