You know something is wrong when your enemy supports you

I don't recall seeing any that I named on yoiur list, do you have a point to make?

Put the jug down and look again, littleReb.
These are the ones I named
ClosedCaption bodecea kwc57 Bfgrn JBeukema

Charles_Main, Chris, gautama, JFK_USA, jgarden, kyzr, Lonestar_logic, RetiredGySgt, Sallow, The Gadfly, theHawk, tigerbob, trams, Truthmatters

AquaAthena, Avatar4321, Avorysuds, B. Kidd, BlindBoo, BluesMistress, bodecea, Cain, CrpRavens30, Dont Taz Me Bro, Dr.Drock, elvis, EriktheRed, GWV5903, Harry Dresden, High_Gravity, iamwhatiseem, Jroc, Kalam, kaz, KGB, LibocalypseNow, liebuster, Lumpy 1, m a h, MalibuMan, Mini 14, Mr.Fitnah, mudwhistle, NYcarbineer, RDD_1210, Robert, RonPaulian, Skull Pilot, Sunni Man, syrenn, Two Thumbs, VaYank5150, westwall, WillowTree, YoungLefty

Cuyo, Greenbeard, MikeK, NoNukes, Plasmaball, theDoctorisIn, thereisnospoon

Now show me which of those that I named are in your poll?

I see we have some big time supporters of Americas enemy.

ClosedCaption bodecea kwc57 Bfgrn JBeukema
They support the overthrow of a government so America's enemy will have a place to expand and grow in.

WHAT is your solution? Should we back Qaddafi and help him kill his people?
Is stupid your life style or do you act it when you find out you support Americas enemy?

Says the guy who typed a bumble fuck of a sentence that makes no reading sense whatsoever.

Akin is one word.

I don't have "ink."

Them believing in fossil fuels(as you said they do above) equals Republicans supporting al quada, by your logic, because "you know something is wrong when the enemy supports you."

Dumbass. :lol:

I didn't say they believed in fossil fuels moron they want to keep people in the dark ages just like the wacko's that are warmers.

oh, really? Who said this?

"Al Quada wants t keep people back to when there was no modern conveniences. They would believe in the use of fossil fuels they're more a kin to your ink. "

Yea, you fucking idiot.
These are the ones I named
ClosedCaption bodecea kwc57 Bfgrn JBeukema

Charles_Main, Chris, gautama, JFK_USA, jgarden, kyzr, Lonestar_logic, RetiredGySgt, Sallow, The Gadfly, theHawk, tigerbob, trams, Truthmatters

AquaAthena, Avatar4321, Avorysuds, B. Kidd, BlindBoo, BluesMistress, bodecea, Cain, CrpRavens30, Dont Taz Me Bro, Dr.Drock, elvis, EriktheRed, GWV5903, Harry Dresden, High_Gravity, iamwhatiseem, Jroc, Kalam, kaz, KGB, LibocalypseNow, liebuster, Lumpy 1, m a h, MalibuMan, Mini 14, Mr.Fitnah, mudwhistle, NYcarbineer, RDD_1210, Robert, RonPaulian, Skull Pilot, Sunni Man, syrenn, Two Thumbs, VaYank5150, westwall, WillowTree, YoungLefty

Cuyo, Greenbeard, MikeK, NoNukes, Plasmaball, theDoctorisIn, thereisnospoon

Now show me which of those that I named are in your poll?

.As I said, put the jug down first.

You don't count:lol:

If I don't count, why was I on YOUR list? :lol::lol:
"More important" doesn't equate to invading them.
Yemen and Bahrain has an outstanding chance of being taken over by Al qaeda supporters and anti-Western fundamentalist. This would be very bad - a guaranteed future war.

So what does "more important" equate?

It means they should stop worrying about less important issues - and put full effort into ensuring an Al Qaeda sponsored government doesn't take over Yemen - that is not acceptable and would guarantee an invasion...a real invasion...not just a couple hundred $800,000 missiles.

