You May Not Have Electricity This Winter

And still no commitment of even a single welfare check to buying into steam punk electric generation!

OK, so maybe scrounge some parts and build one from scratch on the hippie commune?
You're a nutjob.

So everyone in the US should put this shit in their "backyard?"

In the dead of Winter in the far far north, solar thermal still works great on sunny days. On sunny days. On sunny days. You don't isolate and talk about "what about this or that day in Winter that is cloudy?" You talk about cogeneration with existing plants in numbers of sunny days per year in energy saved. Stop playing dumb.

Here's the youtube again. Note the position of the sun low in the sky and the snow all around in the dead of Winter in Lithuania:
How can we ever accomplish complete extinction of the bird population unless everybody puts steam punk mirrors in their back yards to (occasionally) generate electricity and ignite birds in flight?
All you have to add to the conversation is trolling. Ironic you would accuse it in others.

The youtube video speaks for itself. A simple, crappy, home made parabolic reflector in Lithuania in the dead of Winter focuses the sun and boils water. Steam is all coal and oil and nuclear produce to run turbines; only with a lot more cost than focused sun rays.
All you have to add to the conversation is trolling. Ironic you would accuse it in others.

The youtube video speaks for itself. A simple, crappy, home made parabolic reflector in Lithuania in the dead of Winter focuses the sun and boils water. Steam is all coal and oil and nuclear produce to run turbines; only with a lot more cost than focused sun rays.

So Lithuania has no laws concerning the murder of innocent birdlife?
All you have to add to the conversation is trolling. Ironic you would accuse it in others.

The youtube video speaks for itself. A simple, crappy, home made parabolic reflector in Lithuania in the dead of Winter focuses the sun and boils water. Steam is all coal and oil and nuclear produce to run turbines; only with a lot more cost than focused sun rays.

No matter how many times you post that, Silly, it is STILL A LIE!
With that perpetual cloud of doom that hangs over you progressives, I don't think that is a sound plan on your part.
That's a hilarious thing to say, considering the prophecies of doom and gloom of the OP. It is the Right that is profoundly pessimistic and whiny these days.
It is not the right that is using government to fix thousands of nonexistent problems in the country. It is the left, with their "we're doomed if we don't regulate this, or give this group special rights, or we have to do this because the evil republicans are going to take it away from you, mentality.

A bigger group [the left] of doom-Sayers as never existed.





Yeah. Like that. On and on and on with the fearmongering.

After you have had a comfortable winter, don't forget the righties who pissed in their pants in this topic.
Yes, fear mongering is all they have in the face of augmenting exiting power plants that run on coal or oil-fired steam with sun-fired steam. Even in Winter. Every sunny day is a day stockholders don't shell out money for fuel to reap increased profits...

Don't be a steam bigot. Don't be a
Yes, fear mongering is all they have in the face of augmenting exiting power plants that run on coal or oil-fired steam with sun-fired steam. Even in Winter. Every sunny day is a day stockholders don't shell out money for fuel to reap increased profits...

Don't be a steam bigot. Don't be a
Right, sun fired steam, you mean solar power, propagandists come up with a new name for old failed technologies.
I'm tellin ya. Nevada should be turned into a giant solar thermal collector. 110 thousand square miles of parabolic troughs powering the entire nation.

Clive Bundy could ride herd on welfare negroes to keep the mirrors polished.
Yes, fear mongering is all they have in the face of augmenting exiting power plants that run on coal or oil-fired steam with sun-fired steam. Even in Winter. Every sunny day is a day stockholders don't shell out money for fuel to reap increased profits...

Don't be a steam bigot. Don't be a
Right, sun fired steam, you mean solar power, propagandists come up with a new name for old failed technologies.

No, solar thermal isn't even in the same league as solar PV panels. One creates steam from the sun. The other creates a relatively weak electric current from the sun. One is the same workhorse that coal, oil and nuclear plants use. The other a completely different technology more suited for localized and dispersed power generations.

Don't hate on solar thermal steam like suddenly the principles of physics are suspended if the steam comes from concentrated sunlight year round when it's shining.. Steam is steam bro. And every minute you produce it from the sun is a minute you don't have to spend buying, mining, refining, transporting and burning fossil fuels.
And while the left bashes the wealthy people on the right, they gladly give control over energy to the billionaires who are profiting big time off the global warming solutions, which are all scams.
No, solar thermal isn't even in the same league as solar PV panels. One creates steam from the sun. The other creates a relatively weak electric current from the sun. One is the same workhorse that coal, oil and nuclear plants use. The other a completely different technology more suited for localized and dispersed power generations.

Don't hate on solar thermal steam like suddenly the principles of physics are suspended if the steam comes from concentrated sunlight year round when it's shining.. Steam is steam bro. And every minute you produce it from the sun is a minute you don't have to spend buying, mining, refining, transporting and burning fossil fuels.

Here's a little song you steam punk punks.....

But, of course, it's old-fashioned! Today's technology suggests you take your little solar reflector to the park and shoot down those pesky birds. On the brighter side, if you focus tight enough they'll drop from the sky ready-to-eat!
So you are suggesting that all electricity gained from steam should be shut off? Have you told the coal, oil and nuclear industries about this? They'll be very disapponted to learn that their way of life is being shut down. Steam runs this country. Don't hate on solar thermal steam.

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