You know something is wrong when your enemy supports you

Um, is NOT my poll.

1) YOU put my name on a list saying I supported Al quaida

2) I asked you if you were sure of that.

3) you said yes

4) I showed you a poll (this is not MY poll, simply a poll I answered) that indicated that I do NOT approve of the bombing.

5) you start acting like it's not about me tho YOU are the one who put MY name on YOUR list in the first place

6) then you lie about it being MY poll

7) Then the idiot Tommy agrees with you

Need I say more? Two drunks agreeing with each other.

This just needed to be bumped for the entertainment value alone. :lol::lol::lol:

As I said earlier
You still don't count because there's no date stamp when you took the poll. Whos to say you didn't say you disprove of the bombings after you posted here?

If I was a dishonest person thats what I would.

Make a claim then make a post or do a poll just to show the other person they were wrong.

Little girl your post history here gives your secert away. You can't hide your hate because your words give you away.

I took that poll one of the first days it was up AND that thread hasn't been touched in days, I had to go back to page 5 or 6 to find it.

And in other threads I have said I have been against this attack from the very first day.

Do not assume that because YOU are a dishonest person, and a traitor supporter to boot, that the rest of us have the same lack of values that you have.

So...if you think my post history gives me away...feel free to search my posts for ANYTHING that indicates support for our attack on Libya (not Lybia, btw). Go ahead. I dare you. (I know you won't because you already know you were wrong but are too much of a coward to really find out how wrong you are and admit it)
This just needed to be bumped for the entertainment value alone. :lol::lol::lol:

As I said earlier
You still don't count because there's no date stamp when you took the poll. Whos to say you didn't say you disprove of the bombings after you posted here?

If I was a dishonest person thats what I would.

Make a claim then make a post or do a poll just to show the other person they were wrong.

Little girl your post history here gives your secert away. You can't hide your hate because your words give you away.

I took that poll one of the first days it was up AND that thread hasn't been touched in days, I had to go back to page 5 or 6 to find it.

And in other threads I have said I have been against this attack from the very first day.

Do not assume that because YOU are a dishonest person, and a traitor supporter to boot, that the rest of us have the same lack of values that you have.

So...if you think my post history gives me away...feel free to search my posts for ANYTHING that indicates support for our attack on Libya (not Lybia, btw). Go ahead. I dare you. (I know you won't because you already know you were wrong but are too much of a coward to really find out how wrong you are and admit it)

I took that poll one of the first days it was up AND that thread hasn't been touched in days, I had to go back to page 5 or 6 to find it.

Polls are always posted on the first page of a thread. Care to try again?
Fuck you bitch. How about you do the same. I pay closer attention to grammar nazis like you, and when you fuck up with a mistake I will be there to bust your ass.

You wouldn't even recognize other mistakes....

Heck, you cracked us all up with your saying that poll was MY poll last nite... and you got your drinking buddy to jump in right after you.

That was PRICELESS! :lol::lol::lol:
Spelling the word night ( nite) would be one it would be incorrect usage for the grammar nazis. So there's the first. Now that's priceless

I chose to spell it "nite" for brevity. But feel free to do a dance of superiority, littleReb.
As I said earlier
You still don't count because there's no date stamp when you took the poll. Whos to say you didn't say you disprove of the bombings after you posted here?

If I was a dishonest person thats what I would.

Make a claim then make a post or do a poll just to show the other person they were wrong.

Little girl your post history here gives your secert away. You can't hide your hate because your words give you away.

I took that poll one of the first days it was up AND that thread hasn't been touched in days, I had to go back to page 5 or 6 to find it.

And in other threads I have said I have been against this attack from the very first day.

Do not assume that because YOU are a dishonest person, and a traitor supporter to boot, that the rest of us have the same lack of values that you have.

So...if you think my post history gives me away...feel free to search my posts for ANYTHING that indicates support for our attack on Libya (not Lybia, btw). Go ahead. I dare you. (I know you won't because you already know you were wrong but are too much of a coward to really find out how wrong you are and admit it)

I took that poll one of the first days it was up AND that thread hasn't been touched in days, I had to go back to page 5 or 6 to find it.