Al-Qaeda is trying to exert influence in Yemen, but I doubt they would ever become firmly implanted without running into serious opposition from Saudi Arabia, the dominent geopolitical HUGE country directly to the north of tiny Yemen. Also, with two-thirds of Yemen's 23 million people under 25, there are few jobs for them, there is a shortage of water sources, and it looks to the educated student protesters that establishment of a democracy, which ultimately means trade and exchange of resources, is a far better outlook for Yemen than being ruled by an Islamic caliphate. The ideals of liberty and a modern economy hold more sway.
Well..this really isn't true anymore...At least that my opinion and many others. I don't believe Obama or anyone else in his little circle of friends support Isreal at all. We'll find out one of these days i guess, but i'll be very surprised if the US helps Isreal at all when the time comes. It's really sad...and it'll be sad for the US too!

I'd love to sit here and say US taxpayer dollars are only used to benefit the US taxpayer and not just funneled into Israel.

Personally I could care less what the p-r machine and rhetoric is that comes out of the Obama admin. Facts are they're still getting all the money and weapons from the US that their hearts desire, same as under the Bush admin.

I'd rather have our dollars going to Isreal than to alot of the crap that obama does with it!

I think the only reason money is still going to Isreal is because obama knows he can't just cut them off completely without having a whole lot of people get pissed. Look how he talks about them...he could care less. When he gets the chance, he will stop all aid to Isreal, and that's when all hell is going to break loose.

So how does he "talk about them" Caroljo? Examples? Links?
I asked the question a week ago if anyone knew whom the 'Rebels' were...

They're a bunch of paupers who are tired of seeing the rich get richer and the poor get poorer (sounds familiar). If they were al-Qaeda, they would have been trained and know how to shoot straight.
AQ is one of many looking to capitalize on the chaos

I suspect it's one of the reasons we went in, though we don't mention it to the press

Of course they will. No surprises there. But I'll bet none of the rebels has been trained in an AQ camp, and again, those are younger people who are mostly uninterested in terror tactics of groups like Al-Qaeda. They're aware that AQ causes even more misery with its violent methods.
Says the guy who typed a bumble fuck of a sentence that makes no reading sense whatsoever.

Akin is one word.

I don't have "ink."

Them believing in fossil fuels(as you said they do above) equals Republicans supporting al quada, by your logic, because "you know something is wrong when the enemy supports you."

Dumbass. :lol:

I didn't say they believed in fossil fuels moron they want to keep people in the dark ages just like the wacko's that are warmers.

oh, really? Who said this?

"Al Quada wants t keep people back to when there was no modern conveniences. They would believe in the use of fossil fuels they're more a kin to your ink. "

Yea, you fucking idiot.


This is just SO MUCH FUN!!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
You're the one saying there's something wrong with having a position if an enemy agrees with you

It's your argument; own it or admit you're an idiot for forwarding it

you're not making sense , since hitler and all socialist are my enemy.

Hitler wasn't a Socialist. How many regular German citizens had a say in the Nazi government unless they pledged loyalty to Hitler or wore an SS uniform?
So you side with the Communists, then?

this has nothing to do with communist socialist or you this is about your bitch president siding with Americas enemy stupid fuck. quit derailing the thread.

What enemy? You're basing your conclusion on the assumption that al-Qaeda will try to flex its muscles in Libya, which even if it does, won't stand. I notice that same hypotheses is all over the Internet. Hmmm, wonder why. Oh yeah, let's just make up some shit and pass it off as gospel truth, i.e., OBAMA IS SIDING WITH AL-QAEDA.
Something is not right about what we are doing.

Coalition of Crusaders join with al Qaeda to oust Qaddafi and roll back Libyan Revolution

Coalition of Crusaders join with al Qaeda to oust Qaddafi and roll back Libyan Revolution

I asked the question a week ago if anyone knew whom the 'Rebels' were...

