You know something is wrong when your enemy supports you

And both of you are idiots.

Are you still working on forming complete sentences?

Fuck you bitch. How about you do the same. I pay closer attention to grammar nazis like you, and when you fuck up with a mistake I will be there to bust your ass.

You wouldn't even recognize other mistakes....

Heck, you cracked us all up with your saying that poll was MY poll last nite... and you got your drinking buddy to jump in right after you.

That was PRICELESS! :lol::lol::lol:

Hitchens explains here, Al Qaeda really had nothing big against the US till we turned against them in Indonesia. 2:10 onwards. Basically says number 3 on [bin ladens] charge against the west was changing course on East Timor, and stopping the genocide.
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Not at all, it's to secure the M.E. countries with governments that are favorable to Israel in preparation for Israel to annex them. Oil, baby, oil ! Oil is money, and Israel wants it all.

Oh gawd, is that the very latest theory gone viral? Crap, I can only hand one of those per day.

I have no idea if it has gone viral or not, but it is the only scenario that is supported by all the facts and figures. It takes a highly intelligent person to see the truth in this.

Israel to "annex" neighboring Arab countries? Seriously? They'd have their work cut out for them for the next two hundred years. Just look at the map. Puzzle: Find Israel. :lol:

Al Quada wants t keep people back to when there was no modern conveniences. They would believe in the use of fossil fuels they're more a kin to your ink.

BR, that's precisely why al-Qaeda will not succeed. Now that the rebels have had a taste of freedom, and know it's within reach, why would they want to be under the thumb of Sharia law, a Caliphate, which would be even worse?

It will never work in a muslim country. their track record tells the true story.

My brother was project manager for some oil thing going on with his company in Kuwait and lived there for about 14 months. He said the Kuwaitis were very accommodating. He made friends there and they continue to stay in touch. Just because Muslim lifestyles and religious practices are different from ours hardly means they're awful people, as a people. When are you people going to accept that? (Actually, with all due respect to the terrible tragedy in Japan, my brother also spent a year in Tokyo and said he'd never go back because the Japanese people he dealt with appeared to have attitudes of superiority over their American counterparts.)
I know but it doesn't make it false.
Al-Qaida, an American creation used to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, has supported U.S. plans to destabilize Africa and the Middle East for years.

A senior member of al Qaida urged Libyan rebels to continue their fight againstMuammar Gaddafi and warned of the consequences of defeat, in a videotaped message posted on Jihadi websites, the Qatar-based Gulf News reported on Sunday.

U.S. created Al-Qaida. Al-Qaeda supports rebels in Libya «
Not to quibble, but you're thinking of the Mujhaddin.

I didn't write the source, and the source says Al-Qaida.

Perhaps your source means The Taliban, then, because the al-Qaeda didn't become organized until AFTER the Soviets left Afghanistan.
Are you still working on forming complete sentences?

Fuck you bitch. How about you do the same. I pay closer attention to grammar nazis like you, and when you fuck up with a mistake I will be there to bust your ass.

You wouldn't even recognize other mistakes....

Heck, you cracked us all up with your saying that poll was MY poll last nite... and you got your drinking buddy to jump in right after you.

That was PRICELESS! :lol::lol::lol:
Spelling the word night ( nite) would be one it would be incorrect usage for the grammar nazis. So there's the first. Now that's priceless
If I don't count, why was I on YOUR list? :lol::lol:

Because it's your poll.

Um, is NOT my poll.

1) YOU put my name on a list saying I supported Al quaida

2) I asked you if you were sure of that.

3) you said yes

4) I showed you a poll (this is not MY poll, simply a poll I answered) that indicated that I do NOT approve of the bombing.

5) you start acting like it's not about me tho YOU are the one who put MY name on YOUR list in the first place

6) then you lie about it being MY poll

7) Then the idiot Tommy agrees with you

Need I say more? Two drunks agreeing with each other.

This just needed to be bumped for the entertainment value alone. :lol::lol::lol:
Al-Qaida, an American creation used to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, has supported U.S. plans to destabilize Africa and the Middle East for years.

A senior member of al Qaida urged Libyan rebels to continue their fight againstMuammar Gaddafi and warned of the consequences of defeat, in a videotaped message posted on Jihadi websites, the Qatar-based Gulf News reported on Sunday.

U.S. created Al-Qaida. Al-Qaeda supports rebels in Libya «

Spamming is a good way to get banned, you know.:eusa_pray:
Al-Qaida, an American creation used to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, has supported U.S. plans to destabilize Africa and the Middle East for years.