Polls are always posted on the first page of a thread. Care to try again?

Kindly pay attention...THAT THREAD is now on page 5 or 6. You know...those OTHER pages of Politics besides the first one?

Now it's near the top of pg 7 with the last post on 3-22-11 by Kaz.

You keep insisting on making yourself look the total loser, don't you littleReb?
Last edited:
I took that poll one of the first days it was up AND that thread hasn't been touched in days, I had to go back to page 5 or 6 to find it.

And in other threads I have said I have been against this attack from the very first day.

Do not assume that because YOU are a dishonest person, and a traitor supporter to boot, that the rest of us have the same lack of values that you have.

So...if you think my post history gives me away...feel free to search my posts for ANYTHING that indicates support for our attack on Libya (not Lybia, btw). Go ahead. I dare you. (I know you won't because you already know you were wrong but are too much of a coward to really find out how wrong you are and admit it)

I took that poll one of the first days it was up AND that thread hasn't been touched in days, I had to go back to page 5 or 6 to find it.

Polls are always posted on the first page of a thread. Care to try again?

Kindly pay attention...THAT THREAD is now on page 5 or 6. You know...those OTHER pages of Politics besides the first one?

Now it's near the top of pg 7 with the last post on 3-22-11 by Kaz.

You keep insisting on making yourself look the total loser, don't you littleReb?

The poll will always stay on the first page. litte man
Polls are always posted on the first page of a thread. Care to try again?

Kindly pay attention...THAT THREAD is now on page 5 or 6. You know...those OTHER pages of Politics besides the first one?

Now it's near the top of pg 7 with the last post on 3-22-11 by Kaz.

You keep insisting on making yourself look the total loser, don't you littleReb?

The poll will always stay on the first page. litte man

Are you truely, truely that stupid? The THREAD....the T H R E A D is now on page 7 of Politics. The poll is at the top of EACH page of the Thread, but the T H R E A D itself is now on page 7 of Politics cause it hasn't been touched since 3/22/11.

My gods! We're dealling with a lead paint snacker. :lol::lol::lol:
Didn't take me long to find this post of mine, littleReb:

Now, are you going to say I faked that one too? Hmmmmm?

You could have used this instead of the poll. The poll wasn't proof of anything because it not dated.

I will talk slowly.

The. Thread. With. The. Poll. Hasn't. Been. Touched. Since. 3/22/11.


one. more. time.
if. you. take. the. poll. it. will. not. change. the. activity. date. of. the. thread. only. a. reply. will do. that.
As a matter of fact you are wrong about the thread not having been touched since 3/22/11 There is probuly more thanks given after that date.

03-22-2011, 10:41 PM
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Member #26616 Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: kazmania
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Quote: Originally Posted by theDoctorisIn
I haven't formed a strong opinion on it yet.
That is the best reason to oppose it. There should be a clear Constitutional authority for the attack, there isn't, and a clear Constitutional process followed, there wasn't. Not seeing why we are doing this is exactly why we shouldn't be doing this.
George Patton: If everyone's thinking alike, someone isn't thinking

Mark Twain: The opposite of progress is Congress

Ronald Reagan: Government isn't the solution to our problem, government is the problem

The Following User Says Thank You to kaz For This Useful Post:
High_Gravity (03-23-2011)
You could have used this instead of the poll. The poll wasn't proof of anything because it not dated.

I will talk slowly.

The. Thread. With. The. Poll. Hasn't. Been. Touched. Since. 3/22/11.


one. more. time.
if. you. take. the. poll. it. will. not. change. the. activity. date. of. the. thread. only. a. reply. will do. that.
As a matter of fact you are wrong about the thread not having been touched since 3/22/11 There is probuly more thanks given after that date.

