You don't

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"almost all climate scientists have come to a general agreement". Care to prove that statement?

Go to any place of science on Earth and start having conversations with real scientists. I'll tell you what I told SSDD. Please make sure it's on video when you start arguing with them about how science works. I wonder how many Youtube hits a video of you being laughed out of the room will get.
It seems Confounding believes an idea can only be true if most people believe it.

It seems that many of you get confused very easily.
No, dood. Your problem is we understand what's going on very well indeed.

You, however, have been told what to believe -- and you lack the wit to question your programming.

Agreed...I don't understand the mindset of someone who apologizes for a branch of science that can't produce any observed, measured evidence which supports their mainstream hypothesis over natural variability.

How do you support a branch of sceince that doesn't provide sufficient evidence for people who agree with them to support their position?
Irrational people do that. People who operate solely on emotion.
"almost all climate scientists have come to a general agreement". Care to prove that statement?

Go to any place of science on Earth and start having conversations with real scientists. I'll tell you what I told SSDD. Please make sure it's on video when you start arguing with them about how science works. I wonder how many Youtube hits a video of you being laughed out of the room will get.
Your wishful thinking is not evidence.

You're dismissed.
If the climate scientists had been following the scientific method there would have been no need for a whistle-blower.

It's not whistle-blowing. Scientists sometimes make mistakes and other scientists revise their work.

Had they been following the scientific method those "mistakes" would have been discovered quickly and properly. However, the scientific FRAUD that these people are engaging in requires whistleblowing because they are committing crimes. Crimes that they hide through PAL review.

You should look up the amount of sheer unethical behavior that these people have been CAUGHT doing. If you cared about science you would demand their hides.
Yeah, now show me where consensus is described anywhere within the scientific method. GO!

It doesn't have to be. It's just a word that can be used when scientists are in general agreement about something. When somebody mentions the consensus they are simply saying that there is a general agreement among scientists when it comes to this issue.

For it to be SCIENCE it does. Where did you get your so called education again? Out of a cereal box?
you lack the wit to question your programming.

I bet you couldn't even read and comprehend work done by actual climate scientists.

I can, and it's shit. Here's the deal, I have a PhD in geology from Caltech. I can teach ANY graduate level climatology class. ANY. Single. One. A climatologist, on the other hand, wouldn't even be able to teach a 4th year undergrad class in most cases. There are the rare exception, but they are very rare.
you lack the wit to question your programming.

I bet you couldn't even read and comprehend work done by actual climate scientists.

Most of us skeptics have spent a great deal of time reviewing what passes for science in the field of's why we are skeptics. Have the studies which found that skeptics have a better grasp of science than AGW believers escaped you?

Do you think you have a better understanding of science than climate scientists the world over?

I most certainly do.
you lack the wit to question your programming.

I bet you couldn't even read and comprehend work done by actual climate scientists.

Most of us skeptics have spent a great deal of time reviewing what passes for science in the field of's why we are skeptics. Have the studies which found that skeptics have a better grasp of science than AGW believers escaped you?

Do you think you have a better understanding of science than climate scientists the world over?
Since when are "climate scientists" the end all? Much of what is involved in "climate science" is physics. Some how "climatologists" have overridden all other branches of science. People just believe.

I'll ask again, how is the temperature of planet Earth derived? It's a friggin joke. "Climate scientists" will tell you that they know. How? You can't answer, neither can they. Now compare the recent temperature "climate scientists" have for planet Earth and compare it to 1936. Then tell me how they came up with the average temp of 1936 to compare it to.This is what's known as guessing. Making crap up.

What is the average temp of planet Earth today? Care to explain how you came to that conclusion? Or how "climate scientists" came to that conclusion? Don't feel bad they can't either. Now compare it to 1927. Care to explain how you came up with the average temperature of 1927? Don't feel bad the "climate scientists" can't either. Making shit up.
Had they been following the scientific method those "mistakes" would have been discovered quickly and properly. However, the scientific FRAUD that these people are engaging in requires whistleblowing because they are committing crimes. Crimes that they hide through PAL review.