A senior member of al Qaida urged Libyan rebels to continue their fight againstMuammar Gaddafi and warned of the consequences of defeat, in a videotaped message posted on Jihadi websites, the Qatar-based Gulf News reported on Sunday.

U.S. created Al-Qaida. Al-Qaeda supports rebels in Libya «[/QUOTE]
Al-Qaida, an American creation used to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, has supported U.S. plans to destabilize Africa and the Middle East for years.

A senior member of al Qaida urged Libyan rebels to continue their fight againstMuammar Gaddafi and warned of the consequences of defeat, in a videotaped message posted on Jihadi websites, the Qatar-based Gulf News reported on Sunday.

U.S. created Al-Qaida. Al-Qaeda supports rebels in Libya «

Spamming is a good way to get banned, you know.:eusa_pray:

Until the derailment stops or I get ban FUCK IT.
Because it's your poll.

Um, is NOT my poll.

1) YOU put my name on a list saying I supported Al quaida

2) I asked you if you were sure of that.

3) you said yes

4) I showed you a poll (this is not MY poll, simply a poll I answered) that indicated that I do NOT approve of the bombing.

5) you start acting like it's not about me tho YOU are the one who put MY name on YOUR list in the first place

6) then you lie about it being MY poll

7) Then the idiot Tommy agrees with you

Need I say more? Two drunks agreeing with each other.

This just needed to be bumped for the entertainment value alone. :lol::lol::lol:

As I said earlier
You still don't count because there's no date stamp when you took the poll. Whos to say you didn't say you disprove of the bombings after you posted here?

If I was a dishonest person thats what I would.

Make a claim then make a post or do a poll just to show the other person they were wrong.

Little girl your post history here gives your secert away. You can't hide your hate because your words give you away.
Do nothing.

Oh, so we should just LET Qaddafi kill his people. Hey, as long as al-Qaeda is setting our foreign policy, maybe President Obama should name Osama bin Laden Secretary of State.

Do nothing is what I said. Since when the left start having a conscience? Did we do it for Darfur or Iran? How about any other country that didn't have something of value to offer?

We have no special interest in Libya, including it's oil. Saudi Arabia has already said it would pick up the slack from any oil coming from Libya that won't be going to market. The only interest we have is the same one the rest of the coalition has: Libya's geopolitical location on the Mediterranean Sea and the fact that Khadaffi threatened to level the City of Benghazi and murder 700,000 people.
Al-Qaida, an American creation used to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, has supported U.S. plans to destabilize Africa and the Middle East for years.

A senior member of al Qaida urged Libyan rebels to continue their fight againstMuammar Gaddafi and warned of the consequences of defeat, in a videotaped message posted on Jihadi websites, the Qatar-based Gulf News reported on Sunday.

U.S. created Al-Qaida. Al-Qaeda supports rebels in Libya «

What was that? A nanner nanner nanner? :lol:

Hey, maybe bin Laden will see you as ripe for recruiting.
Oh, so we should just LET Qaddafi kill his people. Hey, as long as al-Qaeda is setting our foreign policy, maybe President Obama should name Osama bin Laden Secretary of State.

Do nothing is what I said. Since when the left start having a conscience? Did we do it for Darfur or Iran? How about any other country that didn't have something of value to offer?

We have no special interest in Libya, including it's oil. Saudi Arabia has already said it would pick up the slack from any oil coming from Libya that won't be going to market. The only interest we have is the same one the rest of the coalition has: Libya's geopolitical location on the Mediterranean Sea and the fact that Khadaffi threatened to level the City of Benghazi and murder 700,000 people.

Khadaffi has said a lot of things he need did acted on why the change now? I guess the civilians in Darfur don't count do they?
Al-Qaida, an American creation used to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, has supported U.S. plans to destabilize Africa and the Middle East for years.

A senior member of al Qaida urged Libyan rebels to continue their fight againstMuammar Gaddafi and warned of the consequences of defeat, in a videotaped message posted on Jihadi websites, the Qatar-based Gulf News reported on Sunday.

U.S. created Al-Qaida. Al-Qaeda supports rebels in Libya «

What was that? A nanner nanner nanner? :lol:

Hey, maybe bin Laden will see you as ripe for recruiting.[/QUOTE]

How so? Becaue I want an honest president, or something close to it?

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