03-22-2011, 10:41 PM
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Member #26616 Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: kazmania
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Quote: Originally Posted by theDoctorisIn
I haven't formed a strong opinion on it yet.
That is the best reason to oppose it. There should be a clear Constitutional authority for the attack, there isn't, and a clear Constitutional process followed, there wasn't. Not seeing why we are doing this is exactly why we shouldn't be doing this.
George Patton: If everyone's thinking alike, someone isn't thinking

Mark Twain: The opposite of progress is Congress

Ronald Reagan: Government isn't the solution to our problem, government is the problem

The Following User Says Thank You to kaz For This Useful Post:
High_Gravity (03-23-2011)

So, basically, you are calling me a liar.

Something is not right about what we are doing.

Coalition of Crusaders join with al Qaeda to oust Qaddafi and roll back Libyan Revolution

Coalition of Crusaders join with al Qaeda to oust Qaddafi and roll back Libyan Revolution

but you republican do love the word enomy you and the christian religion , wow
but the thing is we don't like qaddafi , so when his own people turn on him we like that , why you don't get that is fucking amazing
as for the rest of the middle east " the enemy of my enemy is my friend "
first ; We don't like Gaddafi , some when his own people turn on him we like that < you just don't get it
old saying " the enmy of my enmy is my freind "
Fuck you bitch. How about you do the same. I pay closer attention to grammar nazis like you, and when you fuck up with a mistake I will be there to bust your ass.

You wouldn't even recognize other mistakes....

Heck, you cracked us all up with your saying that poll was MY poll last nite... and you got your drinking buddy to jump in right after you.

That was PRICELESS! :lol::lol::lol:
Spelling the word night ( nite) would be one it would be incorrect usage for the grammar nazis. So there's the first. Now that's priceless
Merriam-Webster recognizes it

Nite - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
You wouldn't even recognize other mistakes....

Heck, you cracked us all up with your saying that poll was MY poll last nite... and you got your drinking buddy to jump in right after you.

That was PRICELESS! :lol::lol::lol:
Spelling the word night ( nite) would be one it would be incorrect usage for the grammar nazis. So there's the first. Now that's priceless
Merriam-Webster recognizes it

Nite - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Nite is not a word to be used by a grammar Nazi when they are trying to dictate to someone else about grammar usage. Nite is slang and not proper to use. But hell who am I to say what is correct and isn't correct? But then again I didn't start it it in the first place.
Something is not right about what we are doing.

Coalition of Crusaders join with al Qaeda to oust Qaddafi and roll back Libyan Revolution

Coalition of Crusaders join with al Qaeda to oust Qaddafi and roll back Libyan Revolution

but you republican do love the word enomy you and the christian religion , wow
but the thing is we don't like qaddafi , so when his own people turn on him we like that , why you don't get that is fucking amazing
as for the rest of the middle east " the enemy of my enemy is my friend "

Fuck'em both
I will talk slowly.

The. Thread. With. The. Poll. Hasn't. Been. Touched. Since. 3/22/11.


one. more. time.
if. you. take. the. poll. it. will. not. change. the. activity. date. of. the. thread. only. a. reply. will do. that.
As a matter of fact you are wrong about the thread not having been touched since 3/22/11 There is probuly more thanks given after that date.

03-22-2011, 10:41 PM
Registered User
Member #26616 Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: kazmania
Posts: 980
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Thanked 202 Times in 150 Posts
Rep Power: 28

Quote: Originally Posted by theDoctorisIn
I haven't formed a strong opinion on it yet.
That is the best reason to oppose it. There should be a clear Constitutional authority for the attack, there isn't, and a clear Constitutional process followed, there wasn't. Not seeing why we are doing this is exactly why we shouldn't be doing this.
George Patton: If everyone's thinking alike, someone isn't thinking

Mark Twain: The opposite of progress is Congress

Ronald Reagan: Government isn't the solution to our problem, government is the problem

The Following User Says Thank You to kaz For This Useful Post:
High_Gravity (03-23-2011)

So, basically, you are calling me a liar.


Have I?

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