You know something is wrong when your enemy supports you

There's an arts and craft project waiting for you. Stop supporting Americas enemy stay the fuck away from discussion boards.

I support America's enemy?

If you find out Al Quada supports fossil fuels, are you going to stop using them? (I know I know but no...this was not a trick question. It's your own logic confusing you.)

Al Quada wants t keep people back to when there was no modern conveniences. They would believe in the use of fossil fuels they're more a kin to your ink.

Dude, are you retarded or drinking today?
In your reply to the T it sounded like you support the behind who want Qaddafi gone. Do you?

You seem to have reading comprehension issues. The T asked if we knew who these people protesting are. I responded that they were people living under a dictator who wanted to remove him just like happened in Egypt. That exchange had nothing to do with who was supporting those protesting, either the US military or Al Queda. Quit jumping to conclusions.

Now, do you support the constitution? If so, can I assume that you were just as against Bush's war in Iraq as you are Obama's war in Libya? How does our Constitution support either?

And it seems you have the comprehension problem. I knew what The T meant, we were both talking about the same group. I should know he passed it on in his rep to me.

Well, that speaks ill of The T if he repped you for your babbling bullshit.
You seem to have reading comprehension issues. The T asked if we knew who these people protesting are. I responded that they were people living under a dictator who wanted to remove him just like happened in Egypt. That exchange had nothing to do with who was supporting those protesting, either the US military or Al Queda. Quit jumping to conclusions.

Now, do you support the constitution? If so, can I assume that you were just as against Bush's war in Iraq as you are Obama's war in Libya? How does our Constitution support either?

And it seems you have the comprehension problem. I knew what The T meant, we were both talking about the same group. I should know he passed it on in his rep to me.

Well, that speaks ill of The T if he repped you for your babbling bullshit.
Post number ten we are talking about the same enemy.
Does reb like fag marriage, or does he like Al Queda?

That is a very good question. Al Queda does not like gays at all and is against gay marriage. If the Reb is against gay marriage, using his logic, he and Al Queda are in bed together. Is his loyality to this country to be doubly suspect now?
Something is not right about what we are doing.

Coalition of Crusaders join with al Qaeda to oust Qaddafi and roll back Libyan Revolution

Coalition of Crusaders join with al Qaeda to oust Qaddafi and roll back Libyan Revolution

Kind of gives you that creepy crawly feeling up your spine.
Yeah. Isn't that why we're fighting this whole "War on Terror"? To fight Al Qaeda?


Not at all, it's to secure the M.E. countries with governments that are favorable to Israel in preparation for Israel to annex them. Oil, baby, oil ! Oil is money, and Israel wants it all.
Is this english?

Is stupid your life style or do you act it when you find out you support Americas enemy?

Says the guy who typed a bumble fuck of a sentence that makes no reading sense whatsoever.

Akin is one word.

As is 'lifestyle', for that matter
I don't have "ink."

Them believing in fossil fuels(as you said they do above) equals Republicans supporting al quada, by your logic, because "you know something is wrong when the enemy supports you."

Dumbass. :lol:

He has to be a Poe; nobody can really be that stupid
You seem to have reading comprehension issues. The T asked if we knew who these people protesting are. I responded that they were people living under a dictator who wanted to remove him just like happened in Egypt. That exchange had nothing to do with who was supporting those protesting, either the US military or Al Queda. Quit jumping to conclusions.

Now, do you support the constitution? If so, can I assume that you were just as against Bush's war in Iraq as you are Obama's war in Libya? How does our Constitution support either?

And it seems you have the comprehension problem. I knew what The T meant, we were both talking about the same group. I should know he passed it on in his rep to me.

Well, that speaks ill of The T if he repped you for your babbling bullshit.

You are to stupid to see to actually see what is going on in libya Why are we there trying to over throw a government?
Yo and your boyfreind can get married I don't care but your derailment of this thread is another subject.

You know something is wrong when your enemy supports you
Like when Hitler agrees with your stance on communism?

Why are we in libya? Care to answer that question before I place you on ignore?
I'm not. I'm the in the Southwest United States. I don't pretend to understand why you do anything you do, including going where you go.
And it seems you have the comprehension problem. I knew what The T meant, we were both talking about the same group. I should know he passed it on in his rep to me.

Well, that speaks ill of The T if he repped you for your babbling bullshit.

You are to stupid to see to actually see what is going on in libya Why are we there trying to over throw a government?
You're too stupid to master basic grammar and punctuation yet you expect others to care about your opinion? Also, you insult others' intelligence while demonstrating your inability to pass an eight-grade English test?
And it seems you have the comprehension problem. I knew what The T meant, we were both talking about the same group. I should know he passed it on in his rep to me.

Well, that speaks ill of The T if he repped you for your babbling bullshit.

You are to stupid to see to actually see what is going on in libya Why are we there trying to over throw a government?

Hey moron, go back and read my other posts and you'll learn that I DON'T CARE about Libya. I don't care that they have a dictator and I don't care that people may be trying to overthrow him and I don't care that he is shooting back. What I care about is it isn't any of the USA's gawd damned business and our Constitution doesn't even allow for us to involve ourselves in the affairs of other nations. Is that simple enough for you. I don't support Al Queda and I don't support us bombing Libya or having troops in Iraq.
Is this english?

Is stupid your life style or do you act it when you find out you support Americas enemy?

Says the guy who typed a bumble fuck of a sentence that makes no reading sense whatsoever.

Akin is one word.

I don't have "ink."

Them believing in fossil fuels(as you said they do above) equals Republicans supporting al quada, by your logic, because "you know something is wrong when the enemy supports you."

Dumbass. :lol:

I didn't say they believed in fossil fuels moron they want to keep people in the dark ages just like the wacko's that are warmers.
well, that speaks ill of the t if he repped you for your babbling bullshit.

you are to stupid to see to actually see what is going on in libya why are we there trying to over throw a government?
you're too stupid to master basic grammar and punctuation yet you expect others to care about your opinion? Also, you insult others' intelligence while demonstrating your inability to pass an eight-grade english test?

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