You May Have Already Won!


Apr 20, 2010
I have a received notice in a postcard from some law firm, telling me that due to the fact that I had DSL from ATT during a period after March 31, 1994, I'm involved in a class action suit against them and will be awarded about $2.60 for each month I paid for DSL yaddayaddayadda, unless I opt out.

But here's the rub -- getting a claim form is proving difficult. No one ever answers the phone at 877-260-09077, the number to call to request a claim form.

Try this URL


This is the claim form to print and send in, but you can submit a claim electronically as well:

If you are included among those affected, you may eventually receive a nice little check.

[ame=]YouTube - Dire Straits - Money For Nothing music video (Good quality, all countries)[/ame]
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Class action suits are great for the law firms. They get 30-40% of the gross. Consumers usually get pennies or coupons for future service.
Class action suits are great for the law firms. They get 30-40% of the gross. Consumers usually get pennies or coupons for future service.

Agreed, every consumer that joins the class action suits unfortunately usually gets the short end of the stick, if that. It does however, in my opinion, add the necessary fire power in the law firms arsenal to win the cases.The law firms benefit in cashing in on the 'action', and receive somewhere around ± 30-40% of the take, consumers get as part of the 'class action sheep herd', receive a 'strawberry or mint flavored suppository', self install required. That's my smart ass answer if anyone cares. :D
I'm delighted to discuss the merits and social implications of class action lawsuits with you folks, but please note:

Your claim forms must be in by June 1, 2010 in order to to get your nice little check. That means if you want to file a dead tree claim, you need to request one be sent to you pronto so you can return it by the deadline.

Tipping me for having alterted you is possibly the polite thing to do. You are encouraged to gather all tips together and buy me an iPad.


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I'd fix the animal toy's head before you go out buying fancy stuff that is harder to fix than the toy.

I'll fix it for free, just send $24.99 for shipping and handling.
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I'd fix the animal toy's head before you go out buying fancy stuff that is harder to fix than the toy.

I'll fix it for free, just send $24.99 for shipping and handling.

saveliberty, that's a My Little Pony, which I decapitated. On purpose.

I can meet your free repair service offer and raise you a shamWow, $19.99 plus s & h.


I get those things in the mail also.

I read em, then toss em.

Isn't worth my trouble. The only ones making any money will be the lawyers.
I'd fix the animal toy's head before you go out buying fancy stuff that is harder to fix than the toy.

I'll fix it for free, just send $24.99 for shipping and handling.

saveliberty, that's a My Little Pony, which I decapitated. On purpose.

I can meet your free repair service offer and raise you a shamWow, $19.99 plus s & h.



Is this the part where I offer to repair two My Little Ponies for the price of one? No wait, I will also include a plastic hay bale for the horse too!
I get those things in the mail also.

I read em, then toss em.

Isn't worth my trouble. The only ones making any money will be the lawyers.

Number of months since March 31, 1994 x $2.60 = not worth it?

Claudette, I envy you your fantabulous income that such modest sums seem too trival to be bothered with. Please dear, make your claim so I can take it into my tip pile.

I also need a Kindle, LOL.

I'd fix the animal toy's head before you go out buying fancy stuff that is harder to fix than the toy.

I'll fix it for free, just send $24.99 for shipping and handling.

saveliberty, that's a My Little Pony, which I decapitated. On purpose.

I can meet your free repair service offer and raise you a shamWow, $19.99 plus s & h.



Is this the part where I offer to repair two My Little Ponies for the price of one? No wait, I will also include a plastic hay bale for the horse too!

My Little Pony is a Mattel Corporation evil plot to Take Over The World.

Please see the Conspiracy Theory Board for further explanation.


I get those things in the mail also.

I read em, then toss em.

Isn't worth my trouble. The only ones making any money will be the lawyers.

Number of months since March 31, 1994 x $2.60 = not worth it?

Claudette, I envy you your fantabulous income that such modest sums seem too trival to be bothered with. Please dear, make your claim so I can take it into my tip pile.

I also need a Kindle, LOL.

LOL My fatabulous income?? Jeeze I wish. Poor as a church mouse. Thats me. LOL

All the ones I've gotten have been mayby a year out and just not worth it in my book.

If you got one from 1994 then thats one I would definetely pursue.

Just think. You will then have a fatabulous income. LOL.
I get those things in the mail also.

I read em, then toss em.

Isn't worth my trouble. The only ones making any money will be the lawyers.

Number of months since March 31, 1994 x $2.60 = not worth it?

Claudette, I envy you your fantabulous income that such modest sums seem too trival to be bothered with. Please dear, make your claim so I can take it into my tip pile.

I also need a Kindle, LOL.

LOL My fatabulous income?? Jeeze I wish. Poor as a church mouse. Thats me. LOL

All the ones I've gotten have been mayby a year out and just not worth it in my book.

If you got one from 1994 then thats one I would definetely pursue.

Just think. You will then have a fatabulous income. LOL.

I hope everyone who can benefit does do so miss.

I believe a modest 10% "honororiam" aka kickback to Your Friendly Class Action Notifier might be polite, as I am also in need of onna these:


Spread the word with me, miss. We can pool our tips -- wanna see Paris? LOL.
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Good stuff my friend, good stuff. Remember when the Oakland A's jumped out to a 2-0 ALDS lead, and the Yankees came back and won 3 in a row a few years back? I could see fit that an Indians fan would count out the Yankees because, well, they only played 'em 6 times, but dan

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