You should look up the amount of sheer unethical behavior that these people have been CAUGHT doing. If you cared about science you would demand their hides.

The honest scientists that find the mistakes made by these horrible lying criminals believe that AGW is happening too.
"almost all climate scientists have come to a general agreement". Care to prove that statement?

Go to any place of science on Earth and start having conversations with real scientists. I'll tell you what I told SSDD. Please make sure it's on video when you start arguing with them about how science works. I wonder how many Youtube hits a video of you being laughed out of the room will get.
How science works? I will continue the beautiful task of science, forever. And demand someone explain to me how anyone can believe that they can tell me the average temperature of planet Earth. I'm still waiting.Not one taker.

The opposite of skeptical is gullible.
Had they been following the scientific method those "mistakes" would have been discovered quickly and properly. However, the scientific FRAUD that these people are engaging in requires whistleblowing because they are committing crimes. Crimes that they hide through PAL review.

You should look up the amount of sheer unethical behavior that these people have been CAUGHT doing. If you cared about science you would demand their hides.

The honest scientists that find the mistakes made by these horrible lying criminals believe that AGW is happening too.

Most of the "mistakes" are not discovered by the climate mafia. Just sayin...
Yeah, now show me where consensus is described anywhere within the scientific method. GO!

It doesn't have to be. It's just a word that can be used when scientists are in general agreement about something. When somebody mentions the consensus they are simply saying that there is a general agreement among scientists when it comes to this issue.

For it to be SCIENCE it does. Where did you get your so called education again? Out of a cereal box?

I am amazed that you have a PhD and fail to understand why it's not inappropriate for me to use the word consensus when describing the fact that there is a general agreement on a scientific matter. I am not saying a consensus is guaranteed to be right and leaves no room for skepticism.
Had they been following the scientific method those "mistakes" would have been discovered quickly and properly. However, the scientific FRAUD that these people are engaging in requires whistleblowing because they are committing crimes. Crimes that they hide through PAL review.

You should look up the amount of sheer unethical behavior that these people have been CAUGHT doing. If you cared about science you would demand their hides.

The honest scientists that find the mistakes made by these horrible lying criminals believe that AGW is happening too.
Yes, anthro emissions "must" have an impact, is that the primary driver of climate or are there natural forces at work? If you can prove anything, we're waiting.
you lack the wit to question your programming.

I bet you couldn't even read and comprehend work done by actual climate scientists.

Most of us skeptics have spent a great deal of time reviewing what passes for science in the field of's why we are skeptics. Have the studies which found that skeptics have a better grasp of science than AGW believers escaped you?

Do you think you have a better understanding of science than climate scientists the world over?
So yo, not confused, you going to post up that observed evidence? Or are you actually going to confirm you are confused?
So yo, not confused, you going to post up that observed evidence? Or are you actually going to confirm you are confused?

I'm not going to argue the science with a bunch of nobodies on a political forum. If you have an honest curiosity (you don't) go talk to a climate scientist that disagrees with you and has the patience to explain why you don't know what you're talking about.
Had they been following the scientific method those "mistakes" would have been discovered quickly and properly. However, the scientific FRAUD that these people are engaging in requires whistleblowing because they are committing crimes. Crimes that they hide through PAL review.

You should look up the amount of sheer unethical behavior that these people have been CAUGHT doing. If you cared about science you would demand their hides.

The honest scientists that find the mistakes made by these horrible lying criminals believe that AGW is happening too.
It matters what they say! We breathe so we contribute CO2. Who wouldn’t agree with that? What you or they need to prove that we cause climate change. Now show us that evidence. Go
So yo, not confused, you going to post up that observed evidence? Or are you actually going to confirm you are confused?

I'm not going to argue the science with a bunch of nobodies on a political forum. If you have an honest curiosity (you don't) go talk to a climate scientist that disagrees with you and has the patience to explain why you don't know what you're talking about.
Just as I thought you backed out. You are truly confused, you don’t even expect evidence and have none. It must suck to be called out and you ain’t got any
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