You Like Computers? Thank This Gay Atheist


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

Thank you Alan Turing!
Meh, the guy who invented punch card machines and formed what later became IBM did the inventing, so did Charles Babbage. The math was invented in the 17th and 18th centuries, depending on which evidence is credible.

" Abstract​

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) is the self-proclaimed inventor of the binary system and is considered as such by most historians of mathematics and/or mathematicians. Really though, we owe the groundwork of today's computing not to Leibniz but to the Englishman Thomas Harriot and the Spaniard Juan Caramuel de Lobkowitz (1606-1682), whom Leibniz plagiarized. This plagiarism has been identified on the basis of several facts: Caramuel's work on the binary system is earlier than Leibniz's, Leibniz was acquainted-both directly and indirectly-with Caramuel's work and Leibniz had a natural tendency to plagiarize scientific works."

See also:

I had to do a ton of these as an assembly language programmer back in the 1970's and 80's for all kinds of apps., then had to calculate timing diagrams for outputs and inputs for the chips. Boring, tedious work but paid well for a while. Memory was a lot smaller in those days and had to be used efficiently, unlike today.
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Thank you Alan Turing!
Far more than just computers (we owe a woman for that more than Turing). He helped crack the Enigma so we and many others owe him far more. Too bad the British,.like Canadian authorties, like to destroy thier own ambitious citizens.
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I think they destroyed him for his "ambitions" for sodomy. I'm just stating a fact, not condemning the man for how he lived his life.
They were concerned that the Russians would use his private life against him to squeeze him and turn him. I'm going by memory here but i believe the British chemically castrated him and drove him to suicide. They have since apologized long after post humously. Some Canadians have openly told me to kill myself for the crime of knowng too much of THEIR abuses. Nice people eh? Your allies...
Thank you Alan Turing!

Turing did far more than that. He essentially was responsible for cracking the German's code allowing the allies in on their secret communications which largely lead to them being able to defeat the Nazis!

And the British thanked him by forcing him onto some crazy diet of drugs supposed to turn him back into being straight when they found out he was a homo essentially destroying the rest of the guy's life.

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