You know something is wrong when your enemy supports you

Spelling the word night ( nite) would be one it would be incorrect usage for the grammar nazis. So there's the first. Now that's priceless
Merriam-Webster recognizes it

Nite - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Nite is not a word to be used by a grammar Nazi when they are trying to dictate to someone else about grammar usage. Nite is slang and not proper to use. But hell who am I to say what is correct and isn't correct? But then again I didn't start it it in the first place.
The dictionary disagrees; it's listed as neither slang nor informal :thup:
I dont get it, you like Khadaffy or dont? You never really say what you are getting too in your OP

Did Qaddafi have two planes fly into the twin towers? If you support the rebels you are suupporting al Qaeda.

Gaddafi duck cause terror against the US before why do you think we sent a cruse at his tent for ? we are not on the rebels side we stop the jack ass from killing his own people ,

they need help , with advisors , they'll get it from someone but get off your high horse this is not our war
I never like the ass hole and when the Scots turned over the planer of Lockerbie airline blown up to Qaddafi they made me sick and they fabricated the illness to try and justify it , Qaddafi was a big part of that you sick repigs and teabaggers only believe what your told by fox new
A guy hears a knock at his door. When he answers it, there’s nobody there, but there’s a snail on the welcome mat. Frustrated, the guy picks up the snail and hurls it into the street.

Five years go by, and there’s another knock at the door. The man answers it, and again there’s no one standing there, but there’s a snail on the welcome mat.

The snail looks up and says, “What the hell was that all about?”

Nite is not a word to be used by a grammar Nazi when they are trying to dictate to someone else about grammar usage. Nite is slang and not proper to use. But hell who am I to say what is correct and isn't correct? But then again I didn't start it it in the first place.
The dictionary disagrees; it's listed as neither slang nor informal :thup:
Go pound sand.
Definitions of Nite on the Web:

•An informal, dictionary-recognized variant of the word "night"; sometime used in brand-names (e.g. Nick at Nite, GoodNites, etc.) and in internet dialog. #REDIRECT night

This discussion board are the grammar nazi's they no better than you.
Kelly B is an example
The vast majority of Americans also agree that night is correct, and would not use the spelling nite. It is mostly reserved for cutesy advertising.
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I'll take Merriam Webster over wikipedia when it comes to being a dictionary :thup:

How about the grammar nazi's? Here's a discussion board full of them
Kelly B is an example.

The vast majority of Americans also agree that night is correct, and would not use the spelling nite. It is mostly reserved for cutesy advertising.
nite and night - WordReference Forums
Americans also insist on using typesetter's quotes, thereby ensuring that they oft misquote their sources. In case you haven't noticed, most Americans kinda suck at English.

Edit: Yes, I know 'kinda' is informal. So too is the context of this discussion.
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Americans also insist on using typesetter's quotes, thereby ensuring that they oft misquote their sources. In case you haven't noticed, most Americans kinda suck at English.

Edit: Yes, I know 'kinda' is informal. So too is the context of this discussion.

No misquote on my part. You're just misinformed and all around wrong.

deddish Senior Member from that discussion board said it best

It is the Americanised version of the word.

In the UK, Canada, I don't know but am surmising the rest of the mainly English-speaking world, it is "night".
I didn't say you misquo- damn you're fucking stupid. Seriously, how the hell have you lived this long?

Talk about stupid!!!!

Americans also insist on using typesetter's quotes, thereby ensuring that they oft misquote their sources. In case you haven't noticed, most Americans kinda suck at English.

Edit: Yes, I know 'kinda' is informal. So too is the context of this discussion.
You know, if Al Qaeda's desire to see Qaddafi go means we should want the opposite, then why did we remove Saddam from power?

One of two things I must point out
1. you are either a liar because you did use the word misquote

1) I also used the word 'rape' in this post; that doesn't mean I'm accusing you of raping a horse

2) Either-or statements must be completed, else you look retarded.

2. you need it more than I do right back at you son

That's not even a coherent sentence. It looks like you tried to take two idiotic sentences and merge them into one incredibly moronic clause.
You know, if Al Qaeda's desire to see Qaddafi go means we should want the opposite, then why did we remove Saddam from power?

Why do people confuse George Bush Sr. and Jr. as Conservative's? Answer that question and you will also have the answer to your question.
It is troubling that they may have some ties to Al Qaeda. What remains to be seen is how much Influence they have. It is amazing to me how Obama has handled this. On the surface it looks like he first dithered, then once the UN and Arab League singed off rushed into something with out really knowing who we are helping, and all the while manages to project weakness even as he executes a war. Er I mean a Non War, or what ever he is calling it.

Kinetic military action.

Meaning a conflict that goes nowhere or does nothing.

How do you make an example out of Qaddafi for other leaders in the Middle East without appearing aggressive?

Do what Obama did. Start a war, tell everyone you didn't want to, then bomb the shit out of the guy. Claim it to be enforcement of a No-fly zone but instead bomb his home, his ground troops, and anything that moves.
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