Well yeah, they are people living under a dictator who want him gone....just like Egypt and elsewhere.

Actually, the rebels have formed an interim governing council that for now at least sets out its goals.

Who's Who in Libya's Opposition Council | The Nation
There's an arts and craft project waiting for you. Stop supporting Americas enemy stay the fuck away from discussion boards.

I support America's enemy?

If you find out Al Quada supports fossil fuels, are you going to stop using them? (I know I know but no...this was not a trick question. It's your own logic confusing you.)

Al Quada wants t keep people back to when there was no modern conveniences. They would believe in the use of fossil fuels they're more a kin to your ink.

BR, that's precisely why al-Qaeda will not succeed. Now that the rebels have had a taste of freedom, and know it's within reach, why would they want to be under the thumb of Sharia law, a Caliphate, which would be even worse?
there is a board for sports talk go to it if you want to discuss
If they like the same baseball team, too, does that mean they all sleep together

This thread is stupid on its face. If it takes something that retarded to point it out, I'm going to at least try to be of assistance.

Sharing one goal of the 6 zillion goals in one's life/country/politics does not mean "supporting each other," knucklehead.

Megan Fox like guys. I'm a guy. Megan Fox likes ME!

Rabbits have big ears. Obama has big ears. So Obama must be a rabbit.
Kind of gives you that creepy crawly feeling up your spine.
Yeah. Isn't that why we're fighting this whole "War on Terror"? To fight Al Qaeda?


Not at all, it's to secure the M.E. countries with governments that are favorable to Israel in preparation for Israel to annex them. Oil, baby, oil ! Oil is money, and Israel wants it all.

Oh gawd, is that the very latest theory gone viral? Crap, I can only hand one of those per day.
So I assume you are stating your support of Qaddafi?

Why do you support his regime?

Did Qaddafi have two planes fly into the twin towers? If you support the rebels you are suupporting al Qaeda

No but Qaddafi did blow up an air liner with Americans on it, and execute other attacks that killed Americans. In fact he is the only sitting world leader who is directly responsible for attacks on America. That we know of anyways.

While it does look like there is some Al Qaeda Influence with the Rebels, there is no evidence that Al Qeada is anything more than a small %, All indications are the the Majority of the Rebels, are nothing more than Average working class people and students.

That said, Clearly Obama did not do his homework on this. He was dragged kicking and screaming into this, he followed others and did not lead, and now were in something where the end game is undefined and we are not sure who the hell were supporting.

Guess that is what you get for electing someone with almost no experience leading.

My own personal theory as to why Libya? ... is because we finally saw the opportunity to take down that madman who WAS responsible for blowing up Americans in addition to never trusting Gadaffi's sudden warm and fuzzy relationship with the west in the first place. It also sends a message to all the other countries currently practicing genocide with no interference that they may be next.
Did Qaddafi have two planes fly into the twin towers? If you support the rebels you are suupporting al Qaeda

No but Qaddafi did blow up an air liner with Americans on it, and execute other attacks that killed Americans. In fact he is the only sitting world leader who is directly responsible for attacks on America. That we know of anyways.

While it does look like there is some Al Qaeda Influence with the Rebels, there is no evidence that Al Qeada is anything more than a small %, All indications are the the Majority of the Rebels, are nothing more than Average working class people and students.

That said, Clearly Obama did not do his homework on this. He was dragged kicking and screaming in this, he followed other and did not lead, and now were in something where the end game is undefined and we are not sure who the hell were supporting.

Guess that is what you get for elected someone with almost no experience leading.

there is no evidence that Al Qeada is anything more than a small %,

All it takes is one cockroach in a house and two weeks later you have thousands.

Think of it this way, BR. If al-Qaeda had designs on taking down Gadaffi and recruiting from the ranks of the impoverished Libyans, wouldn't they have done it BEFORE rebels had a chance to do it on their own? Bin Laden has always hated Gadaffi.

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